Play Room

The chair is high-backed with no arms, the sort you would normally find at a dining setting, however this one is not at a dining setting and not in a dining room. It is situated at the side of a room, about a metre out from the wall. I am seated in it with my arms tied together behind the back of the chair and my legs pulled back and tied to the rear legs of the chair, and I am naked. The only thing other than being as nature intended me is the ropes binding me and a ball gag to keep me from shouting out.

My wife is standing in the middle of the room, approximately 3 metres from me, standing with her back to me. She too is naked but for her bindings and a ball gag as well. In addition though, she is blindfolded. Her arms are stretched above her head, secured by leather cuffs to chains which hang from the ceiling, but not Enough to prevent her standing flat footed. Her feet however are stretched apart and tied thus to two metal rings imbedded in the floor of the room, situationedfar enough apart to allow short ropes to attach to each ankle and compel a person such as Karen to keep her legs spread wide. In this position her full torso, buttocks and legs are vulnerable as is her pussy which due to her prediction is open and exposed to anyone who should look upon her.

At present there are three people gazing at her bonded form. Other than myself are two people Karen and I have “befriended”. They are Jenny, and John who is also known as “Johnno”, who are indeed inspecting my wife. But their intention is obviously more than an inspection. John has a look on his face that tells me all his Christmas’s have come at once. Jenny for her part appears to be more than merely enjoying herself as I watch her breasts rise and fall with each rapid breath, indicating to me her rising excitement. She glances across at me and smiles slightly as she views my bound and naked predicament.

Standing proud, Jenny is wearing a see-through black gown. In addition she has on a black suspender belt, dark grey stockings with a lace band around the top and her shoes which are of open design, made with leather straps and each shoe has a brass ring attached to it. In her right hand is a riding crop. Even in our current situation I cannot help thinking of having her at my mercy as I look at her shoes and the rest of her as she stands there provocatively, imagining her tied to a bed with a rope attached to each ring in her Shoes, spreading her wide for me to play with her, for her to be my plaything and not the other way around. I feel a stirring in my cock as I think of her and hope she doesn’t notice it as well. Dead puppies, think of dead puppies!!

John for his part is completely naked and I see his cock and balls are shaken and smooth.

“Don’t be in a hurry Johnno,” Jenny tells her husband as she continues to look at me. “We have all night to play with these two and I think we should savour every moment of it.”

I struggle, trying to wriggleMy hands free. I can move them a little but they are tied together. These two have done their work well and I find I am securely bound and forced to watch as they both began their wicked torque of my helpless wife.

I watch as they both run their hands over Karen. She jumps at the first touch from John, followed shortly thereafter by Jenny. They cares her body, slowly running their hands over every inch of her, from her head to her toes. I see her struggle and try to avoid Jenny’s touch as she strokes Karen’s leg, her ankle and finally her foot. I know how she hates having her feet touched. Some people love it, some hate it. Karen hates it. She cries out into the gag and tries in vain to move her feet out of Jenny’s reach, but she cannot. She swings her hips to the side all to no avail, though almost knocking John over. When she cries out against the gag once more, Jenny finally leaves her foot, realising that if they are to seduce her and have her become their willing slave they must first excite her beyond her wildest dreams. Upsetting her is not in her plans it seems.

“Don’t touch her feet Johnno, we want her compliant, not upset.”

I see Karen obviously relax on hearing this. They both continue to cares and tease her flesh, John doing the majority of the damage, stroking her skin, sliding his hands over her again and again, cupping her breasts and teasing her pussy until Karen’s breathing begins to inform her captors of her body’s betrayal.

“Are you going to be a good girl then?” Jenny inquires in her ear.

Karen nods her head vigorously showing she is happy to do as she is told. John, stepping behind her give her arse a quick slap, making her jump once more.

“I think she’s been a bad girl and needs to be taught her place,” he states.

No! Karen shakes her head.

“Hmm. Perhaps you are right. Do you need to be taught your place slave?”

Once again Karen shakes her head from side to side, indicating she doesn’t want to be punished.

