Once I get back into regular clothes, I meet Dominik at the entrance where he puts on my coat and grabs my hand as we leave. I finally look down at my watch as I put on, 2:34 am. I look to him in shock.
“Time flies in that club, sweetheart. Especially when you are having as much fun as we did,” He says and give me a wink. I blush furiously and look around to find the empty street. He wraps an arm around me and walks to the street as an all-black Audi pulls up to the curb. He opens up the backdoor and I slide in to find an older man with salt and pepper hair driving the car. He turns around and smiles warmly at me.
“I am Andrews, Mr. Sherwood’s driver. Pleasure to meet you,” He says and reach a hand back to shake mine.
“Jessica, good to meet you as well,” I say back as Dominik slides in next to me.
“What is you address, Mr. Sherwood informed me we are making a bit of a pit stop,” he says and I repeat my apartments address to him. He nods and begins to drive, turning on music quietly.
“You have your own driver?” I ask Dominik in awe.
“Yes, my business is right in downtown and it comes in handy to have someone who can drop you off at the front,” He says with a grin.
“Spoiled,” I retort and he acts faked shocked as he sees me sitting without my seatbelt. He reaches across me and pulls it across my body, brushing My tender nipples which have peaked through my bra and poke slightly through my thin shirt. I gasp slightly and he laughs as he clicks it in.
“We are going 5 blocks, I am just going to have to take it off in 2 minutes anyways,” I say back.
“You will not take your protection lightly, and I expect you not to argue with me when it comes to these matters. Ever. Do you understand me, Jessica?” he asks, suddenly using his dom voice. The look in his eyes tells me he is very serious, and I nod.
“Yes, sir,” I say back.
“Good girl,” he says just as we pull to a stop at my building.
“Come, let’sgo get your things,” he says, and I shake my head.
“I’ll go and be right back down,” I say putting a hand on his as he is unfastening his seatbelt.
“So secret, what are you hiding up there. Now I must see,” He says and brushes away my hand.
“Please no, my place is a total mess I don’t want you to see it until I have cleaned up a little,” I say, Only lying slightly. If he has his own personal driver 24/7 in an Audi, no way will he be impressed with my studio apartment.
“Oh don’t be silly, besides, I would like to see if you have any clothes that I would have more fun taking off later,” he says with a sly grin.
“Well how about I surprise you with something super sexy and you agree to stay down here,” I compromise, wrapping my brain of what I could wear.
“Fine fine, but I will see your apartment one day, mark my word,” He says and I sight and grap his hand in thanks before opening up the door and hoping out.
Once in my apartment, I go to my closet and grab my duffle then head to the bathroom. I grab both my shampoo and conditioner, knowing I need to wash my hair before tomorrow. Toothbrush, deodorant, face wash and perfume. I grab a smaller back and shove some easy costumes inside before heading to my dresser. I open it and remember a matching bra and panty set I got a couple months ago and rummage through to find it. To follow, I grab an extra, more comfortable, pair of underwear then go to my closet to grab my high waited skinny jeans that make my butt look good. To go with it a knitted sweater with a turtleneck that will be perfect for the autumn in New York. I quickly strip out of my work clothes, putting them in the hamper, and put on the matching bra set, leggings, a long sleep Henley with my NYU crewneck over top. I grab some socks for tonight and tomorrow then throw my black ankle boots in my bag and slip on my black Adidas. I go over everything I have in my head, making sure I don’t forget anything, before heading out and locking my door behind me.
As I exit my building, Andrews gets out of the car to take my bag and put it in the trunk. I thank him before getting into the backseat with Dominik. He is on a phone call when I get in and I check the time again, 3:15, who could he be on the phone with at this hour? I began to listen and realize he is not speaking English, but Chinese, maybe mandarin? The car begins to move to take west and I wonder if we are headed out of the city as I look around. When he finally gets off the phone, he is pinching the bridge of his nose as his other hand types a quick message.
“Wow, I didn’t know you could speak Chinese,” I say finally, and he chuckles.
“Honey, there is a lot you don’t know about me,” He says, and I nod, admitting the truth in the statement.
