Wishing for a Domme 2
This concludes the following ups I had planned so now I have several more stories waiting for edit. This past year has been difficult to get anything done, but this year I hope to have a far more frequent output. I welcome ideas, but note I have no interest in any stories involving pregnancy or impregnation. The next few stories are going to be a bit different for me as I tend to focus primarily on female domination, with a couple of very specific exceptions. At this time I think this will be the end of this story, but I may have an idea to continue.
Milana was living, she sat with her arms crossed. Completely ignoring her nudity she stared down at Nevra.
“Alright, explain it to me.” Nevra seemed to be looking around anxiously as if trying to find a way out of her promise. However from her position tied up on the bed there was not a lot of looking she could do. Finally she showed, not even trying to make eye contact withMilana she finally spoke.
“I put a program on your computer.” Milana didn’t speak, but began to drum the fingers of her right hand on her left arm. “The program…hypnotized you!” Milana suddenly stopped drumming her fingers and she frowned thoughtfully.
“But you’re submitting to me?” She wasn’t sure what to add to this and waited for Nevra to continue. Nevra slowly nodded and continued.
“It could make you submit, but I don’t want a pet, I want someone to dominate me.” Milana nodded slowly.
“So, you used a program to make me gay?” Nevra Shook her head, her nervousness only increasing.
“I don’t think it really works like that. I just hoped it would make you a little nicer and maybe open-minded enough to make you Willing to go out with me. Maybe it made you more dominant, but I don’t think it could actually create feelings that weren’t there.” Milana stood and briefly paced the room before speaking.
“I want the program off my computer first thing on Monday and I want a copy in my hand the instant I come to work. Is that clear?” Nevra nodded vigorously. Milana swiftly released her erstwhile lover. “Get dressed and get out.” Nevra looked as if she would speak as her eyes filled with tears, however Milana shook her head. Nevra quickly rose and dressed, leaving with a desperate backward glance. Once alone Milana sat on the bed, knees against Her chest arms wrapped around her legs. She felt her own eyes began to moisten. She groaned and berated herself.
“Tears? She admitted to hypnotizing me. Doesn’t that make it rap?” The angrier she got the more the tears flowed. Finally she collapsed, still huddled in a ball and slept.
The weekend proved a torque as she moved back and forth between anger and tears. At last Monday arrived and she rose after a night of little sleep. Once at work she cautiously turned on her computer, but the swirling colors, that she assumed were related to the program, were absent and the computer started up as normal. On the desk was a flash drive with a simple note from Nevra.
-I’m sorry.-
She set the note aside, but didn’t throw it away. She moved quickly to see Diane. The receptionist smiled as she approached and waved her in without speaking. Diane looked up as she entered.
“Oh, hi Milana how did the date go?” Milana sat heavily in a chair and took a deep breath before speaking.
“It started well, but ended very badly.” She handed Diane the flash drive. “This contains a program that she used to hypnotize me.” She expected Diane to laugh or to dismiss her statement, but instead the older woman connected the flash drive to her computer and opened the program. Milana made to stop her, but Diane held up a hand. After a few moments she shook her head slowly.
“Milana this is very serious. However the first step is to discover the truth. Come look at the screen, trust me.” Milana rose slowly to come around the desk to stare at the swirling colors onthe screen. After several moments Diane turned off the screen. Milana blinked and looked around uncertain of where she was.
“Milana.” She turned her attention to Diane in response to the sharp command. “We’ve actually had some trouble with that program. This program is not the one you brought. Basically it undoes the effects of the other one. However it initially leaves you very forthcoming with the truth, “What are your feelings about Nevra?” Milana attempted to stay silent, but her mouth opened.
“She’s cute. I’m still annoyed at her persistently asking me out after I refused her and I’m still confused about her admitting what she had done to me, but I enjoyed her serving me.” She gasped and both hands covered her mouth in an attempt to stop more such admissions. Diane nodded slowlyas she considered her next question.
“Do you want to dominate her?” Milana’s hands dropped as she considered this. In moments she found herself speaking.
“Yes, I never thought about dominating anyone before, but I really do.” Once again she covered her mouth as her cheeks reddened. Diane smiled.
“Well, I think this has been most instructive. Now go about your work day. I’ll give you instructions when I’ve made preparations. Don’t worry about Nevra, I’ll deal with everything.” Milana slowly walked out and returned to her desk.
By the time she received a text from Diane it was Friday afternoon and she had all but forgotten, although Nevra was on her mind. The text was quite simple.
-Meet me
This was followed by an address. Milana had no idea what the address was, but she dutifully drove over. The address turned out to be a nice apartment building, although she was certain that she didn’t know anyone who lived there. However she had already come too farto simply go home. So, she took the elevator to the appropriate floor and walked to the door. She was just ringing the bell when she received another text.
Milana momentarily hesitated with her hand on the knob before turning it and entering. She closed the door behind her and turned to look around. She gasped when she saw Diane sitting on the couch wearing a dressing gown and sipping wine.
“Good, you’ve arrived. First this apartment belongs to a friend who allows me to use it whenever they’re out of town. Second, follow me.” She stood and Milana followed to the bedroom. She started to speak, but Diane held up a hand. “Wait.” She pointed to the bed, it was all Milana could do not to gasp out loud. Nevra was naked, tied up with a ballgag in her mouth and a blindfold over her eyes. Diane spoke softly so that only Milana could hear.
“Something of a final test. If you wish you may walk now. If so I will never bring it up again and Nevra will be transferred and you need not see her again.” Milana stared at Nevra, unable to deny the sight appealed to her. She stared losing track of time as she considered what Diane had said. Finally she forced herself to turn back to Diane.