“I’m inclined to agree with you Johnno. We’ve already seen this one has too much spirit. I think a damn good flogging will teach her her place. Would you like to go first or are you going to be a gentleman and allow me first pleasure?”

“Oh, by all means Madame, be my guest. I will be more than happy to take over when you have softened her up a little.”

With that I watch as John steps away from my bound and naked wife. He walks to the side picking up his drink, preparing to enjoy the show his wife is about to put on, using my wife as a toy for their entertainment.

Using the riding crop she holds in her hand, Jenny begins almost gently, stroking Karen’s back and sides, running it down first one leg then the other. She walks Around her captive taking her time, building the tension, allowing her bondwoman time to anticipate the punishment she knows will be inflicted upon her, however unmerited it might be. Across Karen’s stomach and down the insides of her thighs, Jenny traces the leather tip of the crop, sliding it over her hips and, as she circles predatorily, across one buttock then the other before striking for the first time.

Karen cries out, but the cry is muffled as will be many more that follows. It is fright more than pain though that has elicited this sound however. As the next smite lands and the next and the next I watch helplessly on, unable to protect her, watching as the intensity and impetus increase. I watch as her buttocks change from white to pink to a glowing red. I watch as she struggles in her bonds, unable to move her limbs more than inches. Moving her torso is of no available as she is unable to see her assailant, not knowing where she will strike from, not knowing where she will strike next as her administrator begins her assault now on legs and stromach and breasts.

She struggles to breathe around the gag and Jenny removes it allowing Karen to take thankful gulps of air. I watch on still as Karen’s Governess stands directly in front of her, harrowing her breasts, using her switch to flick each nipple in turn, alternative between them until they are hard and erect making them an even easier target for punishment.

Karen cries out, now uninhibited by the ball that muffled her, thrusting her breasts forward! My God! It suddenly occurs to me that she is enjoying this! Her cries are not only of anguish and pain but also of pleasure. I can see her breathing becoming heavy as her excitement takes hold of her. When Jenny strikes her between her legs, gently tapping her spread and vulnerable cunt, she throws her head back and offers herself willingly to her Mistress for more pain/pleasure. From my position behind her I can clearly see the wicked flap of leather as each time it finds it’s target between her legs. Mesmerised I see the shaft of the crop as it slides between Karen’s spread pussy lips, the tip protruding beyond her arse cheeses, the long thin rod running forward and back, teasing her quim, driving her level of desire higher with each advance and retreat, causing her to moan aloud; loud enough for us all to hear clearly.

Johnno has watched long enough. Approaching the two women he grabs the whip as it steals through the wench’s sex once more. Jenny looks at him questioningly, thinking he wants to take over, which indeed he does, but first he wishes to join in the play Before assuming control of their enslaved captive. From the rear I see him pull upward on the rod, putting further pressure between her legs and Jenny does likewise from the front. Between them they cause Karen to rise up on her tip toes as they apply tension to her spread labia. Sandwiched thus she can do nothing to prevent them, as with a gentle rocking motion they tease her, tormenting her clip.

“Please,” she pleads, “No more!”

Finally relinquishing, they allow her to rest for a short time. Johnno steps away from Karen briefly, only to return with a flogger, a whipmade up of twenty tentacles of leather, each approximately fifteen inches in length and about a centimetre in width.

He draws the talons over her shoulder and trails them down her back, allowing them to fall to her waist and further, to slightly tantalisingly over her already brutalised buttons.

Jenny moves away, walking over to stand behind me out of sight, leaving Karen at the mercy of Johnno. Still blindfolded, my wife is unprepared for the first onslaught as Johnno flicks his wrist, whipping her squarely across the middle of her back. Building slowly, in a constant barrage he flails her with his beastly weapon and I watch on as her back quickly take on the colour of her buttocks. I fear he has gone too far as he repeatedly strikes her with the flogger, and while I hear her squeals of pain she does not Ask him to stop. Once more I am convinced she is enjoying the pain as others enjoy pleasure, as the leather covers her back and buttocks and legs. Her breathing has again taken on a resemblance of sexual excitement and while she endeavours to shy away from each strike as it hits, she waits passively for the next to land.

“Are you prepared to accept your position as our slave for the night?” He inquires of her.

