I was walking back home on a normal night from work. I took the subway closest to my apartment, still 8 blocks away. As I walked, I noticed a man standing outside of what I thought was an abandoned building. He was dressed in an all-black suit with a coiled ear piece and a clipboard – the way a door man would look outside of a club. He smiled politely at me as I walked by but the curiosity got the better of me as I turned around to ask him what this place was. As I approached him, a man exits the building with a very attractive woman and take her to a taxi waiting on the street. His eyes lock on mine and for that moment I cannot look away. He breaks the contact as he helps the woman into the cab and tells the driver where to go. I watch him take a money clip from his pocket and give the driver a $100 bill. I politely look away as I approach What I assume to be the door man.
“Can I help you, Miss?” He asks me as the other man comes to stand by and listen. I avoid looking at him knowing I will forget my thoughts.
“Yeah, I’ve lived in this neighborhood for 5 years and taken this same route home every Monday through Friday for the last 4 and I’ve never seen this club here. I was just curious what is inside.” I say and peer around his shoulder as if I would be able to see something.
“This is a pop up and is restricted to members only. Unfortunately I cannot let you—” the other man, the one with the eyes, then puts a hand on his forearm and stops him before turning to me.
“Actually, members are allowed guests and since I just put mine into a cab I no longer have a date. Would you care to join me? Miss…” He asks me and the first answer I think of is yes but I look down at my plain black dress pants, flats and a blouse. I look at him, starting with dark black leather boots slightly covered by his black pants. He wears a fitted black t-shirt on top. The shirt clings to him for me to see his solid body. I look to his face, his dark olive complexion contrasts with pink mouth with perfectly white teeth underneath. A long, pointed nose centered between two deep green eyes. His dark hair is thick and slightly wavy on his head. Before I know what I am doing I answer.
“Miss Glass. Jessica Glass, and yes I will join you, but I am not really dressed for a club,” I say as I motion down to my clothes. He looks up and down me in the way that makes my toes curl. Him and the doorman both laugh and I pout. This only spurs them to laugh harder.
“What is so damn funny?” I ask.
“You are too perfect for me, little tiger. Come, I’m sure we can find some replacement clothes inside for you.” He says and I suddenly realize that I do not know his name.
“Little tiger? What should I call you then, Sir?” I ask jokingly.
“Sir is fine, I prefer Master. When we are outside of the club you may call me Dominic.” He says and I give him a confused look.
“I’m not going to call you Master? What kind of place is this?” I askas we walk through the front door into a big empty room. There is a stair case to the left and he takes me over to it and sits down and waits for me to follow.
“I have the feeling you have never been to a BDSM club before so I want to make sure you are fully aware of what will happen once you go inside those doors.” He says and gauges my reaction before continuing. BDSM? I’ve heard of it but never realized people made clubs out of it. He continues before I say anything, “we will likely engage in sexual acts, though I will not have intercourse with you unless you are consenting to it. Are you okay with that?” For a moment I am floored and speechless.
“Communication throughout this process is key. Have you ever done any type of BDSM in your personal life before?” He asks me and again I say nothing. “Jessica takes a breath. If at any point you decide you do not want to continue you may tell me and I will stop everything that I am doing. Normally, I like playing with more well trained submissive but something about you caught my eye and I wish to explore this with you tonight. You will be safe, this is a highly regulated party and we will walk through and discuss limits you may have by watching other people play. We use safe words while at these parties. I will allow you the color system and when I ask you ‘color?’ you will respond with one of three answers. ‘Green’ will mean you are okay with what is happening, and you wish to move forward. ‘Yellow’ indicates that you are uncomfortable with what is happening, and you wish for me to slow down or give you a break. Finally, ‘red’ will stop all activities immediately, you will be released out of anything binding you and everything will stop. There are monitors in there that watch out for submissives who are feeling these ways and if you use ‘red’ I will stop and they will aid in the release of you. It is perfectly okay to use red if you are really -” finally I cut in and stop him.
“You are saying all of this as if you already know that I am into all of this. How do you know that I am not totally freaked out by this and want to leave?” I ask him, my voice shaking. He puts a hand on my thigh before responding.
