Wild Secrets Ch. 02

A few hours later, we were both in a deep sleep after an extended session of deep kinky play. I was jolted awake by a loud pounding on our apartment door.

“What the fuck?” said Ginette, her eyes suddenly wide open. I glanced at the alarm clock that had been knocked to the floor. 5:30am.

“Just a minute.” I replied, grabbing a loose sheet to pull over my shoulders and wrap around my Wait. “I’ll go see who it is.”

The pounding was still continuing as I rushed to the door, afraid the neighbors might complain of the disorder. I peeked through the fish eye to see Andrea’s angry face outside. “Open this fucking door, NOW!” she demanded.

Hurriedly, I fumbled with the deadbolt and opened the door. “Andy! What’s the…” I was interrupted by a slap across the face that stunned me. I stumbled backward and tripped over the pile of clothes that had been left on the floor by the door last night. I lost my grip on the sheet as I crashed to the floor in a heap.

Andy stepped into the apartment. She was wearing a very long, black, leather overcoat that concealed her whole body, except for the black PVC boots she was wearing. As I tried to shake off the stars that were floating around my field of vision, she stride up to my sprayed body so that one of her legs was between my tights.

With the toe of her boot she nudged the sheet aside, revealing my groin. Then she lightly pressed the sole of her boot onto my genitals. “Where’s my fucking tape?” she hissed.

I was so terrified, I stammered while I tried to think of some kind of answer to her question. Before I could say anything, however, Andy’s eyes shot across the hall to the bedroom doorway, where Ginette, wrapped in a blanket, was looking upon this scene in shock.

“Come here, you fucking bitch.” said Andy in voice that would not accept “no” for answer. Gin started across the room towards us.

“Andy, I think there’s been some kind of misunderstanding…” she trembled.

In one swift motion, Andy grabbed Ginnette by the back of the neck and pulled her forward, tripping her with a booted leg so that she fell on top of me. Andy seized a corner of the blanket and yanked it aside so that the two of us were now exposed in a naked, tangled heap.

“No more fucking lies from either of you. Just give me my goddamned tape.”

“Andy, I…” I was interrupted by the return of the boot to my groin, pressing harder this time against my balls.

“Don’t ‘Andy’ me, bitch. Just tell me where it is.”

“What tape?” Ginny protected plainly, curling herself into a protective ball, “We don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Andy slapped Ginny’s exposed butt with surprising force, eliciting a shriek and a sob. “I told you no more lies, you dumb cow. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Please Andy, you’re scaring us,” I cried, realising as I said it, just how pathetic I sounded. “I’m sorry. We don’t have anything of yours, honest.” Tears were filling my eyes as I blubbered on, rising to my knees. “Please! There’s been some kind of mistake. Please stop, Andy!”

Andy crouched so that we were face to face. I couldn’t meet her gaze and, casting my eyes down, I noticed that her coat had fallen open, revealing her outfit of tight black PVC pants and tank top. “Look me in the eyes and tell me the truth.” she said in a quiet, chilly voice.

Her bright wide eyes were intimidating to say the least. I looked into them, gulped and then said. “We don’t have any tape of yours, Andy. I swear it.”

She held my gaze for a long time and then said, “So you won’t mind if I look for it then, will you?”

I had no choice but to say “Go ahead.”

As she started towards the living room, I really registered for the first time that I was naked. I picked up the sheet and wrapped like a toga while Ginny did the same with the blanket. Both of us were breathing heavily and shaking. What had just happened? We’d never seen Andy so enraged before.

We found her rifling through our video tapes in the living room. Looking at each one and then tossing it aside. Finally, she ejected a tape that was in the VCR and inspected it before discarding it. She scanned the bookshelves of the room looking for other tapes or hiding places. Ginny and I glanced at each other. Even though we knew Andy’s tape wasn’t here, we both felt very nervous. Ignoring us, Andy walked into our bedroom, where we had a second VCR and TV.

“Ahhh…” I started to object, only to be silenced by glare from Andy as she passed me. We followed her to the doorway and imagined our room seen through her eyes.

It was a complete mess thanks to our nocturnal adventures which now seemed like ancient history. Andy noted the open Handcuffs attached to the headboard and the various pieces of lingerie straight about the room.

Sounding a bit calmer, or perhaps slightly amused, Andy said, “Well, I see you two have been up to no good.” She checked theVCR for tapes (empty) and then peered under the bed. “What’s this, I wonder?” she muttered, sliding a medium-sized box out from beneath the bed.

