To start off this chapter I want to address my original mix up between sadist and masochist. I apologize to anyone who may have been offended or upset regarding this and has prevented you from enjoying the story. I only practice a Dom/Sub relationship and have made a slight error with my wording. I have edited this chapter to reflect this and promise to research prior to publishing in the future. Thank you for those who have pointed it out and I hope you enjoy the story.
I wake up the next morning with the sun high in the sky, shining in through the window. I look to the clock on the nightstand, 1:02 pm, I gasp and sit up so fast it makes my head spin. Dominic’s strong-arm wraps around my stomach and pulls me back down to the mattress.
“Whe do you think you are running off to?” He asks me, leaning up on an elbow to look into my eyes.
“Well its already 1 in the afternoon, I am sure you have things to do today and I probably should be going,” I say with visions of last night flooding my memory and increasing my embarrassment. My body betrays me as my nipples harden in response and my pussy dampens.
“Jessica, take a deep breath. I like you in the daylight as much as I did last night. I hope to spend the day with you, if you have prior engagements, I understand, and I hope to reschedule a date of some kind to this week. Either way, we have plenty of time to relax this morning — well this afternoon I suppose,” he says with a chuckle.
“Oh, I wasn’t sure…” I drift off when he leans down and kisses me gently, and sweetly. Before pulling back too soon with a sight groan from me.
“Come, you need to eat. I imagine you have not eaten much since early yesterday,” He says, and I begin to think when my last meal was, and the thought makes my stomach growl. He laughs as he pulls me reluctantly from the sheets and increasing my vulnerability as I realize I am still naked from last night. I cover my breasts with one forearm while the other hand reaches to cover my exposed pussy. Dominic just looks at me and shakes his head. He opens a door I didn’t notice until now and reveals a large walk in close where he pulls on a pair of gym shorts and carries a black satin robe. He hands me the robe and I put it on grateful for the coverage.
“I hope one day, you will be comfortable enough with me to walk around naked. You have such an amazing body, Jessica,” He says, and I blush and look down to hide my eye roll. In the light of day all of my flaws are served to him on a silver platter.
“Come, let’s eat and after I will give you a more proper tour of the house.” He says and take my hand to lead me to an elegant open concept kitchen opposite the large living room that catch my attention the previous night.
The large Living room has a step down creating the divide between it and the kitchen. Next to the kitchen is a large doorway exposing the formal dining area but to the other side, a breakfast nook with the back half against floor to ceilinging windows. The kitchen itself has a large island with white marble covering its top as well as the rest of the countertops. The cabinets are a black color with delicate silver hardware. All brand-new appliances scatter the large kitchen. Not a single piece out of place or a crumb on the countertops.
“This is my dream kitchen,” I say in awe as I run my fingers over the smooth marble. A flash picturing Dominik pick me up and lay me across the cool marble covering the island makes my heart race. I shake it out of my head but not quick enough.
“What was that thought?” He says looking to me with a fire in his eyes.
“It was nothing,” I try to lie as I blush.
“You know better than to lie to me, Kitten,” He says.
“Okay, I just pictured you laying me across This island, and um…doing stuff with me. That’s all.” I rush the ending hoping I told him enough. He walks towards me and backs me up, so my back is pressed against the island.
“This island?” He asks as he runs his hands up my leg under the robe gently caresing where my thighs meet my butt.
“Yes,” I manage. Without warning, his hands grip my ass and pick me up effortlessly, so I am sitting on the island. My pussy dampens but I still try to slide back off. He uses a hand to pry my legs open and steps in-between them making me immobile.
“Let me down, please. I am hungry,” I say slightly begging.
“I want you to finish your little thought you had and I will let you down.” He says with a coy smile.
“I just, well, I um,” I stutter.
“Tell me, Kitten,” He says.
“Well I pictured you eating me out while I was laying across this island, okay? Now let me down,” I say and try to close my legs. He stands firm as if he is made of concrete.
“Well now, I am very hungry too, Kitten,” He says with a wink before pushing me slowly back onto the island. He tugs the wrap hoping my robe together letting it fall to my sides. I try to pull it back together, but he gives me a disapproving look.
