“I’m back!”
Robert replied with a noncommittal grunt. He sat in the study, focused on the screen of his laptop where multicolored lines of code refused to reveal their secret to him. A minute later, he flinched when ice-cold fingers found their way under his sweater.
“Hey!” He tried to shrug off the attack, but the slim fingers slide even further up his back.
“It’s freezing outside. Don’t be a wuss! Let me warm my hands a little.”
Nina’s head appeared next to his, her long, curled hair tickling his neck. Her diminutive height means she did not even have to bend down to look over his shoulder.
“What you’re working on?”
“Bug report. App crashed under load. I don’t get how this function here could fail.” Robert vented an irritated huff.
Her finger started kneeling his tense back muscles. For someone so delicate, she was surprisingly strong. Must be all the hours she spent working out. He was just starting to relax when she suddenly withdraw herhands. Her finger pointed at the screen.
“What’s that conditional doing?”
“Limits the number of concurrent threads allowed to access this block, so they don’t exceed the cache’s capacity.”
“What if the variable becomes negative?”
“How? It’s a counter.”
“Oh, overflow! He wanted to smack his forehead, but Nina beat him to it. She patted his cheek.
“Elementary, dear Watson. Join me when you’re done.”
He hated it when she did that. In less than five minutes, she solved problems he had wasted hours on. It made him feel stupid. But then, the only people who did not feel that way in her presence were those too dim to recognize they were outclassed. His injuredly brilliant girlfriend. Not to mention beautiful, adventurous, and affectionate. And definitely kinky. Must not forget kinky.
He closed the lid of his laptop, stood up, and stretched. Picking up his coffee mug, he crossed the hall and entered the kitchen. When he put the cup in the dishwasher, he noticed the filled grocery bags on the floor. Apparently, Nina had forgotten to put the ingredients he had asked her to get in the reminder. Robert was an excellent cook and strongly preferred the dinner he had planned for tomorrow to be remembered for something other than spoiled fish. He witnessed. Nina could be a little self-absorbed at times. So what! While he put the groceries away, he contemplated how lucky he was.
When they had ‘that talk’ and she confessed her interest in exploring BDSM with him, he had been delighted. For him, it ran deeper than just an ‘interest’, and by now, there could be no doubt that it was far more than just an ‘interest’ for her as well. To his amazement, she had quickly seized the lead, and since then, he could only keep up with difficulty.
He smiled to himself. He still found it hard to credit, but he even felt obligated to curb her impetuosity at times.
Of course, as with everyhing, she excellent in the dominant role, but did not fancy it. She much preferred to play the bratty submissive and leave the dirty work to him. Robert did not mind. In fact, the arrangement suited him just fine.
Also, he had a pretty good idea of what need compelled her to submit to him. It must be exhausting to be that driven. Hell, at times just being around her left him exhausted. For her, Submission was the antidote. It made her experience limits that only strict bondage could impose and allowed her to relax. He had soon discovered that she could stay tied up for hours, the more extreme, the better. She did nothing by half measures. Besides thriving on adversity, she obviously got off on pain, preferably combined with a healthy dose of humiliation.
Leaving the kitchen, he noticed a large empty bag with the logo of the Hi-Fi shop around the corner. His eyes lifted. Weren’t they going out of business? Maybe she had snagged a good deal on the surrounding system hehad his eye on?
“I see you’ve been shopping. What did you buy?”
“Why don’t you come in and take a look.”
Her seductive voice from the bedroom made him follow her suggestion without delay. The vision that greeted him caused a sudden drop in blood pressure in his cerebrum, temporarily incapacitating his speech center. Nina posed naked on the bed, her head propped on one arm. A satisfied smile curved her lips when she noticed his star. Subtly shifting her hips, she directed his attention from her full breasts, flat stomach, and small wait to the perfectly smooth, hairless delta between her svelte thighs. His breath caught.
“Like what you see?” she asked innocently.
“What do you think?” His voice sounded strained. He fidgeted to conceal the sudden tightness in his pants.
She grinned mischievously. “Then don’t just stand there. Make yourself useful.”
Nina gestured at the large chest she had pulled out of the closet. The one with their naughty toys. On its top, an unfamiliar cable drum caught his eye.
“What’s that?”