Taking her silence as a negative he once more attacks her in a flurry of strikes across her back and buttocks, stromach and breasts.

“Well?” he demands.

“Yes,” she whispers meekly.

“Yes what!?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Yes Master!”

“Yes Master,” she whispers, finally submitting.

“Very good slave. For the rest of tonight you will call me Master, and Jenny Mistress. Do you understand?”

“Yes Master.”

Johnno removes her blindfold and then places a collar around Karen’s neck before gravily untying first her legs and then her arms. Released, she is suddenly unable to stand and Johnno catches her as her legs give way. He helps her to the massage table situationed to the side and lays her face down, alLowing her a much needed respite. Her arms fall to either side of the table and he begins running his hands over her, gently, caressing her as she lays there. He grasps her legs and positions them wider, allowing me a partial view of her pussy. I watch still as he continues to run his hands over her from head to foot, sensitively, amorously, and still I watch as he begins to manipulate her, his evil designs once again coming to the fore as his hands began to excite her flesh. I see him playing with her pussy, sliding his fingers teasingly inside her spread and open sex.

So transfixed have I been with what is happening to Karen, I have forgotten that Jenny had moved behind me. It is with a start that I feel the cares of her hand across my shoulder, and a tingle runs through me like an electric shock as her fingers trace a line up the back of my neck. I Feel a thrill of excitement as I sense her move in close to me, her breath at my ear. I feel her fingers as they unbuckle the gag,Releasing my mouth, allowing me to breathe with ease, allowing me to speak.

“Do you like seeing your wife like this?” she whispers to me.

How can I tell her the truth? What sort of monster likes to see his wife tied and whipped and abused? What sort of heinous person would allow her to be used as a sex toy by other people?

“No,” I lie.

I feel Jenny trace the riding crop across my chest, trailing it down across my stomach and down across the top of my thigh to my knee ,before it snakes back up the inside of my thigh, before it runs up the side of my erection. Her other hand has slipped over my shoulder and is running across my chest, across and back, coming to rest with her fingers gripping my nipple, gently, slowly, rolling it between her fingers.

“If it doesn’t excite you then Why are you so hard?” she breathes into my other ear. “Why is you cock leaking? You have not cried out to her, why not? Is it because you want to watch,? You like to watch, don’t you? Is it because you have fantasized about her as a sex slave to be used while you watch?”

As she strictly whispers this last, she kisses the side of my neck while at the same time lightly struggling my cock with the broad leather tip of the crop.

“You have, haven’t you?” she encourages me.

“Yes,” I moan, “Yes, I like watching her. I like seeing her tied and used. She likes pain and I can’t give it to her, I can’t hurt her as much as she likes!”

“Shoosh, it’s alright. We can do that for you and you can watch all you like,” her breath is a care, her voice hypntic.

I feel the switch as it continues to tease my cock, running slowly up and down my length, and I struggle to stop myself from moaning aloud.

“Do you like that? she croons.

“Yes,” I croak.

Removing the whip, I watch as Jenny walks around in front of me, standing facing me, positioning her legs inside my spread legs, her knees pressed against the inside of mine. I look at her stand there naked but for her garter belt, stockings and shoes. She has shed her black gown and I cannot stop my gaze roaming over her, her naked breasts and shacking inviting pussy, her stockinged legs all there for me to devour with my eyes and she is happy for me to ogle her, waiting, teasing me, and the thought of tasting her, of running my tongue over her causes me to salivate. Using the riding crop, she runs the tip over me once more, up and down my legs, over my torso, shoulders, neck and face, but not my cock. She avoids my cock, knowing I need her to touch it, knowing it is there that I want her attentions, knowing it is driving my level of desire higher and higher.

She casts aside her tool of pleasure and pain, dropping it to the ground. She rests her hands on my knees and lowers herself to knee between my bound limbs, and once there she runs Her hands up both my legs at the same time, my nerves once again feeling the electricity of her touch. She brings her hands togetherHer to capture my aching erection in her grasp. Teasingly she runs a thumb up the underside of it, gently rubbing it across the glands under the head of my cock, using my pre-cum to lubricate the head. Using only the tip of her index finger she spreads the ooze, covering the entire crown, smearing it down the length of my shaft.