“Keep those hands next to you or I will be forced to make sure you can’t move them,” He says and I nod closing my eyes trying to block out the embarrassment of being completely exposed on his kitchen island.
His called fingers tug at my nipples waking up my body. He spends so long there that I find myself trying to grind myself against him but with my butt slightly off the island and him inches too far away there is no friction where I need it. He finally moved a hand down and inserts a finger in me slowly, when he reaches my g-spot, he makes the come here motion and I groan feeling my orgasm well up inside me. Before I can even get close, he removes his finger and I look to him, whimpering in need. He puts the finger, glistening with my juices, into his mouth and sucks it. The act both embarrasses me and turns me on at the same time.
“You taste wonderful this morning, Kitten. I ought to get a bettertaste,” He says as he lowers to his knees putting his face level with my exposed pussy. His hands push my thighs further apart as he takes a labia in his mouth and sucks. I continue trying to move my hips, unsuccessfully. He slaps my inner thigh hard making me freeze. He continues torturing me for what feels like hours before taking my clip hard between his lips. His tongue moves lightning fast and the orgasm that was brewing collapses over me without warning. I gasp as waves of pleasure wash over me and Dominic continues to lap it up. He continues licking as aftershock waves pass over me. When he finally finishes, he grabs my hands and pulls me up to him and kisses me. I taste myself on his lips and I think it turns him on. I feel his thick erection through his thin shorts against my stomach as he continues to kiss me. I reach down to put my hand against him, but his hand pulls it away. I groan in response.
“I want to do the same to you now, please?” I ask him but my stomach defies me as it growls loudly enough for both of us to hear.
“You will have plenty of opportunities to do what you have in mind, right now, you and I need to eat something that will curb starvation,” He says and we both laugh.
I began opening up his cupboards to see what I have to work with. I take out various fruits and give him the task of chopping which he obeys without question. I remember his comment about being a terrible cook so I decide to show off a bit. I began to whip up waffle mix from scratch while I ask him to retrieve his waffle iron.
“So bossy, are you the Mistress of the kitchen?” He jokes.
“Yes and you better worry up otherwise I will spank you,” I say with my most serious face, which I keep for about 3 seconds before we both burst out laughing.
“Yes, Ma’am,” he says while still laughing. He retrieves the iron and sets it beside me.
Once they are done cooking, he sets the chopped fruits on the island in the middle of our two plates.
“You look like you enjoy cooking,” He says while I butter my waffle.
“Yeah, I grew up with a mother that involved all of us in the kitchen so it’s somehow therapeutic for me. It reminds me of home.” I say.
“My mom was the same way, I guess I just never got her gift ,” he says.
“well that’s alright, I liked bossing you around in here anyways.” I say.
“Don’t get to use to it, kitten,” he says with a wink.
After breakfast, he lets me help clean up but only after I argue with him about it. I rinse off out plates and load them into the dishwasher while looking out the window right at the kitchen sink. I begin to wonder what life might be like here, with him; with family? I shake my head in hopes to also shake the Thought out. I am probably to end up being a booty call for him when he is bored and lonely with no other experienced submissive to play with. I must have spaced out because when I feel his strong arms wrap around me, I jump, started. I quickly try to brush him away and dodge the inevitable. He grabs both my wrists and brings them around my back, forcing my chest towards him. He grabs both of my hands in one of his while the other forces my chin up to look at him in the eyes.
“What is the matter, Kitten?” He asks me.
“I just spaced out a bit and was started by you. And you know what? I should probably get going anyways. I am sure you have plans today or something,” I try to look down with my lie, but his gaze traps me.
“Do not lie to me, I will ask you again and I better get the truth from you. What is the matter, Kitten?” He repeats.
“Nothing, I am just overwhelmed by all of this and don’t you want someone who doesn’t get… overwhelmed? Someone who is used to all this submission stuff?” I ask.
