To know Carina Thorpe, one would never guess this was a life she’d chosen. A life in which she’d specifically sought out, deliberately attaching herself to a man this controlling and strict. In her public life she was a 27 year old, brazen outspoken blogger who didn’t suffer fools, wrote highly opinionated editorials about current events, and often coordinated foundations and lessons to support whatever liberal cause that might’ve grabbed her by the heartstrings and snatched her its way. Yet once she set foot within the walls of her apartment, she would have a small portion of her closet dedicated to a few babydoll dresses and a pair saddle shoes. These things she never told a soul about.
Her search both thrilled and scared her. Though wasn’t this exactly what she had been looking for when she’d spent weeks online in forums and scouring sites? To find just the right Daddy Dom to foster and gently handle her inner little, Carrie? Carina had had to decide whoat kind she wanted, there were so many choices. Did she want someone one strict, lax, or a masochist? In the end she decided on someone who would have a firm grapp on her inner brat but be gentle with her as well. Carrie, had been locked up for a long time and when she got home she wanted to be able to completely let her out of her box, but that also means she would need to strip the outside world off before she Walked in the door. She needed a Dom that would consider a 24/7 TPE or Total Power Exchange.
After a long search had brought her to a certain profile:
Username: SirMJ
Contact Info: MJ
Identified Gender: Male (he/him/his)
Age: 34
Height: 5’11
Dom/Sub: Dom
Self-Description: I am strict but not cruel. I expect to know where my little is at all times. I will ONLY accept applicants willing to participate in TPEs.
Experience: I have been practicing Dom for the last 11yrs, I spent a previous 18mths as a sub to understand the powerimbalance and what is expected of BOTH sides. I have been fostering littles for the last 5 of my 11yrs as a Dom. References can be offered should they be needed.
Interested in: Littles ONLY (age range of 5 to 10). I DO NOT look for Slaves, Submissives, AB/DL, Bigs, Lolitas, and especially NOT Switches.
Objective: I take littles on a contractual basis ranged in tiers of 6mths, 12mths, and 18mths. It would be unusual for a contract to last longer than 18mths. I reserve the right to end the contract at any time. There are also various other contingencies that will be accessed and addressed should you be chosen. Should you remain interested please click on the link below, you will be contacted within 5-10 business days.
Please [click here] to be redirected to form submission page.
**Serious inquires only, all submissions will be vetted.**
Carina’s eyes widened; it was as though she’d found a unicorn. Eagerly she clicked on the link, filled out the form, and waited. Though her hopes were up she suspected that the waiting list for SirMJ was a long one.
In nine days an ‘unknown’ number called her cell and a deep taciturn male voice was on the other line.
“Hello?” Carina confused.
“Carrie,” the deep voice said flatly.
Carina let out a smile whine, “Yes Sir?” She tried again.
“You learn quickly,” the voice now amused.
“Can I ask who this is?” her browser tensed. Being called Carrie in public usually gave her anxiety because she had to fight with herself the rest of the day.
“You answered your own question the minute you corrected your greeting after I called you by your name,” the voice was still amused.
“SirMJ?” Carina inhaled sharply.
“Are you available later to meet?” Carina had realized quickly that it was more of an order than a question.
“Uhm, Yes Sir?” Carina smiled and then worried if she’d answered him the wrong way.
“Are you asking me?”
“No, Sir,” she corrected her tone, “I can, where and what time?”
“I’ll send you the address and the time to your email. Don’t be late,” He clicked off.
“Hoe-lee shit,” Carina pulled her phone from her ear and looked at the dark screen.
The leaves were altering colors, their once vivid shades of green now marbling into burnt umber, crisis, and must. The cooler air a reminder of a winter due soon, as the breeze blew the multihued foliage about like waltzing butterflies. Carina sat at the base of Gravel Road leading to Wild Turkey Estates and impatiently waited for Matt. After a pause she took note of a black extended cab F150 making its way down to her.
