Wild Child – Prison Fight

Wild Child – Prison Fight


This story stands alone, though you may want to read Wild Child, Ch. 01 for a more detailed background on how Brooke Ashworth became an inmate in St. Louis Women’s Penitentiary.

Wild Child, Ch. 01 remembered the events leading to Brooke’s incarceration. She was a troubled twenty-five year old women with few prospects and only her youthful good looks to trade on. Desperate for money, Nicole, a friend of hers from a previous stint in prison, co-opted her into a half-baked scheme to rip off a bunch of rich kids at a party, a scheme that went horribly wrong, with Brooke in prison yet again. Brooke was quickly behind by Queenie, a forty-ish Puerto Rican woman who ran her cell block. Under her “protection,” Queenie had Rina, a Russian prostitute, assigned as Brooke’s cell mate. Rina introduced Brooke to the pleasures of lesbian sex and the joys of submission so that Brooke couldJoin Rina as part of Queenie’s harem.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, merchandise, companies, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older.

Chapter Four

Hard Time

Brooke was in prison for six weeks, long enough to reset her internal clock. She was trying to condition herself to wake up at 5:55 a.m. so she could get a jump on the 6:00 a.m. wake-up roll call. Prison life for her was playing out like a broken record, the same song over and over until the words became rote, unfeeling, and hollow. She welcomed anything to break the routine and monotony, even if it cost her a part of her soul.

Though she was only twenty-five, it was her third incarceration, first as a juvenile at sixteen for grand theft auto, and then the next two as an adult for grand larceny. As a repeat offender, and having failed to raise the necessary bail money, she was placed in the St. Louis Women’s Penitentiary, a medium security prison on the outskirts of St. Louis County. It was popularized with a seasoned group of older women, many career criminals with serious offenses such as murder and assault, and Not the young confused crowd in juvie and the minimum security lock-ups.

SLWP time was hard time. Long stretches of excruciating boredom punctuated by moments of extreme violence. The worst kind of violence one human could inflict upon another.

The young blonde’s eyes flickered open to the darkness, and the frigid surroundings of rough formed cast concrete. Feeling the chill of the early morning, she Pulled her rough wool blanket to her chin. Her cellmate Katarina “Rina” Nikolayev, a rail thin prostitute from the former Soviet Union, was still snoring softly in the bunkabove.

Brooke was housed in a cell on Level Four of Cell Block D. Cell Block D was run by Amaya Reyes, a forty-ish Puerto Rican woman who was respectfully called “Queenie,” both in and out of her presence. Queenie was serving a life sentence for the contract killing of one of her drug trade competitors in the Wells-Goodfellow area of ​​St. Louis. Queenie still ran the drug trade there out of her cell, and no one in the D block moved, talked, or for that matter took a shit, without Queenie’s permission. Queenie knew everyone and everything that went on in D block.

More importantly for Queenie, she had a direct line to Judge Pamela Harris of the Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas, the judge in charge of administratoring the consent still entered between a prison rights group and SLWP which gave Judge Harris plenary powers over the prison’s operations. Judge Harris had a weakness for submissive women and Queenie happened to have a plentiful supply of them.

When Brooke arrived, Queenie immediately pulled her out of the group of new arrivals. Queenie had first pick of the newbies, and Brooke, being the most attractive of the newcomers, was made part of Queenie’s harem. It was Rina who trained the young blonde to the pleasures of female love and the ecstasy of submission. But it was Queenie who full explored Brooke’s late desires to be dominated by a strong woman.

Brooke noticed a shadowy presence outside her cell, and as her eyes focused in the dim light she saw there was a prisoner standing outside her cell holding a bouquet of flowers. It was one of Queenie’s two personal bodyguards, Fung, a short stocky Asian woman. Fung was small, but she was an absolute bulldog in a fight, once killing another inmate who attacked Queenie.

“Special delivery,” the woman said through the bars. Rina rubbed her eyes, awakened by the conversation.

They waited a few minutes until 6 a.m., when the bars to the cell opened. Fung smiled. Brooke could see a teardrop tattooed just below the woman’s left eye. She handed the bouquet of red roses to Brooke.

“She don’t usually give roses on first date,” the squat woman said. She rolled her eyes and giggled. She left before Brooke could thank her.

“What’s that?” Rina asked.

Brooke held up the bouquet above her head so Rina could see it from her perch on the top bunk.

“Nice, Miss. She no gives roses to everyone. I got only daisies. You special girl.”

