Michael carried his tray into the student union and looked around for a place to sit. Thursday night it wasn’t particularly crowded but off in the right corner he noticed a table with five distinctly attractive women and immediately decided his dinner view would be much improved if he settled where he could watch them. He spotted an empty table against the wall where he could sit and still keep his eyes on the attractive quintet without appearing obvious.
As he walked past the table of girls he overheard one says, “OK, tomorrow will be the final part of your initiative. After tomorrow night you will be full sisters.”
He smiled to himself as he realized that the three girls she was addressing must be pledges of one of the sororities on campus. Michael himself was a student at another school some twenty miles away, but the rites of entry into the Greek organizations were universal. He wondered just what form of hazing the two sisters had in mind for the three new memberrs.
He moved on past them and sat at a table about five feet away. The three pledges had their backs towards him, but he had a good view of the two members. As he started to eat his supplier he studied the five girls. The one who had spoken and the other facing him gave the appearance of being slightly older. Well, maybe not really older, but more settled to the campus life. They were probably seniors or at least juniors, as was Michael himself. The three pledges had an air about them that seemed to shout “Freshman!”. Upon examining them a little closer he uploaded that to sophomore, but it was still obvious they were not the same level as the two members.
All five girls were extremely good looking: slim, firm bodies with decidedly sexy builds. Again, not surprising. A lot of the sorrorities considered looks as well as personality in choosing new members. He’d even heard one on his campus that was supposed to have a line on the floor just inside their doorway. When a prospectivepledge entered the house she had to stand on the line. If her tits didn’t stick out past a certain mark on the wall, she was not even considered. Michael didn’t really believe that, but the girls from that house did seem to all be pretty well endowed.
Smiling to himself he studied the women. While the two members were definitely attractive, the pledges intrigued him the most – especially one. There were two blondes and One girl with dark red hair. He had only gotten a glance at their faces as he moved to his table and sitting as he was behind them, he couldn’t see their eyes. Still he had the impression that all three were definitely on the very pretty side. From what he could see of their figures all three looked nicely shaped. He wasn’t sure exactly what it was about the red head, but he found himself particularly attracted to her.
As he ate and watched the girls, he realized he could easily overhear the conversation even though they weren’t speaking particularly loudly.Something about the shape of the walls and ceiling here, he guessed. Anyway, the sister who had first been speaking was starting to give the pledges instructions.
“Tomorrow you are to report to the house promptly at six. Wear a blouse that buttons in the front and a short skirt. No underwear.” At this he could see a slight stiffening of the three sets of shoulders and he smiled to himself. He had heard enough to know that most initiatives involved embarrassing the pledges, usually combined with some physical hazing. The sister went on, “After inspection you will go to the mall and wait on the benches next to the bookstore. Three members from our brother fraternity will come up to you and you will follow all of their instructions exactly.”
“Mistress Karen, how will we know them?” one of the pledges asked.
“They will be wearing jeans and black te shirts. Besides, you don’t need to know them – they will recognize you. After all you will be the only three girls sitting tHere with the top three buttons of your shirts open and your bare asses on the benchmark seats.” Michael could see the back of the neck of the girl who had asked turn a bright red. The sister went on, “They will tell you where to go and what to do. You are to obey them exactly and do what they tell you. They will return you to the house by Saturday morning. When you are returned to the house, your pledging will be over and Saturday night you will be formally admitted to the sorority.” She seemed to relax her attitude a little and added, “In less than two days it will all be over and you’ll be full members. We all went through this, remember, and we all survived. And remember, you can call a halt at any time. All you have to do is say, ‘I quit. I quit. I quit.’ Repeat that three times and it’s all over for you.”
The three seemed to relax slightly although all three knew they would never quit this close and one finally asked, “Mistress, can you tell us anything about what to expect?”
The two older sisters glanced at each other and smiled. The second suddenly said, “We don’t want to spoil the surprises, but none of you really need to sit down for the next few days, do you?”
