Willingly Kidnapped

This is a work of fiction about adults. Favs, Follows, Votes and Comments are all welcome. – Gonzo

Content: This story has BDSM themes, consensual non-consent, kidnapping, knife play, and bondage.


You know that lovely little nugget of bumper sticker philosophy, [Not all who wander, are lost.] Precious right? If I was going to use a bumper sticker to express myself it would have to be; [Not all who are kidnapped, go unwillingly.]

I guess you do need some background. I am dating two guys. To protect their reports I will call them ‘Do-Good’ and ‘Bad-Dom’. Hey it’s the 21st Century after all. I was already dating Bad-Dom, when Do-Good singled me out. Bad-Dom and I have an open relationship. It was OK with him.

I mean what half-sane girl would not swoon at Do-Good, all rugged good looks and sweetness. Always bringing flowers, remembering that I am allergic to carnations. My secret vice are these small dark chocolates from this small Mom and Pop store around the corner from work. He even rides this lovely old Indian motorcycle he calls Horse. Everything a girl could want.

The only problem at the time was that he was so Vanilla that he made Vanilla look kinky, and he just did not get the idea of ​​open relationships. I kept trying to tell him and he would pat my hand and assure me that I am OK by him, that is my Big Hearted Lovable Duffus.

This problem all came to a head a few days ago, Bad-Dom and I were having a great date. He asked me to wear this outfit he had given me, a blue silk oriental style long sleeped dress, along with a matching bra and g-string set, and even these lovely three inch heels with peek-a-boo toes. He and a friend surprised me in the parking lot after work, he gave me a quick love tap on the back of the head and then gave his lovely maniacal laugh saying loudly “I have you now Miss Fenwick, you have spurned my advances for the last time.”

I swooned into his arms and with a little help from his friend they tossed me onto the padded floor of the cargo van. Bad-Dom followed me into the back as his friend got behind the wheel and drove away. As the van turned out onto the street, I thought I heard the familiar rumble of Do-Good’s Horse chasing after us.

Bad-Dom, bought himself securing my hands behind my back and my feet to my hands. I yelled and struggled, not making it easy but not truly trying to resist. He stuffed a pair of my old panties in my mouth and throw a pillowcase over my head. The taste of my own sex that had dried into the fabric filled my mouth as his cent from the pillowcase filled my nostrils. I zoned out at that point, relaxing into the loving embrace of the ropes he was tying around me.

Sometime later the pillowcase was whipped off my head, bringing me back to the reality of being bound hand and foot. The van was gone instead all I could see was a dirty wooden floor. His brightlyshined boots were just on the edge of my vision.

“Welcome back, my dear.”

I tried to speak but the lace was stuck to my tongue, I wanted to scream and yell. My panties were soaked and I could feel the roughness of the floor through the silk of the dress against my hardened nipples.

“Let’s get you out of those slutty clothes.” I felt a handcuff snick closed around my wrist. The rough ropes came away from hands and ankles. He helped me pick myself up and sat me in a creaking kitchen chair. He snapped the other end of the cuff closed around the chairs back rail.

He stepped back to look me over and that allowed me to do the same. I tracked slowly upward, his highly polarized archaic boots ending halfway to his knees, skin tight black leather pants revealed a bulge along his left thigh, torso covered in a black silk poets shirt, open halfway down his chest. Black hair slicked down and his mustache was waxed into the classic handlebar.

“Why are you dressed like aslut?” He reached out with a black leather gloved hand and ripped the clothes out of my mouth. “Well?”

Every time he called me a slut, that word; it made me a little wetter, “These are my work clothes…”

“Don’t lie to me, harlot” He smacked my face with his other hand. “You dress like a slut because you want people to know you are a slut.”

He moved away and brought me back a bottle of water, I drank slowly until the bottle was empty, he tossed the bottle away. He produced another handcuff, snapping it around my freehand and the other end he connected above my head, before relocating the first handcuff also above my head.

He grabbed my chin forcing me to look him in the eye. “Well Slut, you still don’t have an answer for me?”

“I am no…” he slapped me. Each time I denied it and he stopped me all I wanted to do was cum for him right then, but I knew he wanted me to hold it.

“Yes, you are a slut and now you are mine.” He walked away and pushed a buttonon the wall, in response a clunking grinding noise started above me.