Brook was flattered. No one had given her flowers before. She wished she could return the favor. The previous night with Queenie was the most sexually fulfilling night of her life. Queenie had just scraped the surface of Brooke’s powerful submissive urges. The young blonde realized there was Much more to discover. She hugged the flowers against her chest.

Rina hoped off the bunk. She always slept in the nude. She had a skinny body but nice pearl shaped tits. Brooke found out that the Cyrillic letterstattooed on her hand were the initials of her mother. She pulled her jumpsuit off her bunk and started to put it on.

“Queenie like you. You lucky Brooke.” Rina zipped up her jumpsuit and looked at herself in the poisoned metal mirror. “I like you too.”

Brook smiled. It took her going to prison and finding a Russian prostitute and the Madam of the prison to finally make her feel as if she belonged Someplace. She wrapped the stem end of the roses with a wad of wet toilet paper and left them on the floor.

Breakfast started out uneventful. A two minute walk to the cafeteria, and there finding a table with Queenie’s girls. It was the one opportunity for women of different cells blocks to intermix, though they always kept to their own. Brooke followed Rina through the line, and after they filled their trays they picked their way through the long bench tables to the rear of the dining room, their usual spot.

They happened to pass a group of Russian women from Cell Block E. Brooke caught the eye of Sharree, the leader of the group of six women, as they passed by.

“Hey sweet cheeses. You come here eat my pussy,” she said, pointing to her crotch. Her tablemates laughed at the crude remark. Sharree laughed, showing off her missing and crooked teeth. Rina pulled Brooke by the arm to get away from them as quickly as possible.

“Who’s she?” Brooke whispered to her cellmate.

“Trouble,” said Rina. “That’s Sharree. Don’t know her last names. She’s drug addict and runs Russian gang in Cell Block E.”

“What’s she in for?” Brooke asked, finding a seat at their table.

Rina put her tray on the table and then stared at Brooke. “She kill husband. You stay away from her.”

* * *

Brooke was put on a detail to clean and disinfect empty cells. She went to a small utility room in the common area between Cell Blocks D and E to retrieve a mop and bucket and disinfecting supplies. She bent over to pick up a bottle of Pine-Sol when sheheard the door click shut. She whirled around to see Sharree, standing there blocking the exit.

The woman looked to Brooke to be in her thirties or forties. It was difficult for her to tell given the lines etched on the women’s crazy face. She had flaming red hair, the result of a bad prison dye job, and cruel prison tattoos etched on her arms.

“You Queenie’s new pet?” she asked with a sneer. She had a pronounced Slavic accent and bad breath to boot. She reached behind herself to lock the door.

Brooke involuntarily stepped back, feeling like a caged animal.

“I’m Brooke. I… I was assigned to this detail,” she pointed out, though her attacker wasn’t listening.

Sharree was at least five inches taller and carried at least fifty pounds more than Brooke. There was no place for the young blonde to go.

“I knew that,” the haggard woman chuckled. “You a sweet little thing, aren’t you? Now you my bitch.” She unzipped her jumpsuit and let it fall to her wait. She wasn’t wearing a bra, so her large, floppy tits fall out. Brooke was shaking. She was going to get rapid.

Sharree inched forward. Brooke tried to take a step back, but her heel caught one of the yellow, rolling buckets and she stumbled backward, falling on her back. Sharree towered over the young blonde, her eyes glowing with evil intent. She dropped to her knees with Brooke’s wait between them. Queenie’s “pet” was pinned to the floor.

“Not so high and mighty in here, are you?” the woman said, taunting her.

“I’m gonna get a little bit of that sweet ass for myself.” She pulled a shank out of her pocket and dragged it roughly against Brooke’s cheese, making a jagged scrape and extracting a few beads of blood. Brooke gasped but was afraid to scream.

The woman used her free hand to unzip Brooke’s jumpsuit. She leered at Brooke’s perfect creamy white breasts.

“Queenie’s going for prime cut white meat,” she chuckled. “Now it’s mine.”

She dropped theshank on the floor. It clatered on the smooth concrete. The woman roughly cupped one of Brooke’s breasts. Brooke tried to struggle, but the woman grabbed Brooke’s arm and squeezed it, hard enough for the young blonde to yelp.

The woman slapped Brooke hard on the cheek. “Shut the fuck up you little cunt. I’m going to show you how you get fucked in this prison.” The woman shoved her hand inside Brooke’s jumpsuit and started to work two fingers into Brooke’s bone dry pussy.

