Wild Secrets Ch. 01

After the second ring of the doorbell, Andrea finally opened the door with a phone against her ear.

“Hi, you guys. Sorry I’m a little flustered. Don and Tina are already here and Jake’s still not home. Friday traffic! Please come inside. This is the new place. I was just about to give these guys a tour so your timing is perfect. Oh, is that wine for us? Thank you so much.”

My wife and I stepped in the door and Andrea gave us each a warm hug and a peck on the cheek. She and her husband had just moved back to the country from two years abroad. Even flustered as she was right now, she looked fabulous in her little black dress, long blonde hair and high heels. There was a new sense of confidence in her now, even in her current swirl of excitement she was clearly no longer the timing wallflower we’d once known.

With the phone still pressed to her ear, she led us into the front living room of their enormous new house where we found Don and Tina. They were friends we saw once in a while. Tina was a petite impish brunette, outwardly shy but flirty after a couple of drinks. Don was taller, in great physical shape like Tina, and more of a fun-seeker than a deep-thinker. My wife, Ginette, and I were a little more laid-back and introverted than these two. After we made our greetings and Andy fixed us drinks, she was about to show us around when the phone in her hand rang. It was Jake, and apparently his car had broken down in the city.

“I have to go and pick him up, guys, I’m so sorry. Why don’t you guys show yourselves around and help yourselves to snacks and more drinks in the kitchen? I’ll be back in half an hour, forty minutes tops.” And with that, Andy was out the door, leaving the four of us to wander the house on our own.

The place was huge and beautifully decorated. Apparently, pharmacists make a lot of money. As we made our way from room to room, we remarked to one another how amazing it was that they’d only been here a week. Everythingseemed mostly unpacked. On the second floor, we found some unpacked boxes in the various extra bedrooms. Finally we got to the master bedroom.

“Wow!” said Ginette, “This room is huge.”

Aside from the gigantic bed, the room had a comfy sitting area with a coffee table to one side and a fireplace to another side. A large flat screen TV set was mounted on the wall across from the foot of the bed. I admired the A/V system while the ladies checked out the massive walk-in closet. There was a stack of partially unpacked boxes near the TV wall and Don, being Don, was naturally snooping around in the top of these, which just happened to be open.

“Hey, Phil,” he whispered to me, “Check this out.” He was holding a black video cassette case which had a single white label on it. ROMP WITH THE BRAUNS, it read, Followed by a date which was about a year and a half ago.

“What do you think it is?”asked Don, with a leer, “A porno?”

“Probably not.” I chuckled, “I’m sure it’sperfectly innocent.”

“Well, fire this thing up and let’s see.”

I was interested in checking out this fancy TV so I went ahead and switched it on. As the TV warmed up I slide the tape into the VCR. “It’s probably just picnic or something…” I was saying when my jaw suddenly dropped.

The video was definitely porn alright. Of the rough, handheld, amateur style, no less. What we immediately saw was a naked woman spreadeagled across a bed, her wrists tied to ropes that extended to the bedposts. Her knees were folded over the foot of the bed, her ankles presumably tied to the posts as well, though we couldn’t see that from this angle. A naked man was kneeling on the floor at the foot of the bed, his face buried in the woman’s crotch. He was wearing a blindfold and a dog collar. The woman had something stuffed in her mouth, it looked like a pair of panties, and she was moaning and understanding from the ministers of her partner.

“Holy shit.” said Don in a low voice, “This intense.”

“What the fuck is that?” came Ginette’s voice from behind us, causing me to jump like a schoolboy being caught red-handed. We spun around to find Tina and Ginette standing in the close doorway staring.

“I was… Uh, we were just checking…” I stammered as they approached.

“What is this?” Ginette repeated.

“A tape,” Don explained, matter-of-factly, “it was in that box.”

“This is Andy and Jake’s?” asked Tina, in a curious voice.

“We shouldn’t be looking at this,” said Ginette, “shut it off.”

“Just a minute,” said Tina as I fumbled for the remote. She watched for a few seconds more. “This stuff is seriously freaky.”

“Oh relax, Tina, it’s not that wild. Just a little bondage action. Besides,” Don paused, grinning, “I happen to know much you like it.”

“Don!” Tina covered her face with her hands to hide her blushing. Ginette and I stood frozen, equally mortified. Neither of us was comfortable talking about this sort of thin.

