Wild Turkey Estates Pt. 04

A Lesson in Etiquette.

Quiet draped over the room like a thick humid blanket. She had been sent to her room during dinner for pouting and being stubborn, her stomach knotted with dread.

She should’ve listened.

She should’ve kept quiet.

She should’ve done a lot of things, but it was too late now.

Her heartbeat against her chest like a thousand baby birds trying to escape; it was the sound of footsteps. Heavy, with purpose, and getting closer. She immediately genuflected facing towards the door with her head bowed hopeful that her display of submission would project her sincerity and perhaps spare her. The doorknob turned, she forced herself not to shake. He wasn’t fond of weakness, it offended him.

The brass doorknob twisted, and the latch gave way. Immediately he could feel that her fear was palpable.

“My little should never fear me. I would never hurt you, and when it does hurt it’s not without reason,” he spoke calmly, and he was right. She’d never once had cause not to trust him and now should be no different.

“I hope you found your behavior pleasure,” he pressed the door shut behind him with the palm of his hand, after which he took notice of her position, “that is a very good girl to recognize you’ve done wrong by kneeing, but it won’t get you out of anything. Especially not since we had a guest. Now, answer my question. Are you proud of your behavior little girl?”

She shook her head softly.

“No, no little one. Use your words,” he circled her deliberately.

“No Sir,” she whispered.

“So, I’m sure you know that you’ll be receiving punishment and you’ll be making it up to me?” he croouched in front of her and lifted her chin with his long fingers, raising her eyes to his.

She went to nod and then halted herself, “Yes, Sir.”

“About face, nose to the ground, and ass in the air,” he rose as she proceeded to do as instructed, “Lift your dress.”

She could hear him milling aboutBehind her as she lifted her emerald green baby doll dress exposing crinoline and a bare ass. Panties were not permitted unless permission was granted, or she was going out in public. Her heightened sense of sound afforded her the ability to hear him take off his belt while he opened drawers, her face flushed scarlet with anxiety. The inability to see what was happening had sent her nerves into a tailspin which caused them to Unleash their fury, but she will herself still.

Without warning, she felt a sudden “Thwack!” against her sit spot and she let out a yelp. He struck her ardently a few more times before stopping to rub her severely critic and humming backside. She will herself not to protect her behind with her hands, which would only cause her more problems.

“You embarrassed your Sir in front of a potential friend,” he spoke calmly as he spread her cheeks to apply something chilly and damp against her tight pink hole.

She whimpered, understanding what wasoccurred next.

“Luckily, he found you endearing,” he maintained composition as he slide the tip of a full-bellied plug inside her. She let out a whimper.

“Ah, ah, ahhh little one. None of that,” he forced it the remainder of the way in. The plug was lengthy and rotund in circuitference. Feeling as though it filled the lower half of her, the plug made her wet and her stomachache in tandem. Though This particular plug was unique; it had been altered so that it was melded to a plank-like structure that would lay flush across the backs of her calves when kneeing. Any change in posture, pressure, or movement would make it shift around inside her. It was also good for reminding her that her ass was sore from Matt’s leather belt.

He stood, “Now, you can knee.”

She painstakingly got to her knees and pivoted around on her knees, resting her blazing ass against the plank. She grimaced, he grinned.

“Comfortable?” he arched an eyebrow as a smile tugged at the corner ofhis mouth.

She nodded, and he let her lack of words slide because he of course knew she wasn’t. That and she had pretty black tears streaking her apple cheeses.

“My,” he inhaled pretty pretty, “You’re such a pretty little thing.” He stalked up to her, stopping not far from her face.

“Be a good girl now,” he peered down at her.

“Yes Sir,” she squirmed a bit struggled to find a reasonable way to sit before reaching for the button on his dress jeans. She had always been fond of the deep indigo on him.

He shivered as her fingers made their way inside the waistband of his boxer briefs, she lowered them along with his jeans exposing his hard cock. He flexed and tensed at the temperature difference. She gazed at his erection and then back up at him with a tear-streaked face, more for permission than anything.

“Use your words little one,” Matt was nearly hyperventilating.

Carina bit her lip and glanced down for a moment, then looked up at him with bigdoe eyes, “Please Sir?”

Her whisper of a request made Matt smile, he loved her most when she was shy.

“I shouldn’t have acted out,” Carina looked down generally ashamed, “and I really hope it didn’t reflect badly on you.”

Her sentence trailed and she was on the verge of tears again, but she reminded herself that her attitude was why she was in this mess, to begin with. Carina Michelle Thorpe had no one to slap but herself.

“I want to make this better,” her hand guiding itself to the flexing muscle of his cock. Matt was aware that Little Carrie was a clever girl and he let her have free reign when her talents were channeled correctly.

“And how exactly do you plan on making this better?” Matt desperately fought the urge to ram himself into her mouth and down the back of her throat. She batted her eyes again.

“Just let me fix it,” her doe eyes gleamed with remorse and respite.

Matt nodded, he inhaled in sharply as she wasted no time in dividending her modestly tinted lips with his swollen head. Taking him into her mouth to the hilt, she progressed gradually at first. Listening to him groan and growl, she nipped and sucked at him.

