“Okay, kitten. It is time for us to talk,” Dominik says as he pics me up again and sits down with me on his lap. I adjust myself to get comfortable and curl up to his chest.
“Is there anyway I can get a blanket? Im kinda cold?” I ask nervously, he looks down at me and smiles.
“I see that punishment has you a bit afraid to talk. Of course, you may have a blanket here,” he says and reaches down below the table beside him and grabs a fuzzy blanket like the one he wrapped me up in earlier. He unfolds it and draws it over the both of us, I pull up some extra to hold close to me.
“Thank you, Sir,” I say to him, he leans down and kisses me gently.
“Now at this point I would like you to speak freely and not be afraid on consequences. Of course, we will both be respectful to each other and as always, I am never judgemental of your feelings so do not be afraid to speak the truth. In fact, the truth is required from here on out. I expect you to be honest with me and inreturn I will do the same for you. If this relationship is to survive this is how we are going to operate. Do you have any questions before I ask mine, kitten?” He asks me and I look up to him.
“Not right now, Sir.” I say back quietly.
“Oh come on now, little one. I know your voice is much louder than that. Are you frightened to be yourself right Now?” He asks and I close my eyes and nod.
“Tell me how you are feeling, you don’t have to be afraid of how I will react. You also don’t have to call me Sir or Master. You may if you wish, but Dominik is also fine.” He says and I saw while I collect my thoughts.
“Let me get this all out before you speak, please,” I say to him and he nods, consenting to the terms.
“Okay, most importantly, I am very overwhelmed by all of this,” I wave my hands around at the word, “and my feelings towards you. I don’t understand how I can enjoy orgasming in front of people, by multiple people at that. I especially don’t understand tHis when you were the only person I was thinking about when all the other Doms where touching me. How I can be turned on by being gagged and having your fingers in my ass. None of this is normal or right. Next, my pussy and nipples are so sore, yet I have this desire to pleasure you in as many ways as possible. I find it so odd how I have came, over and over, but you have not pushed me to do anything for you even though I would willingly do so. I also believe that you know that already and that just makes me more confused as to why you don’t. Lastly, I don’t know how I know this but when you take off these cuffs, I will feel more naked then I have all night and that confuses the hell out of me. These are just the basis of how I am feeling, and I can tell that you already know all this,” I say back.
“May I speak now?” He asks after a long pause, I nod, and he continues.
“Jessica, to start off I want you to know that I have been a dom for about 12 years now. I have been withMany new subs, so I have been exposed to these feelings’ countless times. Do not think you are the first woman to thinks this way. In your day to day life, you are the one in complete control of your life. It is very hard to both open up and give complete control especially to a stranger. This is not typically how relationships in this world begin, it takes time and trust as well as a common knowledge of kind to reach this point with someone. There was something about you that I could not resist, and I wanted to show you everything all in one night. Part of you feeling overwhelmed is due to my improper care of you as your dom and for that I apologize. Hopefully from here on out we can have dates, talk more and have a solid foundation before tackling another night like this,” He says and my stomach falls. To have to wait to have sex like I did tonight make me sad so I cut him off.
“I want to have this night every night. This is the first time I have felt feminine, sexy and submissive. I think I love it and I don’t want to stop.” I say, very determined and all he does is chuckle. His hand slides into my hair and pulls slightly, waking up the nerve endings there. His lips start at my collarbone and work their way up to my ear with small kisses. The combination of sweetness with the strength of his pull is intotoxicating. He nibbles my earlobe then whispers into my ear.
“I definitely plan to take you this way every night you will let me. Multiple times so that you will barely sleep. I plan to show you my playroom with some equipment like the ones you have seen here and make sure you know the rules before you and I come back to one of these clubs. I am known for having well behaved subs and after tonight you have tarnished my reputation slightly. For that, I will make sure You are fully aware of every rule before coming back to the club. That will require a lot of outside work for us to do. Are you up for it?” He asks me and I look into his eyes and nod my head quickly and enthusiastically.
“Yes, of course Sir—uh, Master. Yes.” I say and he chuckles.
“Once I take you fully, you will never question my title again,” He says, and I give him a puzzled look.
“Coming back to that topic, why didn’t you have sex with me tonight?” I ask him, suddenly very aware of his erection across my butt.
