Will You Run? Ch. 04

The sun rose quickly, its full light now sifting in through the blinds. Jeremiah opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling. His mind drifted to the night, and early morning, just hours prior. He hadn’t had much sleep, but his mind was already churning with the consequences of his risky actions bringing June back to the house. She had defeat his vest inside, for Christ’s sake. He closed his eyes and Thought of her ass bouncing back onto his cock as he fucked her from behind. He thought of her slim waist and ripe hips. The freckles on her shoulders. He turned his head to look over at June, making sure she hadn’t slipped off after he had fallen sleep. But then where would she go? He didn’t think she had any idea how far they were from the bar or how to get back. He would also be extremely surprised If she knew how to ride, or if she had the balls to take his bike. From what he knew she didn’t have a cell phone or even a pursuit with her, either.

She slept on her side, facing away fromhim. Her back was exposed, the sheet clinging to her ass just below two perfect dimples. He saw hints of purple bite marks on the side of her neck. He could tell she was fast off by her temperature and even breathing. He thought about reaching out for her, he so badly wanted to touch her, clutch her hips and pull her on top of him. Her consent to be his flashed in his memory and he smiled to himself. He felt a twinge in his cock, but also a while is his belly that he needed to piss. Her pussy would have to wait.

He dragged himself from the bed and quickly pulled on his jeans, not bothering with his boxers. He exited the bedroom as quietly as he could, pulling the door closed behind him. As he walked down the hall to the bathroom, his thoughts were distracted with what to do next. Sneaking her out today was out of the question, as he knew she would be seen. Realistically, she was going to be seen no matter what he did, so it was a matter of how to handle the boys. He needed to speakwith Michael, the president.

After relieving himself and splashing a bit of cold water on his face, he turned back down the hallway. His stride stressed when he saw the door to his bedroom open. His first thought was that June had waited for his leave and then made a run for it. Fuck. He took five large steps towards the door, expecting to see an empty bed inside the room. Instead he saw Rafael, one of the boys, Sitting in the chair he had pulled up next to the bed. He looked up across the room towards Jeremiah.

“You weren’t up for sharing last night?” he commented quietly. He angled his head, glancing down at June’s body. One breast was exposed, nipple hard. Rafeal was practically salivating. Jeremiah could tell he was still drunk from the night before, swinging in the chair. While he wasn’t a worthless member, he did manage to cause problems by being impulsive and stupid.

June stabilized, but remained wait. Jeremiah tensed. He stood in the doorway clenching the trim./p>

“Get the fuck out.” He said this with more volume than he intended, fury betraying his composition. June let out a soft moan and opened her eyes to see Rafael sitting in front of her. Her body went rigid as she pulled the sheet up to her neck. She was shocked into silence, but Raf made eye contact with her and smiled mischievously.

“Hi, little thing.” He tilted his chin down to look at her as he would look at a child. “What’s your name?”

“Do not answer him,” Jeremiah said forcedly from the doorway. “She’s mine, Raf. I will ask you again to get the fuck out of my room.”

At Jeremiah’s voice, June felt instant security. She moved to sit up, but just as quickly as she moved, so did he. Rafael stood from the chair and kneeeled with one leg on her belly. She cried out in agony as most of his weight fixed her to the bed.

“I don’t think I said you could move, slut.” He reached down and slapped her hard across the cheese. Then he cridely squeezed her right breast, flicking her nipple with his thumb. She tried to pry his grip from her chest, but felt as though she could barely breathe, let alone did she have enough strength to match his. She inhaled sharply and her eyes closed involuntarily. She thought she might throw up.

Suddenly the pressure on her stomach was eliminated and she heard the chair smoke to pieces. Jeremiah had pulled Raf from on top of her and easily throw him backward. He lay on the floor groaning, holding his shoulder that had slammed into the windowsill on the way down. Jeremiah stood over him, his breathing heaving with rage. He thought about giving him a few good kicks to make clear his authority, but ultimately knew better.

June instinctively curled into a ball beneath the sheet as her stomach throbbed.

Raf pulled himself from the floor in obvious pain. He barely made it to his feet and clamored towards the door. He turned to give a satisfied look towards June’s body, crumped and seemingly broken on the bed, andThen bore hate into Jeremiah’s back. After a moment, his footsteps stumbled down the hall and finished with the front door slamming.

Jeremiah stood with his head hung, still staring at the floor where Raf had lain. His breathing had calmed, but his mind still sawhed. He again cursed his recklessness, his foolishness, for putting himself in this position. He thought of June, her pained scream echoing in the room. He Thought she would want to leave him now and that idea stiffened in his chest. He sunk to the edge of the bed, sitting with his back towards June and the still open door.