Oh shit! I thought, feeling my cock retracting even further than before. Andy casually dumped the contents of the box out onto the bed, scattering condoms, magazines and more videos. She picked up the magazines and scanned their contents, usually fetish-themed pictorials of bound men and women in BDSM sex. I was especially mortified because even Ginny hadn’t seen some of this stuff. The videos were the same thing, bought from the local store and Andy examined the case of each one, pointedly looking at the two of us from time to time. My face was flushed with embarrassment by the time Andy finished.

“Fine,” was all she said as she walked past us and out the door of the apartment. She turned in the hallway and said, in a voice loud enough for the neighbors to overhear, “If I find out you’re lying, I will FUCK YOU BOTH UP.” With that, she turned and disappeared down the stairs.

When we couldn’t hear her boot heels clicking anymore, Ginny closed the door and flung the deadbolt. She turned to face me with tears streaming down her face. “What the fuck have we done?” she sobbed. I held her in my arms for a long time.

We spent the rest of the morning cleaning up our place and feeling incredibly guilty. I packed all my porn along with the handcuffs and some kinky lingerie that Ginny wanted gone (fishnets, latex, etc) into a garbage bag for disposal. It all reminded us of the taboos we had violated the previous day.

The sense of shame was so great that we even felt awkward being naked around each other. It was like we were taking a vow of chatity to atone for our wicked thoughts and deeds. We each took turns comforting the other in moments of contrition Throughout the day and mused aloud about seeking therapy to overcome the perverted urges that had led us to this place.

And yet, I felt shade forwhat we’d done, true; shame for nearly getting caught, yes; but, most of all, I was ashamed of the secret excitement I felt about Andy’s visit. Thinking past the shock of the whole thing, images kept creeping back into my mind. My face still tingled from where she’d slapped me and my privates could still remember the scary thrill of her leather boot pressing against them. The flashbacks wouldn’t stop: there were Gin and I naked on the floor and there was Andrea standing menacingly over us, just like she had done with Mrs. Braun. Every time it popped into my head, which was a lot, I struggled to suppress the stirring in my groin.

I caught Gin staring dreamily into space a few times and wondered if she was feeling the same way, but I didn’t dare ask her.

I thought of Don and Tina; we’d been trying to reach them all day to warn them to get rid of that tape. No reply. Then, at about 4 in the afternoon, the phone rang. Was it Don and Tina? Had Andy was to their place and, if so, what had happened? But I was surprised to instead find myself on the phone with Andy’s husband Jake.

“Listen Phil, I’m so sorry about Andrea’s behavior this morning. She thought you guys had taken something from our room last night when it was really more likely that I just misplaced it during the move. We’d had a lot to drink last night and she got pretty irrational. I gather she went over there and accused you guys of all sorts of things.”

“Uh…yeah, we were…I mean, it was pretty scary, actually.”

“I can only imagine. Anyway. She feels really bad about and she wants to apologize to you guys in person. Will you come over and talk about it with us?”

“I dunno, Jake. I mean, we’re a little freaked out about the whole thing as you might imagine, so…”

“Just a second,” he handed the phone to Andy.

“Phil?” She was obviously in tears, “Phil I’m so sorry about this morning. I was just the most horrible person. Your friend means so much to us, tome…” She broke off, weeping. Jake picked up the phone again.

“Phil, buddy. I need your help so badly here. She’s really been an emotional whirlwind over the past days. It’s the stress of moving and everything, I know you understand. Can you guys come over?”

“Jeez Jake, it’s just that we’re feeling kind of tired and all. Could we do this another time?”

“Phil, I feel like if we don’t resolve this and move on right away then it’s always going to be this thing between us, you know. We really need you to come over. Please?”

I looked at Ginny and thought about how guilty we’d felt all day, especially knowing that we really were at least partly to blow for setting this whole thing in motion. “Okay,” I said, we’ll be There in about an hour.”

Neither Ginny nor I felt particularly sexy anymore, just a little sad and ashamed. Ginny dressed conservatively in loose slacks and a neutral blouse. I put on some jeans and an old dress shirt. It was as though we thought we could hide our dirty souls under layers of armor.

We arrived at their door empty-handed. Bringing wine hadn’t seemed like a good idea under the circumstances and flowers would have been weird. We couldn’t really think of another peace offering.

