Power Plays Ch. 01

Author’s note: A special thanks to Karen for editing this so quickly and to Vix for coming up with this idea…

Looking into your closet and knowing that he would be coming by the office today you agonized over the decision of what to put on. Still questioning why he had such an overwhelming effect on your decisions you felt your stomach do flips as you took the purple silk blouse he said “looked good” two weeks ago out of the closet. Next was the skirt that had him staring at your legs and remarking on your tan. Even now you blushed at his reaction to seeing you in it. What was so different about this guy? Why when he stared at your legs or his eyes lingered around your chest did you enjoy it? And how come he didn’t seem to be embarrassed when you caught him staring? Amazingly his complete lack or embarrassment or shame actually made you blush!

Pulling the black stretch cotton skirt over your lace lilac thong you couldn’t believe that you were wearing it to workagain! The skirt, which was so tight around your butt you had to wear a thong, was shorter then any you owned and had been bought on a danger from a girlfriend! The clingy material rod slowly up your legs as you walked and had to be adjusted regularly. If your office had a dress code this skirt would certainly be considered too short to be appropriate. It was mid thigh length but always rode up at least an inch above it!

The purple bloom went beautifully with the lilac satin and lace bra. With the top two buttons of the bloom undone it would be easy to catch him singing a peak at your ample cleavage. Once again you blushed with embarrassment knowing your plan was to actually allow him to see you. Or was it you needed him to see you? A quick trip into the bathroom allowed you to fix your makeup in a way he seemed to like and pull your hair up and back. He had compiled your hairstyle when you had done it like this and had seemed disappointed last week when you left it down.

The final piece was still unknown. He had yet to compliment your choice in footwear. The sandals and low heels had turned his face into a sad, almost disapproving look, so today would have to be a complete department from the norm. Reaching up to the top shelf of your closet you felt the skirt ride up just below your butt cheats. It was a pain to continuously adjust it but somehow his approval was more then worth it! Looking at the dusty box you somehow know that its contents were the answer. You also knew that your barefooted walk to your bed would be the most comfortable your feet would be all day. Setting the box on the bed and opening the top you looked down at the 3 ½” black heels with the pointy toes and even pointier heel. Worn only once in the two years you had owned them you vowed to never wear They again after experiencing such disappointment. Slipping them onto your bare feet now you remembered the reason for your disliking them.

Finally reserved to the fact that you knew how much he would love them you stood on shadow legs and walked to the full length mirror in your room. Tugging your skirt down to its mid thigh length you stood and turned slowly. Although the disappoint of the shoes they did somehow make your legs look longer and shapelier. You knew he enjoyed legs and smiled quietly knowing he would be ogling yours today more then anyone else’s. Even Your butt looked higher and firmer. No one at work had ever seen you this dressed up, you were positive you would be getting comments but the only one you cared about was his.

The day seemed to crawl by slower then normal. Usually he showed up around two o’clock so at 1:30 you went to the ladies room one more time and checked your appearance. Why were you so caught up in This guy? It was now hours after he normally arrived and you felt yourself getting more depressed by the minute! In reality you only saw him once a month at most but for some reason you were dressing differently at this mere suggestestion. Was it his penetrating eyes that seemed to know what you had on under your clothes? Could it be the electric feeling of his touch? The one time he had put his hand on your back to lean down and look at your computer screen had been electric to say the least. You were positive from the sound of his voice so close to your ear that he was looking straight down your blouse! Somehow instead of feeling violent You felt so excited that you felt a twinge of desire between your legs. You had even thrust your chest out a little more to give him a better view! The thought had you blushing deeply.

“That’s a lovely shade of red on your face!” His chuckling comment started you and you turned quickly in your chair to see him standing there. The charcoal gray suit he wore only brought out his piercing blue eyes even more. “What could have been running through your head to cause you to blush so incredibly deep?” The question made you blush even further.

