Pop Up Club Pt. 03

As I wake up, I look up and realize I am still In Dominik’s arms and am completely unaware of how long I have been sleep for. When I look up at him, he is talking to someone, but I cannot see who it is. I remain more still as I listen to the conversation and shut my eyes again.

“She responds to you nicely, it would be interesting to see what you two could morph into with a little More time and dedication to her training. Have you considered taking another long-term sub since Danielle?” I recognize the voice speaking to Dominik but am unable to place it with a face.

“I really have enjoyed her company tonight and there is a define connection here. I think it’s worth while to look deeper into and see if it can work. I am not ready to jump into a full-time relationship with her. I also feel like she Maybe needs to experience more before she can really decide that I am the dom for her. She is so new to the scene that though we had an excellent connection tonight, what if she pairs up better with another dom. I don’t want to deprive her of that relationship she could possibly have.” He says and my heart sinks. I know I have not been with any other doms than him, but I find it incredibly hard to believe that anything could get better. The other man speaks agrees with me.

“From what I could see while watching your scene and now how comfortable she is with you. It is very hard to believe that she will find something better then what you have together. Maybe try a ménage and see how she responds to another man touching her. Let her know that it is not you touching her, be in the scene but step back and see how she reacts when you aren’t near her and she is with someone new. It would be very eye opening to see if her body can react the same way to someone else in the way it does to you. Her mouth can lie but her body language will not.” The man says and my breath hitches at the thought of Dominik letting another man touch me. While he watches. Both mengo silent and I realize I blew my cover, Dominik reaching under my chin until I open my eyes up at him.

“Kitten, how long have you been awake?” he asks me with hard eyes. I blush immediately.

“Just a couple minutes, Sir” I say, and he gives me a disapproving look.

“We will talk about what you heard and how you are using the improper title again once you apologize to Master Derek so he can leave. Get off my lap, knee as I taught you and keep your head down when you apologize,” He says.

“Should I kiss his feet as well?” I mumble and instantly regret it.

“Derek, would you do the honors of paying my very snarky submissive?” Dominik asks, I finally look at the man. He is shorter than most of the Masters I have met but he makes up for his height in muscle build. His biceps are likely larger than my thigh and I take a hard gulp.

“Please Masters, might I just apologize. I had just woken up and was out of my wits. Please have merci,” I say looking betweenDominik and Derek. The men look at each other and laugh.

“Sweetheart, you will never learn respect if you are never punished. You will get on your hands and knees now,” Derek says to me and I look to Dominik. He does not say a word and nudges me off his lap.

I topple to the group and knee on the hard wood, instantly aware all I have on are my thigh highs. My large breasts wobble as they hang from my chest. I know better than to ask for my clothes at this point and decide just to take my punishment.

“Good girl, now follow me. Do not stand up.” Derek says. I shuffle behind him as he walks us outside the velvet curtain area and back into the bar area. I instantly feel out of place in the more relaxed environment. I look behind me to see Dominik following silently. His face is completely unreadable.

We reach the bar and Derek finds an empty two chairs. He tells me to stand up and to put out my wrists. He quickly locks together my cuffs that are still on and I lookto the initials of Dominik and I glance at him. Without warning, Derek lifts me onto the wooden bar, steps onto a chair and hooks my hands to the rafters above. I suddenly am very exposed, and I close my legs and eyes tightly. Next, Derek takes a cuff on my ankle and moves my leg apart and clips it to a hook built into the bar and does the same with the other ankle. I am now fully exposed to the bar area When the bartender comes up behind me and trails his finger down my back. I shiver at the touch before he pokes his head around me to talk to Derek and Dominik.

“Did you bring me a new bar ornament? Most of the time I mind that their back is to me but this one has a nice enough ass that the view from back here is also great.” He says and all the men have a chuckle. I feel a blush extend over my entire body I finally open my eyes and I look to Dominik with a small pleasure in my eyes.

“I’m afraid you must learn a lesson and Derek is a fan of public humiliation.” He explains to me and I groan.

“Okay, lets just get this over with, please?” I ask them and they both smile at each other.

“I hope by then end of this you will actually be happy,” Derek says.

Instead of speaking out loud I think to myself, ‘I highly doubt that’ but I bite my lip as Derek begins to speak to the crowd forming around the bar.

“This little submissive has been disrespectful to me with her mouth. I wish to teach her a lesson in order to ensure she never mouths off to me again. My goal by the time she gets off this bar is that her voice will be so gone from screaming that she wont even be able to please for more. How does that sound to everyone?” He says and I look to him in complete shock. I shiver as the crowd is now twice the size and all the doms are smiling and whispering to each other.

“Fetch me my toy bag, would you kitten?” Derek asks a neary sub who bows her hear and curries off without a sound. Meantime, Dominik comes and puts a hand on my freezing cold foot and rubs gently.

