Katie stretched and rolled over in bed then sat straight up in bed! She looked frantically at the clock on the nightstand. FUCK! Oh shit oh shit oh shit. It was 6:45, and she was late for waking up Will with his morning blow job. Not just kinda late, but LATE. 45 minutes late to be exactly, Will was not the kind of person who liked a rushed morning or being late. This was not going to go well and Katie knew It when she looked at her clock. Jumping out of bed and running down the hall to Will’s room she had no idea what form of punishment Will would imagine for this infection. Infraction? More like a felony. She had never overslept and Will was an attorney, a good one, being late was not in his makeup, and if she was the reason he was late. . .
Will was coming out of the Master bath as she got to the door of the Master bedroom. He walked to her, and said very softly.
Get. Under. The. Dining. Table. Now.
Katie ran. That means Will did not want her to keep him companyin the kitchen, but it also means he did not even want to look at her. She knelt there trembling as Will prepared breakfast with his angry music playing. The music was another bad sign, and worried Katie. She had never been the reason he was so mad. Last time he got this angry and used her, almost abusing her she had done nothing; he was just wound up and needed a release. This was different; she had disappointed, angered, and messed with his work.
Katie trembled under the custom made table on her knees. Will had told the guy who made the table that it had to be tall enough for her to knee under. This means that Katie had knelt in the craftsman’s workshop while he measured the dimensions. She had been fully clothed, but was still embarrassed because there was no doubt in the craftsman mind just what she would be doing under there. When the craftsman went to make the chairs he asked Will and Katie to come back so he could make sure that with Will sitting in the chair Katie’s headwould fit and have room for bobbing without hitting the table too much. Will had had lots of fun that day.
Katie heard the music turn off and Will sat down in front of her, naked from the waist down, He had put his boxes and pants and belt and wallet on the counter in the kitchen. Katie did not want to move without permission, but the implication was clear. It was almost as if Will was testing her. He had not given her Any commands, letting her torture herself with what to do.
Finally Will said “Breakfast slut” and pointed to his cock.
Katie scrambled and did her best to make it the best blow job ever. Will finished his breakfast, pushed away from the table, grabbed Katie’s hair and fucked her face to finish. He was not pleasant about it and Katie was relieved when his cum went down her throat, she had gotten it all; surprisingly he would see she was sorry. But no, Will was not done.
“You know breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?”
Katie nodded, because her mouth was still on his cock and Will’s hand was in her hair keeping her mouth in place.
“Well I think you deserve seconds sweetie” with that Will pushed her all the way down his shake, holding her for a bit before letting her come up for air. When she had gasped in some oxygen, Will began again to use Katie’s mouth taking her all the way down and bringing her back up setting a very quick pace. When he was spent and it had all gone down Katie’s throat for a second time that morning Will got up, and went to the kitchen to retrieve his clothes. After Will had dressed he went back to the table and snapped his fingers pointing at his feet. Katie crawled from under the table and knelt at his feet.
“What time are you supposed to wake me up?”
“Six am Sir, I am so sorry Sir” Katie was sobbing with her head down when she felt fire exploit across her left cheek. “I did not ask for a fucking apology slut!, I just wanted to make sure you understand one thing: you will be punished harshly tonight and I expect you to take it and thank me for taking the time to correct you. Do you understand?”
“Yes Sir”
“I put clothes out for you and a list on the fridge. When you see Perry, ask him nicely to take you shopping. I do not want you to go anywhere unless Perry takes you, and wear your butt plug all day.”
With that Will walked out of the room leaving Katie shaking and crying on the floor. He knew he had kept Katie up late the night before, playing with her for his pleasure, bringing her close and withdrawing over and over again till he finally let her cum. It was amazing that much cum could come out of her, and he smiled to think of it, but he was still going to have to teach her a lesson about her duties in this relationship. No Excuse was acceptable for Katie sleeping in and failing to wake up Will on time.