“Good girl,” he exhausted those coveted words. Biting his lip, he combined his fingers through her hair.

She accelerated her pace, curling her tongue around his shake, taking him all the way towards the back of her Throat in such a way that only she could manage. When she wasn’t swallowing him like a circle trick, teasing him by swirling her tongue around his head and sucking hastily practically bringing him to the edge and making his thighs quake. He started to thrust violently into her rosebud of a mouth, she retained her firm posture, allowing him to face fuck her. Feeling him tremble, she tapped his leg three times, her signal for a pause. Matt wrapped his hand twice around her long braid and yanked her head back.

Heavily panting he lifted an eyebrow at her, “Alright?”

There was concerned in that one word, she wasn’t one to tap or use the safe word to come up for air.

Carina nodded vigorously before moving a hand between his legs tenderly caresing his sack.

“Mmm,” he swallowed a moan, “Tell me Pretty Girl, why are you teasing me?” Matt used the braid wrapped in his fist to make eye contact with her.

“Never,” Carina said before sliding two fingers between his cheeks. She felt a slick fluid and knew it was cum, a pang of jealously swelled in her chest, “I want to touch you here.”

She locked eyes with him as her index finger swirled around the rim of Matt’s tight hole. He was panting between his teeth now, his cheeks like airbags. He didn’t answer her, he merely waited to see how daring she was. Daring or jealous.

The More cum she felt leak out as she prodded the more it fueled her anger, she quickly slide a finger inside him. Matt’s cock leaked and he swallowed another urge to moan out loud.

“Still want to touch me there?”at that comment he’d seen a flash of something that resembled hurt cross Carina’s face. Yet she had self-corrected so quickly Matt thought he almost hadn’t seen the look at all. Something inside Carina broke yet she didn’t protest, she just slip two fingers inside him.

Matt pushed Carina’s head forward, her lips opening like airlocks and sucking him in immediately. Her broad flat tongue contouring to the cylindrical curve of his pulsating cock. Within minutes her mind cleared, and light burst behind her eyes as the sudden realizations that Matt were beginning to tense in her mouth and it was of her doing.

A groan was all he could manage before forcing her head back and angling her chin down. No sooner did her head tilt back she opened her mouth and laid out her tongue, swinging back on the large plug inside her but overlooking the disappoint. He started stroke himself while she continued to slide her fingers in and out of him with a quickness that made for a powerful tighttness in his pelvis.

“All. Of. It. Do you understand? Not a drop hits the floor, or I will spank you again,” he managed through gritted teeth. She nodded in compliance. His hand jerked in rhythm with her fingers before cum began to erupt from his engaged head. The slight stream arched and settled in her mouth and on her lips. His body bucked wildly as he continued to squeeze out Every last ounce of rapture until he was spent.

The lower part of her face glittered as she reached for his slackening cock. Returning it to her mouth she sucked every drop off leaving him uncontaminated by his viscous fluids. He pulled out of her mouth. After removing her fingers, she had grabbed hold of the bottom seam of her dress and wiped her face clean. He turned around for her. Recognizing his gesture, Carina frowned, spread his cheats, and bowed forward. She could smell Aaron on him, and she could’ve screamed. Instead, she gracefully endured her penance and carefully traced the rim of his taut hole, creating slow but through circles, occasionally dipping the tip of her tongue inside. Making sure whatever remains cum was leftover from his escapade with Aaron was cleaned and lapped up. He obviously relaxed and moaned a sight of relief and when he felt as though she’d done a thorough enough job, he pulled away from her.

“You did exceptional,” tugging up his boxer briefs and jeans for the second time tonight, he rotated to face her while he zipped them.

“Do you understand why this happened?” he tucked his shirt in while awaiting an explanation.

“Yes Sir,” her gaze flickered between him and her hands.

He raised a browser and nodded, “Go on then.”

“Because I misbehaved and got mouthy at dinner. And I am sorry. I shouldn’t have done that because it was rude and could’ve ruined dinner and humiliated you. I’m sorry,” she lowered her eyes to the floor and kept them there.

“That’s right. I don’t care for little girls with bad manners,” he crossed his arms, “I accept your apology and you are forgiven. But you will sit on that plug for another 15mins. Once that 15mins are up, I’ll be back up to remove it and you can have your bath and get ready for bed.”

“Yes, Sir,” tears weld up in her eyes. Carina waited until she heard the door click shut before she began to cry.

She wasn’t upset that she’d been punished, she He knew she’d earned that with her acerbic behavior. What she was upset about was how Matt willingly shared himself with someone else and she got no say in the matter. Carina was fairly sure Matt hadn’t noticed and if she had to venture a guess, she was pretty sure it wouldn’t be the last time. At the thought of that Little Carrie buried her face in her hands and began to sob.

Matt listened intently with his hand still touching the brass doorknob and his ear to the door. So, he hadn’t been wrong, he had caught a look of hurt on his little’s face earlier about the vindictive comment he’d made. He hated bad manners but for the first time, he’d hated how he’d gone about correcting it. Matt let go of the handle and walked away from Carina’s door with a heavy heart. He might’ve just paid her for her manners, but her sobs were paying him for his barbarism.


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