Thanks to all of you who read and vote on these and thanks to Amanda for her editing job. I hope you enjoy this story as well.
Sunday is a new day and starts with your being able to sleep in again. This mattress is the most comfortable you have ever slept on and you wake up feeling refreshed and alive. As you get out of bed you decide to walk over to the closet and see what There is to put on. Surely there has to be some kind of robe or something in there. In fact, there are three different colored robes available and neither seem to offer any more coverage then the other.
“Well I’m not naked,” You say as you laugh to yourself and pull on the semi sheer pink kimono robe that matches your baby doll perfectly, “And of course someone will want to see something.” Looking over at the counter it’s already at 2.
Walking downstairs and getting yourself a cup of coffee you attempt to relax as best you can. Before you are even able to sit on the couch the front doorbell rings. Looking around you decide that you don’t really have much choice but to answer the door as is.
“Hello?” You say opening the front door slightly. Outside the door are 3 very attractive women. “Hi there new girl,” the first one says, “Can we come in?” “Umm,” you say not sure what to say, “Sure I guess.”
Standing aside and opening the door you allow the three women in. All three are wearing snug fitting crop tops of one variety or another and even tighter fitting shorts with sneakers and ankle socks.
“I’m Janine,” says the brunette with short hair who rang the doorbell, “this is Lisa and you’ve met Shauna already from what I understand.” “Yes I have,” you say pulling the robe around you a little more and blushing deeply, “nice to meet all of you. Come in.”
The women walk in and smile casually at you as you secretly wish you were wearing more. It’s not that you’re not used to company but having company with your ass hanging out is completely different.
“Well,” Janine continues, “I live next door and Shauna lives on the other side, Lisa is from across the street. Shauna and Lisa actually work at the same company as you.” The women sit around the living room making themselves comfortable.
“Oh,” you say looking at the woman with long brown hair, “I thought I recognized you two, well besides from the other day.” “Don’t cross your legs sweetie,” Lisa says as you sit down, “Remember there are cameras everywhere.” “Thanks,” you say embarrassed to be sitting with your legs apart with them there, “I guess I’ll have to get used to that.” “So sweetie what’s your name?” Janine asks smiling and staring at your chest. “I’m Alayna,” you say smiling and feeling slightly uncomfortable, “It’s funny but after last week I actually have to think about the answer to that question now.”
The women giggle slightly at your comment.
“How about this Alayna,” Janice says putting one foot up on the edge of the coffee table, “Why don’t you throw on some clothes and we’ll give you a tour of the neighborhood.”
“That sounds great,” you reply standing up and walking to the stairs, “It’s been quite a while since I’ve actually been outside with clothes on.”
The women chuckle at your comment and watch you walk up the stairs. Obviously not just the people behind the cameras would be checking you out. As you look in the drawer you realize that your options are pretty limited. You select a yellow ruffled strapless top and a pair of light blue shorts to wear over a matching white satin thong and strapless bra. Looking at yourself in the mirror your skin pokes out just a bit between the top and shorts. As you turn you can see just a bit of the bottom of your butt sticking out below your shorts. Several minutes later you return to the living room. Looking down at your guests each one is chatting casually. Two have a foot up while the other is sitting “Indian” style so that their legs remain somewhat spread.
“THere’s nothing up there,” You say walking down the stairs, “That offer a lot of coverage.” “Yeah,” Shauna says giggling, “You’ll get used to that I’m sure Alayna. Your new boss had a hand in picking out your wardrobe as well.” “Who is my new boss?” You ask as you pull on lace trimmed ankle socks and sneakers. “His name is Joe,” Shauna says evenly, “I think you Know which one I’m speaking about.” “You mean THE CEO!?!” You say in shock. “Yes darling that’s him,” she answers smiling at you, “I know you’d know him.” “The guy who founded the company? The multi-millionaire?” The women laugh a little at your reaction. “Yup,” she says standing up and taking your hand, “he helped pick you out too.” The look on your face tells all. “You still have no idea how big this is, do you?” Shauna asks squeezing your hand. “I guess not…” you say embarrassed by your naivety. “Well explain everything Camille left out on our walk,” she says turning you towards the door, “Let’s get going, there’s lots to see.”
