This is another scenario where Princess runs from her Daddy while being punished. See, these are events that were talked about with my sweet Daddy at the time. I read a story where the girl ran when she was being punished and I asked him what he would do and his reply was it would depend on how naughty I was. So…here you have it, this is what I think would happen on both accounts. (The other scenario is Daddy Busts Princess)
I’ve been in playful mood all week. It’s been fun teasing my sweet Daddy and seeing how much I can get away with. He does have a great sense of humor as long as I don’t take things too far. I think today may have been one of those days that my sweet Daddy just wasn’t in the mood for my playfulness.
He already had a rough day at work. The only good thing about the day he had said was that it was Friday and he was home with his baby. I had dinner sitting on the table and his drink in my hand as I greeted him at the door. I can’t help but get excited when I see my sweet Daddy walk through the door.
I was still wearing my yoga outfit because I didn’t have time to change and have dinner ready by the time Daddy got home. He didn’t seem to mind. In fact, I saw the way his eyes roamed over my body while I was in my sport bra and yoga shorts. The way he lustfully smiled at me made me blush. I heard a low laugh from him. He just loved making me blush.
That’s ok the mood I’m in, I will have my pay back. I can’t help but still be in that feisty mood that I have been in all week. We had dinner and then Daddy moved over to the family room to watch TV. I cleaned up the kitchen and made our dessert. Then I just couldn’t help myself. I started teasing Daddy mercilessly from the kitchen.
Daddy played along for a little while but then I saw him frown at one of my smart ass remarks. I could tell I may have pushed him a little too far. He just gave me his warning look. I don’t know what got into me but instead ofgetting the hint I burst into laughter. He looked surprised then smiled in amusement.
See, Daddy does have a great sense of humor! I walked over with our desserts. I sat mine on the table and took some of the whip cream from his and wiped some on his nose. He looked hilarian with the whipped cream on his nose. It made me giggle at my own silliness.
However, Daddy didn’t seem too pleased at this point. He said something about wiping it off and I replied with what I thought was humorous remark. Unfortunately, he took what I said as a smart ass remark. Couldn’t Daddy see I’m in a playful mood? Doesn’t he know I’m feeling restless? I guess he will find out soon enough.
“Careful Princess, you have been pushing your lucky all week!” Daddy warned as he wiped the whipped cream off his nose. I pouted a little because I wanted to lick it off.
I grabbed my dessert off the table and before I knew what I was doing I had a spoonful of the delicious dessert and flung it at Daddy. It landed on the side of his face and began to drip down. The look on his face was priceless and I burst into laughter but the glare he gave me made me silent immediately and want to sink in the couch to disappear.
I don’t know what had gotten into me. I know when I can play with Daddy and when I can’t. Today is one of those days and I should know better than to push him. Especially, after he warned me. I just can’t help myself. I get in these moods and only Daddy can straighten me out. It’s like I crave him to put me in my place so I act up on purpose. I can’t explain it.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t enjoy upsetting my sweet Daddy but I get restless or anxious or something. Daddy understands it better than me. He knows what I need and when I need it. That is why he is good for me. He helps me stay focused otherwise I’m out of control. As Daddy glared at me wiping away the dessert, I took another spoonful and held it up.
“Don’t you dare!” He threatened. I giggledwickedly.
After all, he did say dare didn’t he? What the hell is wrong with me? I flung it at him again and it smacked right between his eyes. That did it, he pounded on me. He used his sleepe to wipe his face but he flipped me over on my stomach.
“Is this what you need princess? You need a spanking from Daddy?” He challenged as he held me down. He swatted my Behind with his hand a few times and I kicked my legs. I tried flipping back over wrestling with him but Daddy is much stronger than me. He’s hard to move but that didn’t stop me from trying. I almost succeeded in flipping him over a few times but he held his ground.
“Oh princess, you can’t escape!” He grew low in my ear. I snorted out of frustration. I wanted to flip him over so badly. He let out a low laugh and slapped my ass a few more times. The more he laughed the more annoyed I was becoming. Somehow in my playfulness I became indignant. I heard myself growl back at Daddy saying something harsh.
Hefroze for a moment at my words and stared at me speechless. I was panting loudly glaring at him. I of course didn’t mean what I said but it’s all a part of my feistiness coming to a head which is unfortunate for my sweet Daddy. He was now going to have to put me in my place. I looked at Daddy and he smiled at me. He knows he won. I can see it in his smug face. That’s why I was frustrated in the first place and said what I said.
“Excuse me?” Daddy asked somberly. I didn’t answer him instead I stuck my tongue out at him and I looked away. I know he heard me. I just didn’t want to repeat it. Daddy’s raised his eyesbrows in surprise and he shook his head flying at me.
“I know you heard me Daddy. I don’t feel I need to repeat it.” I stated bravely. He gawked at me for a moment and doesn’t say anything so I turned my head in his direction. He smiled at me menancely and his eyes twinkled with a wicked gleam.
“Oh princess, you really shouldn’t have done that. I would have let it slide just this once but I can’t now. I’m going to have to punish my naughty little girl after all. I’m sorry but you have left me no choice.” He stated sternly. I glanced up at Daddy and pleased with him using my eyes but he just shook his head. OK, I guess I asked for this. I did want to push him right? What was I thinking again?