I try to stay focused, I try to resist her but my body betrays me as she strokes the underside of my balls with feather like touches, then, holding them in her hand, she squeezes them lightly, increasing the pressure, letting me know she has control over me. My breathing has become quick and laboured as I struggle to maintain some level of sanity. It is a losing battle and one Jenny knows she will win as she brings her mouth up close to my cock, to within an inch of it, holding it at the base with both hands, breathing on it as she teas me.

“Would you like me to put it in my mouth? You only have to ask,” She inquiries in a low sweet voice.

Valiantly I resist her, determined not to let her know how much I want her to do just that.

I look down and see her looking at my prick, enthralled by it, craving it as she licks just under the head, lapping up more pre-cum as my member forsakes me.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like me to take him in my mouth? He tastes divine.”

And again she licks my penis, playing with me, sending me insane with a need that must be fulfilled as she continues with her embouchure.

“Yes! Yes I want it in your mouth!” I succumb.

Using her thumb once more she now teas me in earnest, rubbing it up and down continuously over the glands, driving me wild with lust! I know that I will agree to anything just for relief from this torture, just to satisfy the demands of my body.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” the vixen purrs at me.

“Yes I’m sure!”

“You have to ask nicely then,” she demands in the same sultry semiconductor voice.

“Please, just put it in yourmouth!”

“Say please pretty please.”

I can see the desire in her eyes and know that if I were strong enough to hold out she would do it anyway, but I am weak, I cannot end the torment any longer!

“Please pretty please!!,” I plead, succumbing to her.

“That’s better, much better,” she tells me as she continues with her torture.

“Please stop! I can’t take any more! Whatever you want, just do it! Please put your mouth on me!” I am ashamed that I have weakened so much, that I have crumbled under her ministers, yet still I will willingly do whatever she demands of me just to ease the age of my desires. My balls are aching and the pleasure has long ago turned to pain I am so hard!

Giving in more to her own desires than to any sense of mercy for me, than to any desire to save my needs, Jenny finally takes my cock in her mouth and swallows it, taking the length inside her and running her tongue around it before removing it.

As she does this Ithrow my head back and moan unabashed! “Oh God, that feels so good!”

“Do you like that?” she laughs at me.

“Yes, please don’t stop,” I implore her. “That is just incredible!”

And with that Jenny goes to work on me in earnest, finally giving in to her own needs, finally using me for her own gratification. She continues to bob up and down, occasionally taking it out of her mouth and licking it like a popsicle before putting it back in her mouth again.

I realise I am thrusting my hips up at her, encouraging her to take every last inch of me into her.

“Don’t you dare cum!” she warns me.

She continues for a moment more before removing her talented mouth altogether. She stands and, moving behind me, unties me from the chair.

“Don’t move,” she instructs me. “Stay where you are.”

Once having untied me she returns to me, this time facing away from me and lowers herself into my lap. She grabs my rigid cock and aims it at her moistened pussy and IGrasp her by her hips, guiding her as she lowers herself onto me.

Mercilessly I pull her down onto me, impaling her, spearing her with my prick, driving it into her to the hilt, her own juices lubricating the passage. Jenny cries out, throwing her head back, her pony tail swishing me in the face as she does. Whether her cries are from pleasure or pain or a little of both I am unsure, and I hold her in place, allowing her to adjust to having me inside her. My hands slide around her and cup both breasts as she sits astride me, her legs either side on mine, spread wide.

In this position Jenny and I can both see Karen and Johnno at the massage table; they have not been idle it seems while my attention has been elsewhere. Karen is now standing, bent over the table, her collar and cuffs removed. Johnno is behind her and they are both facing towards us, giving us a clear view of them. I see him as he holds both of her hips, sliding in and out of her. She has her hands out in frontof her submissively, holding on to the far edge of the table, and from the look on their faces they are both on the edge, both on the verge of climaxing! The sight of my wife in the throes of an orgasm has always excited me, however I am surprised at myself for discovering how much I enjoy it even with another man being the author of her pleasure.


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