He holds my hand as we cross the entrance room and get to the club doors. He opens one door and allows for me to enter first. Immediately the air is warmer and damp. My eyes adjust to the dimmed lights as I feel Dominic wrap his arm around my waist. Suddenly I feel much more confident with him beside me, I notice how snuggly I fit in the crook of his arm. He squeezes my hip and leads me to a couch in the back of the room.
We walk past various people scattered on the couches and I see many people kneeing on the ground next to what I can assume to be their master. I watch as their masters talk among each other as they sit at their feet and looking downward.
“Will I have to sit at your feet?” I ask and look up to Dominic. He does feel much taller than me as we walk like this.
“I prefer my subs to be in my lap unless I am with other Doms. If at any point tonight we are in that situation, I will provide a pillow and you may sit on your butt if your knees hurt. I do not wish to keep my subs in pain while I carry on a conversation unless they are not respectful.” He responds with ease and I let out a sight.
We reach the couch and he sits on the corner, I start to sit next to him but as I fall, he grabs my hips and turn me so I fall on top of him. I start to try and squirm off his lap, but he holds me firmly in place.
“I just told you I prefer my subs to be on my lap. This is where you are to stay while we talk.” He says and I still.
“I’m heavy though,” I say and look down at the rolls that have formed by sitting.
“I think you are perfect. It would please me very much to have that very full ass of yours on my lap, but if you are truly uncomfortable you may move to sit next to me instead” I think about it for a moment but something inside me wants to please him, so I settle in.
“Good girl,” he says and wraps his arms around me. “Are you ready to talk?” he asks.
“About what?” I ask.
“You.” He says so definitely.
“What do you want to know?” I ask and he smiles. He pushes a lock of hair away from my face behind my ear.
“Everything, but for the sake of time tonight, we are going to jump into the juicy things. There are things I need to know before we continue with anything behind the velvet curtains.” He says and I look to the other side of the room that is covered with the curtains.
“Like what?” I ask.
“Tell me about your sex life, the past and present.” He says so casually as I blush. I shake my head and he grows, “I have to know what you have experienced before deciding what I think you can handle. How many different partners have you been with?”
“14” I say back.
“Okay and have you recently been tested for any STIs?” he asks.
“Yes, I had a gyno appointment last month and I was tested and came back clear.” I say back.
“Are you on any form of birth control?” I nod in response, “Good, we will still be using condoms if we were to ever have intercourse, I just want to make sure we are extra cautious.” He says and fires off another question, “Have you ever done anal in any way?” I immediately blush and shake my head violently.
“No absolutely not,” I say, and he laughs.
“I think at some point I will have to show you how amazing it can be to have something there.” He says and I shake my head. “don’t worry, I wouldn’t do it without your consent beforehand, and I think at that point you will be begging for it anyways.” He says with a smile.
“I doubt that,” I mumble back but immediately regret it. His eyes turn dark in a way I know he has a plan.
“what did I say about disrespect?” He asks me.
“You don’t allow it,” I say back.
“Exactly, and what did I say I would do if you sassed me again?”
“Punish me,” I say.
“Have you ever been spanked, Jessica?” He asks me and I drop my head.
“When I was a child, but I am an adult now” I argue and he shakes his head.
“That doesn’t matter, you were a bad girl and I have no other option then to punish you for it, so you think twice before mumbling rude comments under your breath again. Now, I will flip you over and I will give you 5 spanks with my hand. After each you will thank me, using my title. If the pain becomes too much you have your safe words, do you understand?” He asks.
“What if I promise to be better now? I won’t do it again, I swear!” I start to plead trying to get out of it.
“That isn’t how you will learn, are you ready?” he asks and as I think about leaving my pussy starts to get wet thinking about his hand smacking my ass.
“On second glance, it looks like you might be anticipating the feeling of me spanking your ass. Turn over making sure your ass is high enough for me to reach. You may balance yourself with your hands on the ground.” He says and I turn to put my stomach on his knees. He pushes me further up so my feet can no longer touch the ground and my ass is straight in the air. I glance around up to see if anyone is looking but everyone is involved in their own conversations as if they have seen someone getting spanked every day of their lives.
