When she reminded him that she was taking the SeaDoo out the next day, he looked at her thoughtfully, before calling her to him. Reaching into his desk drawer, he withdraw a small box that she recognized. She had given it to him only three days ago, a ribbon around it, one of his many birthday presents. They had enjoyed it well before he had cleaned it and put it away.
“I want you to place this where it will do the most good as you ride tomorrow. But…” he paused and appreciated her.
“Yes, love?”
“You must not cum.”
She felt her nipples contract at the very thought of having the little toy within all day, yet having to avoid what it would be urging. She took the box from him and whispered, “Yes, love.” All night she dreamt of him and the uses he had put the toy to on His birthday. When she awoke, there was plenty of luxury to insert the small dildo.
Looking out at the lake, she saw the water like glass and knew that, at least to start, she was goingto place it lovingly in her ass. Mirror water is extremely smooth, barely a ripple, and the fullness in her rectum would transmit all the violences of the engine to her body. Turning to her side, she reached for the toy and ran it along her soaking slit, making it ready for its first intrusion. Pressing gently against the tight ring, she relaxed into the head, feeling it slide in easily. Holding it snugly within, she waited for her body to adjust as it attempted the first cum of the day. Knowing that to obey his wishes would bring a marvelous reward, and that to give in to her body would provide a completely different reaction, she struggled and was able to maintain her dedication.
Standing, she applied sunscreen all over and slipped into a snug two-piece suit and water shoes. Walking out to the dock, she could feel the small shake massaging her inner walls and realized Just how hard this was going to be. When she straddled the seat and sat, the angle of the probe changed and tempty her again, but she remembered his eyes as he handed it to her, challenging her. Taking a deep breath, she again waited for her body to adjust, and then started the motor. At an idle, the motor ran with a deep throb, twitching the little phalic radically within. She moaned but maintained tight control. As she backed out of the slip, the increased RPM of the motor changed the twitch to a throb and, when put in gear, a buzz. Still tightly in control, she nonetheless felt a small pool begin to form between her legs.
She rode for hours, sometimes at an idle as they traveled through no-wake zones; other times at full throttle, the motor sounding like a sewing machine. Each change of speed teased her with the changing patterns of the motor vibration. Several times, they stopped for lock traversing; at those times, she basked in the sun thinking of What he was doing to her and how he would enjoy hearing of it. Endlessly close to cumming, struggling to avoid it, she was gratefull when someone called for the lunch break.
They tied off close to shore in a swiftly running, crystal clear river. Carefully turning in her seat, she faced to the rear and shared lunch with her companies. She hoped that no one could smell the cent of her arousal. When they had finished eating, a dip in the spring water seemed the perfect way to finish their repast, not to mention cooling the fire almost out of control in her loins. Forgetting how cold spring water is, she entered without any time for acclimation and all her muscles clenched in protest. Muscles, which had not been in play so far, drew the plug further within, enjoying the full benefit of the breadth. The aroma might be gone, but she had attained a completely new dimension of arousal.
Lunch break over, they re-boarded their crafts and made for a neary wayside, several members of the party needing relief. Knowing from experience that the water would be a little rougher in the afternoon, she took advantage of the facilities and, after removing and washing the toy, inserted it in her hot box. There was no resistance as she slide it within, but the muscles clamped down immediately holding his stand-in tightly. They had talked of her riding him while riding the watercraft, but both knew it was unsafe. Settling astraddle the seat it almost felt like he was there, though she was not nearly as full as if he had been.
The long first part of the return ride provided more glassy water and banks far apart. She took advantage of it to slide the ‘doo from side to side, throwing her body in different directions and moving the turgid member along each of her inner walls. There was more boat traffic than the morning, each requiring a wake to be crossed, each wake a hard bump against her back wall as if he had thrust hard. Still maintaining control, not allowing release, she was glad to be riding away from anyone else for they would have heard the whimpers of need.
On reaching the lake, she found the water lightly chopped, just enough to provide a constant thrust into her core, changing the whimpers to moans. Tightly controlling her body’s needs, eyes held open to see how to pilot the small boat towards home, was torture. Her breasts ached from the constant contraction of the nipples. Not even the sun’s heat was relaxing them now. Concentration on her body’s many functions and the requirements to get safely home was taking a toll and she wondered if she would be able to obey his command.
At last reaching the canal to home, she slowed the boat and eased in, thankful for the easing of the thrusts and almost constant muscle contracts. “Maybe I can make it,” she thought. Getting the monster between her legs loaded to the trailer required full concentration, the motor at its lowest RPM, the throbbing victory felt but unnoticed by the consciousness mind. As the boat hit the stop on the trailer, the jolt sent the shaft on a powerful thrust into her core. She realized that she had been concentrating on the wrong thing as her body took control. So much teasing could not, would not, be denied any longer and she screamed out an orgasm even as the motor died.
Returning to reality, she became aware of all eyes upon her. Her companies assumed she was hurt and she lied, telling them of biting her tongue at the bump. Waiting until muscle capacity allowed, she dismounted and walked to the house.
Finding him at the desk, she stood before him in chagrin. “I could not do it, love. Do with me as you will, for I have disobeyed you and feel no harmse.”
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