My wife insists on taking my temperature daily. Over her lap. With a rectal thermometer. This started during the COVID-19 pandemic but now it’s just because she likes doing it.
I’ve gotten used to it but it’s embarrassing and humiliating. She’s in charge and gets her way with me. If I refuse… there will be an argument which she’ll win, and I’ll get spanked or worse, paddled. Then get my temperature taken anyway. With a sore behind that she squeezes the whole time.
I get spanked pretty often regardless. I know why she does it. She likes how my red bottom looks with a thermometer in it. Several times she’s said things along the lines of “When your ass is spanked it looks so hot!” That’s a look that can make the temperature reading take very long, with much painful caressing and pinching.
Sometimes she takes pictures. They’re all on her phone and so far she hasn’t posted any. She says she won’t, as long as I’m obedient.
Last month she keep me over her lap fora couple of hours twirling the thermometer while she called her friends. They discussed normal things but I was terrified that Nancy would tell them what she was doing. Which after the first hour was putting things into my behind. Her fingers, some toys, fruit… I became painfully full and it was a struggle to remain quiet. The avocado was really hard to not make noise as she slowly inserted it. She had to lubricate it twice and even then it barely fit. It hurt a lot going in. Even more coming out, She had threaded a shoelace in it from the long ends and pulled it out very slowly, pausing with the thickest part stretching me for minutes.
Moments like that are hard to explain. I hate it. I love letting her do it.
Yesterday though was different and really challenging. She started off by simply taking my temperature, over her lap as usual. When she removed the thermometer she took her time checking it. “Hmm… you might be sick and need treatment.”
“What kind of treatmentnt?* She was scaring me.
*We’ll have to see. It’s going to be painful and I’m going to have to restrain you so you don’t resist.”
“Um… I won’t resist.” I was really frightened.
“Of course you won’t. You won’t be able to.”
“Oh baby…” My voice was shaky.
“You’ll have to trust me with your treatment.’ She reached behind her into the couch cushion and retrieved her sleep mask, an object from the 50s that you never see anymore. She slipped it over my head and adjusted it. “Can you see?”
“Now put your hands behind your back.”
“Jeez… what are you doing?”
“Preparing you for your treatment. The more trouble you give me the worse it’s going to be.”
I put my hands behind me because I never win these arguments. She fastened some cuffs on my wrists. Leather or fake leather maybe… I’ve never seen them. With my wrists tied like that I couldn’t really do anything.
“Can you get up wearing those? Do you need help?”
I kind of struggled a bit to get off her lap but I was able to get my feet under me. “Good job. Come with me Mr Ó.” She sounded like a nurse
She led me to our guest bedroom, which I knew she was doing because I know the layout of our house. What I didn’t recognize was the exam table she made me down upon, since as far as I knew we didn’t have one. It was probably a massage table…
“Ok, bend over here.” She moved me into position.
I was at the long end of the table, which was the perfect height for my ass to be sticking out. There was a pillow there for me to lie on. I bent over it. My feet still touched the floor.
“I’m going to stick you to the table now.” She moved up my left side. I heard her working with leather straps.
“What are you doing Nancy?”
“Preparing you for your procedure.”
I sort of groaned.
She put a stick across my lower back and another across my neck. She connected my tied hands to the stick across my lower back so that they were also in my lower back, giving me no way to protect my behind.
“Ok. Now we’ll clean you out for your procedure.”
“What does that even mean?”
“You’ll figure it out soon enough.”
I heard her doing things. What sounded like her putting on a scientific glove. Eventually I heard her squeezing lube from a bottle, which I recognized from the noise it makes. After a minute she did it again and then started putting her finger into me. She worked is in and out. Then a second finger.
“Hmm…you seem pretty clean back there. Let’s make sure though.”
I had no idea what she had in mind, but she lubed something up and inserted it into me. It didn’t seem much larger than her thermometer. Then something warm flooded into me and I realized she was giving me my first enema ever. i made a little noise of dismay and she gave my ass a slap. “Be quiet. You need this.”
I tried to remain quiet after that, but as the pressure in my rectum built up I couldn’t help starting to moan. She kept her hand on my butt and repeatedly told me to relax.
I became really full and started to worry that I’d have an accident. “Nancy, it’s too much. I’m about to poop!”
“We’re almost done. Hang in there.”
The pressure was intense. Shortly she removed the nozzle and said “Can you keep it in?”
“No! It’s going to come out!”
“I’ll Take care of that.” She used the lube bottle again and then shoved something really large into me.
Tied as I was I I couldn’t resist. But I kinda yelled. “You’re killing me!”
“Be still. This is just a medical procedure.”
It was a large butt plug but I thought I was leaking anyway around the edges. She didn’t mention it and from experience I knew anything I might say wouldn’t matter. With one hand on my lower back and one on my ass she told me I was a good boy for accepting the treatment. Every now and then she jiggled the plug, testing the fit.
She left it in for maybe 10 minutes, then witHot warning she pulled it out. Almost immediately I began exploring the water. There was some kind of bucket behind me and I could hear the water landing in it. It’s the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever experienced.
It kept on for a while. She used both hands to hold me open and keep saying “Let it out.” Every time I thought it was over, there was more. I felt like crying.
Eventually it was over and she took her hands off me.”Good boy. We’ll be done soon.”
By this time I was pretty exhausted, from stress, pain, and struggle. I couldn’t really move anymore.
I heard metallic clicking, which really didn’t sound like anything I’ve heard before. Then the lube again. She started putting something cold into my ass and I didn’t even try to squirm away. Something she noticed with satisfaction I think, because she made a little sound of pleasure.
“You’re being a good boy now.” Then I heard some clicks and my anus was slowly stretched. It was ok at first but whatever she was using eventually became too much.
“But what is that?”
“It’s called speculum. It’s for examining a woman’s vagina.”
“I don’t have a vagina!””
She laughed. “Yes you do.*
She continued and the pain increased. “That’s too much Baby!”
“Just a little more.”
In a couple of minutes she became satisfied with my anal dilation. “My god. You’re wide open!” She bent open and sort of drooled into my butt. “This is the hottest thing ever!”
“Are we done?”
“Almost. Now I need to scope you.”
I told. I was too hurt out to protest and I didn’t have a clue about what that might mean.
I soon found out. She started inserting something into me. I couldn’t really feel the insertion because of the speculum, but it became obvious that something was penetrating me, and it went on for a long time. I don’t know how to describe the sensing. It’s not a thing you normally ever feel. If I had to describe it, the best description would bethat I perceived it as a deep invasion. It was something called a “colon snake” and she put it 5 feet into my behind. When she showed it to me later I couldn’t believe that it all had fit.
She had removed her underwear sometimes during this whole thing and moved behind me. She removed the speculum but not the snake, and the snake has a handle that fit into her. She inserted it and began humping me, really hard.
It didn’t really move much, being so deep in me, but it’s not like I couldn’t feel everything. With her arms around me she just went sort of crazy, and strangely I felt very satisfied with my situation. It didn’t take her long to come. After she rested on me for a while, both of us sweaty. I felt very happy. Don’t ask me why.
This story is almost over, but I should probably mention two more things. The first is how her removing the snake felt. She did something and the speculum got considerably smaller and she took it out. Then she slowly pulled the snake out.I felt every inch being removed and it seemed to go on forever. I never knew there was so much room back there. When it finally popped out I couldn’t believe the relief I felt.
The other thing is after she united me she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the bedroom where she throw me down and rode me like a cowgirl until we both had noisy orgasms. It was the best sex I’ve ever had.
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