“Do not focus on anyone but me, kitten. They are used to this and will not think any differently of you or of us. This is a common practice in BDSM. Just try and relax, maybe even enjoy it…” He trails off and I take a deep breath, steadying myself.
“alright first one, kitten. Remember to thank me or I will forget what number I am on.” He says with a chuckle.
“yes, sir.”
“Good, girl” he responds.
The first smoke comes down and the shock spreads across my entire ass. I shout a little purely out of shock. As the initial pain subsides, I can’t help but want it back.
“Thank you, sir” I say waiting for the next.
The second is just as good as the first, I feel my wetness start to drip from the side of my panties. My need grows with each smack until he finishes his 5. I try to catch my brEath as I thank him.
“We will definitely be visiting the spanking bench tonight,” He says as he turns me around and my tender ass rubs against his coarse jeans and I have another thrill sent through my body.
“How are you feeling?” He asks me.
“Strangely good,” I say in return.
“its okay to be confused. Spanking is such a negative act in the vanilla world. Here, it’s a form of release for sexual tension. Frankly, it made me want to take you on the side of his couch right here right now. However, I want to make sure to uphold my end of the bargain. I promised a screaming orgasm and that is what I will give you.” He says with a smile.
“Is it time to go in the other room now?” I ask, trying not to dwell on thinking about him taking me on This couch.
“I think we can. You are to stay with me at all times, if you need to even use the restroom, I will escort you. I want to make sure that you feel as relaxed as possible while we go through there. I also willbe putting cuffs on your wrists. They indicate that you are with me and if we do get separate some way, no other dom will both you while wearing these.” He waves over a server I hadn’t noticed were even here.
“Go get me my cuffs and a water bottle please, Kacie” He asks her, and she bows slightly before walking away. I watch her and realize she is only wearing an apron. Nothing else. I look away quickly and it prompts another laugh from Dominic.
“Still so modest, even though I just took you over my knee and spanked your basically bare ass.” He says and makes me flush again.
“I don’t know if I could ever walk around naked like that,” I say back.
“Even if it is what I want you to do?” He asks.
“You want me to do that?” I ask nervously.
“Exhibition is something I enjoy watching my submissives do. Based on how you reacted to your spanking I think you like it more then you care to admit. We will ease you in, but I think by the end you will be just as naked as our server is.” He says and Kacie returns with a water and a pair of dark leather cuffs. I see a gold monogram on them.
“What is your full name?” I ask him as he takes the items from her. He opens the water and hands it to me and give me a look that makes me start to take large drinks.
“Dominic James Sherwood, yes that is my monogram” he responds and take
the hand not holding the water and wraps the cuff around. The inside is very soft, he buckles it then checks the tightness with his finger. I put the water in the opposite hand as he adjusts the other cuff.
“There we are; we are ready to go now. Feel free to ask as many questions as you need while we go through. You are not to disturb anyone’s scenes; a lot of people when they first walk Through, they mistake the pain that the submissive may be experiencing to be some form of abuse. Everyone here is aware of the safe words and it is highly enforced. If they are truly in that type of pain, they know how to use it.” He says, I began to get worried and he sees the look on my face.
“Jessica, I am not a sadist and I already know you are not a masochist. I distributed pain in punishments but usually it’s the type that can easily topple into sexual pleasure. As we continue into this lifestyle, if you choose, we can explore those types of pain limits with you, but it is not something I wish to do to you this evening,” he says and I am able to breath evenly again.
He takes the almost empty bottle from my hand, finishes the rest himself then sets it on the table next to the couch. He stands, bringing me up with him and wraps me in his arms again with a hand on my hip. We walk to the curtains and he opens one holding it open as I walk through. I am shocked by what I see. We are at the top of a set of stairs, so we are given an aerial view of the room. Along the entire edge there about 8-9 stages with scenes, I guess they are called, being conducted with another 4 in the center making a horseshoe shape. I see another door to the left which people are entering and walking down more stairs. I look to Dominic for an explanation.
