Will She Pay the Price? Pt. 02

Claire slowly stood up from the bathroom floor, slipped off her unbuttoned bloom and put her bra back on. Her adrenaline was flowing, and her fingers shook as she buttoned her blouse. She glanced over toward her bag where her skirt was neatly drawn over the lucky pull bar. It felt good to pull the skirt over her bare ass, more memories flashed in her mind like snapshots of a different person. She looked at herself in the mirror and took several deep breaths.

Claire was always good at compartmentalizing and now she had to focus on the meeting with her client. But it wasn’t easy. God, that was intense, she kept thinking. A few more deep breaths and she headed out the restroom door.

As arranged, Steve was waiting for her at baggage claim. She recognized him from his Linked In profile, and the two Shook hands.

“I was getting worried about you,” said Steve. “The baggage carousel has been running for several minutes.”

“Yea, I got hung up helping an older lady,”Claire said. Not 100% untruthfully.

The two talked about the flight and Claire focused on her first time in first class, leaving out all the interesting parts of the tale. After retrieving her bags, they headed towards town in Steve’s large black Mercedes S63.

“It’s an older car, but comfortable with plenty of kick,” said Steve proudly.

“It’s nice,” said Claire absentmindedly. She never understand men’s interest in cars.

Claire would be staying at a Corporate owned apartment downtown. It was a small downtown with only a few blocks of buildings, most of which were 3 or 4 stories tall. She was on the top floor with a 2 BR unit. It was luxuriously furnished, and she was thrilled with her new home for the next 6 months.

Steve helped her get her bags upstairs, showed her around and was the perfect gentleman. Claire the poised attorney. Thank God he didn’t know the truth, thought Claire.

They had dinner reservations at a restaurant 2 blocks away, and agreed to meet there. Two other employees would join them, Miranda who was an office assistant, a bit younger than Claire, and James who was in sales. Dinner was great, if a bit uncomfortable in a first date kind of way.

Claire’s phone pinged with text and she looked down. Unknown number. Her heartbeat accelerated, and she felt her fingers shaking as she checked the message. “Plans changed, need to push back to Friday night. 7 PM Sharp. Elsa”

Disappointed, Claire refocused on the conversation. They mostly talked about the company and the people that worked there who she didn’t know. Claire was glad when the bill was paid. Steve walked her back to the street entry to her apartment, and curried off without incident.

Claire got back to her apartment and her rational side knew it was best that she was staying in. Pushing back thoughts from her slutty side, she actually said out loud, “Tomorrow is a big day, and I need to be focused and alert.” Not recovering from a hang over after a long night out she added in her mind. A quick shower, and she climbed into bed.

It had been a few years since Claire had slept in the nude, but tonight, she climbed in bed with nothing but the sheets to cover her. As she lay there, she visualized Elsa’s large breasts and imagined she was still bent over the bathroom sink. In her fantasy, her hands were tied to it’s underside. A man entered the bathroom and his hands joined Elsa’s on Claire’s body.

His touch was rougher than hers, and soon were the only two hands on her body. Elsa had dropped to her knees and was coaxing his manhood to it’s full potential with her ruby ​​red lips. She had just taken him in his mouth when he pushed her aside, favoring Claire’s wet pussy over Elsa’s mouth.

In the bed, Claire’s hand was tugging her nipple, while her other was working her clip. She imagined his large dick imparing her as she stood helpless, and wished she had a vibrator. In her mind’s eye, the anonymous man pulledout and came over her backside and her blouse. She pushed against her hand in delight, thinking of him using the back of her bloom to clean himself up, before buttoning his trousers and leaving without a word.

She slowed her pace and slipped two fingers inside her moist canal. Releasing her breast, she found her clip with her other hand as she imagined meeting her client wearing a wet, cum stained blouse, no bra and no panties. A powerful orgasm washed over her as she thought about how slutty that would be.

Work that week was rewarding. She settled in quickly and learned that Steve means well, but was a bit of a idiot. Miranda could be a real bitch. She was supposed to be an office assistant, but acted like she owned the place. James was arrogant and condescending towards all the women in the office. But he was the top salesman, and salesmen seemed to get away with that behavior. He was pals with the bookkeeper who they all called Fat Marv, and who was a bit creepy. The othe employees seemed great, and she was generally looking forward the to assignment.

But more so to the coming night. She’d found it hard to concentrate all afternoon, even thought about slipping into the restroom to relieve her growing frustration. But the thought of being caught out at work was enough to keep her from giving in to temptation.