“Oh nothing important really.” You replied quietly as you tried to get your skin to return to a normal color. Sitting in your chair with your eyes cast downward you could almost feel his eyes roaming your body, almost undressing you. You fidgeted nervously but for whatever reason didn’t want it to stop.

“Wow!” He finally said while taking a seat across from you, “You look absolutely amazing today!”

“Thanks.” Your simple and eager reply knowing full well your face was beaming with his compliment. Looking up at him you noticed his eyes were moving slowly up your legs to your tights. Finally they stopped on your thighs and you watched the slightest smile come over his face. Looking down you noticed that your skirt had ridden up from the last time you adjusted it. From where he was sitting he could probably see your lace thong! Quickly pulling the skirt downward you blushed deeply again. “Sorry.” You said softly. Wait. Why had you apologized? He was sitting there staring up your skirt and you were apologizing?

“Well I’m very sorry I’m so late.” He said finally meeting your eyes with his own. “Can I make it up to you?” His eyes seemed to star inside you.

“Ummmmmm,” you struggled to think but his eyes were almost holding you in place, “what do you have in mind?”

“Well I’ll go tell your boss we have important things to discuss but need some privacy. You can pack up for the day and meet me by the front door in say, 5 minutes.” Had that was a request? Before you could muster a reply he was already standing and moving out of your office. Looking back in the door he said “I’ll see you in a couple minutes then.” Then he just seemed to disappear.

Moving as quickly as possible you logged off your computer and folded up whatever work you had wanted to finish today. It would have to wait until tomorrow no matter how important the client you didn’t care! In exactly 3 minutes you were walking quickly out of your office towards the front door. Walking hell, you were practicalally running! You desperately tried to calm yourself before walking out the front door and onto the street. Your car was parked in the lot next to the building and as you contemplated walking towards it you heard him call your name. He had just pulled his car up to the curb and was asking you to get in; no actually he was telling you to get in. Sliding into his car you nervously fastened your seatbelt not knowing where he was taking you and wondering if you even cared.

The two of you spoke casually as he drove for roughly ten minutes finally pulling into the parking lot of a very nice restaurant. He pulled up to the front and got out for the valet. The low car made it difficult for you to get out without flashing your thong to the valet who had just opened your door. Looking down and smiling the young man took your hand gently and was rewarded with an eyeful as you slowly stepped out. Practically wrestling your hand from his grip you were finally able to readjust your skirt whichhad ridden up just below your crotch.

Taking you by the arm he escorted you through the front door. It was difficult to keep up with him in your heels but you tried your best. Walking into the restaurant he asked you to wait a moment as he walked away. He spoke quietly with the head waiter and then waved you to follow him to the bar. The bar area was quiet with a number of tables around the edges that would have offered the perfect opportunity for casual intimate conversation. Walking up to him he pulled out a chair for you at the bar.

“Have a seat.” He said just as you started to open your mouth about getting a booth.

“Um, okay.” You replied some uneasily. Taking you by the arm he helped you into the tall padded bar stool. As you climbed into the chair you skirt had once again crept up and you slowly shifted in your seat as you adjusted it. He took the stool next to yours and then positioned his chair so that you could not turn and face the bar. Instead your chair was directly facing his leaving your long legs exposed for the bar’s patrons to view.

Suddenly the bartender returned with two glasses of wine placing one in front of you. The bartender and your ‘date’ talked as if they were old friends as you sipped your wine. Whatever worries you had about your evening he did have great taste in wine. Eventually the bartender excused himself and the two of you began to talk closely. You placed your hand convincedly on the bar within easy reach of his to see if he would accept your subtle invitation to hold hands. Much to your dismay he didn’t. The two of you leaned into each other to talk for what seemed like minutes while in reality is was much longer. It wasn’t until your second glass of wine that you remembered that when you leaned forward in this blouse it pulled away from your body. For the past hour you had been giving him an unadulterated view of your bra and chest! With half of your glass gone you excused yourself to go to the ladies room.

