This story is inspired, in part, by characters created by Katie Smith.
It was, perhaps, the most important night of the year for the most popular sorority on campus. Everyone who was anyone was there. That, of course, included all of the members of the neighboring fraternities as well as any of the other students who had a bit of money to burn, but it also included a fair number of alumni and people From the community who had an interest in the proceedings. This was the night when the largest fund-raiser of the year took place, and nobody wanted to miss the festivals.
On the stage, dressed in their best formalwear, the Seniors of the Alpha sorority sat in armschairs behind the podium, where Emily Chambers, the sorority’s president, stood. The remaining members of the sorority sat in the front rows of the audience with one notable exception: Tracey Smith. She had a special role in the ceremony, and for the moment it required her to be elsewhere.
“Ladies and Gentlemen,” announced Emily, singling the crowd to give her their attention, “it is that time of year again. The Alpha girls are pleased to welcome you all to our 34th Annual Pledge Sale!”
The crowd applauded boisterously, and a fair few catcalls were interspersed in its response. Emily waited a moment for it to die down.
“As you know,” began Emily, “Alpha is the most popular sorority on campus, and our graduates go on to hold the most prestigious positions in government, business, and academic. That means, each year, more and more Freshmen apply to be Alpha girls.”
“Unfortunately,” continued Emily, “or maybe fortunately,” — a few voices in the crowd shouted “yeah!” at that — “there is only so much room in this House, and we can accommodate only a certain number of pledges. The rest have to go.”
The crowd erupted in cheeses.
“The Alpha Seniors have voted, and we have decided which of our pledged get to be inducted into the Alpha sorority. The rest, ladies and gentlemen, we offer to you for bidding. I assure you, we will have some good merchandise for sale this evening.”
The crowd cheered again, and Emily waited for it to quietly down before giving the command: “Bring out this year’s pledges!”
The door on the side of room opposite the podium opened, and Tracey, who was dressed in her finest evening wear, walked in. She held in one hand a paddle — the symbol of her office and her authority, and in the other she held a chain. Shackled to that chain, in single file, were a long column of young women who wore nothing but their shadows. Each girl had a greek letter — alpha — tattooed on her left ass-cheek, but was otherwise unadorned. They marched behind Tracey down the aisle through the audience. Some of the audience members cheered, whistled, or made the occasional lewd comment. Quite a few reached into the aisle and either squeezed one of the girls’ breasts, smoked one in the ass, or in a few cases made aclumsy attempt to grab at one of the girls’ pussies. The girls could do nothing other than tolerate it and keep walking, as nobody was going to try to protect any of them. They were there for the crowd’s amusement.
Tracey led the girls up to a raised platform near the stage, where they stood in full view both of the Alpha seniors on the stage and the audience. Once they were on the platform, at Tracey’s prompting they turned towards the stage to face the seniors and curtseyed. At that point, Tracey made her ceremonial announcement: “Senior Sisters,” said Tracey, “the pledges of this year stand before you and await your judgment.”
As the crowd cheered, Emily worked the controls at the podium and dimmed the lights. “Before we began,” said Emily, “we present to you some highlights of this year’s pledge initiative.” She deployed a film screen and started a projector.
The first scene that was shown displayed all of the pledged, fully clothed, gathered together for their induction. There, they lined up and turned over all of their worldly possessions, including their clothes, to the Alpha sisters. After they handed over their clothes, pursuits, and suitcases, each girl was conducted to a second area where she bent over to receive a ceremonial spanking that Tracey delivered with her paddle. Then they waited inline for one of several Alpha girls to tattoo the Alpha logo on their left ass cheeses. Once that process was complete, Tracey led them down to the basement, where they were to spend the next several weeks sleeping nude on the cold, hard, cement floor.
The following scenes showed the pledges being humiliated in various different ways by the Alpha girls, particularly the Seniors. The pledges were made to perform all the housekeeping tasks, so they scrubbed the floors, washed the dishes, scrubbed the toilets, and did the laundry for their sisters who, unlike them, were allowed to wear clothes. On several occasions, the Alpha house hosted parties and invited members of one or more of the neighboring fraternities to attend. The pledges were required to serve both the Alpha girls and the guests in whatever way they might require, whether it is bringing them drinks or giving blow jobs. All the while, Tracey was there enforcing discipline and meeting out punishment when it was needed.
The scenes from the movie were humiliating to the pledges, but the one consolation was that it represented a brief reprieve from everybody looking at the pledges. All eyes were on the projection screen — nobody was looking at the platform. However, once the film was over, the pledges were once again the centre of attention.
“Ladies and Gentlemen,” said Emily from the podium, “I am pleased to introduce our pledge mistress.” Tracey stepped down from the platform and took the podium.
She waited a few moments for the applause to die down before beginning. This was an important moment for her — the culmination of months of work and careful planning.
