Willow Switch

Dave stole a glance at Lisa’s naked legs which were propped up on the dashboard but quickly looked back out of the windshield again, concentrating on the next bend in the road. He’d been driving for some time now and the driving hadn’t been easy. Not that there had been a lot of traffic, but the roads here in this part of rural France were narrow and curvy. About as curvy as the girl beside him, but the road’s curves weren’t necessarily all in the right places or where you’d expect them, as where the girl’s.

They had decided to skip the highway once they’d left Bordeaux behind them and take the scenario route, not realizing that this would mean they’d be driving all day to get from the coast to Sarlat La Caneda, where they planned to stay a couple of days. Now he was beginning to get tired and the look of her tanned legs didn’t help at all to keep his mind on the driving.

Once again he glanced at her idly leaving through a guidebook, pondering whether she’d be more interestingted in visiting the famous prehistoric caves of Lascaux, one of the many medieval castles or a ride in a canoe on the Dordogne. ‘Damn, she’s lovely,’ he thought. ‘If only she could drive.’

On an impulse he steered the rented Renault off the road and onto a gravel side road that lead into an oak forest and killed the engine. He unfasted both their seat-belts, opened his fly and just as she put away the guidebook and started to ask why they had stopped he pulled her down on himself. She didn’t need any further instructions or encouragement and slid off the seat, her mouth and tongue already starting to work on him. Dave leaned back, closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. After a minute or two he grabbed a fistful of her hair and pushed her further down, not because he wasn’t satisfied with what she was doing, but because he Know that this would get her to do it even better. Sure enough, her reaction was just as he had expected. ‘When it comes to sex, she’s usually pretty easy tofigure out’ he thought. Then he didn’t think anymore but just enjoyed.

He came in her mouth, gripping her hair tighter and pushing her down hard on his cock, then she licked him clean, tucked him in and sat up again, a wide smile on her face. “Thank you Sir, that was a much needed break,” she said, rearrange her skirt.

“Indeed it was,” Dave agreed.

“Not too comfy, though, what with that gear shift thingy poking in my stomach. We should have rented one of those automatic cars.”

“You don’t really think I care whether it was comfy, do you?”

“Umm, nah, guess you don’t,” she answered grinning. “Do you want something to drink, a sandwich?”

“Nope, I want you to learn driving so I don’t have to all the time.” He backed the car out of the forest and onto the road again. “I hope it’s not far anymore, I’m getting tired.”

She consulted the map. “About fifty kilometers,” she proclaimed and put her feet on the dashboard again. “Another hour, more or less.By the way, it would probably be much more stressful for you to sit in the passenger seat with me on the wheel than driving yourself.”

“Probably. But at least I could look at your legs and ogle your tits all the time. That wouldn’t help my blood pressure, but it’d certainly be a nice distraction.” He reached over and pulled up her skirt, exposing the silent white skin of her shamen mound.

Lisa rolled her eyes in mock exasperation and bent over to pick up the guidebook again. They drove on in silence for some time. He was looking at the scenery and the road with the occasional glance at her crotch thrown in, her leaving through the book, keeping it on her knees so as not to block his view of her pussy.

“Hey! There’s a village called ‘Domme’. It’s quite near. Can we go there?” She looked pleadingly at him, a look which was completely wasted since he had his eyes on the road. “Puleeze?”

“Why should we go to a place called Domme?” he said, but in truth he wouldn’tmind going there if it means less driving.

“Errm … well. Because it’s got a funny name.” She read in the guidebook again. “Plus it’s said to be a touristic highlight. ‘Domme constitue assurément une étape obligée de votre séjour dans la région: Domme n’est pas très grande, mais ce n’est pas un mince plaisir que d’y déambuler une journey entière, d’aller et venir dans ses rubelles, voire de longer ses complains ou sa falaise en admirant le vaste panorama sur la Dordogne’,” she recalled from the guidebook.

“Oh yeah!” he excided excitedly. “We definitely have to go there. That will be the highlight of our holidays!”

She eyed him suspiciously. “You’re making fun of me, right?”

“Yeah, of course I do. You know well enough that my French is Just about good enough to say ‘bonjour’ and ‘au revoir’. So, care to tell me why we should go there?”

