She twisted her wrists. At least, as far as she was able. They were secured together with some kind of clothes that held fast even as it felt as though it had some springiness to it. Wriggling her back was no good. She’d tried it as much as she wanted to. The bar that ran the width of her shoulders was held there by a velcroed strap and wasn’t budgeting. Pushing with her heels was useless, she couldn’t get enough purchase to dig in. Her hands weren’t gaining an inch in their enrapment and she could feel the delicate skin chafing.
She’d thought that this was what she wanted to feel, but now that she was tied, she felt only fear. The stinging of tears welling up inside her and sticking at her eyesashes made her furious at herself for allowing this to happen, Even encouraging it. She arced her back and it raised her buttocks off the carpet almost two inches before she slammed it down in frustration. The thumb sounded loud to her ears and her head knocked against the door as her bodysettled back the way it was.
Her arms reached at the shoulders where they strained against the bindings that held them taut above her head. Her elbows were bound together with her shirt and bra and her knees were held by her skirt and panties twisted together with her jacket in a way that kept her thighs from opening too far. Her ankles were bound together and held apart with a metal rod inside a clothes stick with clamps spaced at intervals just right to maintain the posture he wanted from her. There was another of the straps behind her so that the rod went across her shoulders and held her back, pushing her chest forward. The velcro secured her upper arms and kept her from rolling her shoulders forward. Her nipples wouldn’t relax.
They jutted more than her breasts which had swelled and heaved despite her attempts to bring them under control. It was as though they reached out for more of this even as she wanted it to end and was ready to cry and beg for her release. She wantsd to tell him that she didn’t mean it. She didn’t know what she was asking for when she told him she wanted to be tied and at his mercy. She was afraid he would come back and flick her nipples. They were getting for it, sticking out like this. It would be too tempting. She thought she would do it if she were him.
She gave up testing her ties and her shoulders slumped a little. She felt a wetness Underneath her despite her fear (and probably because of it — if she were being honest). Her juices soaking into the carpet, leaving her with a dry feeling in her mouth.
“Are you through?” His voice was gentle and amused in her ear, yet made her jump and scream. Her shoulders felt the strain from the startle and gave a big twinge of ache, making her moan. “I did tell you, didn’t I, that your wriggling and screaming will only excite me more?”
He had told her that. It only made her more afraid. She knew, too, that screams wouldn’t be heard by neighbors. She’d followed his car up the drive (was it just hours ago?) thinking that very thought. It was a long, lonely drive with old shade trees lining the way. She was thrilled and impressed at his house at first sight. Now, she was scared and nervous and felt as though she’s been hanging for days.
Her thoughts were rudely interrupted by his hard, throbbing cock pushing its way into her mouth. Just as he’d warned her when he was tying her arms (“Your struggles, your screams, your pleasure and squirming will all excite me more than you currently realize”). Forcing her arms together, he’d calmly told her this even as she saw proof of his words bulging in his pants.
His pole came out glistening and rested a moment in front of her eyes before pressing her lips open once again. This time, he grabbed the back of her head and pulled Until she gagged. That sent off a new spate of wiggling and she felt the whole shaft twitch as it rammed further into her throat. She had to open wide for him and her shoulders ached with the added strain.
He kept it up for so long she thought she wouldn’t be able to breathe anymore. At the same time, she felt electricity surging through her and, unbelievably, felt as though she might cum. He yanked it away and she watched it twitch and wave in the air, as though trying to make his body thrust it back into her, then he took it from her sight.
She gasped and shimmied, trying to look where it had gone. There was no sound for a moment, then his voice in her ear, low and menuing made her heart lurch. “That was very good. I want you to suck my cock good. Every time it pushes against your lips, you’ll open and take it whole, as far I want to shove it in. Do you understand?”
She gasped, mouthing “Yes. Please. Yes sir I understand.” She could barely speak, spasms were ripping through her body, making her shudder, her shoulders pull and yank against the ties. “Please.”
His voice went on. “You are not to cum until I tell you to, do you understand?”
“Yes sir. Please.”
