Prologue: The debt reconciliation plan that Diane’s husband had worked out for her had so far been fairly humiliating but bearable. Now, after having watched Cal cum in Bren’s (Cal’s ex-girlfriend’s) mouth and butt, and cleaning them both up with her tongue, Diane was being required to write a letter of thanks to Bren for demonstrating the proper techniques needed to be used to satisfy her husband’s sexual needs. Still, Diane felt it was well worth it, considering the impossible debt that her husband was assuming for her. It was also OK that he wanted her to request additional training because she had actually learned a lot about what to do and not to do to be a good slut wife.
Dear Bren / Mistress Teacher
Thank you so much for showing me how to properly and effectively take care of my husband’s cock, and making me lick your pussy and bottom after he fucked and cummedin you. Your pussy is the first pussy I have ever eaten and I have to admit that it actually tasted very delicious, especially when it was covered and dripping with my husband’s sperm. I also enjoyed licking your butt hole and will do it again if you would like me to?
Anyway, more to the point, I would like to request additional slut training. I have been practicing how you showed me how to jack off and suck Cal’s cock, and I feel that I am ready for more Mistress Teacher Training. I am still having a little trouble with anal sex because I got scared when Cal presses his hard cock against my ass hole and I tighten up and he cannot get it in. I wish I could learn to relax and let him ram my butt and pull my hair, like he did when he was fucking you. It was so sexy when he was doing you that way and you made him cum in there! Please help me to learn how to do this and I will be forever grateful.
Sincerely Diane
AFresh reviewing the letter and giving it his stamp of approval, Cal instructed Diane to include the picture he had of Diane crying in embarrassment and pain as Cal attempted, unsuccessfully, to ease his Giant Cock into Diane’s Butt. Again Diane thought it cruel and humiliating but well worth it considering her alternatives, so she assimilated the letter and photo in an e-mail and forwarded the package to Bren without any further complaint.
Bren laughed hysterically upon reading Diane’s message. Everything was working out to perfection; she had got to have sex with her favorite man, right in front of his little wife, and now his wife was becoming her for more!
“That little Slut Wife is really gunna learn her lesson this time!” Bren murmured under her breath.
Bren’s mind had been anything but idle since the day she had initiated Diane’s training, and now she was ready to apply the consummating conclusion in providing Diane with a lesson in password that neither her, nor Cal, would soon forget. Indeed, Bren only hoped that this next session with Diane would transform her into the despottic whore that Cal generally wanted her to be. And so, making a single phone call, Bren set the wheels in motion.
Ring–Ring–Ring “Hello?” A voice on the other end of the phone grew.
“Hey Steve, how’s it hangin?” Bren greeted inquisitively.
“Bren! Hey there woman, you know perfectly well ‘how it’s hangin,’ big and fat and just for you!
“Mmmmm, You know just how to say what a girl needs to hear!”
“Thanks Hun.” Steve’s voice softened as he continued, “Is there something you need little darlin?”
“Well, do you remember me telling you about that chick, Diane, whose husband was going to try to use her to make money?”
“Sure do, you said you were gunna ‘Break her in and show her what it means to be a Slut Wife.’ How’s she doing?”
“Well she’s trying, but she really needs to be shown the ropes and given the full treatment. If you kNow What I mean?”
“If you are saying that you would like to recruit my assistance, no problem, I will do whatever you would like to support your training of the little Wifey!”
“Actually, I would like you and one of your buddies to help me if it’s not asking too much?”
“Sure darlin, I’ll bring 4 or five guys if you want?”
“OK Steve if you and one of your buds will come over to my place, I’ll fill you guys in on all the details.”
“You want us to come over tonight then?”
“Tonight would be great! See you when you get here!”
Two weeks later Bren, Steve and his friend named Zack were ready to provide Diane with the sex lesson of a lifetime. Diane had been instructed to be prepared to receive and entertain the Two guests and her Mistress Teacher on Friday evening at 8:00 sharp. She had also been instructed to be clad only in black siletto heels, a black garter belt, a black shelf bra and a sheer ‘very sheer’ peek-a-boo gown. Cal had also been informedd that Diane would be receiving guests and that he should be prepared to spend most of the evening with Bren.