“Down there are private rooms as well as some role play rooms, we can go down there later if you wish.” He says and I nod.
“What type of role play?” I ask and he smiles as we start to descend the stairs.
“It rotates with every pop up but I think this one has some of the typical fans; doctor’s office, classroom and something mimicking a boss’s office. Any of those interest you?” He looks to me and I blush but stay silent.
“Jessica, communication is key. I promise I wont judge you or think you are weird for any fetish you might have while we explore. This is a judge free zone. Besides, I want to know what specific kink you have that turn you on, I enjoy turning you on,” He says with a wink.
“Well,” I start and see his reaffirming eyes and continue, “The doctor’s office one has always been intriguing to me. Plus, I feel like you would look sexy in a white coat,” just as I finish another man walks by.
“Oh Dom, you brought a newbie in here. She doesn’t even know that you actually are a doctor? That’s usually a pick up line for you” the man says to Dominik. He then turns to me and says “Well it’s only a PhD but he still likes it when the girls call him Doctor Sherwood,” he winks his hazel eyes and shakes his head back to get the sandy brown locks out of his face. He has a strong jaw and an even more muscle body than Dominic. I look behind him and see he is holding a lean attached to a woman wearing a collar behind him. She is not wearing a bra and has ropes wrapped around her so her hands are held behind her back and artistically wrapped to also go around both of her breasts. She keeps her eyes down and legs apart while standing there. I look and see she is also not wearing any underwear and behind her there is a tail coming out. For a brief moment I wonder how it is attached to her bodybefore I realize where it must be inserted. I finally look to her face. She has bright blonde hair that is curled to perfection with two cheese ears in to match the tail.
“Yes she’s new, I like being a teacher every once in awhile,” Dominic responses to the man.
“She’s definitely your type,” he looks around my body and slaps my ass slightly. I jump and push myself further into Dominic’s arm.
“Hey! Keep your hands to yourself!” I say in return to the hit, I look him in the eye and suddenly regret my outburst.
“Dom, do you want me to wrap her up in the crotch rope? I have some spare shibari rope in my bag?” He asks and I go stiff. Dominic squeezes my hip.
“I don’t want her running for the hills from one of your demonic crotch ropes. I will talk with her, she still is a little fuzzy on the rules here. Excuse her from this one, but if she does it again, I give you permission to do your worst,” I look up to Dominic, terror in my eyes. He leans down to whisper in my ear. “Don’t worry kitten, he’s a man that lives off the rules and high protocol. I am appearing him to get you out of this mess, just do not speak until they leave.” He says and I nod.
“Yes sir,” I say back, and he kisses my forehead.
“Alright, I’ll let you by on this one, sub. We are doing a scene in about 20 minutes at the whipping station they have up for tonight. Stop by if you have a chance, I would like your opinion on my long whip technique.” He says and Dominic agrees and they part ways.
“I’m sorry, I just didn’t know anyone could touch me like that,” I say to Dominic. He brings me to a small sofa at the base of the stairs.
“Dominants here require respect. Many will walk around as if they own all the submissives and Drake there is one of them. He would never do much more without consent from me, or whoever your dom is that evening. You look very sexy tonight and other doms can be jealous of what is mine,” he says with a laugh.
“Okay, I will try not to yell at any doms,” I say with a laugh.
“Good girl, ready to look at some of these scenes?” He asks, I nod, and we continue.
The first scene is between two females. One has her feet spread and chained to the floor with her hands tied and strung above her head. She is completely naked as the other woman hits all over her body with a handle attached to many smaller letter straps of sorts.
“What is she hitting her with?” I ask Dominic.
“That is a flogger, most soft leather ones such as that one is pretty low pain with one blow but doing it in the fashion she is doing, it seems as if she is warming up her body,” He says. I watch as she smokes between the legs, the girl moans as they become more concentrated there. I watch closely as the woman reaches an orgasm from the smacks alone. I grip Dominic’s wait tightly and he moves his hand from my hip and rest it over my shoulder instead. His hand dangles right over my right breast. He slips his fingers inside the cup of the bra easily. I am so turned on already I don’t even care that we are in a sea of people. He fingers the nipple, flicking and pinching in a way that shoots pleasure straight to my already throbbing clip. He leans down to my ear, nibbles the lobe before speaking.