20 minutes before 7 PM, Claire heard the knock at her door. She had shown, had a glass of wine, and was wearing a thin bathrobe and black string bikini panties. Claire checked the peephole and was surprised that Elsa was early. Her hand was actually shaking with excitement as she unlocked and opened the door.

Without a word, Elsa walked straight in and put a black bag on the dining table. Noticing the open bottle, she helped herself to a glass of wine and sat at the head of the table. Her eyes scanned the apartment, and settled on Claire.

“Good to see you again.” said Elsa. “How was your first week?”

“Nice.” replied Claire, “I think I’ll like it here.”

“hmm, good. Have you been looking forward to tonight?”

“Yes.” replied Claire, a bit too quickly.

“I see. And do you remember your promise at the airport?”

“Y-yes, I do remember promising to see you again.”

“So you enjoyed yourself then, in the bathroom and on the plane?”

“Yes.” replied Claire quietly.

“You promised to do more than just see me again, Claire. Do you remember that?”

“Yes.” replied Claire quieter still.

“To be exactly, you promised to pay the price if I made you cum. I took that promise seriously. Did you?”

“Yes.” whispered Claire.

“I’m sorry, I can’t quite hear you. You need to say it, in a Complete sentence, in a normal voice”

Claire stood motionless, processing the request.

Elsa stood up and said, “Perhaps I was wrong about you.” She took a step towards the door.

“Wait, don’t go. Yes, I promised to pay the price if you made me cum. You did that, andtonight I will do as you ask. Please, don’t go. I’ve been looking forward to seeing you again since leaving the airport. Please. … I’ll do anything… please.” pleased Claire.


Elsa sat back down at the table. “Anything, hmm… How high did you count at the airport?”

“Um…” stammered Claire.

“Nine” said Elsa. “You counted to nine – what did we agree upon?”

“T-Ten,” stammered Claire.

“Correct, Ten. Come here, time to finish up.” said Elsa as she patted her knee.

Claire took a step forward so she was standing in front of Elsa. She hesitated, and Elsa reached out and untied her robe, and pulled it down off of Claire’s shoulders. Whether it was the sudden cooler air, or something more primary, Claire’s nipples hardened instantly.

Elsa smiled, and patted her knee a second time. Claire saw her topless reflection in the uncovered living area window, and quickly laid face down across Elsa’s lap. She was safely hidden from view from any nosy neightbors across the street. Elsa lifted the bottom of robe over Claire’s ass, then rolled her panties midway down her thighs. Claire was trembling, not from fear but from excitement, as Elsa spanked her hard on her right cheek.

“One, … er, Ten,” said Claire not knowing which was right.

“So beautiful.” said Elsa calmly as she rubbed Claire’s ass.

Claire revealed in the compliment, and feel her body response.

“You agreed to pay the price for your pleasure at the airport. Tonight, YOU, WILL, DO, EVERYTHING, I, SAY.” said Elsa harshly, administratoring a firm smoke in between each of the last six words.


“Umm, … Yes”

“PARDON?” Smack!


“Yes, who?” Smack, Smack!

“Yes, mistress.” said Claire sheepishly.

“Better”, said Elsa as she casually rubbed Claire’s reddening ass, and turned her attention to the contents of the bag.

Sensing her punishment was over, Claire began to rise.

Smack! “Stay”

Claire compiled.

Elsa began pulling out items and placing them in a neighbor row on the table.

A well used black whip.

A small butt plug.

A ball gag.

Nipple clamps on each end of a short chain.

A leather body harness.

A short black dress.

From her vantage point staring at the floor, Claire couldn’t see what Elsa was doing. The spanking, and the rubbing of her ass continued to build her arousal. Claire knew she was getting wet. Elsa sensed it too and brushed two fingers across Claire’s wanton lips.

“You’d like more of that, wouldn’t you?” SMACK “Sit up.”

Claire compiled, and was now seated on Elsa’s lap.

“There are 6 items on the table, pick one. You have 5 seconds.”

Claire surveyed the table, and picked the dress as it was the most “normal”.

“You’ve made your pick, put it on.”

Claire took two steps toward her bedroom before hearing Elsa bark, “Wrong.” Pointing to floor in front of her, she said simply, “Here, Now.”

Through the unblocked window, Claire could see the light of an apartment across the street. Fear shot through her as she worried if anyone had been peeping. Her robe was still off her shoulders, and her panties were still just above her knees.