June felt the mattress dip where his weight settled. She wished he would reach out for her, pull her small frame from the bed and wrap his strong arms around her. Instead he just sat on the edge of the bed, motionless. She took a few deep breaths and felt bursts of pain wrap around her lower ribs on one side – the side that Raf had been kneeing. She knew what broken ribs felt like, but these weren’t quite that. Most likely just bruised. Her cheek still burned as well and she could taste a trace of blood from her lip. She also knew what a split lip felt like and luckyly this was neither that.

After assessing her injuries, June was impatient for Jeremiah. Why had he not asked how she was? Made sure she wasn’t seriously hurt? She finally opened her eyes to see him hunted over with his elbows on his knees and his forehead in his hands. Without hesitation, she reached out to press her palm to his lower back. She felt scared, but also wanted to show Jeremiah her strength. Her need for him, but also her loyalty.

“You’ll run now,” he said somewhere between a statement and a question.

“No.” Her voice was soft, but certain.

He looked back over his shoulder to meet her eyes. She stared up at him seriously. She repeated her answer and shook her head. He turned his body so he could fully face her. This woman’s strength and submission were absolutely irresistible.She had just been mauled and hurt by a stranger, and he couldn’t stand that he had failed to protect her. But she also endured all that and still wanted to be his. He couldn’t help himself and leaned down to kiss her, gently at first, and then passwordately. She returned it eagerly until he pulled away.

“I’m sorry, baby,” he whispered roughly. She felt neither need for the apology nor desire for his vulnerability. She dismissed his words by kissing him some more. Then another voice pulled them apart.

“What is this?” Michael himself stood in the doorway. He stared hard at Jeremiah, not caring to look at June. It was not her responsibility to explain her presence there – it was his.

Jeremiah calmly stood up to face him. They stared at each other from across the room in an unspoken understanding. While Michael was the president and could pull rank at any time for any reason, he was not irrational. Jeremiah was a dependable, intelligent second and he knew that. But what he was doing with this girl in his bed, Michael didn’t know. And furthermore, what about this girl had just caused Jeremiah to jeopardize his position by kicking Rafael’s ass? Michael gave a quick tilt of his head, indicating that he wanted to speak with Jeremiah in private. He turned and took a few steps away until he was out of sight from the bedroom door.

Jeremiah extended his hand to June’s Cheek lovingly, then dragged his thumb over her lips and pressed it into her mouth. She sucked the top of his thumb obediently, letting her bottom teeth grazed it as he pulled it away. He let out a low grunt as he was already turned on and aching to be with her, wanting to assure her of his desire despite what had just happened, but he knew Michael needed an explanation first.

“I will be right outside,” he said as he walked across the room and disappeared into the hallway.

June curled up in bed and thought restlessly about Jeremiah’s conversation with this other man. Their relThe evaluation was obviously much different than Jeremiah’s rank over the other members, so she put together that he must be the president. She wondered why he had seemed to pay her no attention, how he was so calm. Was Jeremiah in danger? Her thoughts slowly drifted into nothingness as she fell back sleep.

Jeremiah found Michael in the kitchen, a half-eaten breakfast pushed aside and a cup of black coffee in one hand. He took the liberty of pouring himself a cup and sitting across from Michael at the table. They sat in silence for a moment.

“Who is she?” Michael asked flatly. He stared down into his coffee. “She’s very pretty, I’m sure much better without the sheet.” A hint of wickedness in his comment.

“Found her at the bar last night for John’s birthday. He wanted her so I made that happen.”

“You should have left her at the bar, then. Or sent her home with John.”

Jeremiah hesitated. He couldn’t reveal that is his weakness that brought her back there.

“John fucked her in the back of the town car. I thought I would have a go.” Jeremiah realized how cruel he sounded, unlike himself. Michael saw right through the lie.

“And your colors?” He looked across the table to Jeremiah and raised his eyesbrows, unconvinced. Jeremiah shifted uncomfortable in the chair and cleared his throat. He took a short sip of his coffee and looked away. The pair had known each other for a long time and Jeremiah was not the type of man easily conquered by a woman. Michael could count on one hand the number of times he remembered Jeremiah paying any attention to a woman brought back to the house. Michael took his lack of reply as confirmation of what he had already assumed. He was claiming her.

“What happened with Raf?”

“He tried to take what wasn’t his,” Jeremiah replied with bitterness.

“If she’s property—”

“She’s not.”

“Then what the fuck are you doing with her?” Michael’s words were coated with judgment. If she was Jeremiah’s property, there were certain freedoms other members could take – and he would like to take for himself. She could also prove useful for the club. If she wasn’t property, it would be much more difficult to have her around. Jeremiah would be taking a very large risk, putting his faith is this woman to be loyal and discreet.

Jeremiah shook his head doubtfully, as if he couldn’t believe what he was About to say. “I need her, man. I couldn’t let her go.”