“One hundred meters of the finest speaker cable. Enough to tie me up and still have plenty left over to connect all of those surrounding sound speakers you’re dreaming of.”
“I want a wireless set,” Robert interjected plaintively.
“Whatever. More wire for me then.”
With fluid grace, she sat up and extended her crossed wrists toward him. “Please master, your slave needs to be punished.”
“You got that right.”
But first, he wanted to know what he had to work with. Robert knelt next to their toy chest and picked up the cable drum. The speaker cable consisted of two wires of woven copper, individually insulated by clear plastic, yet joined together to form a figure-eight-shaped cross-section. That would not do. Fortunately, the wires could easily be pulled apart. Once separated, the individual wires were thinner and repeatedly less comfortable than the rope he normally used, but that was not his problem, was it?
Putting aside the drum and cable cutter that Nina had helped already fetched, he opened the chest’s lid and rummaged through its contents. The items he wanted to use soon wound up in a pile next to the chest. Some of his choices elicited suppressed whimpers behind his back. He acknowledged them with a malicious grin. While Robert freely admitted to a modest sadistic streak, by no means was it a mile wide as Nina claimed. Finally, he gathered the lot and dumped it next to her.
Biting her lip, she looked up at him.
“You plan to use all that? The pump gag? The nipple clamps?”
“All of it,” he confirmed. “But especially the nipple clamps.”
She acquired with a tiny nod of her head, a shiver of masochistic bliss running through her body.
“You’re ready? All limbered up?” he asked.
“Is the pope a catholic?”
Her bold demeanor was spoiled by a slight tremor in her voice. He smiled.
“Will a sassy sub be putin her place? You bet!”
Robert picked up the heavy metal collar. It was a beautiful piece of engineering, made to measure and fitting her throat perfectly. On her tiny frame, it looked massive. The large ring at its front ensured that it served more than just decorative purposes.
The collar held a special significance in their play. Once he had put it around her throat, the negotiation phase was over. He was in charge, and she had to comply. Of course, she could still use her safe word to abort the session. It was a point of pride for them both that it had never come to that.
Nina raised her chin and allowed him to place the thick, wide metal band around her neck. She had tied her long hair into a ponytail, so he did not have to deal with extremely curls getting in the way. The collar closed with a loud click accompanied by a sensitive gasp. He hooked his finger into the front ring and forced her to her feet. Leaning down, he drew her close until their lips met. They kissed passwordately, their tongues performing a complex dance. When they finally disengaged, they were both out of breath. Nina had closed her eyes and was biting her lower lip again. Robert stared down at her flushed face. How he wanted to put that collar around her throat permanently.
“Turn around!”
She positioned herself with her back to him, then brought her forearms together until her elbows almost met. It was not easy to assume that pose unaided, and Robert was suitable impressed, but it was also a bit presumptuous of her. He took her arms by the wrists and slowly twisted them up her back to between her shoulder blades. She gave him a worried look over her shoulder and rose up on her toes to ease the strain.
“No, keep your feet flat on the floor!”
Nina obeyed, bracing herself for what was to come. Against his superior size and strength, she did not stand a chance. He could easily manhandle her into any position he wanted. The realization that she was at his mercy excited her.
He claped her elbows and gradually increased the pressure, squeezing them together until her body suddenly stiffened. She groaned, and her fingers twitched at the nape of her neck. About eight centimeters still separated her elbows.
“Getting there,” Robert noted with satisfaction.
Over the previous months, he had trained her relentlessly so that her arms were capable of assuming a full reverse-prayer position. A few more weeks and they would be ready for long-term bondage in that double-jointed configuration. But not today. He let go of her elbows and told her to relax her arms. With a saved sight, she let them dangle at her side.
Robert picked the latex opera gloves from the stack and helped her slide them up her arms. When he had smoothed out all the wrinkles, it looked like Nina had dipped her arms up to the biceps in glossy black paint. The latex was probably too thin to offer much protection against the wire’s harsh bite, but it certainlyy looked spectacular.
He began to unwind the speaker cable from the drum and cut it into pieces of varying lengths before separating the two wires. Nina watched him with wide eyes. Clearly, he had some pretty elaborate bond planned for her, and the realization both frightened and excited her in equal measure. “Man can do what he wills, but he cannot will what he wills” was an apt statement of her dilemma. Nina could never have explained why she craved an ordeal that she extremely feared.