“Umm … coz of the name and because it seems to be a very beautiful medieval village with a fantastic view on the Dordognevalley. But the most important reason is that you want me to be happy,” Lisa added with a giggle.

“Wench! Watch your tongue!” But she was right, he sure wanted her to be happy, about as much as she wanted him to be happy. Suddenly he had to break hard and steer the car almost into the ditch to make room for an oncoming tractor. The farmer on the tractor stared wide eyed at and between Lisa’s legs While he passed them, pulling a huge load of hay on a trailer.

“Guess he liked what he saw.” The car sped up yet another hill, through a forest and out into the open countryside. “Ok, try to get a room in that village.”

“Kewl, thanks, Master! I’m sure it’s going to be great!” She was already punching in the number in her cellphone and started talking to the receptionist. A minute later she covered the phone with her hand and turned towards Dave. “They only have a suite left,” she said.

“What’s wrong with a suite?” Dave asked her.

“It’s … umm … a bit expensive. Three hundred a night, but it’s overlooking the valley, they say.”

“Screw the money and book it.”

Lisa talked into the phone again and snapped it shut when the conversation was finished.

“You know, Master …” she broke off in mid sentence, looking at nothing in particular.

“No, I don’t know if you don’t tell me.” To be true, he probably did know what she wanted to say, but she had to learn not to hold back.

“I feel a bit bad. I mean, with you paying and all …” her voice trailed off again.

“In case it makes you feel like a whore, that’s OK, because you are,” he said with a sly grin.

She squirmed in her seat, her cheeses reddening. “Yes Master.” She looked at him again. “Thank you!”

“Huh? What for?” he wanted to Know.

She thought for a moment, blinked her eyes a couple of times. “For everything. For being here with me. For paying all the time… for … for your patience … and for loving me.”

He watched a red kite dive down onto a pasture in pursuit of a mouse while thinking of something appropriate to say. But he couldn’t think of anything, so he just stopped the car in the middle of the road and kissed her.

“And for calling you a whore? You thank me for that too?” he asked after he broke the kiss and got the car into motion again.

“Of course. Most of all I thank you for calling me a whore,” she answered with a giggle. Then she snuggled into the seat and smiled happily at him until he told her to look out for the road to Domme.

Fifteen minutes later he parked the car on the large public parking lot just outside the walls of the small village. It was already late in the afternoon, but the sun was still scorching the tarmac and the heat was almost unbearable after the conditioned air inside the car. They started walking, trailing their suitcases and once they reached the shadow of the old buildings it was considerably cooler. It didn’t take them long to find the hotel and check in.

“Wow!” Lisa exclaimed when they entered the room. “Must be the honeymoon suite.” She wandered around the large room, looking at everything, while he kicked off his shoes, got out of his trousers and laid down on the four-poster bed.

“Kewl, a bidet,” Lisa shouted from the bath “Too bad they don’t put them into new apartments anymore.” She walked to the French doors that opened to a little balcony and stepped outside. “And look at this view! It’s awesome!” She turned around to look at Dave. “Do you want to rest for a while? Or go out and take a look around?”

“Come here and shut up for a minute.”

She stepped out of her shoes and laid down on the bed beside him, her hand on his chest, head on his shoulder, her left leg swung over his. “I love you so very much, Master,” she whispered into the crook of his neck.

“I know, but it’s good to hear you say it, babe.” He stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head.

After a while Lisa felt that he had done off, his breathing becoming slower and more regular. She watched him for a while, then she got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Toweled dry again and wrapped in a sarong she unpacked their suitcases and stood on the tiny balcony for a minute, enjoying the view. The Dordogne meandered its way through the wide valley two hundred meters below, white limestone cliffs stand out from the dark green woods on both sides of the valley, tiny cars crept along the road, a medieval castle from the time when the Dordogne was the border between France and England during one of their many wars was just visible in the haze. ‘Some weed would be cool now,’ she thought. ‘Some weed, something to eat, just bread and cheese, and then fuck the night away.’ But weed was out of the question, he’d go berserk if she only mentioned as much. At least he was consistent enough not to condemn recreational drugs like pot but not heavy drinking. She always thought that totally hypocritical.