“I am going to shove this up your sopping little hole and you will keep it there. Do you understand?” He showed her a large dildo. Her eyes grew round and she nodded, realizing that she had no choice in the matter, tied as she was, but he wanted to emphasize that very fact to her, teasing her with his next move. As he shifted his weight and moved to the side of her, Her eyes followed the waving of his large hard cock. He bent over her and pushed the toy into her in one motion. She felt the juices overflow and run down the crack of her ass. She could have cum, but hold herself back with an enormous effort.
She was shaking with the attempt when he spoke again in her ear. “Good girl. You’re going to learn to control yourself. The first orgasm is mine and you will give it to me each time, when I want it and only when I say. Do you understand?”
“Yes sir.” She was squirming again. His voice making her need to cum more than ever. She could feel a rising urge to let go.
His cock was huge in her face as his hands grabbed the sides of her head and pulled her onto it. She wanted it as much as she’s ever wanted anything and sucked it as far back in her mouth as she was able. She moaned and groaned as she lapped at it with her tongue and nibbled at it with her lips and teeth. As big and hard as it was when he stuck it in her face, it grew more and filled her throat as she pushed forward at it. She wanted more than anything to wrap her hand around it and stroke it as it went in and out of her willing mouth. It helped her forget the thing stretching her pussy and filling her completely. The way a stream of her juices was flowing around it anyway, running down, over her anus. The way she would burst apart if he told her she could let go.
His hands were becoming more independent, pulling at her head, shoving it down over the monster pole harder and harder. She could feel it twitching and she knew it was about to exploit. She wanted it to. Started a steady moan. She means to vibrate her throat to make it feel even better, but all she could manage to do was moan in desperation. As he forced her head down and yanked it back up, her moans were louder and longer. He was fucking his rod with her mouth and she could do nothing but open up and take it.
He stopped suddenly, yanking her head back by the hair and she heard a loud pop as her mouth was forced from her task. She thought he might spray his jism all over her face, she knew he was close to blowing his load, but although the jutting member waved at her, jerked and bucked, and a bead of white pressed out of the slit, he held onto it. The throbbing cock in front of her took on a strange appearance and she marveled at his control. The bead of ninety cum trickled down the tip, thick and sticky and she yearned to lick it off, to run her tongue inside and lap up all she could coat out.
He had a fistful of her hair and pulled her head back, stretching her neck. “You tried to make me cum, didn’t you? Have you been good enough to earn that? Especially in your mouth? Have you been good enough to take my cum on your lips? You didn’t even ask. What makes you think I’m just going to give it to you without you asking for it?”
His lips nibbled at her neck and she lost all idea of what she wanted to tell him or even What he was telling her. “Please.” Was all she could gasp. A shudder ran through her and she became acutely aware of the dildo inside her. Her shoulders shook and her back arched and his hand reached down and pinched her nipple. Hard.
She would have come but for his voice in her ear “Don’t you dare cum. Don’t you fucking dare. Don’t you even think you will. That orgasm is mine and I will take it when I want and when I think you;ve earned it. If you dare let go before that I will punish you in a way that will make you always remember what is mine.”
Far from scaring her off her climax, his voice and demands were making it even harder to hold back. “Oh.” She could barely gasp. “Oh. Please. I can’t help it. Please.” There was a pleading tone in her voice. She thought it sounded whiny and could have kicked herself for it. If she even cared. She was past any measure of control, however.
“Please.” She whispered. “Please.” She begged. She was suddenly past caring. The pressure of the dildo, the ties around her wrists and ankles, the way her elbows and thighs were held apart, the way his cock was waving in front of her eyes with that bead of sticky white delight about to drop off all combined to break her. She burst into a flood of tears. “Please.I can’t hold it.Please let me suck your cock.Please take this thing out.Please fuck me.Please let me cum.” Her words blurred together with her tears and the Agony of the hours before. They came out in a torrent of need, her body emrithing with every breath and stress of each syllable.
