Willing to Learn

A special thanks goes to redfoxxy1959, for her most helpful input on the story line, and actual writing of ‘The Sexy Letter’.


The Problem:

Having was married for five short years, enjoying all of the attributes of marriage, including a fair amount of sex, Diane and Cal were almost the idyllic couple. Almost, except for one major bump in the road, that being, the accumulation of an inordinate amount of credit card debt, all due to the unbridled spending passages of Diane. Despite the fact, and possible because of the fact, that Cal made a healthy income, and was fully able and willing to pay all of the household bills, Diane could not resist privately using her personal credit cards to buy endless numbers of bobbles and trinkets. Whereas Cal, admittedly being one willing to ‘give the benefit of the doubt’, had allowed his wife to get herself to this point of no return, before confronting and offering the following (his) solution toher prediction.


The Agreement:

“Good morning Dear.” Cal chimed pleasantly as Diane entered the kitchen.

“Yeah, what’s so good about it?”

“Well for one thing, I have prepared you this delicious breakfast that includes bacon, eggs, cream-of-wheat, orange slices and some big fluffy pancakes. So grab yourself a cup of coffee and I’ll serve you too, if you like?”

“Humph.” Diane exclaimed, interrupting and eyeing Cal rarely. “So why don’t you just go ahead and tell me what it is, that you are trying so hard to ‘butter me up for’?” Diane barked, not knowing just how close she was, to hitting the nail on the head, with her cheeky expression of skepticism.

“You Just relax, ‘butter up your pancakes’, enjoy your breakfast, and we can talk about whatever we need to talk about, after we have eaten.”

“Yep, just like I figured, you always have some lame ultimate motor, whenever you pretend to do anything nice!”

Diane had always exhibited a rather pronounced mean streak, but Cal had come to understand that this was really just her way of dealing with difficult situations, and life’s little stressors. Unfortunately, it was Diane’s pert attitude that had really got her in hot water with her creditors to begin with, leaving her remaining balances to be subject to the highest interest rates and multiitudes of penalty fees.

“Forget it, I can’t even eat now, you tell me what the #%&@# your talking about so I can get on with this lousy day.”

“I really wish you would eat and try to accept my generosity without all the fuss.”

“Generosity, is that what you call ruining my whole day?”

“I assure you, I do not want to ‘ruin your whole day’, I just want for us to make some plans, and arrange for you to be able to take care of your current financial situation.”

“My financial situation is none of your business, and I wish that you would just keep your nose out of it.”

“Diane, I promised you that I would let you take care of all the bills and ‘your’ accounts, as long as you would not put us in jeopardy. But..!” Cal went on, interrupting Diane’s attempt to cut in. “I can no longer ignore the phone calls and mounting debt that you have so inexpertly generated. Whether you believe it or not, your debt now threatens our ability to go on.”

“And what exactly do you mean by ‘our ability to go on’?” Diane asked haughtily, struggle to maintain her composition and dignity.

“What I mean by ‘stability’ is, if you want me to be able to support us and keep the things we now have, you are going to have to learn to live by my rules, or I will be forced to let you go.”

“Let me go? You wouldn’t dare! I would sue you for everything and get plenty of alimony to boot and you know it!” Diane exclaimed with confidence. “Is that what you want?”

“For the record, I do not want a dividend, I do want you to get out of debt, and I am willing to help you. If on the other hand, you are not willing to let me help you, ‘my way’, I will be forced to cut my losses, and pay; whatever the cost of dividend might be for me. I also believe that you would be better off, by allowing me to help you directly, instead of trying to get an attorney to force me to pay your credit card debt or whatever. So go ahead and check with an attorney if you want, but crunch your numbers carefully, because you could stand to do a lot worse than having to deal with me.”

“Deal with you huh, and what exactly do I have to do to ‘deal with you’?”

“Well first, like any good credit consolidation company would do, I must require you to surrender and destroy all of your credit cards and close the accounts and swear to not open any new accounts until your bad debt is paid, in full.”