Will loved Katie, but his punishments were always harsh. He had taken a weeklong seminar in San Francisco at a place called”The Learning Institute” He had taken the section for Doms and Katie had taken the section for subs all week long. They had talked about what kind of Dom Katie wanted and had laid out the perimeters for their relationship refining them as they went along. Katie wanted a strong, Dom who followed through with the rules and held her accountable to her chosen position. Will had been clear, he loved her, her mind, her heart, but Rules were rules, and there would be punishments. Safe words and gestures were established and there had not been any real test, but tonight would be one and Will know it. Will also know that Katie usually made a mistake once and rarely repeated the same one. Will was proud of her for that, and knew this would be no different. He called Perry to ask him to take Katie shopping today, and to tell him what happened, just to talk to someone since he had not been able to talk to Katie that morning and would not be able to till tomorrow, then he got an idea.
“Perryyou got plans tonight?”
“Nah was just going to hang out, take Katie shopping and maybe call and torment boy, why?”
“When I text you, can you come down to The Room? Katie will die of embarrassment at having you see her punished”
“You do remember I don’t do girls, right Will?” Perry laughed. “Hey I like Katie, and when I drive her around places we talk, are you sure about this? She might not confident in me for awhile.” Perry did not tell Will all of the stuff Katie told him, just the important stuff. This was the benefit of having Katie confident in Will’s best friend; if she was unhappy, felt she was being treated unfairly, or anything like that, and afraid to tell Will for whatever reason she just might tell Perry, who would relay it to Will, and then Will could see about rectifying it.
“Yeah I am sure.”
Will was feeling better now that he had a plan, it was devilish and forming in his head still, and he had the rest of the day to figure it out.
Will had never told Katie that he did not need to be at the office early. The office did not open till 9am and it was his firm so he could come in when he wanted. The fact he was an hour late was no big deal. He never had meetings till ten so he could get paperwork sorted out, Katie was not even aware it was his firm, just that he was an attorney. The fact was he LIKED going in early, being there before everyone else. That was why it was open at 9 not 8 or 7. He discovered his staff from coming in too early and staying too late unless there was a deadline. That gave him the image of a caring boss, but really he just liked the office to himself.
Will was planning his evening he was going to have to leave early today to shop for tonight’s plan, the more he thought about it the more he thought he might enjoy it, and the more that worried him. Afterward he would have to talk to her about whether or not it was too rough, but only afterward, she did make him late after all. Will was smilingas he walked in to his building..
As soon as Will had shut the front door to the house Katie had got up and ran up the stairs to obey Will. Her clothes were laid out on his bed. There was a baby doll t-shirt and tight jeans, and for some reason when she dressed like this she felt more exposed then when she was naked. The clothes hugged every part of her body, outlining what was there without showing any skin.
She picked up her clothes went to make herself presentable and to insert her plug. She hated wearing it in public. Wearing it in public was usually a punishment and there would be no mercy, but after this morning she was not expecting any mercy. Katie was worried. What if Will decided he did not want her anymore? Part of her told her don’t be silly it was just a mistake, but another part truly Wondered.
When she went downstairs Perry was in the kitchen getting his breakfast. He looked at her and noticed her red eyes. Perry knew what had happened and was going toLeave it between her and Will unless Katie decided to share. Perry knew that if boy had been late or made him late, Perry would have skipped work and spent the whole day teaching boy what was expected of him and punishing him. The fact was that boy did not make those kind of mistakes anymore, and Perry had the luxury of working from home.
“Mister Jones?” Katie asked
“Yeah Katie?
“Can You take me shopping today? Please?” Katie almost while, she did not know Will had already called Perry and asked. She was half worried he would say no and was imagining how mad Will would be if Katie did not do the shopping.
“Sure Katie, at 10:00. I need to do some stuff this morning and you can get your list and stuff together.”
Katie spent herself with the daily chores. It was Monday, but dusting would have to wait until she got back from shopping.
In the car on the way to town Perry looked at Katie in the rear view mirror. Katie noticed.
“Mister Jones? Can I ask you a question? Well besides the one I just did.” Katie smiled to herself.
“Sure Katie what is on your mind?”