Several things happened in succession. His hand released her hair, the enormous pressure in her tunnel gave way, his fingers pinched her nipple again, his mouth covered hers in a gentle probing of her soft lips and she screamed. More of a muffled keening, but it came from deep in her chest where all real screams start. It blew out of her with her breath. With all her self control and self respect.
His lips nibbled softly, gently eating her scream and all the rest of her that was flowing out with it. The scream lasted forever. Lasted her entire life of carefully manicured decline. It lingered as he suckled first the top lip, then the bottom. Finally giving out as he nipped the tip of her tongue. Played out into a sight with a silky “Please” wrapped inside.
“Now.” He said. “Tell me all that again. Slowly, so I can hear you and understand what it is you really want. I want to help you.”
His words ran deep inside her and set off a flow of electricity that built around her and shook her arms, her stomach, her legs. It left a puddle of wetness underneath her and she felt it oozing long after it forced itself out her throat as a drawn out sight.
“You see.” His words were in her ear. “I’m only here to give you what you really need. I will take my pleasure. You are not here for that. You are here to be taken. To have your heart ripped open, your body forced from you, your soul sucked out and then you’ll pick yourself up with what you have left and see who you really are. You are not here for my delight. You are not an object of my desire. I will take my pleasures how and when I want them. I am responsible for my own needs. You will not get in the way of that. I don’t want to have to punish you, but if that is what it takes to make this message sink in, then I will do it.”
His hand stroked her cheek and she cringed inside even as her flesh sank into his fingers and played for more. As though he knew the way her mind was split, he whispered “You see? Your body knows. It’s you that won’t listen.”
His fingers moved across her face and stroked her jawline around to her ears. The feeling was so sensitive, she forgot all about the ties or her torque. His lips kissed her forehead. Her nose. Her chin. His fingers slid along her neck, her collarbones, the middle of her chest. His lips found hers and pulled away as she pressed into them greedily. They came back softly. Just touching hers. Touch. Kiss. Touch.
“You want to be bare. You want me to know your heart. To know your very soul. How am I to know it unless I break it open?” Another touch. Another kiss. She was lost in a sea of need and swimming with waves of delight.
When he’d brought her here at the beginning of the night (was it just last night?), he’d grabbed her, pinned her arms and kissed her so hard, she Felt her lips chafing under the rough treatment. But that was what she thought she’d wanted. That was what she’d told him she needed. A real man. Someone not afraid to take her. To make her do whatever he said. She’d been a panting bitch in heat for his rough and called hands.
Then he’d grabbed her, yanked her clothes from her and the hours whirled past. She was tied, trustsed, strapped to the door of his room and tormented. She had no idea now of how much time has passed. The intensity is such that it could have been mere minutes – though that was unlikely — it could have been days. Her arms ached from the strain, her legs and back were complaining from the constant shaking need.
She’d been on the edge of orgasm for so long that she thought she might be numb and unable to let go when he finally demanded it of her. She had a shiver of fear at that. If she was unable to do what he wanted, she would surely be punished.
His lips touched hers again. His fingers ran light circles over her stiff nipples and she felt her back arch. She nearly laughed at herself. The idea that he couldn’t make her cum whenever he wanted was ludicrous. He would take whatever he wanted from her and she suddHe was either reading her mind or her body was telling him everything. “I will take my pleasures and you will give me everything I want.” He kissed her lips again, pressing in more firmly and inevitably. His hand was tugging her nipples, one then the other, then it trailed down her belly to her shaken sex. A finger insisted on releasing a flood of need. It opened her flower, teasing her nectar out to drizzle down to the pool under her rounded buttons.
His other hand was busy with something she couldn’t see. She felt only tugs at her shoulders and wear arms. His lips pressed against hers and every time she arched to kiss back, he pulled away. She couldn’t help herself, though. She had no more control whatsoever. Her body yanked her this way or that as it wanted, always seeking more ofhim. More of his touch, more of his skin.
There was still fear at what might come, but she knew without a doubt that she will do whatever he demands. With a hard kiss, he pulled her away from the door and shoved her face down to the carpet. She was still trusted, but no longer tied to the door. He grabbed handfuls of her ass, jerking it up into the air. She was helpless. Gasping.