Nervously, she shrugged her robe the rest of the way off, pulled up her panties, and stepped into the dress. It fit, but was very short, was lowcut and of course she was not wearing a bra. Claire could see her reflection in the window, and had to admit she liked the way it looked. Looking down, she noticed that her hard nipples were testing the thin black fabric.

Elsa ran her hands along Claire’s body, caresing her ass underneath the skirt. God, that feels good, thought Claire before wondering if Elsa could smell the scent of her arousal.

Elsa pulled out a pair of black lace up siletto heels, a black picker, and reached to retrieve the last item in the duffle – a pair of black leather cuffs.

After slipping the shoes on, Elsa told Claire to bend down toward her. She reached around Claire’s thin neck and fastened the tight necklace. More of a black ribbon than a traditional chain. Bent over, the top of the dress fall open, and Elsa enjoyed the view of Claire’s breasts. She stood and moved to the front door, stopping in front of the mirror. Claire followed.

Elsa positioned herself behind Claire, who was now in front of the mirror. She ran her hands down Claire’s body, back up her tighs, underneath her panties, and thrust a finger inside her. The couple locked eyes in the mirror as Claire moaned with pleasure. It lasted just a few moments before Elsa removed her finger and pushed it inside Claire’s mouth.

For the second time that week Claire tasted her own arousal. She sucked Elsa’s finger as Elsa mimed fucking her mouth. Elsa extracted her fingers and wiped them dry on the hem of Claire’s dress before heading out the door and down to the waiting car.

A tall and well dressed driver opened the door of large black sedan, and Elsa climbed in the back seat. Claire paused, expecting Elsa to slide over.

“You ride on the floor”, said Elsa as she pulled Claire’s arm down toward the floorboard. The backseat was large, with the front seat pushed all the way forward, offering plenty of room. Clearly Elsa planned this in advance.

“Kneel, facing me.” came Elsa’s command as she opened her legs. Claire obeyed the instruction as Elsa pulled her own skirt above her waist, revealing only a garter belt holding up Elsa’s black stockings. “Please me, my pet.”

Claire knew what to do as she leaned in towards Elsa’s crotch. Claire slide her hands along the inside of Elsa tighs before stroking gently around her lips. Elsa was neatly trimmed, hairless, save for a small landing strip above her pussy. Claire licked her index finger before sliding it up and into Elsa’s folders, pausing to play with her clip. She wanted desperately to please, and placed her tongue in the warm folds vacated by her finger. Claire alternate between invading Elsa’s slick passage with her tongue, and licking firmly up towards her clip. She slipped one finger inside Elsa and reached up to unbutton her silk blazer. Elsa’s tits were large, and with one finger still inside her, Claire rose to kiss her nipples.

Claire circled with her tongue, sucked and squeezed with her hands before Elsa pushed Her head back down between her thighs. Elsa held her head in place as Claire reached around to grab her ass with her other hand. She worked her tongue and finger together building speed. Her tongued darted madly under the hood, and around Elsa’s clip as the couple rocked in rhythm in the back of the car. Finally, Elsa shuddered in a soundless orgasm. Her rocking stopped, she stroked Claire’s hair, and said, “Good Girl”.

Pleased, Claire pulled her fingers out, and slowly cleaned them with her mouth. She rested her head on Elsa’s inner thigh, and felt content. She appRecited the 2nd compliment of the evening, and revealed in knowing Elsa was please. Claire was thinking of being called a “good girl,” and tingling intensified between her legs.

For the first time that night, Claire wondered where they were going. A few minutes later, her questions were answered as they stopped in front of small restaurant.

Matt, the driver, opened the door, and Elsa got out, followed by Claire. She had no idea what lay in store, but entered the restaurant obediently.

Claire was thankful the dining room was dimly lit. Her short dress revealed far too much skin to be out in public. A few men looked up as the couple passed their tables on the way to a private dining room in the back, but Claire kept her face down.

They entered the dining room which was occupied by 2 other couples. One couple was older. The man tall with broad should and carrying a few extra pounds. His spouse was maybe 5 feet and certainly weighed less than 100 pounds. They were likely in their 50’s, he with a shock of white hair and an untildy appearance, while she wore an elegant red dress that showed off her sexy petite frame.

The second couple, Nathan and Jessica, were 30 something, and both were good looking. Claire tried to remember if they were the same couple who’s photos she’d seen on the plane.

Introductions were made, drinks and dinner served, and it was a wonderful evening. The only hint of things to come was the fact that Elsa periodically slipped her hand up Claire’s skirt, keeping her in constant state of arousal and anticipation.