She witnessed and then her head started to spin. Or that was what it felt like. She gripped the iron handrail and swwayed precariously before she managed to stagger through the door inside again. An intense heat wave washed over her as her legs began to shake. She panicked, thinking she had a stroke or something like that, but she didn’t have very much time to worry before she fell to the ground unconscious, luckyily without hitting her head too hard on the tiles.

About half an hour later, Lisa began to stir. She lay on the floor for a minute or two, trying to figure out what had happened. All she remembered was that she’d been standing on the balcony and suddenly had felt dizzy. A quick assessment of herself showed that nothing hurt and that she felt actually quite good. Something about her was different, though, she couldn’t exactly pin down What it was, but it certainly wasn’t something unpleasant. At last she got up, straightened the sarong and went to the bathroom to check herself in the mirror.Nothing unusual, except for a small bruise on the forehead above her left eye where her head had hit the floor and a wide grin on her face, which surprised her a bit, given the fact that she just had lost consciousness for no apparent reason.

“Wonder what that was,” she said to her reflection, splashed some cold water on her face, chased the thought from her mind with a toss of her head and went back to the bedroom. She looked at Dave lying with outstretched arms on the bed and noticed the bulge in his boxers. She smiled and sat down on the bed. Carefully she took his cock out and started to kiss it. He stood in his sleep but didn’t wake up. She took him in her mouth and closed her lips around his shake, feeling him getting more rigid. To her surprise he still keep sleeping. She liked to wake him up with a blowjob and usually he would rise from his slumber pretty quickly. Today was different, though. Her eyes wandered over his body up to his face and she saw that he was totaly at ease in his sleep, a smile playing around the corners of his mouth.

‘Why the heck am I giving him head?’ she thought. Without missing a beat she let go of his cock, hiked up her sarong and straddled him. But before she had him inside herself she got off of him again and rummaged around in his suitcase until she found the linen bag with the ropes. A small voice deep inside the darker receipts of her brain told her that This was wrong, that she wasn’t supposed to tie her Master to the bed, but she had other, more important things on her mind and the thought didn’t stand a chance. A minute later Dave was tied spread-eagled to the bed.

Once again she mounted him, gasping as his cock slide inside her and started to slowly ride him. Her moans became louder and she leaned forward, placing her hands on either side of his head.

“What the heck are you doing?” Dave suddenly shouted. Lisa almost fainted again. She had just been approaching what she knew would be a wonderful orgasm.

“I’m fucking you. No, wrong, I’m fucking myself with the help of your wonderful dick. And who gave you permission to interrupt me on my way to an orgasm?” she demanded angrily, trying once again to focus on her fucking.

Dave looked started, his mind working hard to try and understand what was happening. He seemed to give in for a moment, but then tore at the ropes to free himself.

“Stop that, or else …,” Lisa said, glaring at him and intensifying her humping. He stopped, not because he had suddenly started to take orders from his girl, but because it was useless to tug at the ropes. His mind was working double shifts. What was wrong with her? True, she wasn’t always that docile, quite often cheeky and stubborn, but she was never disrespectful. So what on earth was going on in her head when she tied him to the bed then? Not being dumb she surely knew that she wouldn’t get away with it. Yet there was something about her that wasn’t quite as usual.

She was near her orgasm by now, her eyes wide open and fixed on his and this time he didn’t interrupt her. Instead, he watched her closely; saw something he had never seen before, a hardness and determination around her mouth and in her eyes. With a scream she came and rested her shuddering body on his, gripping his cock with her pussy, her face buried in the curve of his neck.

He started to thrust into her, longing for relieve himself, but to his surprise she evaded him, even told him to stop it.

“You have to wait, my dear,” she said with a wicked smile, his cock still erect inside her. Then she got up again and slip off the bed. She bent over and kissed the tip of his penis, smiling at him as he watched her in frustration and confusion. He heard her wash herself, cranened his head to see what she was up to and saw her walking back to the bed, licking her lips as she looked down at him.

“Untie me!” he demanded angrily.

“Whoa. Hold on, honey. That’s not the way to talk to your Mistress. Now if you add a polite ‘please, Ma’am’ I might think about it.”

Dave started to shout again, but then he merely exhausted and reflected about the situation for a moment. Something was really wrong, that much he knew. She wasn’t very much into roleplaying usually and normally she would have shuddered at the mere thought of topping someone else, let alone be his Domme. Lisa just wasn’t cut out to yield the whip, as they both knew. So why did she act as if she was the dominant all of a sudden? And what to do about it? He decided that first of all he needed to get his hands and feet free, everything else could be dealt with later.