Knock–Knock–Knock Bren sounded on the door.
Diane opened the door just enough to see for sure who it was, and then smiled warmly looking deep into Bren’s eyes as she swung the door wide for her guests. Diane still clung to the idea that Bren was somehow going to turn the tables on Cal, and that by Her bringing the other men she could spark an element of jealousy in him that would make the whole ordeal at least a little more bearable. Diane proceeded to strut around the group, maintaining her composition and trying to capture as much attention as possible. The male guests were clearly eyeing her sexy outfit and luscious nipples that protruded from the top of her shelf bra and appeared obviously through her sheer gown. Cal emerged from the kitchen carrying a six-pack of Heineken and offered each his own, as Bren made introductions while they shook hands and popped theirtops.
“Cal, I would like you to meet my assistants Steve and Zack, who will be providing the majority of Diane’s training this evening. I know they are very qualified, based on my own experience, and I’m sure that Diane will learn a great deal from them, if she will not ask any questions but just do as they tell her.”
“Did you hear that sweetheart? You are to treat these two men just as you treated Bren during your last session, simply do as you are told and learn as much as you can from these fine men.”
“Yes Dear.” Came Diane’s pert response as she sexually attempted to cover her nipples while massaging them in a circular motion with the palms of her hands.
“You will refer to your male instructors as Master Steven and Master Zackary for the rest of the night, and I would like for you to begin by walking around in a circular motion for all of us to observe you until we are ready to start your formal training.”
Diane took advantage of the opportunity to impress her guests by strutting heartily and letting her titles bounce prominently as she obeyed her orders from Bren. Bren also took advantage of the situation by openly grouping Cal’s crotch to find his cock rising to the occasion.
“Diane looks stunning tonight doesn’t she Cal?” Bren inquired of Cal.
“She actually looks to me like she might be enjoying herself a little too much. I hope your friends here will be able to put her in her rightful place, and wipe that little smile, I see, off her face.” Cal said disapprovingly as Diane continued her strutting.
Then as if in response to Cal’s comments, Diane walked, rather boldly, up to Steve and gropeed his crotch while asking, “Yes Dear, I hope that Master Steven will be teaching me how to take his cock in my Bottom?”
Diane then turned again and strutted away, wiggling her ass as much as possible, while continuing to walk around the perimeter of the living room.
“Don’t you worry about a thing there buddy, your little wife will be begging for mercy, and changed for ever by the time the night is over.” Steve said reassuringly to Cal.
“All right then fallas, get it on and bang a gong I guess, Bren and I will just wait in the kitchen, until you need us, or more beer, or whatever. Just Let us know if you need anything.”
Cal could not understand how or why, but he was starting to feel just a little bit anxious about everything at this point, maybe it was because the whole thing had been his idea from the beginning. Somehow though, he was feeling a loss, and almost felt himself start to call the whole thing off. Thank God Bren was there to help him feel like he was still at least a little bit in charge. It was also comforting to know that he had set up the hidden camera, and that anything that went on in the bedroom would be Digitally captured for him to view from the kitchen monitor and review after everyone had left.
“We should have everything we need right here.” Zack said, as hepatted on the heavy duffle bag he held dangling from his strong right hand.
“We could probably use a refresher on beer and will be ready to show you our progress with Diane in about 30 minutes.” Steve summarized as he looked at his watch and gave Zack an agreeing thumbs up.
Bren took Cal’s hand and led him quietly back towards the kitchen as the two men took one each of Diane’s hands, and led her towards the bedroom. Bren continued to rub and pet on Cal, reassuring him that everything would work out for the best for him and Diane and that he need not worry. Cal naturally accepted Bren’s comforting words and allowed her to nuzzle his head in her bosom.
“Let’s have a little lunch to tide us over until they are ready for us.” Bren suggested.
“Sounds like a good idea to me baby!” Cal exclaimed as he pulled away from her chest, sniffling a little, and wiping a tear from his eye.
Cal went out on the deck and fired up the gas grill, and tried to push the idea of his lovely wife being trained by two hunky men, as far from his mind as possible. He had bought five fresh steaks and marinated them overnight, just for the occasion. Cal couldn’t wait to get the delicious smell of char grilled steak into the air. Knowing that the trio in the bedroom would not be ready to eat for a while and knowing that it would be a long day, Cal put just two of the steaks on the grill. Bren turned on the radio and turned it up nice and loud, adding an arousing atmosphere and perfect cover (for the loud and unrefined noises coming from the bedroom).
