Willowy Bride Learns Submission

Story so far:

Five young couples have come to Tom and Susan’s to participate in a course for newly weds. The day of their arrival Tom used Susan to demonstrate the art of discipline and how to make a wife submissive and obedient. The following day one of the couples are to practice the skills that they were taught the previous day. As one of the young men had a huge cock that Susan found very difficult to accommodate, Tom has decided that this particular man and his wife are to be the first.

After breakfast the groups, dressed in their terry clothes robes, assembled in the workshop. Tom highlighted the previous day’s demonstrations and called the young couple, Horse and Cindy, to the centre of the room.

Cindy was a beautiful young woman with long slender legs and a flat stomach. Her blond hair just touched her shoulders and Her huge blue eyes were red rimmed and filled with terror. She was sobbing quietly as she clutched her robe across her ripe young breasts.

Tom asked her if she understood the adventure she was embarking on and if she was a willing participant. He went on to say that on the first orientation it was often necessary to put restraints on the woman until she learned to control her natural instincts to escape. He asked her if she was willing to be restrained when it was deemed necessary.

In a trembling voice she answered.

“Horse and I have talked about all that has happened and I know that the only hope for our successful marriage is for me to learn to please him as he was shown yesterday. I put my life in his hands and I will willingly submit to the training and I do not want you to stop because I ask you to as it will just be my weaker self that is trying to gain dominance.”

The group gasped as she removed her robe and knelt before Horse. Her beauty filled everyone with awe.

Tom told Horse to place Cindy face down on the bench and place her wrists and ankles in the restraints. Then he handed him the flogger. Horse began by lightly caresing her body with it. Gradually he increased the pressure and momentum. Cindy’s gasps of shock became an unending scream as sering pain pulsed through her and she struggled against the restraints. Her screams seemed to motivate him to continue. After thirty strikes he paused and waited for the cries to subside. Then he stood over her and asked her if she had anything to say. He said that he expected her to thank him for her discipline and that he was very disappointed in her as she should have thanked him each time she had been struck.

She apologized for disappointing him and promised that she would try to do better.

Horse had Susan prepare the materials for Cindy’s enema. He told her to put five pins into the container. Then he placed Cindy on her side on the bed and once again restrained her arms and legs. Her anus was lubricated and the nozzle was inserted. Cindy felt a pleasant warmth fill her as the first of the water rushed in. Soon, however, the pleasant warmth was replaced by cramping. She groaned and he clamped the hose until her groaning stopped. He unclamped the hose and the container began to empty once again. Susan messaged her stomach and instructed her to pant like a dog as it would help her accept the fluids. Cindy began to pant but soon her pants were replaced by groans as her body was enveloped in excruciating waves of pain. When the container had only half of a pint left it stopped emptying. She was filled to capacity and once again she was screaming in pain. The nozzle was removed and Horse held her hips tightly together so that the fluids would not escape. Her kept her in that position for a full half an hour and then her restraints were loosened and she was told to hold in the water as she was led to the tub. The stomach of her beautiful body was distended like that of a pregnant woman and her walk was awkward and ungainly. Her humiliation was well began.

He told her that she had permissionn to release the fluids and she disappeared a flood of brown slip. This seemed to displease Horse as he turned on the shower and as soon as she was cleaned and dried he put her back on the bed and gave her another enema. This time there was no clamping of the hose to allow her to adjust and it was forty minutes of torture before she was back in the tub and allowed to release the fluids. Cindy was not sure if her body could stand more and she asked Horse to have mercy on her. He turned on the shower and directed her to wash.

Soon she was bent over the bench with her hands restrained and her feet fastened into spreaders. Horse generally lubricated her anus and worked his finger into the opening. Then two fingers. Cindy tried to pull away and her spinctre tightened but Horse continued to work at trying to make a passage. Then he started pressing at her opening with his massive penis. He pushed and pushed each time harder and harder until Cindy felt her world take on fire and pain radiated out from her ass into her whole body. He had his head inside her and he continued to push until gradually he had it all buried inside her. She was strangely quiet. She had failed from the shock. Still buried inside her he waited until Susan revived her with a cool cloth on her head. When she became conscious once again Horse began to work back and forth so that her pain would stay at the pinnacle of her endurance. Cindy’s cries rose and fell with each movement of his weapon. Horse grunted with satisfaction as he emptied his load into her and he withdraw his bloody cock from her gaping ass hole.

He promptly turned her over and stuck it in her mouth. He told her to do what she had been taught the previous day. She worked from his scrotum up the shake and sucked the head. He did not give her time to get accustomed to this as he pushed it farther into her mouth and down her throat. Holding her by the back of her head he drove in and out fucking her mouth and throat as if it was a cunt. When he had unloaded into her stomach he withdraw and Cindy was motionless. Tom and Susan did CPR on her and she began to stir. She throw up and began to cry. She kept apologizing because she had not been able to do a better job. Horse told her that this was just her first time and with practice she would likely improve and be able to please him as a wife should. He told her to lick and suck on his penis to harden it once more. When it had reached the required degree of hardness he mounted her and fucked her with relentless fury. He rolled off her and she smiled at him and thanked him for the fuck and she asked him to promise to continue to train her so that she would be pleasant to him.

It turned out that Horse was the most proficient one of the men at the training of his wife. At the end of the two week period Cindy could Only walk with assistance as her body had been tested to the limits of its capability and her test showed that she was pregnant.

On the groups last night before their return home Horse helped her to walk to the middle of the room. She removed her robe and displayed her once flawless body. It was covered with red welts. Her anus was bulging out and her cunt was red and swollen from repeated batterings. In a voice hoarse and husky from many sessions of oral sex, she proudly told the them that her past two weeks had been the most rewarding in her life and she would never be able to thank Horse enough for having brought her to her current level of understanding and for giving her the gift of making her pregnant.


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