Robert finished his preparations and approached her with a piece of speaker wire that seemed excessively long even though he had folded it in half to form a sliding loop at one end, known as a Lark’s head to bondage aficionados. Without being asked, she again put her arms behind her back for him, eager to get on with the main event. He guided her hands through the loop and slide it up past her elbows, where he wound the wire in neighborly stacked coils around her upper arms, then cinchedthem, forcing her elbows to meet. The excess length went up under her arm, over the shoulder, behind her neck just beneath the collar and back under the other arm before he wrapped it around the elbow cinch again. There was still some wire remaining when he had completed another loop around her shoulders. Lashing it to the strands behind her neck, he anchored the elbow tie to the shoulder harness. Robert pulled the last knot tight at the nape of her neck where she would never be able to reach it.
Nina arched her back in an abortive attempt to relieve the harness’ tension on her shoulders. Unlike ordinary rope, the speaker wire had no give at all. There was zero chance she would wriggle out of that tie. Exactly how she had imagined it. Perfect.
“I’ll manage,” she asserted blithely.
Next, he bound her hands palm to palm, wrapping the wire in tight loops around her wrists. When he was done, the wraps reached halfway to her elbows, and he struggled to slip the wire between her forearms for the cinch.
“Should have brought a crotchet hook,” he grumbled.
Again, he placed the final knot out of reach, on top of the cinch. Her arms had now become welded together from the wrists to above her elbows. However, thanks to her limberness, it was not even that uncomfortable. Nina thanked her good fortune for her body’s extraordinary resilience. Otherwise, she knew that, sooner or later, her crazy stunts would invariably land her in the hospital. She squirmed in her bonds, enjoying their tight embrace that left her utterly helpless. All she could do was wiggle her fingers. Robert could easily put a stop to even that if he fetched the armbinder and lacened it tight over her already lashed limbs. She subtly changed her stance enabling her to grind her thighs together. This was the kind of bondage overkill they both thrived on.
“Bet you’re thinking about the armbinder,” Robert teased.
Damn! He knewher too well. Of course, she had made no secret out of her love for his expensive birthday gift. To insist on wearing it for the entire day while Robert, of necessity, waited on her hand and foot had probably been a dead giveaway.
“Maybe,” she conceded.
“Well, not today. The wire looks good on you.”
He was quite pleased by his rigging. Everything was neat and tight, with not a single strand out of place, but his masterpiece was not yet complete. He selected another length of wire and wrapped it several times around her waist and forearms, pinning them to her body. At the small of her back, he formed a loose loop around the strands that encircled both her body and arms, then gripped the end of the wire firmly and braced his other arm against her shoulder.
“Exhale and hold your breath!”
She did, and he tugged hard.
“Oof!” Nina grunted.
Unfazed, he pulled the cinch even tighter. When he, after a few more turns, tied the wire off, the loops aroundher body cut deep into her waist. Nina squirmed, probably hoping that her movements would shift the newly fashionable wait cincher into a more comfortable alignment, yet her arms did not stray an inch from her back. Mission accomplished!
“This isn’t very comfortable,” Nina while in a breathless voice.
“Frankly, my dear…”
His flippant dismissal of her distress earned him a cute, little groan. If she had wanted him to take her complaints seriously, she should not have confessed to him how wet she became when he showed no consideration for her and just did with her what he wanted. Like putting an end to the bothersome wiggling of her fingers. He had to smile when he designed his solution to this problem.
“Don’t worry, I’ll help you take your mind off it.”
Judging From her started look, his announcement somehow failed to reassure her. Was it because she had some experience with the kind of help he usually provided? Whatever. She would come around soon enough.
Her diminutive height required that he croouched beside her to carry out his plan. He folded a shorter piece of wire in half and used it to lash her thumbs together, letting its free ends dangle for the moment.
“Spread your legs!”
Nina obeyed with an eagerness that indicated she saw through his intentions and realized how she would benefit. Robert squatted in Front of her. Reaching between her legs, he grasped the wire with one hand and spread her labia with the other. Her pussy shone wetly with her juices.
“You really are a shameless bondage slut!”
“Mm-hmm,” she purred, affording his accusation.
