Wild Turkey Estates Pt. 06


The tea mud-caked Rubicon sat parked next to the equally muddy F150 in the driveway, Carina could now make it in and out of the industries without Matt’s help. He wasn’t sure how to feel about this, on one hand, he’d brought a smile back to her face with the quirky colored jeep and at the same time, he was giving her freedom. Matt preferred it when his little needed him, and After watching her for the next few days he realized Carina still wasn’t herself.

“You two are something else,” Esme stood at the marble-topped kitchen island drinking her coffee, “You’re too afraid to apologize and she’s too damned stubborn to tell you what’s got her in a million little pieces.”

“So, she was a good pick then?” Matt tried to smile, but his concern for Carina only deepened.

“You oughta spank her,” Esme replied nonchalantly before taking a sip of her coffee. Tucking a loose strand of graying hair behind her ear.

“Are you fuckin nuts woman? I do that she’ll wanna end the contract long before I’m ready,” Matt let out a long sight and pinched the bridge of his nose. Grabbing the mug of coffee Esme made for him he leaned against the adjacent marble countertop.

“Well, that’s a first. YOU’RE usually the one that wants to end the contract early, not trying to beat the expiration date off with a stick,” Esme smug in her observations.

“You didn’t answer me,” Matt was gaining control of his voice before Esme told him just ‘what was what’ about his tone, “Look, I’m just not understanding how that’s gonna work.”

“I’m not talking about punishment; I’m talking about maintenance spankings,” she looked at Matt incredulously

He still looked like a deer in headlights.

Esme surprised, “It’s obvious Carrie doesn’t Know how to handle her feelings. She bottles them up. So, maybe the spanking will be cathartic for her. She’ll be able to cry it out and feel better.”

“No Es, you’re not understanding me,” Matt’s frustrationapparent, “Carrie HATES being spanked.”

“Don’t spank her like she’s in trouble Matthew,” Esme put her cup down, “Do you want me to do it because last I check Carrie was YOUR little and not mine.”

“Naw,” Matt held his hands up in mock defeat, “I’ll give it a go, before her bath.”

“I oughta put you over my knee,” Esme mumbled, not quite under her breath.

“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” Matt smiled and left the kitchen in search of Carrie.


Later after dinner when he watched his beautiful little rub her eyes filled with sleep. For a change he almost felt guilty for what he was about to do, he looked at Esme and she gave him a nod of encouragement.

It was roughly eight o’clock and he knew Carina was wearing thin, he watched her intensely not remembering a time when he thought someone was so beautiful.

“C’mon Pretty Girl,” Matt stood from the table and walked towards Carina, “before you put your elbows on the table and fall asleep.”

Carina nodded and grabbed hold of his hand; Esme watched as Matt still looking down at Carina’s rainbow-colored nails.

Esme cleared her throat, “Matthew, why don’t you bathe Carrie tonight. I have plenty to do in the kitchen and I don’t think she’ll be able to wait for me.”

Matt jerked his head up at the woman a slight frown to his face, “C’mon Little One, let’s get you upstairs.”

Carina carefully, and barefoot, leaned again the banner as she walked up the stairs towards her room and as she went to reach for her brass doorknob, he stopped her.

“Not that way yet Carina,” Matt nodded his head towards his door and Carina frozen at the sound of her formal name now wide awake.

“C’mon, in here,” he opened the door for her, guiding her in with a hand at the small of her back.

Carina paused her worry momentarily to take in all of the details inside his room, she’d never once set foot in there and never asked. He had a large sturdy four-poster bed covered in a deep navy duvet, no game heads hung on the wall just a few pictures of him and Esme. On the floor was a large cowhide rug and she gasped and backed up.

“Calm down,” Matted let out a small laugh, “I didn’t buy it. This was from one of the ones off the ranch not too far from the house. It was a steer and it wasn’t an unnecessary killing, seeing as how he was used for meat. And before you ask, no, his head isn’t anywhere on my walls.”

She obviously relaxed but still tried not to step on the rug, Matt found her aversion amusing.

“You know that everything you eat here is sourced from here, right? From the meat all the way down the fruit and cheer? I buy nothing from off this property that isn’t equipment or animals and even then, I’m fairly selective about where my going,” he watched her deliciously run her fingers across his few trinkets.

“What about my Jeep?” she looked up at him.

“That Jeep came from a family-owned business. Greg is Esme’s nephew, albeit he’s obnoxious as all hell, he’s supporting his family and I gave him the money to start that business,” Matt leaned against his sharply lined and sparsely decorated dresser, crossing his arms, and his ankles as he watched Carina move about his room like a ghost.

“Oh,” she stopped to look at him pieces of her braid falling loose into her eyes.

With that, he could still the smog in her eyes, those dim clouds of hurt and he knew why Esme had suggested what she had. When he was little Esme had done the same to him once or twice and it seemed to do him some good, hopefully, she’d feel the same way. Matt pushed himself off the dresser and put his hand out for her.

“Come here,” he sat on the edge of the bed. She looked at him stunned and wild-eyed, Matt knew she had better sense than to run. It was almost as if he were looking at a doe through his rifle scope and he didn’t like it, he decided it was best to calm them both.