When the waiter asked for dessert orders, Elsa requested only another round of drinks, and stated that she had other desserts on her mind.

The petite woman, Anne, said, “Yes, I thought it was about time for that. So tell me Elsa, how did you and Claire meet?”

“Hmm, good question.” replied Elsa. “We met on an airplane, but it wasn’t until we were in the restroom that we really got to knoweach other. I’ll show you.”

“Stand up, Claire. This time, place your elbows on the table, instead of your hands on the sink. And don’t move them.”

Claire felt nervous being in front of others, but the drinks allowed her to leave her inhibitions behind. She bent over the table to comply with the order. The top of her dress fell open. Anne and her large husband were offered a nice view of Claire’s bare breasts.

“Claire had lost her brassiere, and consented to a trade to get it back. 10 spankings on her bare ass from an almost perfect stranger.”

“How excitedly slutty.” replied Anne.

“She got a bit more than that in an airport restore and agreed to repay me with her service tonight.”

“I’m glad of it,” said Anne, getting up from her seat and walking behind Claire.

Anne lifted Claire’s skirt over her ass and admired the view. Next, she pulled Claire’s panties down to her knees, whispering in Claire’s ears, “Don’t let those fall to your ankles.”

Claire widened her Stance to keep the thin panties taut against her knees. Anne slid the spaghetti straps of Claire’s dress down, leaving the dress bunched around her waist. For all practical purposes, Claire was nude in the restaurant, bent over the table, with her legs spread as an open invitation. And she loved the slutty feeling of being on display. Her body reacted immediately, lubricating for the coming adventure.

Claire was expecting a blow to her ass, but instead heard, “Come have a look, Julian.”. Julian extracted himself from his chair to join his wife behind Claire.

“Take Julian’s spot, and assume the same position.” came the male voice to Claire’s left. Jessica dutifully obeyed, walking around the table. She put on quite show, slowly pulling her dress top down to her Waist. She pulled her panties down to her knees, placed her elbows on the table, and leaned in towards Claire. The two women were inches apart, gazing into each other eyes. Claire, who had beenmesmerized by the show, quickly cast her gaze down toward the table.

“You’d like to kiss her wouldn’t you Claire.” More a statement from Anne than a question. “Perhaps …” said Anne as she gently rubbed Claire’s pussy with two fingers. “So wet and ready.” Claire moaned as Anne penetrated her, first with one finger and then with two.

Claire looked back up at Nathan as he began fucking Jessica from behind.

“Julian, show her your cock.” ordered Anne. “She can’t see Nathan’s, but clearly wants to.”

Julian unzipped his trousers and began rubbing his oversized member.

“Would you like that inside you, slut?” asked Anne.

Elsa had moved across the room and pointed a camera down the table. Claire’s head was turned, focusing on Julian’s giant cock, and she didn’t notice.

SMACK. “Answer when I ask a question!” exclaimed Anne as she swatted Claire hard across her ass. The blow was surprisingly swift, and left a full five fingered handprint on Claire’s cheek.

Claire cried out, then stammered, “y – yes”.

SMACK “what?”

“Yes, mam.”

“That’s better. You can’t have it, you know. That’s my cock, and he knows just how to use it.” said Anne as she worked her fingers slowly in and out of Claire’s wet passage. “I savor the fullness that only he can offer me.”

Anne played with Claire’s clip with her other hand, slowly circling the little bud, “Does she have permission to cum, Elsa?”

“No” came the reply, Claire shifted her gaze from Julian, past Nathan and Jessica who were moving in unison, to find Elsa. She frozen when she saw the camera, as Elsa clicked away.

“Scared of the camera, are you?” teased Anne as she continued rubbing Claire’s sweet spot.

“I … d – don’t want to …ohhhh” panted Claire. Soft moans escaped her lips, interrupting her feeble protest. The feeling of pleasure annihilated her fear of being photographed, as she could focus only on the sensings burning inside her. She ground against Anne’s hands, and purred with delight.

“Arch you back for the next shot.” ordered Anne, and Claire compiled.

Jessica grabbed the spotlight, moaning in organic delight. Her husband was still fucking her from behind, and she leaned in forcing her tongue into Claire’s mouth. The kiss was sloppy, the women bumped heads, but it sent fire down Claire’s body. Jessica climaxed with her tongue in Claire’s mouth. Claire pushed harder against Anne’s hands, which were suddenly pulled away.


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