Diane knew that her debt was pretty bad, but for lack of sufficient planning and budgeting, all she could be sure of, was that she definitely did not have the resources to even makeher minimum payments. As far as getting an attorney and a dividend, she really didn’t want to suffer the humiliation, and, wasn’t sure if she would, as Cal had put it, be able to get enough support money from a dividend to pay her bills, and have enough left over for any kind of a decent living.

“And that’s it?” Diane continued indignantly. “Is that all I need to do for you to ‘help me’?”

“No hon, there are a few more rules; Like having a positive attitude, a desire for straightening up your act, and a willingness to do some special things to compensate me for digging you out of your debt.”

Given that Diane had always put up a coordinate exterior in front of her husband, she had to admit that she had usually overdone it, and could probably do a little better job of trying to be hospitalable. She was also aware of the fact that she had denied Cal of many sexual favors, and that her ‘special compensations’ in accordance with the arrangement he was proposing would most likely ininclude some form of kink. Why not give it a try, she began to think; by simply allowing some sexual extravagances like, hand jobs, oral swallowing, and anal, she thought to herself, she could still be getting the better end of the stick, while letting Cal worry about all the bills.

“I suppose you will require me to fuck you every day, won’t you?”

“No, that is silly, besides, its’ not the quantity, but the quality, that I am interested in.”

“The quality?!” Diane barked. “I have always given you quality sex, I am certain that you can not get any more ‘quality’ from me, than you are already getting.”

“No, that is true darling you are correct, but I do have some special tricks for you to learn, and assignments for you to perform.”

“What kind of ‘tricks’ are you talking about and just how do you suppose it is, that I am suppose to learn them?”

“So, do you agree to the arrangement, or not?” Cal asked poignantly, clearly indicating by the folding of arms, that he did not want to reveal any additional information about ‘The Arrangement’, until Diane had made some sort of decision.”

Diane groaned her capitulation, “I suppose.”

Cal acknowledged as he pulled out a folded up piece of notebook paper from his pocket. “Very well then.”

“What the heck is that?”

“This my dear, is a contract.” Cal explained calmly.

“A contract, what in the world do you think I am gunna do, run away?”

“Let’s just say, I want to make our arrangement 100 percent clear.”

The contract that Cal presented to Diane, specified the exact amount of responsibility that each of them would presume; Cal would have total fiscal liability, while Diane would simply be obligated to obey Cal’s wishes. Further the contract stated that Diane would resume all financial responsibility for her indebtedness, if anytime before the debt was paid, she decided that she could no longer bear to obey the requests of her husband. Knowing that she reallyhad nothing to lose by signing the agreement, Diane snagged the piece of paper and walked to the kitchen kiosk. Abruptly pulling a pen from the desk-set Diane scratched a wild signature and handed the signed contract back to her husband.

Payback Time

“There, now you worry about all the bills, and I’ll be your stupid little sex slave. Tell me ‘Master’ what is your first wish?” Diane stated sarcastically, as she staunchly stood, with her hands on her hips.

“OK, If you think your ready, I want you to go back to the bedroom, strip, and dress up in your black high heels, lacy black garter belt (No Panties), and shelf bra. When you are ready, come back to the kitchen and wait while I log in to my online meeting room, where there are several of my friends and a few strangers, who will be witnessing our initial cosigning and your acts of fulfillment towards our arrangement.”

“This is so dumb, you planned this whole thing out.” Diane mumbled almost inaudibly, as she turned and stomped her way to the bedroom. “You just better be sure you know what you are doing, because I am not going to cover for you if you get either of us in trouble.”

When Diane returned to the kitchen, dressed as instructed and peeking around the corner, she could hear the voices of the internet group coming from the computer speakers. Apparently they were already talking about her, and were waiting for some kind of a ‘show’. On their kitchen table Diane took note of the fly swatter, riding crop, a pair of her satin panties and a pink doggie collar attached to a short lean. The chocolate sound of digitalized laughter echoed throughout the well lit kitchen and kiosk area, contrary sharply with the pronounced look of dismay and disgust emanating from Diane. Yet she stood, waiting to be used, embarrassed, or otherwise instructed to perform some degrading act of humiliation, all for the unwarranted pleasure of her husbands perverted satisfaction.