That word; mine, his, to do with what he wanted to dress how he pleased. I am no one’s slave or property, but submitting to his will for this night, this scene made my pussy ache for his touch and my nipples year for his sharp teeth. It made me want him even more.

The clunking grinding noise drew my attention, looking up at the noise to see my hands were cuffed to a spreader bar that was slowly raising above my head.

“Crap.” The bar pulled me upward by my wrists, forcing me to stand up as he walked away and around the corner. The clunking grinding noise stopped as it pulled me all but up right. I stood, all the way up gripping the bar my hands were cuffed to.

I could hear him talking to someone, “Where’s the van?”

“Returned to the rental company.”

“Any sign of the boy scout, or the cops?”

“I haven’t seen him since we lost him on the highway and nothing about a kidnapping onthe scanner or the radio. No police calls to the pickup site or here.”

“Excellen…” The rest of the conversation was covered by a train rolling past the building, by the time it had passed he walked up behind me.

“So slut, have you thought about what I said?”

“I am no slut.”

“Tisk, tisk, you are a slut and a liar.”

I heard a metallic fluttering sound start and stop, I gasped as a single sharp point of ice cold fire touched the nape of my neck, I felt the sharp point of cold fire trace its way down my neck and past the collar of my dress. I knew it was his butterfly knife, the razor sharp blade parted the material of my dress. As the line of fire traced down my spine, I held perfectly still against the edge. I felt the line cross my bra strap without cutting it, continuing down. The line of fire jumped the band of g-string, before picking up on my right ass cheek. The line continued down to my knee where my dress stopped.

The metallic fluttering sound started again, as he walked around in front of me the source of sound was evident in the shining and spinning butterfly knife twirling open and closed in his hand, “Your dress stops at the knee and you have the nerve to claim you are not a slut.”

The cold steel of the blade in his hand lovingly caressed my neck before slipping between my throat and the collar of my dress. The blunt back edge dug into my skin as it sliced ​​through the dress. He traced a line down between my breast splitting the fabric with the blade. That sweet line of fire traced between my breast past my navel, the string of panties, and down my left leg.

I stood before him, my dress in two pieces, his blade flashing and sung as he flicked it open and closed, circulation me. The knife slipped down the inside of my left sleeve at the wrist. Cutting the fabric of the sleeve, down my arm past my elbow, along my bicep and then down my side. Again the edge touched my bra and then picked up afterward. It took allof my control to not react as it ticckled down my ribs. It traced along my skin, skipping over my g-string and then past my dress hem. He walked around me again before repeating the line down my right side. He backed away the blade picking up its fluttering song, as it danced open and closed in his hand.

“You are such a slut, you are not even wearing a slip.” His knife went into a pocket and his hands reached out and gripped the shoulders of what had been my dress, with a yank, he tore it away. The tattered clothes left my body and I stood there in nothing but the lace front bra and g-string he had given me.

“What a slut you are.” He walked behind me, I could feel his eyes drinking me in and I wanted it more. I wanted him to more than just call me a slut I want him to make me his slut. “You don’t even try to cover yourself. Such a whore.”

“Fuck you, asshole.”

“And such a mouth on such a pretty face.” He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look him in the eye.

I tried to knee him in the crotch, not hard enough to end our fun just enough to let him know I was done being stared at and wanted some action. “What are you going to do about it?”

He defeated my knee to the outside of his hip then caught it with his free hand, “First I am going to teach you not to kick.”

“Good luck with that.” I grabbed the bar that held my hands above my head with both hands and then lifted my other knee, smack into his crotch.

He stepped backward, his grip shifting to my ankle pulling me off balance, I tried to kick him with my free foot but he caught that one as well tucking them both under one arm. He pulled on my feet and pushed on a control switch on his belt, lifting me higher in the air. He smiled at me wickedly as he let go and I swung away from him cursing and spitting.

My feet missed the floor by inches as I swung back and forth, I could twist my body and see the rest of the squalid room. I knew this place was his loft in the warehousedistrict. In one corner was the wrong iron bed, around that wall was the kitchen. The only thing new was the hoist I was swinging from. I knew from long experience that I could scream myself hoarse and no one would hear me.