“What do you mean?” Diane smiled.
“Use her as you will, she won’t object. However I will supervise to make sure it doesn’t go too far. Afterwards, tell me what You really want. Please be honest, with yourself especially.” Milana felt her mouth drop open as she turned back to Nevra. She deliberately closed her mouth and nodded slowly as she undressed. Diane locked in a chair and pointed to a neary folding table she had set up. On the table was a paddle, a riding crop, a hitachi and a strap-on. She looked over to Diane, who grinned. Milana slowly lifted the paddle and made a few experimental swings. Nevra twitched, but otherwise didn’t react to the sound. After staring a few moments more Milana made her first swing. Nevra’s reaction was only slightly more than that of earlier.
Milana repositioned herself and swung even harder. This time Nevra gasped. However Milana was not satisfied and swung even harder. This time Nevra moaned, muffled by the gag, but still auditibly, and compromised in her bonds. Milana grinned and continued to swing until she was out of breath. After a short time her breathing slowed and she leaned into examine her handiwork. She smiled when she saw how red Nevra’s cheats had become.
She returned to the table. She picked up the crop, examining it critically before returning to the bed. After an experimental swing of the crop she once again tried it on Nevra. Nevra flinched with the first, but with the second her moaning became increasingly loud. Marks began to appear and deepen, but Milana continued. Suddenly as she became increasingly worked up a hand was on her shoulder. It was gentle, but it was positioned to stop her from swinging. She turned to see Diane.
“That’s enough.” Milana allowed Diane to returnthe crop and replace it with the hitachi. Milana considered it a moment before leaning into the bed to press it to Nevra’s pussy. Nevra was soon writing in her bonds and moaning into the gag. It was not long before it was loud enough that Milana briefly wondered if the gag was still in place. Nevra tensed up as her orgasm hit, but Milana held the hitachi through several more orgasms, in time Nevra seemed to be a puppet held up on strings. Diane lightly tapped Milana on her shoulder and the hitachi was quickly returned to the table. As soon as the hitachi was removed Nevra collapsed, breathing heavily. Diane led Milana away from the bed and spoke softly.
“Even pleasure can be used to discipline, when you control it and you give more than they want. Now what do you want?” Milana grinned, but didn’t answer as she walked over to Nevra. Nevra raised her head slightly as Milana climbed onto the bed. She quickly mounted Nevra’s face, who immediately extended her tongue. Milana began moving her hips with increasing speed as Nevra’s tongue penetrated between her lips. Milana paused briefly to reposition with her legs more tightly around Nevra’s head and redoubled her riding of Nevra.
Now it was Milana’s turn to moan loudly and complain. She continued to ride harder, her moans increasing in volume to match. She felt Nevra’s tongue move deeper and her eyes shot open as she cried out in her orgasm. In a short time she collapsed next to Nevra, breathing slowing as she lay there. After her breathing returned to normal she sat up to look over to Diane, who nodded.
“Good. Does she deserve that?” Milana followed Diane’s pointing finger to the table. After a moment’s consideration she realized that Diane means the straw-on. She nodded and rose from the bed to get the straw-on. With a little help from Diane she donned the strap-on. Once on the bed she moved into position, lining the head with the entrance to Nevra’s pussy. Nevra gasped softly as Milana slowly pushed forward, Nevra moaned and Milana pulled back. Nevra began to whimper slightly as she felt her pussy empty.
However Milana plunged back in quickly, eliciting further moans from Nevra. Milana wasted no time in placing both hands on the bed and thrusting at full speed. Nevra’s moaning became louder and she understood in her bonds. Milana briefly looked down to see Nevra’s pussy moistening as she continued to thrust. Nevra’s writing also included attempts to thrust back. Suddenly Milana pulled off Nevra’s blindfold. Nevra’s eyes shot wide and she attempted to speak, but the ballgag made it difficult to understand what she was saying. Milana paused with the dildo all the way inside Nevra and removed the gag. Nevra excitedly burst out in joy.
“Mistress I…” Any further outburst was silenced by an index finger to her lips.
“Not yet.” With this Milana continued thrusting and soon Nevra was moaning as loud as ever. Milana suddenly leaned into kiss Nevra and make one last thrust. Nevra moaned into Milana’s mouth and Milana embedded her as if to thrust as deeply as possible. Soon Nevra hung limp in Milana’s arms. After several moments Milana broke the kiss and let Nevra rest on the bed. She sat for several moments before removing the bonds releasing Nevra. Nevra didn’t move as Milana stood to remove the strap-on and return it to the table. Diane walked over and lightly kissed Milana on the lips, who readily accepted.
“The keys are on the kitchen table, return them at the office. Stay the night if you wish. Enjoy.” Diane soon left and Milana sat on the bed next to Nevra. Her thoughts were interrupted as Nevra spoke.
“Does this means you accept me?” The look on her face suggested she was on the verge of tears. Milana ran a hand through Nevra’s hair.
“I’m not sure about introducing you as my girlfriend, but I think we can try dating without secrets.” Milana looked down and continued when she saw the look on Nevra’s face. “What?”Nevra blushed.
“Nothing like that, but I do have a few secrets.” Milana stared hard.
“Sorry, Mistress. I’ve actually been stalking you. I was so sure you would be a domme. Other secrets have nothing to do with you, but I will bare my soul to you Mistress.”
“Fine. Tomorrow I will pick you up. I will wine and dine you, giving you ample opportunity to ‘bare’ your soul.” Nevra grinned and Milana once again leaned in to kiss her.
The End…although I do not rule out the possibility of more.
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