The mud caked truck came to a halt and the driver’s side door swung open. There he was, Matthew Jensen, all 5’11 of him, nothing but struggle rope like muscles and sinew. He was the walking epidemic of the second Amendment and often dressed only in jeans, boots, and slim fit tees. In all of his thirty-four years he was not interestedin feminism because in his mind a woman belonged on her knees. And as far as he was concerned and the only thing that should be coming in and out of her mouth ought to be his cock and not opinions.
He strode over to Carina and it unexpectedly felt like thunder.
“That car isn’t gonna make it to the house,” he’d pointed to the little Volkswagen Jetta behind her.
“It’s not like it’s a piece of shit,” she answered him defensively, crossing her arms over her chest like armor.
“I’ll address your tone here in a second,” Matt’s southern baritone voice rumbled as he pointed indignantly past her towards the Jetta as though it had missed Sunday Mass, “What I’m telling you is, that unless that little German pissant has all-wheel drive it’s gonna get suck about five minutes into the drive up to the gate. I don’t know if you’ve noticed Carina, but I live in the mountains and that pavement princess you’ve got parked behind you ain’t gonna cut it.”
Carina deflated a bitbut still wasn’t ready to give up.
“Well it’s the only damn car I’ve got, and you never mentioned the fact that your driveway happened to be half the trek to Mecca,” she grounded her center of gravity, espresso waves whipping around her as the wind picked up.
“Now look here,” Matt stood to his full height and glared down at her, “you can either get your ass in my truck now and make it home in time for the nice meal Esme has cooked or you can try to get that thing unstuck by your damn self on your way up to the manor. But either way you’re gonna end up in this truck because eventually I’ll have to come get your stubborn ass before the coyotes get to you first,” he was breathing heavily.
Carina wanted to continue this fight, but she couldn’t argue with physics and she knew when it was better to take peace over a victory. She wasn’t about to cut off her nose to spite her face on her first day.
“And I’m just supposed to leave it here?” she while feebly as he walkedaround to the trunk of her car and tapped the deck lid, a gesture for her to pop it open.
She clicked a button on the key fob and kept talking, “I worked hard for this car! Why the hell should I just leave it here?!?” Carina was incensed.
“Carina Michelle Thorpe!” he slammed the lid to the trunk, “I’ve had about all I can handle of your mouth to last me a damn week. Now hush and get in the fuckin truck! That car is getting picked up either tonight or in the morning. Then I am taking you to get a different vehicle. One better suited for the climate and the terrain here. So, for the love of god stop talking now before you’re punished for breaking rules you haven’t yet learned!”
Matt had snatched up all her bags and stormed around her. For as angry as he was, he carefully loaded her bags into the bed of his F150 only to continue his trek around the lifted, black, and muddied Ford. He opened the door and hoped in.
“Get in,” he hollered but didn’t look at her.
Carina obeyed like a petulant child and slammed the door, Matt looked at her one eyebrow cocked, and then handed her a manila envelope containing the terms and conditions of their contract which would need to be signed up at the house.
“Should you still be interested,” he said irritated and then turning the key in the ignition. They rode in silence as Matt absentmindedly navigated through the rough hills and hollows to Wild Turkey Estates as Carina skimmed though the packet.
The rules were uncomplicated and straight forward.
– Contract consists of the following:
○ Carina was allowed her own suite decorated and catered to her little, but Matt’s room was to be right across the hall from hers
○ Everything Carina owned previously was to be liquidated and placed in a trust mediated by Matt’s financial advisor Andrew.
○ Matt handles any and all expenses.
○ Carina was given a black card (unlimited credit card) and a bank card to joint account that Matt funneled in a generous monthly allowance and should she choose to work her paychecks were to be direct deposited into that same joint account.
○ Outside of the estate Carina is allowed to uphold her usual person as a brazen active blogger. Matt will not interfere with her public life unless he feel as though it would endanger her life.