“I love the way you got turned on by watching that scene. I may have just figured out how I am to give you one of your orgasms tonight.” I turn my head and look to him.
“More than one? I have never been able to -” he cuts me off with his mouth on mine.
“You’ve never been with me,” He responds. His fingers still playing with my nipple, he starts walking me towards the next scene.
At this scene there is a female tied down face up on a table. She is blindfolded and gagged. The man is dripping candle wax all over her body. I look and see that around both of her breasts and the inside of her thighs look like splatter paint from the different colors of wax. As they drip, she lets out light whimpers.
“how are you feeling about the wax play, I can’t read your emotions as easily as I could with the last one,” he asks me.
“To be honest I don’t really know how I feel. I’m not immediately turned on by it, but it also doesn’t look awful,” I say with a shrug of my shoulders.
“That is what you call a soft limit,” he says, and I look puzzled up at him.
“Submissives have two types of limits, hard or soft. A soft limit is something that you have never tried before or maybe something that makes you a little nervous, but you are willing to try and see if you would like it. A hard limit is something that is agreed upon by the dom and sub that the act will never be done without exactly consent. A hard limit may never be tried depending on Any types of trauma the submissive may have experienced. Typically, it is up to the dom to try and break through those inhibitions and work towards solving those problems, but some hard limits always stay hard limits and that is OK too.” he says and I nod in understanding.
“Okay well anal is a hard limit for me,” I say with a smile.
“For now,” He says with a smile.
“No for always,” I say back, and he just laughs. Something in me knows that at some point in my life I will end up with something up my ass.
We walk by a few more scenes. Various types of bondage are used, and most are just using different types of hitting devices. Nothing seems too scary until we get to a larger roped off area. On the stage, I recognize the girl earlier with the tail and ears. She is tied to a large wooden cross. The man that smacked my ass is using a long whip like the ones you would see in Indiana jones movies and hitting her. Bright red stripes are all down her back, butt and upper thighs. I see Her body shaking and hear the sound of her crying. Drake continues to arch back bringing the whip down on her pale skin. A thin line of blood starts to see from one and he doesn’t even flinch. Sweat drips down his face as he continues hitting her. She is sobbing at this point and I look to Dominic.
“Aren’t you going to do something! He is really hurting her, she is crying!” I yell at Dominic as he simply stands and watches.
“She isn’t safe wording, Kitten. This may be something she needs emotionally. Masohists require pain like this to release any emotional trauma they may have. They use this pain to go into subspace. You do not need to worry about this type of pain, this is something that I only do if I am with a true masochist. I know you are not that, Jessica and that is OK.” He says, I start to cry as I watch more blood pour down her back. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his chest so my face is buried and I am not able to see her anymore. We stand there for another 5-10 minutes when I suddenly heard the whipping stop. I turn to look and see the red stripes across her entire back half, bruises have already started forming under some. A thin white piece of fabric is wrapped around her and the blood sees through as Drake carefully walks her to a couch behind the stage. He is brushing away her tears and they are talking. She kisses him with such tenderness, something that I would never do after a whipping like that. She seems thankful for the experience from him, they continue talking as he applies ointment to her back and some gauze to stop the bleeding. I watch this interaction for a moment before I am being pulled away. Dominic brings us to another couch, and he sits down and brings me on his lap again.
“How are you feeling?” He asks me.
“I don’t really know, confused mostly.” I say in return.
“That is perfectly normal, you are confused by being turned on by certain types of pain but also you really do not understand the whipping we just watched. How she can be grateful for what just happened to her. Many submissives do not understand that type of pain that only masochists and their sadists can understand. I’m glad you saw it soyou can understand the difference. I am a dominant and you are a submissive. The titles in this are very important and if you ever play with a different dominant you will want to make sure to let them know your hard limits. Make sure to make them aware of what you are, and they must respect that,” he says, and I become even more confused.
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