“I know you are wondering though, we are trying to do business with a Chinese company currently and the time difference makes it impossible to find time to negotiate unless we travelto one another. Currently, they are in Europe so its morning there and I suppose he forget what time it was here when he called. Unfortunately, I am the only one on the team that can speak Chinese so a lot of the planning goes through me unless we are in a conference room with an interpreter,” he says and I nod in understanding.
“Can you speak any other languages?” I ask and he nods.
“I got my undergrad in international business and German then continued with my MBA and picked up Mandarin. I couldn’t stay away from school and went back to get my PhD. While growing up, I lived in a bilingual house, Spanish American. It made it easier for me to learn more languages later on. In high school I picked up French as well. Languages are fascinating to me, I enjoy being able to understand people when they speak to me regardless of their heritage.” He says and I grin.
“It’s incredible you know so much. I did a summer in Germany for a study abroad program. I learned some of thelanguage but I have forgotten most of it over the years. I miss it there so much, I haven’t been back to Europe since,” I can even sense the desperate tone in my voice.
“Well maybe I will have to take you with me sometimes. I travel there quite a bit, I can’t say I wouldn’t enjoy you in my bed in the evenings,” he says with a wink. For a moment my heart flutters at the thought. Then, I Remember my job and the fact that I just met him tonight.
“That seems awfully fast, don’t you think?” I ask and he smiles before he puts a hand high on my thigh. His thumb nearly touching my pussy and even though I am wearing layers now, his touch is just as searing as when I was naked.
“Oh, Kitten. I think you want to move at the same speed as I do,” he says as he deliberately begins staking his thumb across my pussy. I gasp and start to try to push his hand away, but it clamps down on my thigh and he waits until I stop my useless slaps.
“Your body is mine tonight, understand?” he asks in a much deeper tone, and I take a large swallow before answering.
“Yes sir,” I say, and he grows at me, disappointed. I look quickly to the driver who seems to pay no mind to us or what we are talking about. I can’t get him out of my head though, what if he can hear us?
“Andrews is not listening to us, watch,” he says then says his name loudly a few times with no response until he taps him on the shoulder, and he takes out a small ear pod I hadn’t noticed before and looks to Dominik through the rearview mirror.
“Yes, Sir?” he asks.
“Sorry to disturb you Andrews, this one was worried you were listening in on our conversation,” he says, and I blush a bright pink as Andrews smiles gently towards me. “What are you listening to this week?” Dominik asks.
“Classic jazz, sir. The wife has been forcing me to these jazz clubs and the music has gone on me,” he says with a chuckle.
“Very good, carry on,” Dominik says and with a nod he puts back in hisear pod and focuss on driving.
“Is that sufficient for you to now call me by the correct title, kitten?” he asks me, and I blush deeper and look down.
“Yes master,” I say continuing to look down. He removes his hand off my thigh and uses it to pull my chin up to look at him.
“Do not be shameful to call me Master, darling. It is something you need to become comfortable with, it will help you embrace your own lifestyle and kisses. Being a submissive is not removing your power. In fact, submissives have the real power in a dom/sub relationship,” he says and I cock my head in confusion waiting for him to continue.
“Without your trust in us, we do not have the control that we do. Your ability to come to terms with what you need and who you are is what allows a dominant to help you discover the entire extend of your sexuality. Submissives often learn how to take more control in their daily lives by allowing their dominant to take it when the submissive allows them to.I am pretty good at reading emotions and there will be times when you do not need a dominant but an equal. Some submissives need more while others need less time being dominated. In this relationship, there will be a huge learning curve because not only am I learning about you as a person, a submissive but you will be making the same discoveries. You will have to continue to communicate how you are feeling about Everything we do. We can discuss these issues as they arise, are you okay with that?” he asks and for a moment I am overwhelmed with the information I am given.
“This relationship has moved quicker than anything I have every experience, I feel like you are learning so much about me, but I am not learning the same about you.”
“I think you will find you are much more observant then you give yourself credit for. We will not be in a dom/sub relationship 24/7. That is not my type of lifestyle, there will be days where we go out on dates, assuming you want to continue tHis relationship. I will be devoted to you solely and I expect the same from you. This feels so strange but if we had met in a more vanilla way, we might have dated before introducing you to this lifestyle, but I think we have moved so much quicker the way it happened. We are doing it in reverse but I’m willing to try if you are,” He says, and I nod just as I see us pull into a long driveway.