Katie paused and fidgeted “Umm. Would you keep boy if he did something really bad? Or would you send him away?” Katie held her breath.
“Katie, this is a mutual relationship, I would never SEND him away, if however he wanted to stop belonging to me or I felt it was in his best interest for him to go we would talk about it and I would release him, but I would never send him away because he was bad. PUNISH yes, but make him leave me? Never.” Perry looked at Katie. “Are you afraid Will is going to send you away, Kate?”
“Yes.” Katie looked out the window trying not to cry. “Mister Jones, he was really really mad, and it’s my fault, I was very, very wrong, I just don’t know what to do. He does not seem to hear when I say I am sorry.”
“Katie, you spend time at the institute with Will, and you know more about this kind of relationship than some who arein a similar 24/7 do you think discarding subs is what Will learned about?”
“No, I just, well I don’t know, he makes the rules pretty easy and I have been following them, this was just really bad.”
“Katie, do you want my advice?”
“Yes, please Mister Jones.”
“I can tell you are sorry, but you need to show Will, not just tell him. One way to show him is to take your punishment, thank him for it and then see what happens. Do not argue, you can cry but no begging, no pleading, and no justifying. Just take it. That always goes a long way for boy. There have been times I have been very angry and planned a very long punishment, but he took it so well I did not have the heart, and I ended up being easier on him then I intended, although he did not know that.”
Perry pulled into the parking lot at the grocery store, got out opened the door for her.
“Don’t worry sweetie, it will be OK, just take it like a champion.” Perry felt a little guilty knowing he would see part of it, but this was between Will and her. Perry and Katie walked into the store together; He might as well pick up some things while they were here.
Katie was relieved that Perry would never SEND boy away and hoped Will felt the same way. She was diligent in her shopping, and paid close attention to all of her chores for the day. Will never called or texted, and Katie was concerned by 4:00. Will Always called, teased her, made her perform, or just talked in the afternoon, but her phone was deadly quiet all day. She tried not to dwell on it.
Dusting all three floors took up the day, the Library was a huge task, and she wanted it to be perfect, she even dusted and polished the ladder, and the light shades. Perry was home when she went upstairs. She asked if he wanted her to dust his rooms as well, and he as usually agreed. Perry was used to having his wife or his boy do these kinds of things so he usually let Katie do it if boy was not around or otherwise engaged.
When it was time, Katie went and knelt at the door, she was really tired, but knew tonight would bring no relief. She knelt and waited for Will, who was an hour late and had a long cane in his hand.
Will walked past Katie uttering one crisp word:”Follow” and follow Katie did she was already kneeling so she just crawled behind Will, into the living room. Will dropped his pants and boxes and sat in his chair. Katie knelt in front of his chair with her head bent forward and her arms behind her back wondering what was going to happen. Will got up and walked around Katie looking for just the right angle. Suddenly she heard a ‘whoosh’ followed by exploding pain in her left breast, and her right breast quickly felt the same pain. Katie’s eyes watered immediately.
“How is my new cane, Katie?” Will asked in a flat voice
“Painful Sir” Katie had been taught to be honest; never saying what she thought he wanted to hear rather to speak what was true.
“What is your safe word, Katie?”
“Red, Sir”
And your gesture?
“Giving you the middle finger with my right hand, Sir.” This was a kind of joke between them. Katie would NEVER give Will the middle finger, so here was an excuse to do so should she ever need whatever was going on to stop.
Will smiled, “Good. Now put your head back, grab your ankles, and arch your back so your breasts stick out. I want an easy target.” Katie compiled feeling trepidation as Will had not indicated how many strokes she could expect with his new toy.
Will positioned himself at her side and took aim, then he struck the top of both breasts at the same time and Katie cried out. Will paid her no mind leaning forward grabbing her right nipple hard and lifting up her title. The cane crashed onto her soft untouched skin on the underside of her right breast forming a red line immediately and causing Katie to start crying. The pain was intense and grew with each strike. Will did not stop. The other breast receivedthe same attention. After two whacks to the underside of each breast, Will stand up and paused.