His palm came down. Hard. The sound was a crack in the still air. She thought surely it could be heard for miles. There was no pain or burning. No hot redness spreading in a hand shape over her tender flesh. She felt only the flood of moisture. The release of her insides as they ran down her thighs.
Another crack. And another. She felt a slow pressure up her spine and his words pressed shivers into her body, pushed into Her ear. “This isn’t punishment. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. There is no pain or torque in a light spanking. I want your ass hot and your body completely open tome before I stuff your little hole. I only pay when you deserve it. To teach. If you ever earn a punishment, you will remember that lesson.”
He was kneeling her muscles up and down her back. Massaging her aches with knowing fingers. Pressing moans from her. His hands roamed freely from her shoulders, around the bar still keeping them stiff, down her spine and around the moons of her ass. She felt herself give way and relax.
He kissed her nape and sent goose pearls through her entire body. “Your pussy wants to be mine. Do you want me to take it?”
She knew this was true. As he said it, there was a lurch in her groin as her sex opened and reached for him. “Yes. Please.”
“Please what?” His voice was so soft. When he spoke, it moved through her body like an electrical charge, making her jump or jolt or shiver as his tone demanded.
She moaned with the effort of speech. “Please take me. Take everything you want. Please fuck me.”
“If you want me to takeyour pussy and make it mine, then I’ll take all your orgasms as well. Every time you cum, it will be mine. Where, when and how I want. Is that what you want? To give me all of it?”
“Yes. Please.”
“Please what?” His voice was in her groin. She felt it rumble inside her monks and the viruses were bringing her to a boil. She didn’t have words for the turmoil he was causing and Couldn’t have told him if she did.
“Please take me. Take my pussy. Please.”
“I want to fuck my little pussy. Did you know?” She gasped. His tone ran the length of her spine and spread across her buttocks. Now she felt the heat from the spanking he’d given her.
He’d been the strangest man she’d ever dated. Most guys can’t wait to get in bed with her. She always laughed at the old advance about “nine months to get out and the rest of their life trying to get back in”. Not him.
The first time they went out, he’d made her cum, but left before fucking her. He’d teased her with kissesand touches until he reached between her legs and claimed mastery. He licked her clip for just minutes before she exploded. When he didn’t follow up by banging her hard and fast, she was so disappointed that she wasn’t sure she wanted to ever see him again. It was frustrating.
Five dates later, she’s found herself completely at his mercy. She’s bared her soul to him over long talks and hand holding walks. She couldn’t believe herself when she started spilling out how she wanted a real man to just grab her and force her to suck his cock, then throw her down and fuck her til she became for him to stop. She’d had a couple glasses of wine and means it as a hint to him to stop the heavy petting already and just take her. Every date, he’d made her cum a different way. One time. That night was with his hand. In the car before the movie. She had wine with the late supper and let loose her little tirade during the romantic walk in the park afterward. Her frustration was growing. She wondered if he could even get it up and last night (was it so little time ago?) she was going to ask him straight out if he was even able to fuck her or was just playing around.
There was no doubt in her mind now. And the thought that he was about to enter her for the first time filled her with such need and emotion that she was afraid she might cum before he got it all the way in her. She felt liquid running down her legs.
“Please. Please fuck your pussy.” She was gasping three or four times for every word she managed to get out. His hands moved up her shoulders, spread over her scalp and took her hair up in handsfuls. Before she could gasp again, he rough her mouth down onto his hard pole. Forced it between her teeth. Threatened her with it and she felt herself gag as it jammed itself right to the back of her throat and down.
“I want to feel my pussy cum around my cock. I want to shove into that tight little hole and feel it spasm and grab at me like it needs it all. IWant it to cum by the time I feel those silky lips spreading around my balls. Do you understand?”
She tried to speak or to nod, but her mouth was full and her throat held in place by his rod. She thought if she moved too much, she would explode before he even pulled out and tried to put it in her sopping wet opening.
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