Brookie hear keys unlocking the door. The door swung open. Two female guards were standing there. The guard who opened the door shouted “What the fuck’s going on here?” when she knew damn well what the fuck was going on in there.

Sharree straightened up. Her coveralls were still around her waist so her tits were exposed. The guards laughed as Sharree zipped up. Brooke scrambled to her feet and zipped up her coverall as well.

“Listen, you girls need to wait till lights out if you want to fuck. You’re supposed to be cleaning cells. Get the fuck back to work.”

The guard who hadn’t said anything noticed that Brooke was shaking.

“You OK?” she asked.

Sharree glared at Brooke.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” Brooke said in an unconvincing manner. The guard knew that if anything bad was really going on, Brooke wouldn’t rat anyway.

“OK, you heard her. Get the fuck back to work,” the guard said. She used her nightstick to give Sharree a sharp poke in the ass.


* * *

Brooke went back to her cell after her work detail. She buried her head in her pillow. It was a harrowing experience even with the guards’ timely appear. Not but one minute later Queenie’s tall African-American bodyguard appeared outside her cell.

“Heard you had a hard time in the utility room,” said Gloria. Gloria was six foot, and two hundred pounds of pure muscle. No one fucked with Gloria.

Brooke lifted her head from under her pillow.

“Word travels fast.”

Rina hoped off the top bun.

“Trouble?” Rina asked. Brooke hadn’t breathed a word of the incident to anybody.

“Someone from the next cellblock almost raped Brooke,” the large woman announced in a deep voice.

Brooke wasn’t surprised Queenie knew. She knew everything. One of the guards probably tipped her off.

“Russian gang?” asked Rina. She saw Sharree’s confrontation with Brooke and was sure it was her.

Gloria nodded her head, confirming Rina’s suspicion. “Queenie thinks they’re going to make a move. She wants us to watch her 24/7 until she can figure out what’s going on.”

Gloria took a seat on Brooke’s bunk. “We’ve got to be smart. We can’t give them a chance to get you alone again.”

Rina nodded. “Russians trouble. I know.”

Brooke decided to change the topic. The current one was too depressing. “So Gloria. Why is there a teardrop tattooed on Fung’s cheese?”

“Sad story,” said Gloria. “Fung’s daughter was killed in a drive-by shooting by a rival gang. She went to their clubhouse and killed everyone there. The teardrop is to remember her by.”

“Shit,” said Rina. “I don’t know that story before.”

“That’s why no one fucks with her,” said Gloria. “They know that she’ll kill whoever tries.”

“I no fuck with her,” said Rina, holding up her hands.

“Keep your eyes open.” Gloria stood up and went outside to the end of the walkway to stand guard.

Brooke was still trembling a bit.

“You scared honey?” Rina asked.

Brooke nodded.

“I know you Queenie’s girl, but she not have you all to herself. You let Rina make sweet love to you. I make you feel better.”

Brooke gave her a look with her eyes that said yes.

Rina pushed Brooke on her back and looked down at her.

“You always beautiful to me, Miss,” she said sincerely.

“Thank you Rina,” Brooke whispered.

Rina unzipped Brooke’s jumpsuit and found the familiar contours of her sex. She wasn’t wet. Rina put two fingers in her mouth and then rubbed the saliva into Brooke’s clip area, making it smooth and slippery.

“Mmmmm…” the young blonde purred. They’d made love enough times that Rina knew just what she liked.

“You my precious little flower. I want to kiss the petals.” Rina kissed down Brooke’s chest, giving a nipple a playful nip, and then going lower where it was becoming hot and wet.

“Yes,” Brooke gasped as Rina gave her clip a lash of wet tongue.

Rina explored with her tongue, bringing Brooke higher and higher until the young blonde’s hips had lifted off the thin mattress.

“Please…” Brooke pleased. The waiting was too much.

Rina inserted a finger in Brooke’s pussy, now drenched with desire. She took the slick fingerprinter and circled Brooke’s anus as she sucked Brooke’s clip hard into her mouth. Brooke was close, but by now know that she needed permission to cum.

“Please, Rina,” she asked.

The Russian stopped licking. Brooke’s breathing was ragged. Rina smiled at the young blonde.

“You good girl. You cum now,” said the bottle blonde, recovering her pussy eating and anal fingerprinting.

