“Ok, Jaime,” Susan said. “You can tie on my gag now. And you know how to set everything up when you leave.”
Jaime nodded, and fastened the gag on Susan’s mouth. All she could hear was a “Mrmph” from Susan. Giving her a kiss on the cheek, she left Susan hanging there and passed through the patio door, closing it behind her. She hung the riding crop on the door handle, and taped the note to the glass. Then she pulled the curtains closed in front of the door. She pinned another note to the curtain. Turning, she made her way to the front door, checking the room as she did. It looked just right. She placed the last note on the chair just inside the front door, and walked outside, making sure that the door was slightly ajar and unlocked.
Meanwhile, Susan could feel her arms stretched over her head. The blindfold prevented her from seeing anything, but she could feel the sunlight on her naked body as she hung suspended from the pergola next to the pool, her feet barely touchingthe warm patio blocks. She and her girlfriend had decided to bind, blindfold and gag her, and leave her for when husband, whom she called “Daddy,” came home – as a surprise and a present. She tingled as she thought of what a helpless and pretty picture she presented. The slight breeze blowing across the patio cooled her, causing her pert nips to rise in response. “I wonder how long I’ll have to wait?” she thought to herself.
“Hello?” He said at the front door. “Is anybody home?” Seeing the front door ajar, he slowly pushed it open. “Hello?” he said, again. Then he saw the note. Picking it up, he read: “Follow the trail… if you’re man enough.” He raised his eyebrow in surprise at the contents and challenge in the note. Looking up, he noticed a bloom over the chair in the living room. And, further beyond it, a skirt on the floor. He walked over to them and picked them up. Then he came to the panties on the couch arm. Lacy and light, they were still warm and moist. He brought them to his nose and inhaled. They were still concentrated with her female essence. Now, standing before the curtains hiding the patio, he read the note: “A surprise awaits….” Pulling the curtains aside, he sucked in his breath at the sight. There she was… naked… bound… gagged… and blindfolded. Beautiful and helpless in the sunlight. And another note on the glass? “I await your pleasure.” Smiling, he picked up the riding crop, and opening the sliding glass door, stepped out onto the patio deck.
Slowly, he walked around her naked and helpless body. She had been well tied. Just her ankles, to prevent her from moving, and her wrists were tied and pulled up over her head. He could see her erect nipples, and the sunlight glistening off her skin. A pretty picture, indeed. He ran the riding crop over her breasts, seeing her shudder and Stiffen. She had been dozing in the warm sunlight. Now she was aware of his presence. He stroked her helpless flesh. Down between her breasts to her tar belly. Around her hips to her inviting ass. Ah, yes! Her ass! He gave a slight twitch of his wrist, slapping the end of the riding crop against her cheek. Slap! She rocked on her toes, and presented the other chef for him. Again, he obliged her. Slap! Warming up to the task, he increased the force of his strokes, as well as the frequency, applying the end of the riding crop to her entire ass cheeses. Slap! Smack! Again, and again. SPLAT! SMACK! SLAP! Harder. Ever faster. She moaned. Beads of sweat broke out on her body, as she reacted to her punishment. She moaned and bucked. Finally, she stiffened… and fell limp, her head dropping. She had reached her climax, and passed out.
Silently, he put down the riding crop. Exiting through the patio door, he took the notes off the door and curtain. He picked up the clothes as he quickly walked to the front door. Taking the note from the chair, he closed the front door as he left, smiling.
Some time later – Susan woke from herdarkness as someone removed her gag. “My God, Susan!” she heard “Daddy” says, “What happened?” She could feel her blindfold being removed. Blinking in the sunlight, she saw him looking at her, concerned. Her ankles were untied, and then he let her down, slowly, to a chair under her. He untied the rope binding her wrists together. Susan rubbed her ankles and wrists, bringing back the circuit. “How did you get like this,” he asked, concerned.
Susan looked up at him. “I did it for you, Daddy!” she said.
“What are you talking about, Susan?” he asked. “I just found you like this when I came home.”
“But, but, but…” she stammered. “What about the notes?” she asked. “But, you were just here!” she cried. “Weren’t you?”
“What do you mean, Susan?” he said. “I just showed up, and found you like this.” He pointed to the rope and riding crop.
Susan was confused. If it wasn’t it her daddy who found her tied up and distributed her as she wanted and needed, then who?”Oh, my GOD!” She thought. “It could have been anyone!”
“Uh, I don’t know, Daddy…” she whispered, confused, leaving her sentence unfinished.
“Well, my dear,” he rejoined, “I see you’ve had an interesting morning at any rate.” Getting up, he slowly walked away – smiling, fondling her panties in his pocket.
“I must find a way to thank Jaime for letting me in on their little plan.” he thought as he made his way back inside.
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