She gave a slight laugh and the second girl added, “None of you are virgins and all of you are on the pill, so you should be all right.”
Michael – and probably the three pledges – couldn’t tell if the two were teasing or not.
“All right. Anna, Liz, Sandy. Any more questions, Pledges?” No one spoke. “OK, we’ll see you at the house tomorrow at six. Be on time.”
With that the three pledges stood and left the table. As they walked away Michael got a better look at them and decided that if anything he had understood them. All three were definitely hot. He watched three firm bottoms sway as the girls left the room and couldn’t help but imagine those resting “bare assed” on the benches.
His attention returned to the two sisters giggling slightly. “All on the pill,”one of them said, barely able to stifle a laugh.
“And they’ll be expecting to be spanked even harder than at pledge meetings,” the other replied, just holding her own mirth in check. Then she went on, “They should be on the benches by six thirty. I’ll tell the guys to wait until seven or a little after before going to them. I can imagine that after a half hour of sitting there half undressed they will be really on edge.”
“Yeah, that sounds good. The guys know what to do to keep them that way, I’ll bet.”
The first girl stood and the second immediately joined her. As they started to leave, Michael heard her say, “They sure do. By the time they get those three back to the house Saturday morning, I’ll bet we have three of the most embarrassed pledges in our history. Not to mention what happens out front before they get to come back inside.”
The second girl laughed. “Great! And of course they’ll have to tell all of us about everything in great detail.” She laughed again and added, “Sometimes we really can be mean bitches, can’t we?” Still laughing, they left the Union.
They left and Michael remained at his table finishing his dinner. As he ate he kept remembering the sway of those sexy bottoms as the three pledges walked out. Too bad he wasn’t in the “brother fraternity.” Not that he was in any frat at all. Michael lived with two other men in a house at the edge of the small town where his school was located. All three of them were juniors and had roomed together for almost two years now. Yeah, too bad the three of them weren’t the brothers who were going to initiate these three hot pledges.
Suddenly a thought struck him and he frozen for a second with his fork half way to his mouth. Then he shook his head and laughed to himself. No, a nice day dream, but … Still, the more he thought about it, the more possibleit seemed. The girls had no idea what the frat men looked like. He did know how the men would be dressed. Could Michael and his two house mates pull it off? Then the thought came that if he did, they might be in real trouble. Legal trouble. But as he considered this a little more he decided that if they were sure to make everything volunteer, there should be no legal problem. He would just have to be really careful how he phrased things.
Recent he shook his head and laughed slightly to himself. But the idea wouldn’t leave. And the more he considered it, the more possible it seemed. The girls would rarely hate him when they found out, but if he kept them from knowing where they were, they were very unlikely to ever see him again. And what a fantastic stunt it would be if he could pull it off!
By the time he had finished his meal he had almost talked himself into it. He pulled out his cell and called his house. “Tom, are you and Dick going to be home tonight? OK. What about any plans for tomorrow night.” He listened for a few seconds, then “Good. Look, I’ve got an idea for a stunt you guys won’t believe. I’ll be back in about a half hour and will tell you all about it then. No, no details yet. Let’s just say it involves three really hot foxes.” A quick laugh. Yeah, I thought you’d be interested. All right, I’ll see you in about thirty minutes.” Putting away the phone he left the Union, smiling to himself and again considering the possibilities.
Forty minutes later Michael and the other two were sitting in their living room. “You really think we can pull this off?” Dick asked. He brushed his blonde hair back away from his forehead as he leaned forwards. Dick was nearly six foot two and well muscled, but not to the extent that he possessed the “dumb jock” image. Actually he was a serious business student with a high GPA and an easy going personality that let him get along well with both friends and strangers.
“I don’t see why not,” Michael replied. I don’t think any of them really noticed me – especially the three pledges. I was sitting behind them and only the two regular members were facing me and they weren’t paying any attention.”