“I imagine Derek will want to use a gag since you disrespected him with your mouth. I will watch you very closely and if I think at any moment you cannot handle it I will tell him to stop. I will be giving you a squeezer toy and if you squeeze it twice in a row that is a signal of yellow and three loud fast squeezes will be red. Do you understand Everything I am telling you, Jessica?” he asks as my brain process it. A tear slides down my cheek and I nod. I look around and it feels like there is twice the amount of people in here compared to when we first came in.

“I don’t want him to touch me, why can’t you give me the punishment instead?” I ask him, beg of him really.

“You must learn this way, in the future it is always up to the dom you disrespect how the punishment will go. Some will give it to me or whoever your permanent dom is or they will choose to administrator it on their own. I’m sorry that your first night here isn’t going the way you wanted it to, kitten.” He says and give me a sympathetic look.

I look and the sub has returned with the toy bag and Derek sets it on the bar next to me, as Dominik guessed, he pulls out a gag. This one has a thick part resembling a short dick that is attached.

“This will go into your mouth, you may find it easier to breathe out of your nose but that requires you to stay calm. I am giving you this ball to squeeze if at any point this becomes too much.” Derek says to me and I nod.

“Yes sir,” I say back.

“Good girl,” Derek steps on the foot rest of the bar and pushes the gag into my mouth. The size immediately makes me nervous as it nearly reaches my gag reflex. He brings the straps around my head and secures it. The moment it latches on a flood spreads to my pussy and my reaction confuses me. Dominik smiles widely at me and him and Derek share a glance. A red ball is placed into my right hand.

“If you drop the ball as well, that will cease all activity, now squeeze it 3 times quickly to let me know you understand and that you can,” He says. I do as I am told and the loud squeak echoes as Derek nods to me.

“Good,” He says. The weight of the gag in my mouth reminds me that of a dick and I can’t help but think about Masters dick and wrapping my lips around his instead of this rubber one. I look to him and can tell that he is thinking the same thing as I am.

“Now since this sub is new, I figured we might as well all get acquainted to her and her beautiful body. So I am willing to give the next 15 doms 2 minutes with our little sub here. If you are able to make her cum in your time you have the moral victory. No toys are allowed only your mouth and fingers please. She already seems quite ready for play,” he says and startles me when his fingers run through my dripping lips to show the crowd his glistening fingers. Initially there are a few male doms who jump at the game, clearly very competitive while others mingle in the back and afew consult the subs they are with. I look to the couples and watch as they discuss it with their submissive. Some congregate to the line while others stay back with their sub in the arms to watch instead of participate. Derek walks through and puts the doms in order cutting a few off in the back. A blush works up my body as the first approaches my naked body.

He has freckled paler skin and is more lean then muscled compared to Many of the doms. His eyes are a light brown to match his sandy brown hair, he wears black ripped jeans, a simple black t shirt with a leather jacket over it. Derek looks to him to make sure he is ready and he takes off the jacket then nods. His right arm is covered in colorful tattoos and as he gets to my body, I look at their intricate design. He first puts a finger to one nipple while the other slides down to my pussy, all of my excitement drains from me as he works tirelessly at my clip. He doesn’t posses the same power Dominik does. I look to him uponThought and see him with a very hard look on his face. The dom on my body clearly becomes frustrated at my lack of response and moves his mouth down to my clip instead and inserts his fingers into my pussy. His tongue is skilled and I close my eyes pretending it is Dominik there instead and warmth spreads across my body. This urges the dom on and his fingers find my g-spot and start to really get going but before I can Come anywhere near cumming, Derek says time and the dom steps away from my body. I watch his disappointed face walk away.

The next dom immediately catches my attention. He is much more skilled then the previous dom and his sheer power washes over me and since I was warmed up from the previous man, he gets me to orgasm with time to spare, he draws out the orgasm as long as he can before Derek says time. The man comes up with a victorious smile.

The line continues through the next 5 or 6 people and only a couple are able to get me there but it is only when I am looking at Dominik and thinking of him. Then a woman appears next in line and I began to worry, I have never had a woman do anything with me before. I’ve never experimented or done a threesome so as she approaches I began to worry.

“Don’t worry, Sugar. I like to think I am better than any guy you have had touchin that beautiful pussy you have,” She says as Derek allows her to begin. She proves herself right as her expert hands find all the sweet spots across my body and brings me up to climax quickly and easily. As I finish I look to Dominik who tilts his head back and forth and smiles in a way that shows he is intrigued.

The rest of the men have a hard time because my body is spent. I begin to feel very tired as I wait for it to be over. I have become numb to the fact that I am naked and displayed across the bar. Even to the idea of ​​other people touching me. With my eyes closed the remaining men come through and leave no impression and each feel very similar to one anotherer. My pussy is numb and I have mentally decided I have hit my orgasm quota for the day. Then suddenly, Derek says next and a new man approaches. Before I can look and see, a blindfold is being put over my eyes, I shake my head back and forth then I feel his hands. Masters hands across my arms down to my tender breasts and across my sore legs.