“What brought this on? Have I done something to make you feel as though you are inadequate?” He asks me, concern wiped across his face. He lets go of my wrists even though I had gotten used to them beingThere. My mind is puzzled by how quickly my body is accepting his control. Before I can move, he picks me up and carries me into the living room and sits down on an oversized leather chair. I lay across his lap with the cool leather arm rest supporting my legs.
“Well no, I just feel like if that girl you were with before me last night wouldn’t have gone home, then I wouldn’t have been her replacement.” I blur out, realizing the hurt that I didn’t even know I had. I didn’t want to feel innocent to him but suddenly I did.
“Oh Kitten, I am thankful that she got ill. To be honest, I wasn’t having much of a good time with her anyways. She was too silent, unlike you with your spunk. You are a natural submissive. It is something that came naturally to you because it is something that you were compressing and holding back due to society’s outlook on this lifestyle. That is what drew me to you, but your quick wit and energy is something that is like a drug to me. I want more of it, more of you. I have never felt this way about a submissive until I met you. Experience is something that you will learn over time as we both continue to grow and explore our relationship. I don’t care about that, I want someone who not only stimulates my body but also my mind. Someone that I will never get bored with. You, Jessica, are that for me. I know this is so fast and it can be blindsiding, but I want to continue to see you as much as you will let me. I want to know everything about you, and I have a feeling you want the same. But I need you to be confident in my feelings for you. I want to see you, exclusively you, for as long as both of us continue to feel this way.”
The emotional force hits me hard enough to translate to physical. I step back and grap the countertop for support.
“How would this work? Would you just order me around all the time like you do in the bedroom?” I shake my head and look away from him and down to the ground. “I can’t think straight around?”und you, I don’t want to become spineless and unable to make my own decisions, I need that control—”.
“Jessica, stop.” He commands and I stop mid-sentence, frozen. “You have much to learn about this lifestyle and with time you and I will develop a relationship that works for us both. I am not interested in a mindless slave and you will see that bdsm is much more than that. You will get to Know people in this community, and you will learn that it is just a very open-minded group of people that you can be your truest self with. I hope to bring you back to the club, the permanent location, tonight to introduce you to more people.”
“Let’s take this day by day and see how things go, I am still hesitant about it all and I want to take it slow.” I say.
He sent me off to the Shower to clean up while he made a couple work calls. I went to the very grand bathroom and took off my robe. I studied myself in the mirror and saw a woman I had never seen before. I felt as though I wasstanding taller and more confident in myself than ever before. He has made me feel this way — no, submission has made me feel this way. I look closer and my skin is glowing from all the released endorphins and my nipples are taut and swollen. My pussy feels extremely tender and there are slight bruises forming over various parts of my body from the spankings, or being tied up. As the experience for each marking floods over me I find myself turned on again and I realize I owe it to myself to see what submission will continue to do to my life.
After my shower and newfound revelation I get dressed in the clothes I packed for the day and go to find Dominik. I am looking in the living room when I see him outside in the back yard throwing a bright yellow tennis ball for Akira. I find the back door and head out to see him and he embraces me warmly when I reach his side.
“The skinny jeans, I approve of,” he says while leaning back to get another glimpse of my ass.
“well that is a tad forward, don’t you think? I did just meet you yesterday after all,” I say in a sarcastic tone.
“That we did, though I have already seen much more than just your ass in skinny jeans. I think that allows me to give compliments,” He says with a laugh.
“So I wanted to talk to you about something…” I trail off to by myself some time as I get my Thoughts collected. Apparently, my pause was too long because he responds.
“Yes…?” he asks with the same questioning tone.
“I want to actively pursue this lifestyle and I am excited to do it with you. I want to, well I need to, learn more though,” I say tenatively while looking down. I look up at him when he starts talking. He is studying me closely.
“You sounded afraid to say that, did you think I would say no?” He asks.
“no, it just is a bit weird to admit to myself that I am…submissive? It sounds weird being said out loud like that.” I say with a shake of my head. “I don’t know,” I mumble.