The Show

“Now I would like for you to stand in front of the camera, and show my friends your pretty face and sexy little outfit.” Cal spoke, finally taking notice of Diane’s state of prepareness as she stood idly against the edge of the open doorway.

On the computer screen, Diane saw 5 separate windows, each containing an individual participant in the online meeting. One of the participants, Bren, Diane recognized as Cal’s ex-girlfriend and lover just prior to their marriage. There was also in attendance, Mike, Cal’s so called best friend from work, two strangers, and to her amazement a woman she knew from church. Diane’s mind was racing as she tried to think of some way to make Cal’s little hidebound charade backfire, and thinking that maybe if she throw herself into the part and prepared to actually enjoy it, Cal would get jealous and put a stop to the Befoul party. Ergo, Diane strutted confidently in front of the computer’s camera and proceeded to boldly shake her boobs for her audience, then turning sideways she arched her back to accentuate her ass and breast, again jiggling and presenting. Next, she pirouetted, setting with her back to the camera, bending all the way over, gripping the spikes of her heels to pose and wiggle her butt like a target.

“Gosh, I think she is enjoying this, what do you guys think?” One of the onlookers commented.

“I think we should provide this little dancer with some music.” Suggested one of the others.

“Yes, yes.” They chanted.

“First I would like for all of you to witness Diane’s signing of our agreement.” Cal requested very formally, as he pulled a document from a manilla folder in the desk drawer below the computer.

“I already signed that stupid thing!” Diane Barked.

“If you mean it, when you signed it, you would not be talking to me like that! Now I would like for you to reaffirm you commit to fulfill all of the details of our agreement, right her in front of our friends, by reading this agreementout loud, and signing it again, that is, if you want me to fulfill ‘my part’ of the obligation.”

Cal retired to the living room and selected some classic danceable rock, while Diane stood and read and signed their agreement in front of the computer. When she had finished and turned to hand the signed contract back to Cal, she found Cal waiting with the pair of satin panties that had been sitting on the table, balled up and readied for her mouth.

“There’s your music sugar, now show our guests how much you like to dance.” Cal said, as he shoved the satisfaction panties into Diane’s mouth. Diane garbled some inaudible complaint through her engaged mouth and turned once again to face her audience.

Doing everything within in her power to overplay the situation, Diane began by hoisting up her leg to adjust the suspensions of her garter belt, then slapped her fanny, and began pointing her titles with her cupped hands, using her fingers to play with her nipples and clip, and evenspreading her butt cheats to show her asshole, crotch and cunt. Winking her eyes and wagging her head she temporarily removed the panties from her mouth to lick her lips, and blow a kiss towards the camera in time with the music. Without knowing exactly when it happened, Diane started to enjoy the sounds of hooting and hollering from her digital benefactors. Even when they started calling her names like slut wife, and nasty whore, their insults only fueled her desire to perform. All the while, Cal stood, watching with resolute satisfaction and dictatorship as his wife attempted to be her naughtiest.

“Hey Cal, don’t you think she might be enjoying this just a little bit too much?” Came one of the voices.

“What do you think we should do to remedy the situation?”

“Spanking!” Came the harmonious and synchronized cry, to a somewhat surprised Diane.

“Yes, great idea. Here hold on to the arms of this (office chair) and point that fanny of yours towards the camera.” Cal ordered succinctly.

Diane moved into position and turned her nose up and snorted as if to say ‘I can take anything you have to dish out’. Cal spanked Diane harshly with his bare hand, and pursued her as her body instinctively tried to move away, giving nice profile and angled views of her punishment, and jiggling titles. When his hand began to fatigue, Cal prolonged the exercise, by obtaining and institution a fly-swatter to apply swift applications of punishment to Diane’s already reddening hindquarters. Diane’s titles bounced abruptly with each swack, as she bit down hard on the panty wad in her mouth, to hide and endure the pain. After a while her ass cheeses actually began to numb, and before long she found that she could once again act along the pretense of being in control, and resumed wiggling her derrière voluptuously. Naturally the spectators were apt enough to realize Diane’s convolutions and reacted according to suggest and admonish her wanton sluttiness.