He carefully ran the strands through the folds of her parted labia, trapping her clip between them. This elicited another throaty moan that turned into a yelp when he yanked the wire upward and tied it to the loops around her waist.
Robert took a step back and admitted his work. Maybe Nina had been correct about the nature of his ‘help’ after all. Considering how the wire cut into her pussy, twiddling her thumbs could not be much fun now. At least, that was what he thought until he spotted the crotch wire’s rhythm tightening.
“You’re incorrigible!” He Shook his head in mock exasperation.
“Yesss! You always say the sweetest things to a girl.”
“Flattery won’t make me lenient.”
“Who wants lenience? Girls just wanna have fun.”
Clearly, she had let go of what was left of her good sense. This was her need to do the talking, compelling her to go him.
“I’ll show you fun. Hop on the bed!”
When he saw her naked, wire-wrapped body sitting on the bed in front of him, he was tempted to remove the crotch wires and have fun with her the conventional way. But the prospect of teasing her Until she squirmed with insatiable lust at the intersection of ecstasy and agoy was far more exclusive. He deftly lashed her legs together at the ankles and above the knees, then, for good measure, alsotied her big toes. Nina watched his progress with a serene expression, quite the suffering saint who endures torture in the certainty that heaven is waiting for her.
Robert watched fascinated when, as usual, she tested her bonds after he had finished tying up her legs. She could still wiggle her toes, but that summed up the extent of her freedom. Judging by the frantic contractions of her crotch rope and the accompanying moans, however, she seemed to be enjoying it. Time to put a damper on that.
Nina frozen when she noticed that he had picked up the dreaded muzzle gag. The flaccid balloon attached to the wide panel that would cover her lower face from nose to chin did not appear particularly daunting, but she knew better. She looked up at him with puppy eyes, but when she saw his determined expression, she opened her mouth with a resigned sight. He patted her on the head.
“Good girl!”
Her eyes narrowed, but Robert just chuckled and fed the rubber bladder into herwaiting mouth. Sorting through the mass of straws attached to the leather panel, he located the head harness’ main strap and tightened it around her cheeks until the mouth shield pressed firmly against her lips. He buckled the strap at the back of her neck, right below her ponytail, then surprised her when, instead of immediately fastening the rest of the harness around her head, he attached inflation bulb’s hose to the valve stem protruding from the panel. A few squeezes inflated the bladder enough to immobilize her tongue, making intelligent speech impossible.
Nina was now reduced to endearing grunts and squeals. Just like the one she emitted when he dangled the pair of nipple clamps from their connecting chain in front of her eyes. Robert sat next to her. She shrank back, but he would have none of her antis. His hand shot forward and grabbed her breast, his thumb and fingers pinching the rock-hard nipple between them. More squirming and squealing ensured. She was blessed withrather sensitive nipples.
“The more you struggle, the more I’ll tighten the clamps.”
His calm statement gave her pause. She was painfully aware that their mechanism was strong enough to drive the tips of their serrated jaws right into her flesh. After all, this was explicitly stated in the product description on the dubious darknet site where she had ordered the nipple clamps …. an impulse buy she had rued a dozen times over.
Robert captured the nipple between the clamp’s jaws and began to turn the small, knurled set-screw that closed them. The action was accompanied by subdued clicks from the integrated ratchet that prevented the set-screw from loosening on its own. He kept going until her nipple was flattened between the jaws. When he let go, Nina Shook her upper body in an instinctive bid to dislodge the clamp. movement set its counterpart at the other end of the connecting chain swinging. Although her nipple stretched with the increased pull, the clamp heldtight. She hung her head. Until Robert relented, she was stuck with the clamp. Another fact that she had learned the hard way, but still had to reassure herself of every time.
“Tsk, tsk! What did I tell you? No struggle!”
She acknowledged her mistake with a muted whimper. Robert quickly and mercilessly attached the remaining clamp to her other breast. His eyes bored into hers while he tightened the clamps further, switching back and forth between both breasts to keep their bite at the same level of ferocity. Another full turn of the screws made her star at him wild-eyed. He continued more slowly, spreading out the time between the ratchet clicks. Every new click made her shudder. Her nostrils flared as she braced herself for every new increment of her anguish. Watching her closely, Robert took a clamp in Each of his hands.
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