Bren did an excellent job of distracting Cal, by rubbing his shoulders, and pressing her big boobies against his back whenever he would flinch from the violent sounds that occasionally rose above the roaring Rock and Roll music. Bren also made it a point to see that Cal was sporting at least a semi hard on, indicating his true feelings about what was most likely happening to his wife.
“Do you have any idea whattype of lesson those men are teaching Diane?” Cal finally asked. “And do you think we should monitor what is happening on the computer?”
“Um, Well, I think they are giving her something called ‘The Full Treatment,’ at least that is what Steve told me they were going to go for. I hope we haven’t gone too far? But, although it is tempting to watch, I think it would be more fun to just wait and let it be a surprise when we get to see their success with her, when they call us in. That is, if you can handle the wait while we eat our steaks?” (Bren licked her lips and eyed Cal’s bulging crotch)
“As long as we get the desired results, I don’t think it will hurt, even if they do go a little over the top. Diane is a pretty tough woman and should be able to handle just about anything they can dish out.” Cal reasoned.
The timing couldn’t have been more perfect; Bren and Cal had spent the last 45 minutes enjoying their salad and steak lunch, and were just getting ready for desert, when they heard Steve calling for them to come to the bedroom.
“Oh Caaall, come and see your lovely bride, she is all dressed up and ready for you to view!” Steve spurted from the half cracked bedroom door.
Cal quickly grabbed another six pack of Heineken, and Bren, as they headed towards the bedroom.
The view was spectacular; Diane was crouched on her knees on a settee at the foot of their bed. Her elbows were tied tightly together, behind her back, while her wrists were tied with a rope that circled her Breasts and pulled her hands towards one another, thus forcing and pinning the palms of her hands to rest on top of her titles. The pretty, sheer gown, had been split, and each half had been wrapped around her neck, in opposite circular directions, and pulled back to form a crude harness. Zack was positioned directly in front of Diane with his massive cock standing on end, just inches from her open mouth, as he lifted vertically, and held firmly, to the sheer matErial wrapped around her neck. When Diane momentarily turned her head towards Cal, he could see that her bottom lip was swollen and her cheeks were distinctly reddened as if they had been slapped. Her makeup was roughly smeared across her face, and if he wasn’t mistaken, she had what looked like a black eye forming on the right side The only other article of clothing that remained was her high heels that clung tightly to her bare feet as they pointed backward, like a frame, outlining her large round and vulnerably prone, bare bottom.
“Actually, it has been a little rough and we still have not been able to get Diane’s bottom loose enough for anything to get in it. What we would like, is for you to join us in this final task where we will have to use some tricks to get her to loosen up just a little bit more.”
“Whatever you need?” Cal said obligingly as he handed each of the men a fresh beer.
“OK then, what we will need, is for you to provide your sperm to be applied toDiane’s bottom. Do you think you could do that, I mean, could you lubricate Diane’s little poopy hole with your cum?”
“Sure, I can do that, I would love to do that!” Cal happily exclaimed.
Cal dropped his pants immediately and began struggling his cock. Bren naturally stepped up to help and fell to her knees, offering to suck him, as Cal strained eagerly to reach a climax. Within moments Cal pulled his penis from Bren’s hungry mouth, and ejaculated directly on Diane’s tight little ass hole. All-the-while, Zack expertly kept his own cock just out of Diane’s reach, restricting her fulfillment, as she strained to lick and flick it’s massive head with her tongue.
Steve moved quickly into place, and used his giant cock to scoop the sperm running down Diane’s crotch. Then, applying more than a little pressure, he attempted, unsuccessfully, to push himself into Diane’s butt. When Zack saw that Steve was still struggling to enter Diane’s ass he used his free hand to slap Dianehard across the face and then pointed his Cock straight at Diane’s open mouth while nodding to her, indicating that if she would cooperate she could have her lollipop. Diane hesitated for just a second, recovering from her slap and then murmured a subtle protest before surprisingly leaning down and bearing rearward, wiggling her ass to accept its prodding intruder.