“Oh God!” cried Brooke. The anal stimulation put her over the top. Her hips thrust upward with each orgasm that rippled through her. “Oh Rina, I love you,” she declared. Maybe she didn’t know what she was saying, but it felt like the right thing to say.

Rina rolled off, her face smeared with Brooke’s scent. “I love you too, Miss.” Her declaration was heartfelt.

Chapter Five

Judge Pamela Harris

Rina was up at 5:30 a.m. Brooke pulled her pillow over her head to muffle the sounds of Rina getting ready. Rina was fully dressed and ready to go when the 6:00 a.m. alarm blared over the loudspeaker. She shook the young blonde’s shoulder.

“What?” Brooke asked, sleepy eyed.

“I make sure you get to court today. Otherwise Queenie have my ass,” Rina said firmly.

“Ohyeah,” said Brooke, rolling on her side away from Rina to catch a few more minutes of sleep.

Rina Shook the blonde by the supposedr again. “You get up miss. We not miss appointment with lawyer at 7 a.m.”

Brooke remembered the appointment. She reluctantly got out of bed and dressed. Rina fussed with Brooke’s hair until she was satisfied. “OK,” she said. “Now we go.”

They caught breakfast, and then went to the reception area where inmates met their attorneys. Karla Monesen was waiting for them. The tall, statusesque blonde rose out of a folding chair to meet her client. She was wearing a designer jacket with a matching skirt. She looked business appropriate, but in a sexy way that Karla could get away with.

“Let’s go into one of the rooms,” said Karla. The guard escorted them to a small, windowless meeting room. He locked the door behind them. The room had a metal Steelcase table and two chairs bolted to the floor. Brooke sat in one and tried to pull it forward, not realizing the chair was screwed to the floor.

“Judge Harris is handling the criminal docket today,” said Karla. “She may ask you to do something in chambers. It’s up to you, but she seems to take kindlier to cooperate defenders.”

Brooke knew what she means. After her last appearance before Judge Harris, she’d heard scuttlebutt that Judge Harris liked young girls. Brooke wasn’t sure what she was going to do.

“The judge is going to set the trial date today. You need to be prepared for anything,” said Karla.


Brook wondered what “anything” means.

* * *

Brook was chained together with three other female inmates as they shuffled into the large courtroom. The guard unlocked the chain when they were seated in the second row of bench seats. The courtroom was half full, and the court clerk and bailiff were having an animated discussion while the judge was reading through some papers. Karla was sitting in the first row with her briefcase on her lap.

“State versus Ashworth,” the court clerk announced. The bailiff let Karla, and then Brooke through the two foot high swinging gate separating counsel’s tables from the gallery. They sat next to each other at the defendant’s table. Brooke folded her hands on the table. Karla opened her briefcase and put a small pile of papers on the table.

Judge Harris put on her reading glasses. “I see that the State is ready for trial and the defense has requested another two week delay. Is that true counsel?”

Brooke was about to be tried for grand larceny, and was facing a minimum sentence of five years, given her prior offenses. Karla was stalling, hoping to find evidence to discredit the prosecution’s key witness, David Heppner, the son of the owner of the house who was hosting the party where Brooke was arrested. Karla Thought that Brooke’s recent brush with attempted rape was the perfect excuse to ask for another delay.

Karla stood up. “Karla Thoresen for thedefendant, your Honor. Yes, we are requesting a delay. The reasons are… uh… sensitive.”

“And the State, are you ready for trial?”

A tall, attractive Hispanic woman stood up at the prosecution’s table. “Selena Rodriguez appearing for the State, and yes, your Honor, the State is ready to proceed.”

“In chambers, both counsel and the accused,” the judge announced, standing up. Everyone in the courtroom stood up as she made her way to chambers.

The judge was waiting at the door. When counsel and the defended entered, she shut the heavy carved oak door to her chambers. She went around behind her desk and took off her robe.

“Any excuse to take this off.”

Judge Harris was middle aged, probably in her early 40’s, long dark hair up in a bun, green smoke eyes, and a pretty face. She was wearing a thin cream colored blouse with the top two buttons open. Brooke could see the outline of her bra that covered her full, rounded breasts.

“Now what was soImportant that I had to make everyone wait?” the judge asked, taking a seat behind her substantial antique cherry wood desk.

Karla spoke up. “As you can see, the defendant was cut by a shank and then sexually assaulted.” Karla pointed to the long, jagged scratch on Brooke’s cheese. “She’s also experienced trauma from the aborted rape. She needs time to recover before we continue preparations for her defense.”


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