“I know you want this because when I said ‘BDSM’ you pupils dilated and your breath caught in your throat. As I continued talking, you slowly leaned towards me pushing out your very full chest at me in response to my words. Though your mind is trying to confuse you, your body wants to continue with me. You obviously find me attractive and I you. I think that you deserve to have this experience and see if this is the type of lifestyle you like. I can assume that you have had sex before but nothing mind blowing. Nothing that has made an orgasm Resonate through your whole body. I can do that for you, if you give me the chance. I have my own set of rules that you must follow if we are to continue. Let me know what is on your mind, Jessica. ” He says and for a moment I don’t know what I am thinking.
“I am thinking that this is crazy, I was just trying to go home where I would have turned on my TV and ate leftovers. I think its crazy that you find me attractive. I think that this is crazy that there is a whole club behind those doors of people having sex and hitting each other. Frankly, I am overwhelmed.” I say as I run out of breath.
“That is completely normal to be feeling that way. When I first got into the lifestyle, I thought it out. I know that I wanted it. If you are willing to open your mind to this, you at least know you tried and if you find out that you do not like it, then you may leave, and I will never contact you again. If you do end up realizing that this is for you then we can continue learning and I will push you in a way that no one ever has. I am very intrigued by you, your energy attracts me and I want to teach you this lifestyle. I rarely take on women who are new to the lifestyle, but it gives me the chance to form you into my perfect submissive” he says with a chuckle.
“Submissive? So you are a what exactly?” I ask.
“A dominant, or Master.” He says calmly and hearing those words sends a flood downstairs. He smiles and laughs at me as I blush a firey red.
“What I am turn you on. I enjoy that, little tiger.” He says and I smile.
“Okay so what next?” I ask.
“Oh, I like the attitude change. On that note, we must get you changed out of these clothes. Trust me in that you will feel much more out of sorts wearing that into the club than what I am going to put you in. You must trust me in this, and this relationship will move faster than any one you have ever had. I enjoy making you vulnerable and you will feel that a lot tonight. Understand?”
“Yes.” I say back and he smiles.
“Yes what?” he asks back, and I think for a moment before realizing what he wants from me. My eyes go wide and his smile broadens.
“Yes…Sir?” I ask and he laughs again. I like the sound of his laugh, its deep and hearty.
“A very nice start. When you are to address me that is how you will do it. I prefer Master but I think you will be calling that by the end of the night.” He says and I blush again. He puts his hand to my cheek to feel the warmth. He then moves it to the back of my neck to he is able to move my face close to his.
“I am going to kiss you now, are you OK with that, tiger?” He asks and the feel of his hot breath against my mouth intoxicates me. There is nothing more that I want than for him to kiss me. I nod and immediately he pushes his lips against mine. I melt against him as he deepens the kiss. He uses his tongue to artistically pries my mouth open for his tongue to play with mine. We kiss for what feels like eternity when he finally breaks it and grabs my hand pulling me up as he stands.
“We must go get you ready right now, as much as I want to stay here and kiss, I want to get you in lingerie more. ” He says and I go stiff.
“I have toWear lingerie in there? In front of other people?” I ask.
“Its lingerie themeed at tonight’s party so all the submissives wear it. No one will be looking at you funny for wearing it. You will come to love the thrill of exhibition, I promise. Now follow me, we will get you changed. There is also costumes up there if you wish to touch up and I know women are usually concerned with hairy legs, there are razors up there as well. I will leave you to do that while I go pick out an outfit for you.” He says as we ascend the stairs.
“How do you know what size I am? I would prefer to pick out my own outfit.” I say.
“oh kitten. You have much to learn. I enjoy having this control, if it were up to me, I would be in there shaving your legs for you too. You will find that I will pick out an outfit that will fit and compliment your body. I want you to look sexy as I walk you through the club and I know just what to highlight to do that.” He says and looks up and down my body in a way that makes the puddle growing between my tights to grow.
“But –” I start to object and he gives me a look that makes me stop.
“Do not argue with me, unless it concerns your safety you do not have an opinion in what happens to you tonight. If that is not what you want, then you may leave right now. I think with time you will learn to love having the control taken. Allowing yourself to simply feel and live in the moment. Right now, it is hard because you are used to having so much control; but we will break you of that.” He says, “Now what do you say to me?”
“Yes sir.”
When we reach the top of the stairs he brings me to a door and shows me where everything is in the shower and at the cabinet. He ushers me inside and leaves, closing the door behind him. I have the moment to really breath and think. I tell myself that I have never done anything like this, and I owe it to myself to continue and try new things.