“Yes, I am most definitely willing to try,” I say with a smile, “is this your house?” I ask in awe as we pull up to what only can be described as a mansion.
The house is tucked in the middle of a clearing in the woods. Tall trees surrounding it, still allowing for a beautifully groomed front yard. The long driveway pulls up to a separate 5 car garage which opens as we approach. It reveals 4 more cars, all different makes and models but all black. The house itself is made mostly of white-washed brick and stone with tall windows scattered throughout the house. What is inside is hidden behind semi sheer draws across all the windows. Once we pull into the garage, Andrews gets out and opens the door on my side allowing me to exit first with Dominik following closely behind.
We make our way through a small hallway connecting the garage to the house, something that is hidden upon first view of the house. We walk into a mudroom type area where Andrews says his goodbyes, making his way out of the house as we continue in. Dominik removes his shoes and coat and places them into a closet to our left as we walk in. He takes my jacket as well as I remove my shoes and do the same. I keep hold of my duffle as we make our way into the main part of the house.
The second we walk in the big husky comes running straight to us. Her tail wagging vigorously.
“Jessica, meet Akira,” he says referring to the huge fluff ball. I squat down to give her lots of pets. Quickly after, Dominik ushers the dog outside and closes a doggy gate keeping her outside.
“You livein this big house by yourself?” I ask him.
“Well I built it with the intention on eventually having a family inside. The size doesn’t both me when I am alone, though. Its tranquil, that’s why I choose this location and put in the large windows. Plus, I have Akira to keep me company,” He says as he flips on a switch into a grand living room. As the lights turn on, the curtains open revealing the wooded area extended behind the house with a small opening. I look closer to see a river through the opening with a small deck and a few canoes and kayaks held on a wooden contraption.
“It’s a beautiful location, it’s not too far from the city but just far enough I think,” I say then he smiles and unexpectedly leans down and kisses me. Before I know what is happening my back is against the wall with his hard body pressed against mine. He probes his tongue in and captures my mouth. I drop my bag and lift my arms around his neck and put my fingers into his hair. He reaches around meand grabs my legs just below my butt, lifting me off the ground.
I continue to kiss him as he leads me through the house, unaware of where he is taking me. Before I know it, I am thrown onto a bed. HE crawls on top of me and I rewrap my legs into their original position as he grinds into me. Breathless, he pulls away and looks down into my eyes.
“Jessica, I want to have sex with you. I want to make sure that you are okay with that before we do. I want to make sure you are comfortable and if anything changes at any point you must tell me,” he says, and I nod quickly.
“Yes please, master, I want you inside me,” I say, and my words fuel a fire inside him.
He sits me up and slowly removes his shirt, button by button. As he moves his way down it reveals more and more of his perfectly toned abs. He finally undoes the shirt, lets it drop then comes and sits next to me. I turn to face him, confused why he didn’t keep going.
“Stand up, strip for me, kitten.” He orders giving me his dom look. My heart start racing as I stand up and face him. I pull off my crewneck quickly and reaching down to do the same with my Henly.
“Take you time, kitten. Neither of us are in any rush. Take off those legends first, I want to see that sexy ass of yours.” He says and I try to calm down and take a deep breath.
I pull up my shirt slightly to hook my thumbs into the waistband of my legs and begin pulling them down slightly. I tilt my body, so he has a better view of my ass as I pull them down reveal my lacy black thong. The straws extend over my waist to only a small patch of fabric covering my wet pushy. I look to Dominik and see the attraction in his eyes, fueling me to keep going. I bend over and push the pants down, using my feet to take them completely off with my socks as well. I step out of them and turn again facing Dominik.
“Do you want to see what is under my shirt now?” I ask with my best innocent voice. Dominik grinins and ushers with his hand.
“The floor is yours, kitten. I would love to see those incredible breasts,” he says.