Jake answered the door, wearing a dark leisure suit. He gave us a quick hug and welcomed us inside. In the dining room, we found Andy sitting at the table looking sad. There had evidently been more crying. We sat the table while Jake opened a bottle of wine in the kitchen. So much for sobriety.

Now it was Andy who couldn’t meet our gaze. She sniffled as she stared at the table and murmured, “I don’t know if I can ever forgive myself for the way I treated you guys. I am so, so sorry.”

After an awkward pause, Ginnette said, “That’s alright Andy. I guess you were just really upset this morning, that’s all.”

“You’re so sweet, Ginny,” said Andy, “But I was a lot worse than just upset, wasn’t I. I mean I completely lostit and I just behaved inexcusably.”

“The point is, that’s all over now.” I said, hoping to bring the subject to a close.

Jake brought a tray with red wine in glasses and some cheese and crackers. He set a wine glass down in front of each of us. “That’s for you and that’s for you.”

“I wish it was all over,” Andy was saying, “but I feel like I need to explain what happened, why I sort of went crazy, you know?”

“Cheers, everybody,” said Jake, lifting his glass.

“Cheers.” I took a sip. The wine felt good so I drank a little more and I saw Ginny do the same as Andy started to talk about the tape that went missing.

“You see it had some, well kind of embarrassing content on it,” she said, then feeling the need to elaborate, “of a…carnal nature…” I kept my nose in my glass to hide my face as she went on, “of a, frankly, of a kindy nature.”

“Andy, really, you don’t have to explain anything to us.” I clumsily interjected.

“No, I really do. ButNow I know it’s okay because I can trust you guys. I can trust you guys, right?”

“Ah sure, but you don’t have to…” I started.

“Well in Europe we got really involved in a certain scene, you know, like a lifestyle. But we weren’t sure how accepted that would be here. So when I couldn’t find that tape, I just got really worried, you know, about how that would make us look.”

“Sure,” said Ginny, “but you know we’d never…” she trailed off, unsure how to finish that thought.

“Judge us?” said Andy, brightening, “No, now I know you wouldn’t because of what I found in your bedroom. And it just makes me feel so much better to know that you guys are as twisted as we are.”

I nearly spilled the last of my wine, “Ah, well, I wouldn’t say, that, you know…” I was starting to feel strangely nervous, my whole body felt very warm and tingly.

“That’s why even though I’m sorry I accused you of doing something so terrible, I’m kind of glad I did,” said Andy, “because the whole experience has brought us closer together.” I realized that Andy’s demeanor had been gradually changing through this conversation. The tears were gone and her impish smile were back. Momentarily, my minds eye flashed back to the image of her in the video and then to the morning’s events where she had so easily dominated me. Against my will, I could feel a stirring in my crotch.

“So it’s important that we have total honesty between us, guys.” Andy continued, “And that’s why I want to ask you something and I want you to be totally honest with us. Okay?”

I gulped. This is not where I had imagined this evening going. “Uh, of course.” I said at the same time as Ginny nodded.

“You didn’t take our tape, we know that now. So I’m sorry I accused you of that.” Andy looked me right in the eye. “But you did watch the tape, didn’t you?”

There was an uncomfortable pause.

“No, of course not,” said Ginny, I could sense her smoking under the pressure,”I mean when would we even have had the chance to…”

“When I was out getting Jake, of course. With Don and Tina in our bedroom. Where I found you all. What happened? Did you all just decided to have a voyeur party, spying on your old friends intimate secrets?”

“That’s crazy!” I protested in what I thought was a pretty convincing tone. “We would never do such a thing.”


“Definitely not. We’re your friends, Andy.”

“Ok. Fair enough. Maybe it was just Don and Tina. What do you think?”

Honestly I was thinking my nose ought to be about three feet long by now, but there was no way out but to keep lying. “Maybe, but I don’t think they’d do that.”

“But lets just says they did.” Andy was persistent, “That’s a pretty major breach of trust don’t you think, Ginny?” She nodded and Andy continued, “What would a friend have to do – what would you do to regain our trust, if you’d ever done such a thing?”

“Well, like I said, we’d never…” I started but she cutme off.

“Yeah, yeah, you’d never blah, blah, blah. But if we caught you doing something like that, what would you do to prove your friend?”

“Andy, your friend means so much to us…” Ginny tried.