The laws outside are perfectly manicured, the houses that the women live in are small but nice while the larger homes of the membership are estates. The women know all of the men who live there and most of the names are familiar to you as well. They are the who’s who of industry, finance and business. By all estimations they are the richest people in the country. More then every small banking detail, your guides know their every sexual preference, kinky desire, favorite positions and fetishes. There are many beautiful women out walking or jogging. They all smile at you or wave from across the street.
“We really are,” Janice says putting an arm around your shoulder, “One happy family. We all take care of each other and help each other out whenever we need to do so.” “Well that’s good to hear,” you reply with a sight of relief, one question though. “What can I do about shopping for myself? Clothing wise that is.” “Oh that’s the best part!” Lisa says from behind you. “Normally Camille doesn’t leave that part out,” Janice says putting an arm around your bare shoulders and pulling you tightly to her, “you have a wonderful checking account set up with a nice sum of money already in it, by Tuesday or so you should have your own car as well. Until then we can get you where you need to be. What did you have in mind?” “A pair of pants would be a fantastic start,” you reply chuckling a little, “even a pair of sweats would be nice.”
For the first time the four of you laugh together as opposed to them laughing at your inexperience. The “compound” as they call it also has a man made lake and park area. By mid afternoon you are back at your new home. As you walk into your new place your head is still spinning at the amount of information you have taken in during the past 24 hours. While your life may never be the same the idea is exciting in a way.
There is however one very different thing going on and as each moment passes it becomes stronger and stronger. By your best estimates it’s been 16 hours since your last orgasm and your body is demanding you do something about it. You remember Camille telling you that it would happen as well. Obviously she wasn’t kidding. Your pussy feels like it’s on fire and if you don’t do something to fix it you wonder if it won’t find a way to fix it own it’s own!
Slipping Your shorts and thong down and laying back on your couch your hands begin to glide over your bare stomach and down your shaved mound. They circle around your pussy slowly just brushing against it as you tease yourself slightly. Laying back with one foot over the back of the couch and the other on the floor the cool air on your wet pussy makes you inhale deeply. Your fingers on your right hand Begin to slowly rub circles on your clip. Leaning your head back you moan deeply as your left hand slips inside your top and bra, your nipples become rock hard at your touch. As your hand moves down to cup your breast the top and bra slidee off exposing them. Using your index finger and thumb you tug and roll each one alternate between them which only serves to make you wetter.
For some reason your eyes are drawn up to the corner of the room near the ceiling. There in the crevice of the crown molding is a camera, you can see the slight reflection of the lens. Tugging a nipple and holding it out as you roll it you moan deeper staring straight into the camera. Your fingers work passionishly on your clip as your hand tugs and pinches your nipples. Pulling the other breast to your mouth you flick the hard nipple with your tongue while still staring at the camera. Who knows how many men and women are watching you? It could be one or one hundred. The simple fact is that having an audience, an untold number of complete strangers, watch you indulge in your most private moment is driving you wild. Your fingers work faster on your clip rubbing tight circles. Quickly your left hand moves down slipping two fingers inside yourpussy easily. Not concerned about who may hear you moan loudly looking directly at your unseen audience. Your hips move up and down to the frenzied dance of your fingers until your entire body tenses.
“OH YES!” you cry out as you coat your fingers.
Your drenched fingers glide slowly up your body leaving a wet trail behind them on your warm flesh. As they cross the yellow top which is balled below your breasts you wonder why you are doing this. Staring into the camera you know why. Your fingers cares your breasts gently massaging the wetness into your skin. Leaning down a licking each nipple several times and smiling at the camera you hope your viewing audience is happy with your performance. Finally you slip your fingers into your mouth and suck on the two that were inserted into your pussy as well as the one that had been rubbing your clip one after another.
“Mmmmm a little salty,” you say sucking your fingers, “But not too bad.” You laugh a little at yourself wondering why you had felt such a need to taste yourself. It was another in a very long line of firsts.