“Not paying attention? What’s the matter, losing your touch, are you?” Tom kidded him. While all three men were fairly good looking, Michael had a face and a build which often brought second glances from women. Then his warm and friendly personality usually hold their attention. Michael, at five foot eleven was slightly shorter than Dick, but two inches taller than Tom and both of the other men were slightly envious of his good looks, but certainly not enough to interfere with their friend.
Michael ignored the remark and went on. “Look, the three of them are expecting college guys in jeans and black te shirts. If we act like we belong there, they are not going to question us.”
“OK, but we have to be careful and not say anything threatening or untrue,” Tom added. I don’tmind faking them out, but I don’t want to end up doing anything illegal.”
“No, definitely not. If we forced them to do anything it could be very serious, but, look, guys, these girls are pledging a sorority. They will be on edge, probably expecting much worse than anything that will happen with either us or the real frat guys. I expect they will be happy to follow most any suggestions we make.”
“How come you seem to know so much about sorority pledging anyway?” Dick asked.
Michael looked over at him. “I have a sister three years older than me, remember? She pledged a sorority four years ago. She told me all the things they made her do and everything they put her through. Believe me, it was pretty rough. She thinks it might have been a little worse than average, but not that different from a lot of others.”
“Just what sort of stuff?” Dick asked.
Michael hesitated a second. “OK, I’ll tell you a few things, but it ends here.” The other two nodded. “They forced a lot of humiliation as well as some pretty rough physical hazing. They had pledge meetings every Saturday for eight weeks. The pledges spent Saturday mornings in the sorority house and they had to spend it dressed only in bras and panties. That is, when they were lucky. Each week the sisters would examine their bodies and make comments about what they needed to change. ‘Lose weight. Tone those muscles. Get rid of that flatby gut.’ That sort of thing. Once they made the girls strip completely and lie down on the floor and then brought in some frat guys who used markers to circle areas that ‘needed improvement.’ She said the marker wouldn’t wash off and it was over a week before the marks disappeared. And there was also the physical side. They received demerits, of course, and each week were paddled to remove them. From what I’ve heard girls are much harder on other girls than men would ever be. I think they were bruised and sore most of the eight weeks. And the final initiative – Hell Night – was even harder.”
The other two followed Michael’s words closely. They had, of course, heard stories about pledging, so it wasn’t a complete surprise.
After a minute, Michael added, “Her sorority didn’t actually make them have sex or anything, but she has told me about some that makes the pledges suck off guys in front of the rest of the sorority or even some where the girls are made to fuck a half dozen men, one after another.”
The three talked on for a while. Finally, they agreed that they could probably get away with it. “Just remember that everything they do must be volunteer. They have to consent with no threats. OK?” Everyone nodded and they went on planning in more detail, listing things they might need to get and discussing ideas.
Saturday just before six the three pledges arrived at the sorority house. Following the standard procedure they knocked at the door and when it was answered said, “Please, Mistress, admit these lowly pledges to your honorable house.”
They were allowed inside and told to go to the big common room. When they entered they saw that most of the members were present. The pledge mistress – Karen, one of the two who were with them in the Union the day before – indicated for them to stand side by side in a line facing the members. “Well, pledges, tonight will be your final test. If you survive, tomorrow you will be admitted as full members. Now we just need to see that you followed instructions. Inspection position!”
The three immediately stood straight, their feet spread about a foot and their hands behind their heads. Karen approached the line of girls carrying one of the sorority punishment paddles in her hand. This was a long wood paddle, typical of frats and sororities, but with a whole series of holes drilled through it. Each girl had felt the sing of this instrument a number of times over the past few weeks. They looked straight ahead as Karen stepped in front of the first girl. She looksed the red headed girl up and down. “Pledge Sandy, your skirt could be a little shorter, but I guess it will do.” Actually Sandy’s skirt, like those of the other two, just barely came to mid thigh. “Are you wearing any underwear?”
“No, Mistress.”