“That’s it baby, let me in there.” Steve said as he retired to dip the head of his cock back into the pool of sperm on Diane’s butt.
As the head of his swollen cock entered her, she recovered up and began to howl, but just as quickly, Zack powerfully stuffed his cock into her mouth, effectively squelching her persistent shrieks of fear and pain. Slowly, as Cal and Bren watched spellbound, Diane began to regain her composition. When she finally seamed to be perfectly comfortable, Steve took hold of the sheer gown and the rope tied between her elbows and used them, as leverage, to fully embed himself into Diane’s bottom. And once again, Zack used his engaged cock to muffle her screams and cries, as Steve pounded her from behind.
Stopping for just a moment, Steve inquired of Diane. “Are you having any fun there little lady?”
“Ughmph!” Came Diane’s gagged response as she ‘positively’ rocked her head on Zack’s Cock, which was inextricably buried in the back of her throat.
“Very good, we’ll take it from here you two. Thank you for your help.” Steve said politely as he excused Cal and Bren from the bedroom.
As Cal and Bren left and shut the door behind them, the sound of Diane’s ass being vigorously slapped and her reciprocating muffled screams resumed.
“Wow, those guys are good! I don’t know if I could have ever made that happen.” Cal commented Bren.
“You are welcome darling, but I am a little upset about something.”
“What, what are you upset about sugar?”
“Well, I thought that you might express your thanks to me by giving me a nice little fucking, but now that you are spend, I guess I’m not gunna get anything.”
“Well, I have worked up an appetite and if you would like me to have you for dessert; I could do that?”
Cal gently lifted Bren up, while she lifted her skirt, and placed her on the kitchen table. Cal spent the next 20 minutes licking her sopping wet pussy and bringing her to multiple climaxes.
“Oh, that feels so good Cal, did you like watching your wife get ass and face fucked by my friends?”
Pausing from his pussy dish, Cal replied, “I am going to like all the money I’m gunna make selling that video, that is what I am liking!”
Bren came hard, thrusting her hips into Cal’s face as she mumbled vulgarities about how his wife was now a full blown slut, and cock craving whore.
Again with perfect timing, Steve called for the pair to return.
“Hey you guys, time for the best part, come on and join us all in the bathroom! Oh, and bring a bar stool.”
Cal and Diane’s bathroom was quitenice, with sand colored tile covering the floor and half the wall of the walk in shower: Plenty of room for five or more people at a time.
Diane’s cum covered body was positioned in the center of the shower floor, squatting on an empty beer bottle that was installed in her anus and protruding, like a tiny stool, from underneath her bottom. Her arms and hands were yet bound, and she moaned quietly and contented as she used her restricted hands to mass sprinkled droplets of sperm into her breasts.
“Wow, you guys have really done a nice job here!”
“Yes Cal, your wife is now an irreversibly and forever changed woman! She will probably begin to crave many a cock, in search of rediscovering the heights of sexual pleasure she has enjoyed today, and you will need to help provide her with what she needs or she may actually start entertaining Thoughts of leaving.”
“Nothing to worry about there, she owes too much cashola to just disappear or think about dividend, and I have plans to use this little transformation to compensate me well for my troubles.”
“Anyway Cal, I thought that you would enjoy helping us give Diane a little shower before we go?” Steve continued.
“OK, but hold on a second.” Cal Said, as he quickly retrieved their backup VCR camera and tripod and set it up at the edge of the walk in shower, where it could capture the foul events that were about to occur.
As soon as the camera was set up, Cal took his position between the two men, and put his finger under Diane’s jaw, lifting her eyes to his. Understanding her obligation, Diane opened her mouth and extended her tongue just as the three men began to simultaneously Pee. Steve and Zack splashed their pee against Diane’s entire body; starting with her breasts and hands, and working their way down to her cunt, they didn’t and washed their urine against Diane’s sticky, cum encrusted torso. Cal directed his pee straight onto Diane’s tongue and into her mouth, periodically letting the stream of hot fluid splatter against her face. Diane was obviously a changed woman, and took her Golden Shower without a flinch, gargling, swallowing, rotating, and posturing, so as to capture the flowing river of beer laden pee that washed over her.
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