“I get it, kitten. I am here for you and I want you to teach you more about this lifestyle. This is a good thing, you won’t believe what a difference it will make in your life.” When he finishes speaking, I wrap my arms around his neck and step into his embrace. He leans down and whisper in my ear, “I am so excited by you, Jessica.” He follows with a soft gentle kiss. It escalates quickly and before I know it, he lifts me up and carries me to the edge of the woods and pushes me against the rough bark of the tree and I am trapped. He pushes his hard dick against me and digs in so it brushes my sensitive clip. The harshness of the jeans hurts my skin and I inhale sharply.
“Looks like you are pretty sensitive, are you doing okay?” He asks me as he lowers me back to the ground.
“Yeah the jeans against it were just a little too scratchy I think, but I would be OK if you wanted to…” I trail off and wave my hands to avoid the words.
“Oh kitten, you embarrass too easily. The answer is no, I don’t want to,” he starts to say and I pout.
“Why don’t you want to?” I ask him, eager to please.
“Well not right this second, I told you I am no sadist and with how I wore out that pussy in the last 24 hours, you would be in pain. What kind of dom would I be if I didn’t let your body rest when it needed to? he asks with a chuckle.
“Fine, so then can we talk more about the club?” I ask.
“Of course, we can.” He starts leading me to a swinging benchmark near the forest for us to sit on. We both sit down, and I turn my body, so my back is against the side railing and draw my legs over him. He absents mindedly begins rubbing my thighs up and down methodically.
“shoot,” he says once we are both comfortable.
“I want to go back, I overheard some people talking and they said the club always hosts BDSM on Saturday nights. Are we going tonight?” I ask eagerly, ready to get back into the intriguing atmosphere.
“Kitten, I wasn’t planning on taking you back for a while. I know it is fun but there is a lot you don’t know yet or understand.” He tells me.
“But I did fine last night, and I didn’t even know what I was truly getting myself into. Please take me back, I want to learn more, and I want to have a good time with you again.” I look at him with the sweetest eyes I can conjure. He closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose as he thinks.
“We can go back under 3 conditions, okay?” He asks and I nod but he looks very firmly at me and I realize I am speaking to my Master now.
“Yes, Master.” I say and lower my eyes.
“First of all, the club opens at 6pm and remains open until 3am. Before we go there tonight, I wish to bring you into my toy room, and we will go more in-depth with your gyms and your boundaries. I want pure honesty from you because if you lie or omit anything we will not go. Understand?” he asks me.
“Yes Master.”
“Secondly, Master Logan, the owner of the club,you met him last night. His sub’s name is Mia, Logan and her have been together for about 10 years and have both been in the lifestyle for years even prior to them getting together. I will call ahead and see if she can meet you before we go to the club that night to help you from a subs perspective. You can ask her any question and hopefully gain some insights to the lifestyle. She will also give you a tour of the club so you know where you can keep your belongings and stuff like that. Would you like me to reach out to Logan to see if Mia is free?” He asks me. I nod excitedly.
“Yes, I would love to talk to another submissive about all of this,” I say in return.
“I figured you might, and finally you have to trust me through this process. This will not work if you do not trust me and allow me to take care of you as your Dominant, as your Master. Will you promise to trust me and to be open and honest with me during this?”
“Yes, Master I will.” I say with confidence. Hegrins from ear to ear and pulls me close to kiss me hard.
“Well look at the time, since we are going to the club tonight I am afraid we cannot lie around here all day. I typically don’t go until the club until about 8 and neither do many of the younger couples. We usually let the older crowd go in and have their time in the space but there isn’t a set rule about it or anything. Just something we have all Become accustom with. I will set the time with Mia for 7, during the Master’s meeting.” He says and I give him a puzzled look. “The Masters in the club are nominated by all the members and are the ones that help to make decisions. We have a few training programs and classes that people can take and usually the Masters run the classes. We are also on a rotation schedule to monitor the club. We don’t want to hire any security team Because they wouldn’t understand the difference between a scene and a beating, so we take shifts watching the club to make sure everyone stays safe. Evenin the private rooms there is security protecting the submissives.” He says. “Which reminds me, you must address all Masters by their full title, for instance mine is Master Dominik. You will hear other submissives in the club refer to me as that name but it is just a formality. Does all of this make sense, kitten?” I nod.
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