“Now honey, walk around a little bit and show everyone what a naughty girl gets to do in her spare time.” Cal instructed as he picked up and installed the pink collar and lean around Diane’s neck.

Using her new manacle, Cal pulled Diane down on all fours and tugged at the leash, clearly indicating for her to heel. Leading in a tight circle around the kitchen floor, Cal began to train Diane to recognize and Follow his subtle movements and instructions. After about five complete circles, Cal stopped and put his foot on the end of the leash and stepped on it, forcing Diane to lean her face close to the floor. Stabilizing himself Cal picked up the riding crop and ran it lightly over the surface of Diane’s rump before making the first swat. Diane was a little started by the initial sensing, and loud snap, when the instrument struck her upturned ass, but replaced her composer quickly enough to control her moans and muffled screams while her punishment ensured.

With her ass nicely reddened, Cal lifted on the leash instructing Diane to return to her feet and walk around. In her present condition Diane was truly acting a little more humble, and walked calmly but strictly with her collar and lean easily restricting her movements while her heels lifted and presented each of her butt cheats in turn. Naturally the onlookers made suggestive comments as she struggled before them with her newly acquired submissive style.

“Now I would like for you to sit and write a letter, requesting for each of our friends here, to describe what each of them would do to you, if you were their girlfriend or wife, or lover.

The recipients all jeered and made suggestions as Diane typed upon the computer keyboard which posted her script on a whiteboard for all to see and redline. After Diane had finished writing her letter, Cal had Diane stand up and pulled her lean tight so that her body arched backward pushing her breasts almost completely out of the tiny black lace shelf bra. Cal wrapped the remaining tether around her body trapping her arms to her side, providing a handle for him to hold while he unzipped his pants and guided his cock to fuck her doggie style. Diane fought some and made a great deal of noise through her panty gagged mouth, as Cal pulled her hair back to the point that she was looking up at the ceiling while he satisfied himself fucking her roughly and calling her raunchy names.

Having finished the first milestone of their new arrangement, Cal bid adieu to their online friends, but not without promising them another chance to watch Diane perform for them in the near future.

“So is that it, you want the world to watch me submit to you abusing me sexually?” Diane inquired after she had removed the gag from her mouth.

“No, no, no, there will be much more for you to do. This is just the beginning. What I am looking for is a total change in your overall attitude about me and my friends. For instance, I don’t remembersaying it was OK for you to remove those panties from your mouth.”

“So are we done for today, or is there something else you want me to do before I go get some groceries. We are running low on a few items and I would like to get them today.” Diane asked rather politely before shoving her panties back into her mouth.

“Well we can be done, and you can go get some groceries, but, I want you to write one more letter for me as soon as you get a chance.”

“Yes master.” Diane replied, “What kind of a naughty little letter would you like me to write for you?”

“The letter is not for me, it is especially for Bren. You know how you have been cold and distant with her, well, I would like for you to write a make-up letter to her.”

“Are you serious, I think that woman would steal you from me in a minute if she had half a chance, and I know you have never really forgot her, or the sex you guys used to have when you lived with her.”

“Yes but you also know that she is a wonderful person and would go out of her way to help us in any way she could.”

“So what is it that you want me to say in this ‘letter’ of mine?”

Cal proceeded to tell Diane how she must start out by explaining how thankful she is for the help that Bren has offered and provided, listing some specifics. Next she must apologize and admit to being jealous of Bren’s beauty and charm, Specifically detailing the same, identifying her many sexy attributes. Finally she must also admit that she has been less than cooperative in bed, and that she would really like for Bren to help her become a better lover, by showing her how to perform certain sexual acts, like fallatio, and anal sex, as well as how to use a dildo properly. Cal also instructed Diane to mention that it is OK if she needs to use him, or strangers, to demonstrate certain techniques, and that it’s OK if he and Bren need time together to ‘plan’ or whatever.

“You are really asking a lot you know, I can only try to do this for you I can’t promise anything for sure.”

“Just let me know when you have got a rough draft ready and we’ll take it from there.”

It took three days for Diane to gather the strength and courage to follow through with her promise to write a letter to Bren, but after she finished writing it, she felt quite relieved and happy that she was able to but together such a wonderful combination of apology and invitation.


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