“You thought you were out of orgasms did you, kitten? Well I am going to bring one more out of you,” He says and a shiver runs down my spine. I moan as his tongue plays with my nipple as his fingers slowly creep into my pussy. Without warning, he starts plunging them deeply inside me and sucks hard on my nipple. Within seconds I am shot straight into full arousal without even the brush of my clip. When he moves to my other nipple my body comes crumbling down as I scream into my gag and I feel spit drip from my mouth across my chest. As the orgasm rips through me I feel the gag press against the back of my throat and it makes me want his dick in my mouth instead. I want to pleasure him the way he has pleasured me. I look down at him as he looks satisfied with his work then Derek speaks and Dominik looks to him, breaking our gaze.

“At that rate, you could get another one out of her,” Derek says and I panic, my pussy is sore from the events from tonight and yet my nipple strain to have his lips on them once again.

“I agree, will you allow me the time to change her position on the bar?” Dominik asks him and my muscles stiffen. My brain tries to rack through the possibilities as Dominik unfastens my hands and legs he unclips my hands then stuns me with his next request.

“Get on your hands and knees with your ass to me. Rest your elbows on the bar and allow Master Jake to clap your hands in front of you. Make sure Your legs are spread wide, kitten.” He says and I sit there appalled for a moment, unable to speak with the gag in my mouth.

“Either safe word or do as your told, Jessica,” he says and giveme a dark look. I nod and follow orders. I quickly realize that do to the width of the bar, most of my calf has to be hanging off the bar making my pussy tilt to the crowd as I rest my elbows to the bar. The bartender, who I now know is Master Jake, clasps my hands to hooks in front of me making sure my ball is safely in my hand. Dominik pulls my legs even further apart and clips my ankles to the bar again. I rest my head on the cool wood and try to block out the fact that the entire bar is watching me.

“Alright Derek how much time do I have remaining?” Dominik asks him.

“She came at 52 seconds so I will make it an even 70 seconds,” He says and I groan knowing I will likely cum but not knowing if I cant handle it.

“Good, on your count,” He says.

“Alright, 3, 2, 1…GO!” Derek says and suddenly his mouth is on my clip. My body wakens and I think to myself, ‘am I really so easy?’ Suddenly, a wet finger traces the outer edge of my anus.

“I yell against my gagbut he continues while his mouth moves on my sensitive clip. He pushes one finger inside and out picking up a rhythm. As soon as he introduces the second finger, new nerve endings wake up combined with his tongue it pushes me over the edge that I didn’t see coming. He continues with his fingers letting me ride out the orgasm, I feel as my pussy clunkes onto thin air and it only turns me on more. One Final lap of his tongue sends shudders and I don’t even hear the crowd clapping until he starts undoing my restraints.

“Very good job, kitten. I am very impressed, and I would like the point out that I was right, you do enjoy something up your butt.” He says as he spins me to sit on the bar top in front of him. I blush a bright red and try to speak back but the gag still has yet to be removed.

“Now when I take off this gag you are not to sass Master Derek or I. That is what caused you to get into this position in the first place. You will knee for Master Derek and apologize sincerely and thank him for your punishment. Then we may go and find somewhere to speak, understand, little one?” He asks and I saw with a nod. He laughs lightly at my response and without a word he helps me off the bar and lets me get used to my weight for a moment while holding me. I settle and wobble to Derek looking downwards as I knee.

“I am so sorry I was mouthy to you, Master Derek. Thank you for your punishment, Sir.” I say to him keeping my head down.

“Look up at me, sub,” he says and I follow orders quickly. I realize that everyone has dispersed from around the bar and I feel better knowing they aren’t watching this.

“I don’t like administratoring pain to the subs here and that’s why I take the approach I do, but I can guarantee you will not want a repeat of what you did earlier. 15 men may seem like a lot to you right now but what happens next time is I let the whole club have a go at it. Including the submissives. Do you understand me, pet?” he asks and I eagerly nod my head.

“Of course, Sir. I am so very sorry, Sir,” I say with a shake in my voice. He nods to me then looks to Dominik.

“Good enough, you may rise and return to your Master now.” He says with a gentle smile and walks off. I stand quickly, and not so gracefully as I nearly fall back to the floor. Dominik’s arms wrap around me and before I can protect, he lifts me off the ground and starts walking.

“I can walk, Sir,” I say to him.

“I prefer to carry you, little one.” He says and I know better then to question him. I rest my head against his chest as he walks to the corner of the room. He finds a couch surrounded almost completely by thick red and black sheets. The sign on the outside says ‘open’. Once we walk in, he sets me on the extra wide couch and returns to the opening to flip the sign and shut the curtains, fully enclosing us in privacy. The sounds of the club are still present but very muffled inside the room.


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