“She likes to get tied up,” Don explained, “I like it, too, so we have to switch, you know.”

“Don, please,” interrupted Tina, “they don’t want to know about…I mean it’s private…”

“Relax, babe, it’s perfectly normal,” cooed Don, “I’m sure Phil and Ginette like to get kinky, too from time to time, right guys.” He looked to us for support.

“Ah, sure.” I said. It was true, we both had a number of wild fansies, involving BDSM, among other things, but aside from a little light bondage, we’d never acted on them.

“Oh my god.” gasped Ginette, we all looked at her and followed her gaze back to the screen. The camera had zoomed in and turned slightly so we could better see the face of the man. A woman’s hand from off screen was untying his blindfold and finally pulled it away. Ginette whispered, “That’s Jake.”

The four of us silently confirmed the identity of the man in the video, who was passwordately slurping away at this bound woman’s shaken pussy. The other woman’s hand, in a fingerless latex glove, patted him on the head and then the camera tracked up to the bound woman’s face and torso.

“If that’s Jake, then who’s this tied-up girl?” asked Tina.

“It must be Mrs. Braun,” replied Don passing the tape case over for Tina and Ginette to see.

In the video, Mrs. Braun was now staring into the camera, so she didn’t see the riding crop coming from off screen before it landed on her left nipple, causing her to yelp and struggle against her bonds. The camera zoomed out more and the four of us gasped in sync when we saw woman with the gloved hand holding the crop. It was Andrea.

In addition to the black latex gloves, she was wearing a matching set of latex boy shorts, with the crotch cut out, and a bra with the nipples cut out. Her legs were adorned with fishnet stockings and high heels. The latex picker and goth makeup completed the look. In short, she was the perfect BDSM goddess/bitch. As I watched her dole out a beating on Mrs. Braun’s tits, I became suddenly, uncomfortable aware of how hard my cock was becoming. Stealing a sideways glance, I noticed that the other three were now as fixed on the screen as I was. We four stood, paralyzed, in a line, breathing heavily in unison.

On the tape, Andy was climbing onto the bed so that she straddled the captive’s face backward, her knees resting on Mrs. Braun’s upper arms. Andy leaned forward so she was practically lying on Mrs. Braun’s torso, reached out and took hold of Jake’s collar. She lifted his face from Mrs. Braun’s crotch and pulled it towards her for an open-mouthed kiss. Watching their tongues meet in mid-air, imagining them sharing the taste of their captive’s pussy was almost too hot. At some point Ginette had taken my hand in hers. Standing next to her, I could sense her excitement at watching this precious pleasure. We observed as Andy encouraged her husband to stand up, and for the first time, we saw his swollen cock as Andy guided it into Mrs. Braun’s cunt. My own member was now uncomfortablely strained in my pants and I finally had to reach down to adjust it. I couldn’t help sneaking another look across at our friends in the room and was shocked to see that each of them had let a hand drift down to the front of his or her own pants, including my wife.

Looking back up to face Ginette, she met my gaze with dilated pupils and breathlessly leaned forward to kiss me. I pulled her close, my hand landing on her perky breast and massaging it gently through her top as our tongues battled it out. One of her hands found itself pulling down the fly of my jeans and reaching in to rub my cock. I opened my eyes and saw Don and Tina locked in a likewise password embrace, then glanced over to the screen where Andy was having her pussy licked by Mrs. Braun while Jake was fucking her.

Somehow Tina and Don had moved even closer, so that Ginette and Tina were now practically leaning against each other back-to-backas we made out with our respective spouses. Ginette’s hand had opened the front of my jeans completely and was now reaching into my underwear to grap my cock. As I pressed closer into my wife’s body, my hand came into contact with Tina’s blouse. Impulsively, I let my fingers wander up to the side of her breast. At the same time, I became aware of Don’s hand reaching around Ginette’s wait. We were all breathing heavily and moaning auditorally now. In a tangle of arms, I found myself clutching Tina’s hefty boob through her blouse when Ginette suddenly froze.

“Oh fuck! They’re home!” She whispered urgently, quickly disengaging from the crush and straightening out her clothes. Now I could hear voices and the sound of the front door closing.

“Hey everybody, we’re back!” called Andy from downstairs.