I then cross my arms and begin lifting the shirt, trying to make it as sexy as possible before completely taking it off and dropping it on the floor. The sheer black bra showcases my full breasts. The fabric allows my nipples to jut out against the lace making it very obvious to Dominik how aroused I am. He arches a finger to me summoning me to him.
As I approach, I decided to straddle him, and I lean down to kiss him. He kisses me back with just as much urgency and unhooks my bra and lets it fall from my breasts. I move my arms to pull it off without breaking the kiss and for a moment, I am in control as I push the kiss deeper, letting my fingers tug at his hair. As soon as I am setting in, he flips me, letting my flushed skin hit the cool fabric on his bed.
“You are trying to top from the bottom, little girl. I need to show you who is boss,” he says and take my hands from his shoulders pinning them above my head. The restraint causes a flush to rise to my cheeks and my heart rate to speed up. I feel the wetness of my pussy against my bare legs.
“You must keep your hands there, if you move them, I will spank you. Do you understand, kitten?” he asks, and I nod.
“Yes, master,” I reply while keeping my hands above me, I clnch my fists as he stands up and moves away from me. I try to look up as he moves into what looks like a bathroom. He returns with a strip of condoms to which he throws onto the bed next to me.
“What are your safe words?” He asks.
“Yellow and red, sir,” I say in return, grateful for the distance allowing me to continue my composition. I watch him as he stands over me. He then gets something from his nightstand. It’s about 8 inches long, made of a black silicane. The top has a larger ball and when he switches it on I realize it’s a vibrator. He turns it off and tosses it next to the condoms on the bed.
“But I thought you were going to have sex with me?” I pout as he spreads my legs to knee between them.
“In due time, kitten. Do not question my motives while in the bedroom unless the are a threat to your safety. Understood?” He asks sharply. I nod quickly and close my eyes.
“Verbally, Jessica.” He enforces.
“Yes, Master,” I say back as I anticipate his touch. I open my eyes and watch as he leans down, his mouth hovering over my legs working their way up. I arch my hips as he gets higher and as I do, he swats my inner thigh. I drop back down and pout.
“Patience, kitten,” he says with a smile. His hands move around the waistband of my thong and pull it down. He pulls my legs up allowing him to take them off then respreads them around him. He leans back down and as I wait for his tongue, he lightly brushes his facial hair across my skin while his hot breath blows across my sensitive clip. Without even touching me, I feel my pussy turn to pure liquid. He can tell to and one finger drags my wetness across my folds. So lightly and nowhere near when I want him to touch me I bring my hands down and wrap my fingers into his hair and try to push his head down to my pussy.
He pushes back and looks up at me and I realize I have made a terrible mistake. Before I know what happens, He slides me down the bed and pulls me across his knees. He pulls one leg out from under me and puts it overtop my knees while his hand presses my neck to the bed keeping me pinned and at his mercy.
“No, please, sir. I won’t move my hands again, you just had me so turned on I couldn’t help myself, please?” I ask, and squirm, feeling my sensitive clip across his pants. I dig my hips in more to add more friction and start to pant across his legs. A sharp swat his me right where my ass meets my upper thigh.
“You will not disobey me otherwise it will result in a punishment,” he swats me again making me pant even harder. I push my hips in more for just a moment befor he spreads his legs and leaves my pussy in the space between his legs, unable to touch anything.
“Please, I need to cum, Sir. Please!” I beg him as he administrators a few more swats, but the sting of each turn quickly into burning pleasure straight to my pussy.
“You will cum when I allow it and not a second earlier.” He says as he spanks me a few more times.
“Please master, fuck me with your big cock, I want you- I need you and your cock. Please!” I beg and he stops, his hand starts rubbing my ass soothing the pain.
“Have you learned your lesson, little one?” He asks me and i strain my neck to look back at him and nod while speaking “Yes master I have.”
“I am going to take you hard and fast because I fear I might need you more than you need me, you will let me know if it is too much for you.” I start to nod before I realize that it was a statement not a question. He lifts me off his lap and sits me back on the bed.
“Stand up, spread your legs andbend over. Use the bed if you need to for support,” He says as he stands up and begins removing his pants and opening a condom. His cock springs from his boxers and as I watch it, I get more aroused. I quickly stood up and get into the position he said.
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