I find the razor and cream. I fill the sink withwater and take off my shirt and pants leaving only my underwear and bra. I quickly shake under my arms as well as my legs. I apply lotion everywhere on my body after then sit down to pee. I look down and realize its been about a month since my last wax and I panic. I start to realize that he will probably see the bush that is forming and that is not attractive. I quickly wipe and pull back on my clothes. I start to rush out the door hoping I can sneak by without him seeing and pretend that this never happened.
“Woah where do you think you are rushing off to, tiger?” He asks as I open the door. I see him standing there leaning against the wall holding a pile of mesh and lace in his hands.
“I don’t think I can do this” I say “I don’t want to waste your time, I’ll just let myself out.” I start to turn but he grabs my hand and pulls me back against his hard body.
“I am not letting you leave until you give me a more reasonable excuse than that.”
“I have to be up early tomorrow” I say hoping it will work but he continues holding me against him.
“No, you don’t, you are just embarrassed by the real reason and won’t tell me. Baby, I can stand here all night until you tell me so let’s just cut to the challenge.” He says.
I close my eyes and turn down my head before responding, “I’m not due to get my next Brazilian until later this week so I’m a bit overgrown and I don’t want you to see it.” I say and blush hard as he laughs. He puts a finger on my chin and lifts my head so I am looking at him.
“Oh kitten, I prefer a female with hair on her pussy. It means she is a real woman. Children do not have hair. I won’t look at you any different, nor will I let it detour me from getting what I want. And I want you tonight, screaming my name as I give you the best orgasm of your life.” My jaw drops at his words and he smiles in response.
“You are awfully confident,” I say.
“Most doms are, you will see,” He says then puts the lingerie into my hands.
“Now go change I want to get you in there.” He says and I take the clothes and turn. He smokes my butt with just enough power to show me I am in for a wild ride tonight.
I look in the mirror at myself, knowing I have been standing here too long but I can’t stop looking. The lingerie is an intricate thing with lace covering me in the front and straws that took me a few minutes to untangle and lay in the correct spots. They wrap around my hips and lead onto the string that fits snuggly between my cheats. Over that is a garter belt attached to thigh high stockings. The stockings are also a black color with a lace trim at the top and a pin strip going down the backs of my thighs. On top is a push up bra that fits better then any bra I have ever bought for myself. It has a satin strap wrapping around my body with a short lace trim that extends slightly on my stomach. It pushes my DD breasts up and together. I have honestly never looked so sexy with my tanned skin gLowing from the lotion and my hair tumbling over my back in curls from the bun it was in all day. It reaches down and hits the top of the straps on my butt. I keep thinking the outfit makes my stomach look large but with how full my breasts look, it evens it out. The placement of the garter accents my wait making it appears smaller. Finally the thigh highs lengthen my legs I just wish I had heels.
I hear a knock at the door and I jump, “Yes?” I ask. The door opens and Dominic stops in his tracks and doesn’t say anything as he looks at me. For a moment I am self-conscious, but I look in the mirror again and reaffirm how sexy I feel.
“I need to get you downstairs to show you off, immediately. I will have someone come and pack away your things into a locker and you can collect them later. Come,” He holds out his hand and I take it. He pulls me to his side and begins walking.
“what about some shoes? Heels maybe?” I ask and he shakes his head.
“If I wanted you to have heels, I would have given them to you, kitten. I prefer my submissives to not have on heels or any shoe for that matter.” He says.
“Why?” I ask as we continue walking down the stairs making our way to the entrance.
“So many questions, kitten.” He says with a laugh, “Heels can be sexy, but I like to be much taller than my submissive and heels tend to ruin that.” I look up at him inquisitively because he is already about a solid foot taller than me. He sees my face and continues, “Also, heels make it hard to walk gracefully.” He says with a laugh. I cross my arms over my chest and pout.
“I did pageants growing up so I can walk in heels flawlessly, thank you” I say back with attitude. We reach the bottom of the steps and he pushes me back against the banner, using his body to keep me locked in place.
“I am okay with curiosity but rudeness I do not tolerate. Whether you are being sarcastic or not there is always a hint of truth in the statement. If you sass me again the rest of the evening, I will give you a punishment of my choosing. Do you understand?” He asks me and I nod.
“Verbally please,” he repeats.
“Yes.” I say.
“yes what?” my head drops.
“Yes sir” I say back.
“Good girl, come. It’s time to go inside.” He says.
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