Several of the men at the tables around the bar watched as you slide off the high stool causing your skirt to slide up your legs slightly again. With a look of embarrassment on your face you readjusted the skirt again and excused yourself. Walking to the ladies room you could feel several pairs of eyes moving slowly over your body. Taking a second to look over your shoulder it was easy to see the bartender and your date staring blatantly at your butt as you walked. Neither bothered to look away as you continued to walk and you were almost positive the bartender said “Nice ass” before patting his friend on the supposedr!

Standing in the ladies room you wondered what in the hell had just happened! You were comfortable about his ogling of you but he obviously was showing you off as some kind of a trophy to his friend! What the hell was that about? Steadying yourself on the counter and staring at yourself in the mirror you did admit that you looked fantastic although yOur choice in clothing was far more risqué then you would ever normally wear. Turning slowly you looked at your back. The dress certainly hugged your ass like no other, maybe you should take it as a compliment. Wait! What were you thinking? You weren’t a piece of meat to be paraded around were you? Maybe it was time to end the evening and clear your head.

Walking back across the bar area You felt more confident that you could tell him it was time to end your evening. As you neared the stool where he sat with his back towards you he turned and looked into your eyes. Those same piercing blue eyes seemed to look into your very soul.

“Why don’t we finish these drinks and go?” He suggested.

Taken off guard by his comment you reply, “Oh, okay.” and delicately climb back up into the high stool.

With your skirt adjusted again to cover whatever modesty you could muster he turned to face you.

“You know,” he said hesitantly, “I really like you and have always have been attracted to you.”

“Thank you.” You replied blushing again. “That is so sweet.” The confidence of telling him off you had just moments ago seemed to crumble with his words.

“I just have to say that each time I see you,” He paused leaving you wanting to hear the rest of the sentence, “well, you just appear more and more beautiful!”

Lowering your eyes all You could do was blush. Placing your hand up on the bar near his you hoped that he would finally reach out and touch your hand. The signs were certainly leading in that direction. You closed your eyes and held them closed for a moment or two hoping to feel his fingers on yours. His touch was as electric as it had been that time on your back. While your eyes were closed he had laid his hand on your thigh between your skirt and your knee. If you hadn’t enjoyed the feeling so much you might have complained but his fingers moving across your leg seemed to be sending your brain on a vacation. The warmth of his hand on your leg was actually making the hair on the back of your neck stand up!

“Let’s get going?” He asked moving his hand back and forth on your leg. Before you could reply he was out of his seat and helping you out of yours. Taking you by the hand he led you out of the bar quickly. As you looked over your shoulder you could see the bartender looking leeringly at you again and pointing to Another male customer to take a look. With his grap on one of your hands and the quick pace he was setting it was difficult to keep up and keep your skirt in place! At least one of the older women you passed on your way to the front door commented about the inappropriate length of your skirt by calling you a less then desirable name. You had never been called a slut, anything but jokingly before now. By the time you could react to it you were already getting into his car and decided to brush the incident off as soon as his hand landed on your thigh again.

This time his hand had found your thighBefore you were able to readjust your skirt. His hand was much higher then the last time and you found yourself fighting the urge to tell him to remove it as he massed your thigh. Closing your eyes you tried to relax and ignore that you were acting completely out of character for yourself. He was obviously attracted to you, and his touch, his warm soft hands on your skin, gently gliding over your soft flesh, sent chills throughout your body.

Your confidence was returning despite your body’s reaction to his touch. No matter how hard your nipples got, and they were quite hard, or how wet you were getting, very wet at this point; you were going to end this evening. He parked a couple of parking spaces away from your car and shut off his car. Turning to face you, the heat of his eyes on your skin, you tried desperately not to look at him. His hand reached up and lightly touched your face towards his.

“I had a wonderful time,” He said holding you in his eyes. Leaning forward he kissed you softly on the lips. His hand slip down your face and grazed your right breast as he placed it on your back. Your entire body tingled from his touch. If you didn’t get out of his car now you wouldn’t be leaving with all of your clothes in place!