“Sex is Extremely intimate, as you already stated yourself, you were overwhelmed with the intimacy as it was. I was not going to overwhelm you more then I already had. I’m both surprised and proud of how brave you were to be able to be naked in front of the entire club and to let your guard down enough to cum multiple times like that. If I would have taken you, you mind would have been distracted by questions such as; “Am I sexy enough for him?”, “Am I doing this right?”, or “Should we be doing a different position?” Questions like that take your mind off of your own pleasure and I don’t know if you would have been able to cum in the waythat you did if you were focused on me.” He says and kisses me gently, but I frown at him.
“I want to pleasure you, I don’t like knowing I received more than you did,” I say to him and he laughs lightly again.
“Oh Kitten, you have much to learn about dominants. We get gratification from your submission. You have no idea how much I loved seeing you up there, orgasm after orgasm, even if it was at the hand of someone else. But especially when I can make you understand me like that, its empowering. You will find that many scenes I do will not involve my direct pleasure. That is not to say I will not get mine later, but during scenes I enjoy focusing on my submissive. As your dominant I will begin to test your limits and that can only occurred in a safe environment and I like to make sure I am 100% focused on you.” He says and I become more confused.
“I just don’t get it,” I say and shake my head slightly.
“You will with time, little one,” He says and kisses my forehead. I am still conscious of his large erection forcing itself against my bottom.
“Master?” I ask.
“Yes, kitten?” he asks.
“May I give you a blow job, I’m probably not the best at it but I want to really bad. I have felt your erection all night, please?” I ask, not recognizing myself. I have never asked a man this with the thought that he might Refuse.
“Kitten, you continue to surprise me. I would love a blowjob from you, your beautiful ass has been on me too much tonight and the thought of your lips wrapped around me—well its enough to make me explode. However, I am required to use a condom because of club rules. I will use a flavored one,” He says and lifts me off the couch, I clutch onto my blanket as he stands and walks out of the curtains for a moment. When he returns, he stands in front of me and lifts my chin to kiss my lips gently.
“Drop the blanket, kitten,” when I follow his instruction immediately, he gives me an approving smile then sits on the couch. He drops a thin decorative pillow between his legs. “Kneel between my legs, eyes on me the whole time,” He says, as I knee, I appreciate the pillow comforting my knees from the hardwood floor. His dark pants still on and I look to him for the next instruction.
“After this first one, I will expect you to immediately unbutton my pants and pull them down. I will be giving you light Instruction throughout so you can get to know what I like and so I can understand what you can handle. If you need to stop to breath feel free to do so, kitten,” He says.
“Yes, Sir,” I say and he stars at me long and hard before I realize my mistake. I giggle slightly before fixing it, “Yes, Master,” the phase has become easier and I love seeing the joy in his eyes whenever I use it.
I undo his pants and pull the tight material down revealing black briefs. Even through the dark material, his erection seems huge. I carefully pull down the boxes and his fully erect dick pops out thenrest back against his lower abdomen. The condom he has on is a transparent red so I am still able to see the thick veins going up his shaft. As I pull his clothes down to his knees, he lifts up the hem of his shirt slightly so I am able to see his nicely tanned, solid abs. I pick his dick up gently, holding it in my hand for a moment feeling its smooth texture. I notice he is not completely bare but his hair is neat and trimmed down.
“Start by licking from the base to tip and keep your eyes on me the entire time, kitten,” He says and I do as I am told. I taste cherry and its surprisingly good. I watch as his eyes light up with desire. It fuels me to wrap my lips around the thick shake and work my way down.
Dominik grabs ahold of my hair into a ponytail hold up by his hand. With my hair out of my face, I keep a hand firmly planted at the base as I start to suck up and down about half way. I make sure to keep my teeth sheathed away as I bounce. I start to try to go faster but he tugs my hair back slowing me down again.
“Slow down, pet. This is not a race; I enjoy the feeling of your hot mouth wrapped around my dick. Try to go further down, have you ever been able to deep throat?” He asks me, I remain holding his dick with one hand as I lift my head up to respond.
“Only once, Master but I nearly throw up so I never tried again,” I says and he nods.
“That is perfectly alright, we will work to get you to that point. For now when you feel my dick hit your gag reflect try to swallow to avoid the feeling of throwing up, can you do that for me, kitten?” he asks and I nod.
“Yes, Master.” I reply automatically.