“You bastard!” I yelled knowing he could hear me. I slowed my swing, until I all but stopped. I reached out with one of my toes and could just barely touch the floor. If I let go of the bar I might be able to put my feet down, but all my weight would be hanging on the cold shadows of the cuffs.

“What was that slut?” He asked in his voice a throaty purr in my ear.

“You are a fucking bastard.” I tried to stomp on his foot.

“Now little slut, if you break me how can I play with you?” He walked in front of me. “Now little slut what should I do with you?”

“Come over here and I will kick your ass.” I tried to kick him, again using the bar as a trape swinging like a kid, he caught my foot.

“Silly little slut.” From behind his back he produced a coil of rope. Before I could do more than kick a couple of times he had my right ankle wrapped several times in the rope before tying my high heel in place.

“Fuck, let me go you fucking pervert.” I knew calling him a pervert turned him on as much as my yelling, screaming and fighting. He tied the rope off to a tie-down set on the floor. He quickly grabbed my other foot using a different length of rope and tied it as well. Making sure that my high heel was tied to my foot, before he tied it off to another tie down point.

He had me between a rock and a hard place, my feet were nowhere near the floor. My hands clutching the bar over my head were the only thing keeping my wrists from taking my weight. He stepped away to watch me squirm. He walked away around the corner and out of my line of sight.

“Get back here you son of a bitch, I want to kick your ass.” I could hear him laughing to himself.

I hung there for some time, until his voice came from behindd me, “Did you miss me, Slut?” He walked around in front of me. In his hands was his rope-bag. He walked all the way around me, his eyes taking me in.

“Where did you go you fucking pervert.” He walked back around and dropped the rope-bag in front of me.

His blade came out, its blade slipped between my breast, with a quick flick the simple ribbon that held the cups of my bra together Parted, revealing my erect nipples. His fingers reached out and tweaked the buds of my nipples. I moaned as he knew just what turned my crrank. With two more flicks of his knife the scraps of my bra fluttered to the floor.

He walked around behind me and whispered in my ear, “You are such a slut.” His hands cupped my breast as he ground his leather clad crotch into my ass. “You are my slut.”

“Please may I cum?” I begged.

His fingers pulled on my nipples, “What did you ask, slut?”

“Can this slut please cum?”

“Are you my dirty little slut.” His hand moved down to the outside of soaked panties.

“Yes, I am your dirty little slut.”

“Then you can cum.” I ground my wet crotch into his gloved hand, he held me as my orgasm washed over me.

After the first of the night’s orgasm faded away he whispered in my ear.”I am going to lower you to your feet okay?” He used the remote to lower the bar above my head. He unlocked the cuffs letting my arms hang down at my side.

Once I was steady on my feet again, he stepped out from behind me and smiled before pulling a coil of rope. His hands spun the rope out and then began wrapping my chest in a neighbor harness. The green dyed rope filled my nostrils with the grassy smell of good hemp rope. The rope tightening around my chest, bringing me back to focus on where I stood. His ropes pushed my breasts out far better than any wonder-bra ever could.

He walked around behind me, I felt him grab the knot in between my shoulder blades before pushing me forward. The ropes tightened around my chest as mybreast seemed to float free. Only held to my chest by his ropes. He walked back in front of me, taking the knot between my breasts. He pushed me backward and his ropes held me tightly.

“Open your mouth slut.” From his rope bag he produced a slim purple vibe, sticking it in my mouth, “Suck.”.

His knife reappeared with two quick flicks and my panties fell to the floor. He added Another rope to the harness, it had knots every few inches. He ran this knotted pair of ropes between my legs, and between my ass cheeks and going on either side of my vulva. I could feel a small knot in the rope pressing against my flesh on either side of my asshole. The ropes looped through the front of my harness. He reached up, gripping the vibe in my mouth.

“Give me the toy, my little pet.” He placed another toy between my lips, this one slim black butt plug. before setting the purple toy into ropes and pressed it against my pussy lips, before parting my lips and seating the vibe inside my pussy.

He gripped my hair, “Kneel slut.” As my knees folded he guided down.

“Give me that butt toy my little ass slut,” He took the toy from me, “Head down and that sweat ass up.”

I could hear a pump squirt behind me, before his finger probed my ass, lubing it for the plug. He pushed the plug inside my ass. The vibe caressed my g-spot as the butt plug filled my ass.