Swallowing his pride he said “please, Lisa, until me.”

“Thattaboy,” she smiled and freed him.

Dave thought About pushing her down and tie her to the bed, fuck her ass and whip her tights just to show her who really was in charge, but then he decided against it. The whole thing had awakened his curiosity and he wanted tofind out what was going on. He got up, looked down at Lisa sitting on the bed and walked to the bathroom.

“Is it ok if I go have a shower, Ma’am?” he asked mockingly.

“Yes. But hurry up, I’m hungry.”

Thirty minutes later they emerged onto the cobblestoned alley. She wore another sarong tied above her breasts, heels and hoop earnings; he was in beige slacks, a short sleeped shirt and loafers. They strolled hand in hand through Domme for some time, enjoying the cool breeze that had driven away the heat of the afternoon. Neither of them spoke very much, Lisa because she was busy window shopping and sightseeing, Dave because he was lost in thoughts about what might have happened to his girl. Eventually they came to a restaurant with a terrace overlooking the valley and were seated at a table right beside the low wall. The sun was nearing the horizon, its now golden light on Lisa’s face turning her already tanned complexion into a shining bronze.

They ordered a glass of white wine each and studied the menu. “Lisa, has anything unusual happened while I was sleep?” Dave looked at her, the unfamiliar expression still on her face.

“Why? Oh, yeah, now that you mention it…” Her hand went up to the small cruele on her temple. “I felt dizzy and I think I had a blackout. But I felt fine as soon as I came to again. A bit different, at first, but definitely good.”

For a moment he didn’t say anything, just looked at her and pondered the possible explanations. There wasn’t one that made sense, at least not to him.

“Why do you ask?” Lisa wanted to know.

“You seem to be different since I woke up.” He didn’t want to go into the details, she obviously wasn’t aware of the fact that since she lost consciousness she acted as if she was his Mistress and not his sub anymore, so he quickly took something out of his pocket , said “here’s a little present for you,” and placed a little black box on the table between them.

She looked at the little box and tried to open it. For a split second she was hoping that it contained a ring. But that would have been very unromantic, even for Dave’s standards, to just put them on the table without saying anything further. And the box was larger than one of those tiny jewellery boxes.

Finally she managed to open it. “Oh! A butterfly … hihihi. Thank you very much.” She leaned over and kissed him on the mouth. “I’ll be right back.”

She made a face when she came back and sat down. “There’s no switch on it. Is it remote controlled?” She didn’t wait for his answer but just held her hand out, waiting for him to give her the remote control.

Dave surprised, rummaged around in his pocket and handed her the little device. She immediately switched it on. “Yeah, that’s better,” she grinned. “Boy, you’re so going to be fucked tonight.”

“Yeah, I bet, Ma’am.” He mocked her again, and this time the sound of his voice didn’t escape her attention.

“Is there any problem?”

“Yeah, indeed there is. I’m having a bit of a hard time being treated like a sub all of a sudden.”

She stared at him, her face blank. “What?”

“You heard me. Until I woke up after my nap I was the Dom, you were the sub. Now you act as if it were the other way round.”

“I’m sorry, but did you have too much sun? What are you talking about?” She looked at him as if he had gone completely crazy.

Dave wasn’t ready to give up yet. “Don’t you remember when we drove here? I stopped in the woods, made you suck me off and you enjoyed me doing it? And liked doing it?”

“Huh? I never said I don’t like giving you head. But I do it when I want to do it.” She squirmed on her seat. “Hmm, that thingy is Surely doing some magic down there.”

He shrugged and gave up. The girl was clearly not aware of the fact that she had been his sub until they came to this little village. A thought struck him. What if it had something to do with them being in Domme? Was it possible that Domme had turned his cheeky and lovely slut into a Domme? His scientifically trained mind rejected the idea, but it also told him that there was no better explanation. Apart from a brain tumor or something else being wrong with her brain. And that would be even worse than some mysterious force turning subs into Dommes. At least with that explanation there was still hope that she might turn back to being her normal self as soon as they left here. He decided he would play along, make sure they left the village the next day and see what happened.


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