As you get up from the couch and walk towards the kitchen you decide to slide off the rolled up top and bra. Tossing them onto the couch there is a knock at your front door. Figuring it’s one of your new neighbors you walk to the door in only your ruffled ankle socks and sneakers. Why not, they had seen so much of you already! Much to your surprise a delivery man is standing there with his eyes and mouth wide open. “Johnny said I’d love delivering here,” he stammers as he gazes up and down your body, “Now I know why.” “Well thanks,” you say squirming a bit in front of him, “I guess.” “Oh no, thank you!” He says staring at your still moist breasts. “Are these for me?” You ask not Even bothering to blush or try to cover yourself. “Yes,” he says not even bothering to look up, “They are indeed. You are indeed!” “Oh you’re only saying that,” you say taking the boxes from his hands, “Becho I’m naked.” Closing the door while still facing him you begin to wonder how long he will stay staring at the door. “Oh my God that was fun!” you say walking to the couch giggling to yourself.
The boxes are plain and non-descript but there is an envelope on top. Opening the envelope and taking out the card you sit on the couch and try to relax. Your heart is beating so fast you can see it thumbing in your chest. There are only so many people that know where you live. Opening the card and immediately chill goes up your spine when you read it.
I’ll expect to see you in this tomorrow, Joe
“Obviously my new boss gets to pick out my work clothes too,” you say opening the first package, “Let’s hope he has good taste!”
As you pull back the plain brown paper and expose the red satin box your interest is peaked. Lifting the lid gingerly you examine the contents. Inside is a front close lace demi-cup bra with ribbon straps with a matching pair of panties with ribbonties on the sides. Underneath the lingerie is a pair of tan lace top stockings that feel like real silk.
“So far so good!” You say placing the contents deliciously back in the box and un-wrapping the next one.
Inside the second box is a long-sleeved white silk bloom with a low cut neck and gathered 4 button cuffs. Finally the third box is longer then the rest. Opening you secretly hope that it is Not an obscenely short skirt. Instead the box contains a fitted 2 button charcoal gray jacket and a charcoal gray skirt both with a built in silk liner. In the final box is a pair of charcoal gray 3 1/2″ heels.
“Well at least I’ll be able to work in these!” You say holding up the heels.
As you place everything back in the boxes you come to another realization. Your pussy isn’t the Only thing demanding attention! Thankfully the kitchen is stocked. After a light dinner you’re able to find a sports bra and workout shorts that you can actually work out in without them riding up too much. According to the counter on the nightstand you’ve been a very popular girl today. After ½ an hour on the exercise bike you tuck into the shower and try out your new showerhead.
Surprisingly enough there is no steam in the bathroom at all thanks to a large and incredibly quiet exhaust fan in the ceiling. Drying off you step into the bedroom and comb out your hair as you look for another negligee. Tonight it will be a blue stretch lace nightie that amazingly enough comes to your mid thigh. After you crawl into bed you notice the counter. The total views throughout the day are over 200 and at least 1 stuck around to watch you crawl under the covers. Could that be your new boss checking in on you or someone else? Only time will tell.
“Staying to tuck me in I see,” You say looking back up at the camera and blowing it a kiss, “Well thank you.”
The next morning your anxiety has you up before your alarm clock. Thankfully your nervousness doesn’t create an issue as you shake in the shower. Luckily, despite your shaking hands, there are no nicks anywhere on your legs or the rest of you when you are done. Throughly washing and showing you step out and towel off. Not surprisingly there isn’t a trace of fog on the mirror.
“Hmmmm,” you say looking up at the camera in the corner, “No hiding from you is there my little friend?”
As you walk to the mirror you can see and assortment of body creams and perfumes available next to a small stool. It turns out the end of your bathroom vanity is a small dressing table. Sitting and drying your hair it’s difficult to remember not to cross your legs. Luckily waking up early today allows you all the time you need to get ready. With your hair and make up done you pick out cocoanut body butter and rub it on your skin. The scent is soft and sweet and your skin feels the same way. Your body is practically electrified by the time you walk out of the bathroom. The lace and ribbon panties are quite delicate and slide over your body easily. There is no shortage of mirrors in your room and depending on where you stand you can see them from every angle.