Full-scale panic set in. I dove for the remote control and fumbled with the settings to switch the TV screen off as I heard footsteps on the stairs. Don and Tina were franticallytrying to regain their composition as Ginette ran to the bedroom door to head off Andy, whose voice was getting closer, “Where are you guys? Oh there you are.” She poked her head in the door to catch the other three greeting her with a very forced, overly cheery casualness. Knowing she couldn’t quite see me from the door, I left the remote on the bed and ducked into the ensuite bathroom where I took the opportunity to do stuff my cock back into my jeans and do them up.

As I tried to catch my breath I heard the others making small talk. “We were just checking out your amazing bedroom!” “Wow.” “Yeah, really nice.” Then Jake obviously came into the room, as I could hear everyone greeting him. I walked back into the bedroom as nonchalantly as possible, breezily complimenting their bathroom before shaking Jake’s hand. Ginette, Don and Tina were smiling and laughing, but each was still a little flustered, as was I. Andy and Jake seemed oblivious, though, joking about the unreliability of Jake’s expensive car. Were we actually going to get away with this? It was such an odd transition. In the blink of an eye we had transformed from taboo password into banal chopchat.

“Well not to kick you all out of my bedroom,” Jake was chuckling, “but I think I’ll just quickly change my clothes and meet you guys back downstairs for a drink before I light the barbeque.”

We took the hint and started filing out. I tried to take this opportunity to assess how well our tracks had been covered. First I glanced over by the components cabinet and noticed the VCR was still on, but no longer running. It wasn’t clear whether the tape had been extracted or left in the machine. I had to hope that Don had managed to pull it out of the VCR; leaving it in there would be a real giveaway. I was still scanning the room for it when Jake noticed me.

“You alright, Phil?”

I plastered on a big dumb smile, “Yeah! Just love this room, that’s all! See you downstairs!” With that I headedout after the others.

The rest of the evening went by pretty prosaically with a few exceptions. When Jake came back downstairs, I studied him for some kind of sign that he had found the tape out of place but it was difficult to read him. Jake was always a bit odd socially, varying from being very gregory to very withdrawn, depending on the day. For the rest of the evening, he was pretty quiet, sometimes looking as though he was lost in thought, but from time to time he’d crack a joke or flash his smile. Meanwhile my mind was turning over the possibilities, hoping we’d escape any reckoning for our trespass. It was difficult to focus on the conversation at hand and I suspect all of us guests were silently reflecting not only on the movie we’d found, but also on what almost happened next. A few drinks calmed everybody down and loosened us up. We heard a lot about Andy and Jake’s time abroad. Andy keep repeating how they’d had so many new experiences that had broadened their horizons. Every time she said that, Don would press her for an example, but she’d move on to talking about something else. After dinner, when many drinks had been imbibed and we were all getting silly, she again mentioned not knowing how she’d gives up some of the things they’d tried doing. This time, when Don asked her again to elaborate, she just laughed and hinted that she’d have to show us some time. This made me catch Ginette’s eye privately. And Tina took Don off somewhere to chat, no doubt persuading him to keep his mouth shut. By the end of the evening, no one was fit to drive and Andy begged us all to stay over. All of the guests except Don objected. I was thinking we didn’t want to be in the house if they found the tape out of place. Since we lived in the same direction, the four of agreed to share a cab home. I ended up in the front while the others piled into the back seat. It was an awkward ride home. By now Don was so plastered, he didn’t seem to know where he was but the restof us felt the sexual tension, remembering all too well what had happened between us. In the end we just made small talk, not speaking at all about the tape or the improvement make-out session we’d had or how we’d almost been caught.

Ginette and I walked into our dark apartment and shut the door behind us. We stood there in the dark for a moment facing each other. Then the pent-up desire of the day took over. Our tongues entwined, we started tearing each other’s clothes off. I pushed her against the door and kissed my way down my wife’s sweet body, pulling her tits out of her bra to suck on her nipples before working my way down her flat tummy to the front of her soaking panties. I pulled these to one side and drive my tongue into her pussy, lapping up the juices.

“You bad little boy,” whispered my wife, “watching our friends fucking around like that. You little pervert. I think you need to be punished.” Somehow she had my belt in her hand. She brought it down like a whip onmy backside, making me yelp.

“Yes, I’ve been very bad.” I conceded.

“Did I tell you to stop licking my pussy? Get back to work!” she taunted. “Go on, lick my clip. Oh, yeah, that’s it baby. Keep doing that. Now fuck me with your tongue, you little cheater. Yeah like that. Whose pussy are you licking right now, you little bitchboy? Tina’s? Yeah, you want her cunt, don’t you, you little fucker?”