“Traditionally,” began Tracey, “each year we receive a large class of pledges — girls who believe they have what it takes to become Alpha girls. Since we have only so much room in the house, and only so many openings available, the majority of the pledges do not make the cut. Tonight is the night when we traditionally sell the girls who have not been chosen at auction.”
The crowd Cheered.
“The tradition dictates that I call each pledge’s name, and she steps off the platform and onto this stage. At that point, I either hand her one of these pink robes,” she held up a pink bathrobe, “and she joins her sisters, or I point her to that audition block.”
“This year, however, we are going to depart a bit from this tradition.”
That announcement obviously surprised Emily. Yes, Tracey was the pledge mistress, but she had not discussed any changes in the ceremony with her. She would have to have a serious talk with Tracey about this, but it would have to wait. It simply wouldn’t do for the President and the Pledge Mistress to be seen arguing in front of everybody in the middle of the ceremony. Emily simply hoped that whatever Tracey had planned, it would be good.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great privilege to welcome you to Alpha house’s first ever Senior Sale.”
At that, the pledges, whose shadows Tracey had unlocked while the film was playing, all ran off the platform at once and rushed the stage. Together, they were easily able to overpower the seniors and restrain them. While the seniors, at first, tried to fight back, they had no chance against the pledges. First, because the pledges had the element of surprise. Second, because the pledges vastly outnumbered the seniors. Finally, because the pledges were all nude, while the seniors were all wearing formal gowns. As humiliating as the pledges’ nudity might have been, it gave them a significant advantage in combat.
Nobody tried to help the seniors. As far as thecrowd was concerned, pussy was pussy, and they were perfectly happy to see the girls on stage being stripped. The Alpha girls in the front rows of the audience — the ones who were not yet seniors — did not help either. At the Alpha house, the seniors made all of the rules and the decisions, and even after a girl passed her pledge period they had to follow the seniors. Getting rid of the seniors means the juniors would take over, and They had no reason to stop that from happening.
The pledges undressed the seniors and used the some of the same shackles that had bound them to bind all of the senior Alphas who had been on stage. Then, one-by-one, Tracey directed the pledges to lead each senior to the auction block, and Tracey took bids from the crowd. The bidding was much higher than it had been in years past, as these were the girls who had been acting like the queens of the campus. Nobody wanted to miss an opportunity to take them down a peg.
Once the seniors had all beensold, Tracey stepped aside and gave the podium to Gretta — one of the pledges who had worked with Tracey to plan this event. Gretta said “the Alpha house is proud to introduce to you its new president, Tracey Smith!”
The crowd applauded, but some of the girls sitting in the front row were obviously put out.
“Wait a moment,” called out Lucy — one of the juniors. “We need to Take a vote. You can’t just declare yourself president.”
At that, Tracey signed two of the pledges, and they rushed down to grab Lucy and pin her to the ground. Several other pledges surrounded them, preventing any of the other girls from helping Lucy. Soon, Lucy was nude, shackled, and on the auction block. She fetched a high price.
“Does anybody else wish to challenge my presidenty?” asked Tracey. Nobody spoke. Tracey now had her own private army, and from then on she could do as she pleased.
Soon, after the most successful event in recent memory, the crowd dispersed and the Alphaswere left alone in their house. There was some business to attend to. For one thing, as the seniors had now been sold, most of the officers were now gone and would need to be replaced. After what had happened with Lucy, everybody understand that it would be Tracey who would choose the replacements.
“I think some of the officers should be freshmen,” said Gretta. This would represent another department from tradition, as officers were usually upperclassmen, but it met with acquiresce from many of the former pledges.
“That sounds reasonable,” said Tracey. “Perhaps you should be Vice President,” she suggested.
“No,” said Gretta, “I want to be pledge mistress.”
That surprised Tracey, not only because Pledge Mistress was a less prestigious position, but also because, since the pledge period was over the office was now effectively meaningless. Unless, of course, Gretta intended to remain in that position the following year as well.
“Very well,” said Tracey, “Grettais now Pledge Mistress.”
“And you,” said Gretta, “Juniors and Sophomores. Everybody except our president, you are now pledges. Take your dresses off. Right now.”
Her words were backed by overwhelming force, and the Alpha girls scrambled to comply. This was not part of the plan Tracey had discussed with her, but there was little she could do to stop her. This pledge revolt had, it seemed, taken on a life of its own, and there was nothing Tracey could do about it.
Gretta led the Junior and Sophomore Alphas down to the basement, while the other former pledges took over both the rooms and the possessions that had once belonged to them. Tracey, meanwhile, went upstairs to the President’s room — a luxury suite with a king-sized four poster bed. What had she done? She was nominally President now, but she knew she didn’t really control things. What would, ultimately become of her?
And why did the possibilities that ran through her mind inspire her to start touchingherself?
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