“Come here Little One,” and he reached his hand out further to her, “when have I ever intentionally hurt you.”

Carina paused and the fact that she didn’t answer with an immediate ‘yes’ caused a pain in his chest.

“No,” she whispered and took his hand letting him lead her in front of him.

“Now, rather you believe me or not I’ve noticed the difference in your behavior,” Matt spoke softly to her, rubbing his thumb over the top of her hand, “you aren’t tellin me the whole truth when I ask if you’re ok. And I’m not gonna hear out any protests about it because you’ve been here long enough for me to know better. And I pay attention a lot better than most people do.”

Carina looked at him unsure of the situation.

“So, in light of that I need you to pull your pants down for me,” his southern twang still Just as soft, though she had no illusions about it being a command and not a request.

“Did, did I do something wrong?” her voice caught in her throat and Carina tried to pull away, walls of tears forming in her glassy eyes.

“No, Carrie. You didn’t,” Matt looked down and then back up at her, still holding firmly to her hand, “now please, do as I asked you to do.”

”I’m sorry,” she begged, “I don’t know what I did but I’m sorry.” The tears came as she undid her jeans and slide her jeans down midthigh, exploring a yellow pair of Wednesday panties.

“Those too, Little One,” he nodded towards her underwear. Her body began to shutter as she tucked her thumbs inside her panties and pulled those down too.

Matt inhaled deeply as she stood before him bare and smooth, he would himself not to touch her. Not now anyway, right now was about unlocking the door in her mind that she’d been hiding behind.

“Across my knees Little One,” Matt still spoke softly to her.

Carina covered her face with the sleepe of her oversized sweater and hesitated, Matt gave a gentle tug to the hand he still had in his grap.

She moved with him unsure and upset but never untrusting, “Yes, Sir.” They were hiccups more than words. Carina knew he wasn’t angry based on how kind his eyes were, she was so confused.

Matt tenderly cared the smooth surface of her ass as he explained, “This isn’t punishment and you are not in any trouble. But I am going to spank you.”

Carina’s body began to shudder as she sobbed quietly, “I’ll be better, I’ll be a good girl.”

“You already are a good girl,” he shushed her, “but something is eating you alive and this might be able to help. I know you don’t understand it now, and if it doesn’t help than we won’t do it anymore, okay?”

“Ca-can I use the safeword?” she chased out.

“Always,” Matt still speaking gently to her, “now how long this takes depends on you. I’m not doing to use my belt like when you’re in trouble, I’m gonna use my hand. So, we’ll both feel the sting.”

Something about this reassured her and her crying slowed.

“Now I’m gonna spank you in sets of ten and in between, I’ll stop and give your bottom a break and a good rub, and you a warning about when I’m gonna start again understand.”

Carina nodded and her braid fell over her shoulder and dangled to the floor.

“You ready?” it was odd for her to be generally asking her instead of using that phrase as a warning shot.

She nodded again and squeezed her eyes shut and with that Matt reached his hand back and gave her a swat hard enough to force her forward.

SMACK! His hand made contact and she let out a howl, her ass stung, and the slap instantly turned her skin red. Matt grimaced at the sound of her cry but continued.

Carina managed through her first ten, biting her lip and squirming a bit but by the time he had reached thirty she was in full-fledged tears. With every THAWP against her sore bottom, she hiccupped, and sobbed, and apologized. Matt listened carefully in case she uttered the word ‘steam’ in which he would completely stop, but Carina never said a word.

Every time the smarting sensing took over Carina’s mind focused on singular things and nothing else. Her tears and superficial pain channeling her mind into a place of solitude and solace. Carina also knew that with every blow to her backside Matt felt it too and her pain was his. Matt was supposed the burden with her, and the thought of that brought her a sense of peace.

About halfway through forty Carina whimpered, “Steam.” And Matt stopped and softly began to rub her tanned rear end.

“Alright,” he lifted her up and into his lap after pulling her jeans off the way off her. Carina’s body was wrapped with sobs.

“Shhhh,” he soothed her, stroking her head. It didn’t matter if his hand was sore, he held her anyway.

“I’m sorry,” Carina whispered.

“What for Pretty Girl?” Matt spoke into her neck.

“I didn’t mean to act foolish at dinner that night, but I-I didn’t want to see you with Aaron,” she sobbed, “it wasn’t fair because you fucked him.”

Matt usually would’ve corrected her vulgar language, but the flood gates had opened, and he wasn’t about to stop things now over something so inconsequential.

“And I knew you would, and it wasn’t fair! Is my love not enough for you?!?” Carina screamed and beat on his chest. It was at that moment that things began to fall into place.

“Oh Carrie,” Matt has suddenly felt the walls close in on him.

“You fucked someone else and then left me to clean it up! How could you?” Carina sank into his arms.

Tucking one of his arms under Carina’s warm and glowing backside and his other one around the curve of her jaw and her neck.

“I’m sorry Carina,” Matt kissed the top her head again, and again, and again, “C’mon pretty girl let’s get you a bath, and Then I’ll tuck you in.”


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