“What would you do to prove it?” Andy jumped in sharply.

“Anything you want.” I blurted.

“Whatever it would take to prove it.” Ginny finished.

“But Andy,” I added hastily, “Nothing of the sort happened. I promise you.”

“Promises, promises…” purred Andy, “But I don’t suppose, hypothetically, that you two would be willing to take a lie-detector test with that story, would you.”

“Of course we would,” said Gin, trying to control the trembling in her voice. We were getting the feeling she didn’t buy our story for a second.

“Why not?” I agreed, not thinking for a moment that Andy was serious about the lie detector. “If that’s what it would take to convince you.”

Andy looked at Jake and he smiled back at her and left the room.

“It just so happens we have brought an interesting contraction back from our travels.” Jake wheeled a cart covered in wires and other electronic devices into the room. “It’s an actual lie detector, though a bit different from any you might have seen on TV. Stand up, please.”

We got to our feet somewhat unsteadily as Jake pushed the table to the side of the room and turned on two bright overhead lights that we hadn’t noticed before. We were stunned. We’d never imagined they would go to this length to settle this question, but there seemed no way to back out now. Andy had trapped us. Andy dimmed the other lights so that there were now two pools of light in the center of the room, about four feet apart.

“Step into the lights, please. Facing away from one another,” said Andy, matter-of-factly.

“Uh, well Andy…” I started to protest.

“Just do it, please. You guys said you’d do anything to convince us. Are you willing to remain friends with us or not?”

Reluctantly, we stepped into the pools of light. While Jake continued to plug various wires together, Andy made me extend my arms and roll up my sleeps. She strapped a heavy white bracelet to each of my wrists and then, presumably did the same to Ginny behind my back.

“What are these for?” Ginny tried to ask, but Andy just told her it would all make sense in a moment.

Next we were told to Raise our arms up to the ceiling, while Jake and Andy attached electrode sensors to the cuffs. After fiddling with the cuffs for a while, Jake invited us to lower our arms. I tried to, but I couldn’t. The cuffs had been linked to some chains that were hooked to the ceiling. Panicking, I pulled harder to no avail. I could hear sounds of dismay from Ginnette doing the same. She was panicking, too.

My heart was racing. I looked at Andy and Jake who were smiling to each other.

“Good. I think those will hold.” said Jake.

“Why…” Ginnette started to ask.

“You said anything,Ginny. We need to know we can get to the truth without you two coaching each other or trying to leave in the middle of things.”

Jake walked over to me and started applying more sensors to my face and neck. Then he unbuttoned my shirt and stuck some on my chest. Soon, there were over half a dozen wires leading from me over to a box in the darkened part of the room. Based on the sounds behind me, it seemed Andy was doing to same to Ginnette.

“There,” said Andy, “All set to go. Excuse me for a moment while I slip into something more comfortable.” She walked out.

“OK.” said Jake. “We’re going to calibrate this machine now. So I’m going to ask each of you some questions.”

We answered some basic questions about the date, the weather and such and then he asked us each to answer one question with a lie so he could measure the response. Every time we lied, a buzzer sounded. Andy walked back into the room. She was dressed in the same leather outfit she’d wound at our apartment that morning.

“Well, this is going to be fun, isn’t it?” She said cheerfully, “We’re going to play a game called ‘truth or consequences.’ It’s simple, really. Tell us the truth and it’s all good. Lie to us, and…well you’ll see. Let’s start. Phil, have you ever cheated on your wife?”

Take aback, I answered, “No, of course not!”

“Just ‘yes’ or ‘no’ from now guys. Jake?”

“Well, the buzzer didn’t go so he wasn’t lying, exactly. But based on the response here, I say it’s a little more complicated than that.”

“Alright, let’s explore that. Phil, do you find me sexually attractive?”

I hesitated, too nervous to respond and the buzzer sounded.

“Oh, I forget to tell you, you need to answer right away or the buzzer goes. Jake, should we take a penalty for that?”


“Alright. Phil, lift your right leg.” I lifted my foot and Andy crouched down and pulled my sock off. Then she did the same with my left sock.

“Every time you lie or evade, I’ll take some clothes from one or both of you. A good incentive to be truthful. So, let me repeat the question. Do you find me sexually attractive?”

“Yes.” I answered promptly.

“Good. Now if you had the chance, and Ginny would never find out, would you fuck me?”


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