“Stand.” He used the chest harness to lift me back onto my feet. He pulled the rope backward between my legs. I could feel the ropes frame my ass cheeks as he ran them up to the chest harness. He tightened the ropes, pressing the vibe and the butt plug deeper into me. I let out a moan as he squeezed another orgasm out of me.

“Did you cum Slut?” His hand tangled in my hair, as his other slapped my ass cheek.

“Yes,” He slapped my other ass cheek, “You made me cum.”

“Did you ask to come?” He smacked the first ass cheek again.

“No.” He slapped my second ass cheek again, “Back on your knees slut.” As I went back onto my knees his ropes moved the toys inside me.

He unzipped his pants extracting his hard cock from the skin tight leather, “Now, little whore, you are going to learn why all you are good for is a place to dump my spunk. Suck my cock.”

My tongue flicked out lapping at the head of his cock, his cock tasted of leather, sweat and pre-cum. I closed my lips around his head and my tongue swirled. I pushed forward, sucking his shake into my mouth. I buried my nose in the thatch of his pubes as his cock bumping against the back of my throat. Looking up I could see him grab the bar over our heads.

As I pulled back I pressed my tongue along the vein of his shake. I could him suck in air as my teeth dragged across the helmet of cock. I sucked on his head gently, before swirling my tongue around that fat shaft. I kept sucking, bobbing my head up and down and my tongue flicking his head. I wrapped left arm around his thighs and cupped his balls inmy right. My head bobbed up and down on his shake, sucking gently.

He thrust deep into my mouth. “Do you want my cum, slut?”

I bobbed up and down on his shake pleading with my eyes for his jizz. “Suck my cock you little whore.” I sped up my sucking till I felt his balls lift in my hand and he cried out spilling his spunk down my throat.

I kept sucking till he stopped cumming, leaning back I let his penis fall from my lips. Licking the last of his spent seed from his cock head. He smiled down at me, “You are a good little slut.”


He grabbed the ropes of the chest harness lifting me into the air, the ropes tying my feet to the floor stopping my upward movement. “You are my slut.”

“I am not a slut.”

“You stood there as I cut your clothes off and tied you up in my ropes. Then begged me to come in your mouth.” He shook me gently, “You are my slut.”

“No, I am a woman.”

“Yes you are my woman, my slut.” His words claiming me made my heart sing. He set me down on my feet, before stepping backward. He tucked his cock back into his pants as he walked away. Leaving her standing in the middle of the room, tied to the floor.

He came back, holding a garment bag and a bottle of water, “Drink.”

As I drank the cool water he untied my feet from the floor, I only had a sip left when he slapped it out of my hand. “I said drink, not sip.” he grabbed my chin pulling my eyes up to meet him. “You are my slut, when I give you an order it is to be obeyed, is that clear, slut?”

I tried to nod my head but his grip on my head moved, “Don’t try to look away from me.”

“Yes it is clear.”

“Good what are you”

“Your slut.” Admitting it, saying those words made my pussy quiver, wanting nothing More than for him to use me as his slut.

“Now put this on.” From the garment bag he produced a blue dress, a pair of white lace bloomers and chemise. “You are mine and even though you are a slut you will at leastdress like a proper lady.”

The chemise went over my head and with a little coated drawn over my rope harnessed chest and stopped just past the top of my hips. Next I stepped into the bloomers, he pulled each of the leg holes closed around my ankles before tying the draw strings to the ropes that wrapped my feet, ankles and shoes. He pulled the wait drawstring tight around my waist.

He reached his hand into the slit Between the legs of the lacy legs, “Even though these look like proper ladies underwear,” His hand brushed against the outer lips of my pussy spread around the dildo he placed between them.

“These are designed for sluts like yourself.” His other hand slid down my back and into that same slit and cupped my ass, his finger lightly pressing on the silica plug nestled there. He took his hands away before I could reach another orgasm, stepping away he picked up the blue dress.

“Arms up,” He dropped the dress over my head, it settled on my shoulders with my arms in each sleepe.

“Arms down.” He pulled the lacing tight on my forearms, tying the ends with neighbor bows at my elbows. He walked around behind me tugging on the lacing at the back of the dress, the boning was too flexible for the dress to be a true corset more like a bustier, it still pulled tight pressing the lines of rope work deeper into my skin. The petticoats and bloomers made the dress poof out.


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