As you excused yourself and thanked him you stepped out of his car. With your head reeling you were unsure What to think. Yes, he was incredibly attractive and his very look got you weak in the knees but there had to be a limit to how far you would go! Your feet are killing; had strange men leering at you, called names by an old woman, and above all else you feel cheap. Suddenly you feel a hand grap your right wrist. Before you have a chance to react he has you turned facing him and has pressed your body against your car. With your right hand held tightly behind your back you realize that your left wrist is also in his grap. Leaning his body into yours the feeling of his right leg pressing between your thighs leave you feeling helpless. Opening your mouth to speak you suddenly find his lips against yours, his tongue invading your mouth. Trying to free your arms is all but impossible as his body pushes you into the window and door of your car.

Dipping his body slightly at the knees while maintaining his lip lock on you he manages to slide his leg further between yours. Your dress doesn’t help matters as it slides Further up your thighs until his leg presses against your crotch. The pressure makes it impossible to stifle the soft moan as your kiss finally breaks.

“You didn’t allow me to finish saying goodnight.” He says not releasing his hold on your body. “But now it seems you may want more…”

“No, please…” you reply trying to plead with his ice blue eyes, “not here, not like th…” He cuts you off again kissing you even deeper. His suffocating kiss and slight movement of his leg against your thin lace thong have your body betraying your mind. Without thinking your tongue responses tohis even as you still try to plead with him to stop. His grap on your right wrist easily moves it behind your back where he is able to hold both of your wrists in one hand. Now his free hand easily moves up your right arm to your shoulder. “You have to stop…” you plead as he moves from your mouth to your neck. “Uhhhh, you can’t…” you plea grows softer as he sucks the back of Your neck while his hand traces the line of your bra strap, “not here… not like this…”

His fingers move over your hard nipple and circle it through your bra and blouse. “I don’t think you really want me to stop.” He whispers strongly in your ear, “Do you?” He asks as he moves to the other side of your neck.

“But we cant,” You plead, “not here… it’s a parking lot… There are people…” You moan softly again as his fingers squeeze your nipple through your clothes. Working quickly his hands untuck your blouse from your skirt and he roughly unbuttons it forcing it halfway off your shoulder to gain better access to your breast. “No! You mustn’t!” You try in desperation to wiggle free. His hand moves into your bra easily after pushing the strap off your shoulder and he lifts it part way to his mouth. Your legs clnch tightly around his leg as he licks and sucks your freed nipple and you moan loudly betraying your words.

His free hand moves to your thigh and then up to your bare hip. Pulling you forward with the hand behind your back he lifts your skirt up to your waist easily. He then presses his body back into yours pinning you again against your car. The cold glass and steel of your car are felt on your bare butt causing you to squeeze it temporarily. By squeezing your butt as you did your legs open slightly. He takes advantage of this and slips his fingers easily inside your thong and directly on your clip and pussy.

“You keep telling me to stop but you’re so wet…” He says slipping a finger inside you easily. You can not respond, you only breathe heavily with your mouth wide open. With his hand running over your clip and fingering your pussy it’s impossible to tell him to stop never mind actually want him to! His mouth returns to your breast which he has worked free of your bra and he alternatively sucks and licks your nipples bringing you to the edge of orgasm. As your body begins to tense he slips his hand out from between your legs causing you to moan in Desperation. “You’re about to cum aren’t you?” He asks staring into your eyes.

“Yes…” you moan desperately. His smile in reaction to your answer sends chills up your spine. Moving his hand back up to your wait he slips the front of the thong down your body. “No,” you protest, “you can’t!” He pulls you forward with his right hand and slips the back of your thong down below your butt.

“Not only can I,” He replies as he presses you back into the car and works the front of your thong down to your thighs, “you want me to!” His emphasis of the word want chills you to the bone./p>

“No, I don’t want you to do this!” you say, “Really I don’t!” Tears form in the corner of your eyes

“Sure you do,” he says confidently while undoing his belt and pants. “Look at what you have on. When was the last time you wore heels to work? In the last year I’ve known you, you have never forgotten heels.”


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