Michael thought on this for a minute and finished his coffee. While Jeremiah didn’t necessarily need his permission, he did hope for some type of approval and backing if it came to the other members. It had already caused an issue with Raf – he didn’t need any other alterations.

“You trust her?”

Jeremiah nodded. Another silent pause between them.

“She must be something, then,” Michael smiled. That wickedness returned to his voice, but Jeremiah knew better than to confront it. He was receiving leniencyWith her, especially wearing his vest. He had to wait and see where Michael was going. “She should prove her loyalty.” His appetite had suddenly returned and he reached out for his plate. He stacked a bite of eggs and sausage and chewed loudly. Jeremiah was painfully flexing his palm open under the table at what Michael was suggesting. They looked at each other across the table, one knowing full well he had all the power over the other. If this woman truly was Jeremiah’s weak spot, he would do anything to keep her. And although Michael was not malicious, he was curious. And it had been a long time since he was with a beautiful woman.

“Just for the afternoon. I’ll be nice.” Michael stood from the table as if it were already decided. He began clearing his plate and set his mug by the sink. He stood staring at Jeremiah, expecting a reply.

“Let me speak with her.” He didn’t know what else to say, he didn’t know if there was anything else he could say. He also stood from the table and walked back down the hallway to his bedroom. He inhaled deeply and opened the door.

Closing it behind him, he studied the form curled up in his bed. She was facing him on her side, hair spread out over the pillow and covering half of her face. She was tangled up in the sheet, the outline of her breasts, wait, hip, and legs clearly visible beneath. He imagined pulling the sheet from her and biting her flesh until she woke. Thrusting into her and not having to worry about quieting her. Now it would be Michael taking that fuck.

He sat on the edge of the bed and reached over to tap June’s ass a few times, wanting to wake her, but also craving to touch her somewhere. He could feel a luscious jiggle beneath his fingers. She stretched out automatically, but then winced at the shoots of pain in her ribs. Her eyes opened in a quick panic as the events from earlier flooded the room, but she saw Jeremiah sitting with her and the alarm subsided.


She smiledat him, but he didn’t smile back. Something was wrong. She knitted her browsers and stared at him.

“That was Michael. He wants to spend some time with you.” Jeremiah’s wording was obviously awkward and his tone appreciate.

“Spend some time with me? But I’m yours…” June tenderly sat up in bed and pulled her knees to her chest. Was he giving her away?

“Yes, you are. But if you want to stay, for me to keep you, you must do this.” He couldn’t look at her, but could feel her eyes grinding into him.

“Will this one be in the backseat of a car, as well?” Her question plastered with disgust, but also with sarcasm. The fighter was still in there somewhere, along with the submissive. She knew she was in a precarious situation, already having been seen by Raf and Michael, already consenting to be Jeremiah’s plaything, knowing his position in this club, yet not knowing the seriousness of the membership. She didn’t feel as though she had a choice. And she couldn’t lie, a stranger’s hands struggling her body and being used by another man with Jeremiah’s permission excited her. She knew that the act itself would not please Jeremiah, in fact it would do the opposite, but she knew that if he was asking her to do this, it must be necessary.

At her comment, he was able to look at her and see the defiance that so intrigued him when they first met. He knew she could handle this because he was asking her to, but he wasn’t sure he could.

“I will be back later. Just do as he asks.” He stood up, somewhat defeated. He picked up a shirt from the floor, tugged it over his head, and reached for his vest.

A hint of fear rose in June’s chest. What if he didn’t come back? She leaves up from the bed, ignoring the throbbing in her ribs, and stood between him and the door. She still had the sheet wrapped around her shoulders but then snaked her arms around his neck. Her naked body pressed against him and she stood on her toes to reach his neck. She planted three tormenting kisses.

“Are you running?” She wanted to sound serious, but the question came out as a nervous whisper.

He chuckled and reached under the sheet to lift her up by her ass. She tried not to cringe as she flexed her abdominal muscles to hold tight to him and crossed her ankles behind his hips. He could easily hold her weight with one hand and with the other he let his fingers wander forward to Her pussy lips. He teased a fingerprint back and forth as he kissed her hard and sucked her tongue into his mouth. She felt a flickering in her belly and let a low moan into his ear.

“You’re mine, June. I will come back for you.” He gave her one final kiss and then set her down. As was their goodbye, he placed his palm on her cheek and pushed the ball of his thumb into her mouth. She closed her eyes and sucked eagerly, trying to extend his time there. He groaned with approval and then walked out of the room, fearing he had already kept Michael waiting too long. He left the door open as he walked outside and to his bike. He hesitated if he was doing the right thing. Could he stand to return to June after Michael had had her? He knew he couldn’t stand to lose her, and hopefully that would be enough to bring him back.

June still stood with her back to the doorway, clutching the sheet tightly around her. She heard Michael’s footsteps come to the room and her body instinctively tensed. She took two deep breaths and turned to face him.


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