○ Matt retains control over what she eats, when she eats, her location, her curfew, and what she wears (home and public).
○ Carina’s vehicle: of her choosing and will always retain a GPS tracking device on it.
○ Forms of punishments include:
§ Spankings and Canning
§ Large anal plugs
§ Grounding her from her public life
§ Scolding
§ Taking away electronics (phone/laptop)
○ Carina is REQUIRED to live at the estate for the full term of the agreement and only the little is permitted.
○ Matt is known as Sir unless in public.
○ Carina is to wear custom designed locking collar/bangle/anklet for the entirety of her stay. Only Matt can/may remove it.
○ Length of contract chosen by both parties: 18 months.
The envelope also contained medical release forms, the name of Matt’s personal physical who would be taking over her medical care for the duration of her stay, papers from that bank requiring her signature, and last but not least a Nondisclosure Agreement, which Carina would also sign otherwise it would be pointless for her to sign the contract at all.
The palatial home was a behemoth hidden behind towering wrong iron spires sectioned off by stone pillars that apparently sat on the better of four hundred acres. The twelve-bedroom home had more than enough sleeping quarters for her, Matt, and his live-in housekeeper Esme. Carina had her own room separate from Matt’s, that was one of Carina’s terms he had agreed to before she made the move. She wanted her own space and her own bathroom. Matt had been more than general with the renovations he had done to the house to accommodate her. The only contingency he would not give into was her door, it wasn’t allowed a lock and her room was to be directly across the hall from his. Outside of those few concessions Matt reigned with an iron fist, there was little to nothing that he could’t afford her. All she had to do was obey the man and his rules.
Wild Turkey Estates was her home now. A home she’d specifically sought out because of the man that would control it and her. To the world she was a Type A but here in this extravagant home she was Carrie. A shy 8yr old little that could have her heart’s desire.
Matthew Jensen on the other hand was an incredibly private man. He made his fortune by becoming silent partner to quite a few successful accounting firms and technology behemoths, none of which he choose to be the face of. Matt preferred to check in with his financial advisor Andrew to make sure his profit and loss sheets were still on the up and up. Outside of that he mostly stayed secluded out on his massive four hundred acre estate out in the country.
Usually he only shared his home with Esme, a matronly woman nearing her sixties that had been around long enough to have seen Matthew Jensen do more than a few stupid things. He had always made sure that she was well taken care of and she’d been his only constant companion at Wild Turkey Estates for quite some time Now. Especially since Esme had always uppheld the upmost discretion when it came to him fostering littles.
Matt pulled into the driveway nearest to the front door, shutting off the ignition he waited a breath. Carina looked straight ahead not sure if it was out of defiance or anxiety. Matt now remembered why it had been eight months since his last little and she’d been dismissed on top of that.
“I have Spared no expense in the name of your comfort,” he too was looking ahead, “but while you’re here, I expect you to be obedient. I am a fair man and always remember you choose meby submitting that application.”
Carina swallowed hard and then nodded urgently.
“On this estate,” he continued, “and within these walls I am Sir to you and Sir only.”
Carina stared blankly out the windshield. Matt reached out to stroke her cheek and she became ridged.
“Esme will show you to your room when we get inside. I’ll unload your things,” he pulled His hand away and got out of the truck.
Like clockwork one of the large ornate wooden doors opened and there stood a petite woman that appeared to be in her fifties. Carina sat stalk still.
“Go on now,” Matt nodded in the direction of the door, “Don’t be rude to her either.” He kicked his door shut with the heel of his boot.
Carina got out but this time she shut the door more gently before slowly making her way to the greet the matronly woman.
“Hello Carrie,” she smiled broadly, “I’ve been expecting you.” Carina bit back the urge to cry at the sound of her true name.
“Right this way, and I’ll show you to your room and then Matt would like to see you in his office,” Esme stepped out of the way and Carina walked past her.