Once I got started again, Dominik gives small instructions as I continue. For a little while he allows me to work within my comfort zone but I notice him push more and more with my hair as I continue. When I finally reach where my gag reflex is, he doesn’t allow me to move my head back up.
“Swallow, kitten,” He says.
At first I find it hard to swallow with how big his dick is, filling my mouth. However, once I do, his head slides further in and I push my head down slightly realizing I did it. I quickly realize I need air and I pull my head up quickly and take in a large breath.
“I am so proud of you, Jessica. Would you like to try it again?” He asks and I nod eagerly, and he smiles in return.
“Good girl,” He says as I work my way down his dick again. This time my nose brushing the hair at the base. I pull up again for air and after a few more tries, my mouth touches the base. I look up to see him with his head titled back in pure pleasure. It fuels me to keep going quicker and moving my tongue.
“Use your hand to play with my balls, kitten. Ugh, that feels so good, you have no idea,” He says. I do as I am told and take the weight of his balls into the palm of my hand. As my head goes down, my fingers push slightly. He starts to groan lightly as I feel his balls clnch up and without warning I feel the tip of the condom fill up with hot fluid. I continue my work until he tugs my head off his dick.
I wipe the drool that has come down my chin using a tissue from the box on the table. Dominik stands to go and dispose of the condom. I continue kneeing on the ground, not sure if I should stand again.
“Oh, Jessica, that was pure bliss. Stand for me,” he says and I awkwardly stumble off of my sore knees. I think he is going to talk but instead he kisses me. Firmly initially, until we sink into it, his hands roam my body while mine twist into his hair. His tongue roams my mouth as I willingly submit. When he finally pulls back, he holds the back of my arms to steady me.
“If your mouth feels that good around my dick, I cannot wait to feel your pretty little pussy,” he says, very casually while I stand in shock at his vulgar tone. Yet, my insides clnch and I feel my clip pulsate. I stand there stunned that I could be turned on again after orgasming soMany times this evening. He smiles as he watches me and brings me back down to the couch, he looks at his watch absent-mindedly.
“By no means am I kicking you out, in fact I would love to spend the night with you. However, the club will be turning down in the next 10 to 15 minutes so if you would like I could drive you home, we could stay here or if you are comfortable, I would love to take you back to my house” He says and I think for a moment.
It’s Friday, so I don’t have to work tomorrow. Staying at the club would to too weird for me, so my house or his. I worry slightly that if I don’t go him with him, I wont ever see him again. Yet that is not the only thing that is drawing me to his house. To think about waking up and having sex like that with him again in the morning. But what if he has a gross house or lives in a tiny apartment with rooms? I immediately dismiss the idea, he is too much in control to allow rooms. I also think back, and I swear I saw an Armani logo on his boxes. What poor man would wear Armani boxes? I look up at him and see him patiently watching me.
“I feel as though you have questions, ask them freely,” He says, and I sit up slightly in his lap to look him level in the eyes.
“I feel like I already know but I need to ask; Do you live in a gross tiny apartment or live with rooms or live in your parent’s basement?” I ask quickly, question after question. He laughs at me before answering.
“No, no and definitely not. I live in a 4-bedroom house I built myself on a plot of land near the river. I have it on a 5-acre plot with canoes and kayaks I would love to take you out on some day. I do not have any rooms but I do have a husky named Akira. She is 4 years old and very well trained. I have my car here but if you prefer not to stay then I can drive you home or call a cab. I will put your phone number in my phone that way I can call you tomorrow and we can set up a proper date.” He says and I smile.
“I want to go to your house, I know its super fast I just—” I start to say when he finishes my sentence.
“—don’t want to be without you. Kitten, I feel the same way about you. You are the first girl to affect me like this in a very long time. I can’t help but want you in my arms when we fall asleep and wake up to your naked body and fuck you all morning long. Then we can go out for breakfast because I am a terrible cook,” he says and we both have a laugh.
“deal,” I say, and he kisses me hard and fast.
“I will go get your clothes. Would you like to stop by your place to get a change of clothes and anything else for the evening?” He asks and I nod quickly.
“Yes, please. The thought of wearing my work clothes on a Saturday makes me depressed,” I say.
“Maybe we should go shopping and find you more work-appropriate clothes that make you look a lot better then the ones you showed up in,” He says and lifts his eyebrow in speculation. I smack his chest lightly.
“They weren’t that bad!” I argue.
“They could be a lot better, tiger,” he says with a chuckle.