“Let’s see.” Karen touched the open neck of the girl’s blouse, opening it slightly more so that the sides of her breasts were exposed. “Perhaps one more button, pledge.” At this she unfasted one additional button, leaving even more of the girl’s skin visible. “Lift your skirt. Higher, please, pledge.”
Sandy turned a slightly darker shade of pink, but raised her skirt above her waist, showing she was, indeed, completely bare beneath. “Very well, you may lower it now.”
Tapping her own hand with the paddle, Karen moved on the next girl in line and the whole show was repeated with only minor variations. When she had finished with the third woman, Karen moved slightly away again. “Very well, pledges. You may stand easy. Itis now six fifteen. You are to be in place by the bookstore no later than six thirty five, so you had better get going. We’ll see you in the morning pledges – assuming you can still function. Now get going.”
“Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress,” the three into together. Then they quickly turned and started towards the door. Once outside they wasted no time in heading towards their destination. They knew better than to be late.
Inside the girls were laughing. “Karen,” one of them said, “you must have scared them silly. I’ll bet they would have wet their pants if they had been wearing any.”
Laughing, Karen replied, “Probably no more scared than we were when we went through this. By tomorrow when they realize that nothing really bad will have happened, they will be too relieved to be Even mad. I remember we were.”
The three pledges anxious to make it to the appointed spot on time, arriving just at six thirty five. Glancing nervously around to make sure no one was looking directly at them, they sat down, managing to flip up their skirts so their bare buttocks went directly onto the wooden slats of the benchmark seat. For five minutes they sat in near silence, squirming a little and looking appreciatedly at everyone coming anywhere near them.
Finally Anna said, “What do you supposed is going to happen to us tonight.”
“Well,” Sandy said a little sarcastically , “from what Karen said I expect we’re going to have our asses really spanked and probably got fucked.”
Liz, the most outgoing of the three, turned and looked at Sandy. “Oh, then maybe tonight will be fun after all.”
All three gave a nervous laugh. Liz acted like she was a pretty wild woman, but they all knew it was mostly just an act. In fact, they knew quite a bit about each other. Part of the pledging had involved standing in front of the sisters and other pledges – usually standing in the inspection position and wearing only panties – and answering detailed questions about their sex lives. None were virgins although their experience was actually quite limited. Liz had slept with the most men: five. Anna the fewest: two. Each had experienced both sides of oral sex and been forced to describe her encounters in great detail. All masturbated several times a week and had had to be very explicit in describing their activities. Anna and Liz had both tried anal sex. Sandy hadn’t yet, but was interested. And while both she and Liz had had sex while tied up, Liz was the only one who had had sex while others were in the room, although none had ever been involved in any group sex. Although the embarrassment of giving all the details, the seemingly endless intimate questions had actually served to bring the three closer as they realized that their own experiences were not that different.
The three were not sure if there would really be any actual sex involved tonight. So far the only time men had been involved in their pledging had been one Saturday. All three had been made to strip completely and assume the inspection position – hands behind head, legs spread, chests out. Cloth bags were placed over their heads and then a group of men had been brought in. The men made many comments about their bodies, some rather crude and some just embarrassing. They had been felt up a little, but that was all. After the men left, the bags were removed. They were never given any idea of who the men were or if the men knew who they were.
However, for several weeks now the sisters had been teasing them about this final initiative, implying that it would be much more than anything they had already experienced. None of the three knew if they had been serious or if all the talk was just designed to get them even more on edge. If so, it had succeeded.. But then none of the three would be surprised if They really were used sexually all night. One of the sisters had even hinted that they might be treated as sex slaves tonight – tied up, spanked or strapped or even whipped a little, and used all night. The three didn’t really think this likely, but weren’t sure enough to rule it out.
After they had been sitting there for about ten minutes, they saw three men in jeans and black te shirts approaching. Sandy spotted them first and nudged the other two. “Looks like here they come,.”
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