The smell of marinating meats and smoked wood wafted through the house and tickling Carina’s olfactory senses and while the decadent aromas engulfed her, she looked around eyes wide.
“Not what you were expecting?” Esme broke into Carina’s thoughts.
“Um, no,” she gazed up at the vaulted ceilings supporting large skylights, the main room was practically a conservatory, “Look at all those stars.” Carina spun in a slow circle to take in all of the bright light that was seeing through the holes that had been poked into the heavens.
“There will be plenty of time for that Carrie. C’mon to your room,” Esme took her by the hand and led her up the stairs. As she was pulled away from the skylights Carina noticed the Cherrywood banner beneath her fingertips. She looked up to find pictures of who she assumed to be family members onVarious vacations. For a house of its size it appeared homey and lived in, not sterile and staged like most other expensive homes she’d seen in magazines.
“Here we are,” Esme opened yet another ornate wooden door.
Carina half expected the room to match the rest of the house with patch quilts and mounted game heads. Overwhelmed with the sense of how wrong she was, Carina stepped inside a room that may as well have been attached to another house. The walls were a disappoint dusty pink, there were Christmas lights that looked like stars strung above her white sleigh bed which was overflowing with plus pillows in varying hues of tea and purple. In one corner of the room was a bookcase with all of her favorite authors, some of the books had even been signed, a letter C that was lit up and sitting on the shelf with a few of her books. On the far right was another door that led to a walk-in closed filled with dressed, bows, saddle shoes, and sunglasses. Carina walked through the door and then through a hall that led into a master bath that contained a white porcelain garden tub with golden claw feet and to the left of it was a vanity with an ornate gold sunburst pattern surrounding the mirror stocked full of soft monogrammed towels and a plus terrycloth robe. Carina made her was back from the bathroom and through the walk-in close to her room and notice in the far left corner of the room was a custom-built dollhouse. She knelt in front of it with tears brimming.
“I think she likes it,” Carina could hear Esme speaking to someone.
“I’m glad to hear that,” she heard Matt’s baritone voice come up behind her. She didn’t move, she was so awestruck by the little wooden house.
“Hey,” he squatted down beside her tried to call her attention. Carina turner her head in his direction but couldn’t peel her eyes away from the dollhouse.
“Mm?” she lifted her browsers, still not looked at him.
Matt hooked an index finger around her chin and pulled hergaze to meet his, “There is one more thing.” He pulled a red velvet box out of his back pocket.
Carina noticed with relief it was much too large to be a ring, but she reached out and took it from him, nonetheless.
“Go on,” he nodded, “open it.”
Carina slowly lifted the lid to reveal a locking gold bangle, Matt waited pensively for her reaction.
“It’s beautiful,” she looked up at him.
“Read the inside,” Esme chimed in.
Carina carefully removed it from its box and scanned the inside of the bangle.
“For My Little One,” she put a hand over her mouth.
“Give me your right hand,” Matt held out his own. Carina handed him the delicate bangle and he opened its latch, making it look like the birds Carina use to draw when she was a little girl. She held out her wrist and he snapped it on, Matt then reached behind his neck and removed a thing gold chain and on the end of it a strange key dangled. He didn’t hand her the necklace but rather used the key to lock the bangle securely in place.
“Now, little one,” he replaced the chain back around his neck and tucked it inside his shirt, “You’d better change. You’re home now and clothes like that ain’t allowed here. And neither is the attitude you gave me down at the end of Grave Drive. But seeing as how it’s your first day I’m gonna let that slide. Let it be known, that was your one and only freebie.”
Carina opened her mouth to speak but then thought better of herself and in lieu of words she nodded her agreement.
Esme smiled from the door, “Well, I’m going back to the kitchen. Dinner should be ready in about 15min. Carrie I look forward to your being here.” Esme left.
“Welcome home and get comfortable pretty girl. Looks like yer gonna be here for little while,” Matt helped Carina up and kissed her forehead.
“Yes Sir,” Carrie whispered.
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