He watched the sobs rack Katie’s body, but no safe word, she was not complaining, just crying. He smiled and tapped the cane on her left nipple, bouncing it three times then pulling back and letting it fall hard. Katie actually broke position and sat straight up, but laid back onto her ankles immediately, mortified she had not been able to stay. After the right nipple received the same attention Will repeated the process making sure each surface got 5 good swats. All throughout Katie struggled but stayed in position crying out every time the cane made contact with her soft skin.
Will was mesmerized by the red lines all over those gorgeous so soft breasts. He sat back down in front of Katie. “UP!” Katie let go of her ankles and got into her first position. “Now give me a blow job while massaging your breasts roughly the whole time, you may not stop touching your breasts till I cumdeep in your throat.”
Katie did as told and Will held back as long as he could watch as silent tears streamed down Katie’s face because of the massage she was giving her own breasts. It was one thing to have someone cause pain to her, but a different kind of punishment when she was causing pain to herself. Will held her head and pushed his cock deep as his cum spurted out and inside Katie. Katie immediately stopped touching her breasts, and looked at Will. He got up dressed himself and told her to crawl upstairs and wait for him at the door to The Room. This was the playroom, usually it was where Will teased her, dominated her and they both got their release, but tonight for the first time in a long time it was going to be a place of correction for Katie.
Will went to the kitchen for supplies he picked up some water with electroniclytes for both of them; they would probably need it even though the room was kept at a comfortable temperature. He also picked up some energy bars, he thought tonight was going to be long and he wanted to be prepared. Everything went into a white plastic bag, he knew the sight of it would have Katie curious, and probably imagine worse things than water bottles. She deserved it.
Katie was kneeling at the door to The Room when Will came and unlocked it. She crawled in taking up a kneeing position at the entrance, which she noted was still open.
Will went to the wooden chest against the wall. He opened it and began to set things out, clover nipple clamps, cat o’nine, flogger, the new cane, the ball gag, the o-ring gag. “Go lay down on the X”
Katie went and laid down on the wooden X that was on the floor. The X was on a frame and when Will pushed a button it would move to an upright position, it could do 360 degrees, so it could hold her upside down, facing the floor with only her restraints holding her, laying looking at the ceiling, or straight up. Katie was shaking as Will silently strapped her in, his anger coming off of him in waves.
Will attached a chain to the hook above Katie’s head, but just let it lie to the side of her. Then he pinched her left nipple hard. Katie gasped, but Will did not react, just continued to pinch till it was hard and pointed. Then he attached the clover nipple clamp, he repeated his motions on her right breast, Once attached he yanked on the chain that attached them, closing the clamps Even tighter. These clamps had not been used before.
Will had told her when they bought them that he would save them for a special punishment. She was feeling very scared. Then she remembered what Perry had said and decided to take his advice.
“Thank you Sir for taking the time to punish me.”
Will raised his eyesbrows, “Let’s see if you can keep that attitude Katie” His mouth was in a line. He was concentrated. He attached three weights to the chain connecting the nipple clamps. Then Will went back to the chest and grabbed something, the minute Katie saw it she cringed, it was her 6″ posture collar. This was a collar she did not like; Will did though because it kept her head from hanging down. He had used it at first, but she had resisted it so much he now only used it when he was going to punish her for a long time and he wanted to look into her eyes the whole time.
“Do not close your eyes, look at me at all times” was all he said while pulling her head forward to fasten and lock it in the back. Will walked to the control and pushed the button that would bring the cross upright. Will was playing with his phone and Katie was trying to practice her breathing, her nipples were already on fire and she had no idea how long he intended to keep the clamps on. Usually it was 15 minutes at the very longest, but, in this mood Katie was not sure of anything.
Katie watched Will pace back and forth waiting for something. Then Katie heard the footsteps, she looked towards the still open door and paled. There was Perry. She was mortified! He had seen her naked, it was not that, but she had been good since he got here, he had not seen her in trouble, and here he was to watch Will punishment her. She would have hung her head, but now she understand the collar, there was no hiding.
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