He grabbed for his belt buckle and began to unbuckle his belt. He held me down using one of his hands as he pulled his belt through his pant loops. I didn’t even struggle. There is a part of me that needed this and I knew that. He knew this too. He also knew that was part of the reason why I pushed him to his breaking point in the first place.
He pulled his belt off and wrapped it around his other hand. I felt his knee in my back for a moment as he peeled down my yoga shorts. His free hand roamed over my bare behind that was already pink from his previous slapses. I moaned as I felt Daddy’s hands on my rear.
My stomach was jittery likeit always does right before Daddy spanks me with his belt but I also had that other tingling sensing between my legs. Yes, I will always be Daddy’s naughty little girl. I can’t help but smile when Daddy wasn’t looking. I heard Daddy snap the belt behind me which made me jump. He put one of his hands on the back of my neck and spread my legs further apart.
“Do you Know why you’re being punished?” Daddy inquired.
“Yes, Daddy” I whispered.
“Why, my naughty little girl? Why do I have to punish my princess?” Daddy asked as he continued to rub my backside.
“For talking back and disrespecting my sweet Daddy!” I retorted as I actually shook my ass at him. I heard Daddy let out a low growl and I just knew I was really pushing my luck. What the hell am I doing? I am in no position to be sassy with Daddy.
“Stay still!” I heard Daddy command as he slapped my backside hard with his hand. I don’t move; not even to acknowledge that I heard him. He is still rubbing my ass warming it up then WHACK! I inhaled deeply as I took the first hit. Daddy swung his arm back and I can hear the belt whoosh down in the air falling hard on my ass again WHACK! Daddy keep the same rhythm which was easier for me to predict when I would feel the next smack. I bit my lower lip when he reached number ten. My ass stung and I knew Daddy wasn’t finished yet. The belt swung back again and I rolled from the couch and from Daddy. I scrambled to my feet and dashed into the other room.
I heard the belt hit the sofa cushion and bounce back at Daddy. I also heard him swear and throw the belt down. I peaked around the corner and I watched Daddy take off his shirt. Oh oh, now this is going to get serious. Daddy doesn’t like it when I run from a punishment. He can be unpredictable in how he may handle this. I’m not exactly sure what he will do. My ass burned but at the same time I felt that wonderful needy feeling between my legs. I could tell that my pussy was wet and I beingcaught up in the excitement of running away was making me wetter.
I glanced back up to see what Daddy was doing and he wasn’t there. Oh crap, where did he go! I peeked around the other corner and I didn’t see him on that side either. How can he just disappear like that? Daddy isn’t a little guy. I can’t lose him that easily?
I tip toed around the house trying hard not to get caught by Daddy. I noticed that the belt isn’t on the floor so I assumed Daddy had it. That isn’t a good sign I thought. Just then something caught my eye which made me scream. I leaped running around the dining room table. I pivoted around and Daddy stood there with a wild look in his eyes. I screamed again in shock and he chuckled in delight. A nervous giggle escaped from me as I danced around Daddy.
“Aren’t we the naughty little girl tonight?” Daddy grinned dangerously with a glint of amusement in his eyes. I ignored him as I thought of my plan of escape. He sized me up and beamed at me as he shook his head.
“Princess, you know this won’t end well for you. If you come over to Daddy now your punishment will be the same as if you never ran.” Daddy said sincerely.
“When did YOU start making deals? That doesn’t sound like you Daddy. You wouldn’t if you didn’t think I had a chance of getting away!” I bravely stated smirking. I can’t believe I just said that. Even my alter ego is saying; “What the hell are you doing? Are you crazy?” but it’s true, Daddy doesn’t make deals. Daddy replied by giving me a full grin and nodded. It was like he wanted me to answer that way all along.
“Oh, princess you’re going to regret those words!” he threatened. I smiled at him sheepishly. Oh crap…
“Ok my naughty little girl, have it your way.” And he gave me that smile again. That dangerous one and I felt myself get a little queasy. He moved quickly but I was ready. I was able to rush into the other room before he could reach me. I raced around dodging daddy. My adrenaline pumped fiercely through my veins. I just hope I didn’t pass out. Daddy watched me like a hunter watches its prey. I can’t help but get lost in the moment. I felt like I was some wild beast and that Daddy was going to try and tame me.
However, Daddy almost caught me quite a few times. I felt the breeze of his hand buzz me which made me screech. My heart thumbed so hard from Almost being caught that I was sure he heard it. Daddy surprised me by leaping over the couch and nearly tackled me. I shrieked and was able to dodge him just in time.
“Getting tired yet, princess?” Daddy asked me as he tried to catch his breath.
“Never!” I replied enthusiastically. He can’t help but laugh loudly.
“You can’t run all night my naughty little girl! I will catch you!” Daddy stated confidently.
“You haven’t yet!” I danced shaking my ass.
“The night is still early princess!” He chuckled. We both tried to catch our breath as we watched each other closely. He does have a point. I can’t run all night. I need a plan; as I thought this I let my eyes trail down the hall to our bedroom. I took a brief glance at Daddy but it was too late. He already knew my plans.