Her words were exciting me more and more and I just kept on working my tongue deeper into my wife’s snatch, feeling her short, red, drenched public hair rub against my nose. Ginette had talked dirty before, but this was a new dimension, using the names of our friends and striking my ass with the belt.

“Oh, I bet it’s Andy You want to go down on isn’t it? Or would you like her to tie you up and sit on your face while she whis you like…THIS? You’ve already seen her shaken pussy, after all. Now you just want a taste through those crotchless panties of hers, you little, Fucker…uugghh!” As she came with my mouth on her cunt, my wife’s knees went weak and she started sliding to the floor.

But I wasn’t done with her yet. I grabbed her legs and yanked them roughly so she fell back on the front door mat. Seizing her arms, I pulled the belt out of her hand and swiftly tied her wrists together. Time to switch. With her jeans still around her ankles and her wrists bound, she couldn’t resist much as I flipped her onto her tummy. But she tried to struggle, just for fun.

“Oh no, you don’t, you bitch,” I panted as I climbed on top of her, pinning her down on her knees with her chest pressed to the floor. “You want to act like a whore, you’re going to be treated like a whore!” I pulled her panties down to her knees and spanked her bottom a few times, until it started to turn pink. She gave a satisfied yelp with each blow.

“Tell me, you slut, whose cock are you craving right now?…Tell me!”

“Oh… Uh. Yours, Master,” she whimpered.

Ispanked her again, harder. “Bullshit! I know its either Don or Jake you want right now. Which is it?”

When she hesitated to answer I began to spank her again and again, until she finally blurted out, “Jake. Jake”

I stopped swatting her behind and gently reached my fingers to tease her drenched cunt lips, “You’d like Jake to fuck you right now?”


I changed my voice a little, adopting the role, “Well why don’t you ask me nicely?”

I could tell Ginette was turned on by this new development in our play. “Ah, Jake,” she said in a sweet, breathless voice, “Won’t you please fuck me with that big cock I saw in the movie?”

I moved my hips closer to her waiting behind and slide my Underwear waistband down to let my cock out. It was ready to go. I placed the tip right against her pussy and pressed it very slightly in. “Oh Jake,” she continued, “Oh my god that feels so fucking big. I want you to just shove that thing inside me.” Very slowly I rocked back forth, sliding a little deeper in each time. This drive her wild. “Oh god, Jake. Stop teasing me, please.”

“Well, you really are a little cock-slut, aren’t you, Ginny?”

“OH YES. I am a little cock-slut, sir, only please fuck now please fuck me I can’t take it.”

“Are you going to be my little plaything, cock-slut?”

“YES Jake! Yes, I am yours,” Ginette seemed surprisedly close to having another orgasm, even though I wasn’t even fully inside her. “I’m your plaything, Jake. Just like the girl in the video. I’m yours to use as you see fit. I’m just your slave-girl tied up here and waiting to be fucked. OH PLEASE FUCK ME.”

Without warning I pushed hard, deep inside her causing her to squeal with gratitude. “Don’t you cum yet, bitch. Don’t you dare cum until I say you can.”

“If I make you cum can I cum then?”


We started fucking now in earnest. As I drove into her I kept anxious insults at her, berating her for her sluttiness and her filterthymind. She ate it up, agreeing with everything I said.

“You’re pathetic. You’re so hungry for cock? What’s wrong with your husband? Why can’t he satisfied you?” I taunted, expecting her to answer that she was too cock-hungry for just one man or something like that. Instead what she said surprised me.

“He can’t fuck me right now because he’s tied up over There.”

For some reason the image of being tied up in the same room as this imagineary scene was a huge turn on. “What’s he doing over there, watching us fucking?”

“He’s trying to watch us but he’s tied up over a benchmark, and he’s distracted because your Andy is whipping his back.” That was an exciting idea. “And Tina is under the bench and she’s sucking his cock.” This was pushing me right to edge.

“And he’s jealous of me fucking you?” I asked, as Jake.

“Yes,” she answered, on the brink of orgasm, “because he wants you to fuck him, too.”

This master stroke pushed me over the edge. In all our time together, I had never expressed any gay desires to my wife. I had never really thought about it at all. But somehow she knew it was the magic button. Her body shoot as I shot my load deep inside her, both of us moaning uncontrollably.


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