“They certainly don’t cover much!” you say chuckling as you look over your shoulder at your scary clad butt.
The demi bra slides on and fits your breasts as if the cups were tailor made for your breasts. Your nipples are visible Through the light lace cups which lift your breasts as well. Finally the stockings feel simply amazing on your legs and are definitely heavier then the stockings you have hurt before. The blouse is loose fitting and sheer but not sheer enough to show the lace of your bra or your rock hard nipples. The cuffs are almost Victorian with 4 buttons tightly fasting the cuffs to your wrists and lower forearms. Finally your legs tingle as you slide on the silk lined and snug fitting knee length skirt. Out of a now natural tendency you slip the heels onto your feet and walk downstairs carrying the jacketto make yourself a quick breakfast. As you walk the silk liner rubs your stockings making your legs continuously tingle. While your coffee brews the front door rings.
“Who could that be at this hour?” You ask looking at your watch. Opening the door you see Shauna wearing a hunter green wrap dress with matching heels and suntan hose. “Good morning Alayna,” she says smiling, “Thought we might ride into work together seeing you’re still without a car.” “That sounds great Shauna,” you say waving her in, “I’ve got coffee on if you want some.” “No thank you,” she says entering and following you to the kitchen, “How do you like those stockings?” “I’ve never felt anything like them before,” you replied amazed that she asked what you were thinking about at that exact moment, “They are much heavier then normal ones.” “That’s because they are real silk,” she says smiling at your reaction, “And at $50 a pair they’d better feel amazing! Your new boss has a thing for women in silk.”
“I should have guessed,” you say trying not to act too shocked at the price of the stockings, “Given what he picked out for me to wear.” “Get used to it,” she says laughing, “If it were up to him you’d spend every day in silk and lace!” “A girl could get used to that!” You say smiling widely and sipping coffee out of a small travel mug. “There are more perks,” she says standing up and walking towards the door, “Why don’t we get going and I’ll show you some of them.”
The drive to the office takes only twenty minutes in Shauna’s BMW convertible. The top is down to enjoy the nice morning weather and several truckers along the way are greeted with great views of your spread legs and billowing top. You look over and notice that not only does Shauna have her legs open but the wrap part of her dress has fallen open to reveal her entire thigh just below her crotch. No wonder so many guys in trucks are happy on the highway this morning! Shauna pulls her car into the parking garage next to the building waving at the attendant on the way in. She speeds through the parking garage until she gets to the top floor and pulls into her own reserved parking space.
“Much better then the lot on the other side of the building you normally park in isn’t it?” She asks smiling and pointing to a parking space sign with your name on it. “Are you kidding me!?!” You say excitedly putting on your fitted jacket. “I’ve never had a reserved parking space before.” “Well actually you’ll have 2,” she says looking over at you, “One here and the other on his desk.”
The idea is both scary and exciting. While your new boss is over 12 years older then you he is a reasonably handsome man. When he talked to you at the Holiday party earlier this year he placed his hand on your shoulder. His touch, Even that small one, was exciting.
“Come on sweetie,” Shauna says stepping out of her car, “You’ve got a busy day. He’ll want you in his office by 9.” “What do you mean?” You ask trying to keep upwith her fast pace. “Well,” she says grabbing your arm and talking to you in a much lower voice, “You’re the new girl in the neighborhood. The new girl is usually very popular for the first month or so.” Shauna says as she squeezes your arm. “A month or so?” You ask as your stomach turn flips. “Yeah,” she says weaving you through the corridors at work, “And your friend will be just as busy for just as long.” “That long huh?” You can practically hear your heart breaking. “You need to realize something Alayna,” Shauna says stopping the two of you in one of the corridors, “You were his admission fee to the high life.”
“What?” You reply knowing but not wanting to believe it. “Each new member is recruited and checked,” she says taking you by the arm and once again walking, “Ad then they need to bring something to the table in order to get in.”
“You,” she says looking into your eyes as they begin to water a bit, “Were what he brought to the table. He offered you and you were approved. Then he brought you to the house. They have been evaluating you from the very first night he fucked your brains out in the parking lot.”
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