“You won’t make it to the bedroom princess. At least, not before I catch you.” He smiled at me with that wicked grin.
I chewed on my bottom lip as I glanced at him playfully. I judged his distance to the hallway and mine. Hmmmm, before I knew it I ran down the hall. I am almost at our room. I heard his heavy footsteps behind me but I’m far enough ahead that I can get in our room before him. I grabbed the door and slammed it shut. I tried desperately to lock it but my hands shook so bad I couldn’t turn the damn button. Damn! If I could only turn that button! I felt Daddy’s weight on the other side pushing the door open. He is too strong. I can’t hold the door closed and lock the stupid door. The door had flow open making me fall back on my naked ass on the floor.
Daddy towered overme winded with belt in hand. I tried to scoot back but Daddy dropped down to the floor and grabbed my ankles. I kicked and twisted to try to get loose. He knelt over dragged me closer to him and leaned over me. He gathered both my hands in his one hand and pinned them above my head. He kissed me hard on the mouth in a dominating kiss. He then trailed kisses down to my neck then to each of my tits after he yanked off my sport bra. He bit one of my nipples a little too hard and I cried out. He looked up at me and grinned. He swirled his tongue around my sore nipple soothing the ache before his tongue found my lips again.
He was still holding the belt in his other hand. He pulled my hands down and used the belt to bind my hands together tightly. I thrashed underneath him and he used his strong powerful legs to hold my legs down as his other hand pinned my arms back above my head. He squeezed my tits with his free hand as he kissed me deeply exploring my mouth using his tongue. I moaned in his mouth. The sound was muffled as he continued to kiss me passwordately.
He nibbled on my ear and I began to twist under him again. He chuckled under his breath. He allowed his free hand to wander down to my mound and circle my clip. I can’t help but jerk my hips as he does this and he grinned in satisfaction. He knows he has power over my body. He knows how he affects me. I Felt his finger slide between my slit. He’s using a circular motion on my public lips tormenting me as he feels me get wetter. I feel one of his fingers enter me than another as he continues to hold me down not allowing me to move.
He is still kissing me and I tried to move with the same motion of his fingers but with his weight on me I am pinned. The sensing feels wonderful but oh how I want to move my hips to his circular motion. I can hear how wet I was as it made that slurping noise. I still try to buck my hips because I want to feel Daddy’s fat cock inside me. Daddy pulls his fingers out and placed them in my mouth.
“See how wet you are my naughty little slut! You get wet so easy for Daddy.” All I can do is nod. It’s true; Daddy makes me hot like no other. I hope he will continue and not leave me to suffer in ago.
Daddy released his hand that held my hands down and grabbed my thighs hoisting them up throwing them over his shoulders. My pussy was in the air and My knees were up on Daddy’s shoulders. I felt Daddy’s warm tongue lick my public lips and I couldn’t help but mewl. He licked in and around my pussy. Daddy’s tongue is struggling my pussy in that circular motion that I love holding on to my tights tightly. My eyes roll back and I moan loudly. I began hitting the floor with my tied hands and grinding my crotch on Daddy’s face as he worked on my pussy with his wicked tongue.
“Oh God Daddy! Oh Fuck!! Ohhhh Daaadddddyyyy!!” I howled out. Daddy didn’t stop. He then licked and flicked my clip using his tongue before he sucked on my clip. I screamed and bucked my hips on Daddy’s face.
“Of FUCK Daddy!! OH My God!! Fuck!! Daaadddy!! I’m gonna cum!! Ohhhh Daaaaddddyyy Fuuuckkk!!” I wailed and if anything Daddy continued with more fervor. I came and I heard Daddy lap at my pussy as he held onto my thighs more tightly. Daddy continued to swirl his tongue around and around. My hips went along with him in that same circular motion. My legs wrapped tightly around Daddy’s head as gyrated my pussy on his tongue. I felt that same tightness of yet another orgasm.
“OOOOhhhh Fuuuckkk Daadddyyyy!! Oh God, I am gonna cum again! Oh God!! Ohhh Daddy, Fuuuuckkkkk!” I heard myself scream and pant.
I tried to back away. The feeling was getting too Intensive but Daddy held on firmly. He grasped me tightly not letting me budget. His tongue lapped at my pussy fiercely in that same circular motion as I tried to escape but he wouldn’t have it. I mewled and Daddy held me securely. He glanced up at me knowing I was close yet again
“Let Daddy have it baby, cum for daddy!” And that did it. “Ohh Daddy! Oh, thank you Daddy! Fuck! Oh, thank you Daddy!”
It was like the saying when a dam breaks. I came all over in a flood of my own juices. I was still whispering, “Oh daddy!” repeatedly. My legs were shaking from the after math and Daddy finished cleaning me up. I lay on the floor satiated and exhausted. My sweet Daddy gave me three huge orgasms in a row. All the restlessness and playfulness was gone. I needed sleep. He leaned over between my legs and gave me a deep intense kiss and then said, “Good girl baby, ok now it’s my turn!”
Oh crap…I hope he’s just kidding.
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