Play Night Pt. 06 (Original)

PLEASE READ THIS OPENING ALL THE WAY THROUGH FIRST. This section of the story has fairly lengthy discussions of sexual abuse and childhood trauma. I did end up making it less dark(?) than the first draft and while it’s not based on an actual event this kind of stuff does happen in real life and has a chance to trigger those who have experience these things or those triggering by accounts of them. I urge readers to please carefully consider before reading ahead if you fit in to these categories because I really don’t want something I make to cause anyone harm. In the case that you don’t feel like going ahead for whatever reason, I have written an alternative ending which I (hope) isn’t as triggering, though it might still be for different reasons now that I’ve finished it. All I can do is say sorry to anyone who doesn’t feel comfortable with either one. I also apologize for the length, I kind of got a little carried away and didn’t feel like splitting it up in to parts because I alreadyy said there would be six parts and even that’s kind of a stretch. (Update: Also this was apparently too much for Reddit so I’m having to post it elsewhere. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

If you want to go ahead and read both endings well TOO BAD. Only one ending per person. Those are the rules and if anyone starts telling me how they like one ending more than the other I will call the internet police on you because you aren’t allowed to break rules. }:(

Also, DO NOT try doing this with anyone. You’ll know what I’m talking about when you get there (hint, it’s very much the one that doesn’t have a category on Pornhub). I shouldn’t have to say this but I know what that TikTak is and what you kids get up to, just you bet I don’t. I am not a mental health care professional and watching a few hours of YouTube videos or taking one course in college doesn’t make you one either (if you are actually licensed I hope you know well enough why this is a bad idea). I understand that what the male character does in the story is actually kind of fucked up, but the characters aren’t real and don’t have to deal with the consequences of their actions. This story is just to keep me busy and maybe providing someone out there some entertainment which, if you do enjoy it, that’s perfectly okay too. It’s just fantasy. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s like shooting someone in a video game. Unless you’re bad at video games and every one sees you be bad at it and they laugh, in which case you should turn yourself in to the internet police immediately. Viewer discretion is advised!

Play Night pt 6 of 6 (sort of): Heating Up (Pour One Out for the Past)

You whimper pathetically as you are forced from the warm, soft safety of the blanket cocoon and into the harsh, cruel air of your bedroom. “Aww,” he sympathizes with just the tiniest amount of mirth in his voice, “I know, I’m horrible.” You have to stop yourself from emphatically agreeing with him. He may have his magic man protection from the elements, but it doesn’t mean that you do. “Here. I’ll try to make it up to you.”

The tight bindings that have held you immobile for so long begin to loosen as he gently undoes the straps holding you hands behind your back and your body rigged. You feel like you are made of jelly as you sag like warm dough being released from a tube on to the bed. Your arms creak a little as you flex them and try to get the blood flowing again.

“Thank you daddy,” you saw out as you curl up slightly in an almost cat like stretch before shifting to arch your spine. The talk you had seemed to have really brightened your mood.

“There’s my little kitten.” He coos as he kisses your shoulder. “Limber up because I am afraid I’m going to have to tie you up again for this next part.” You reply with a grumble, but he just pets your head. “I’m sorry baby, but it’s necessary. For this next part I have to be able to… get you into a certain state of mind.”

The ominoistness of his words makes you look at him, but his eyes and mouth betray no signs of wicked intent. This somehow relieves your suspicions, but then he does seem to have a knack for getting in to a role, which technically is the same as lying.

“I’ll let you stretch out a little more while I go get something up. And don’t forget your water bottle baby.” He gets up, gets some more things from the closet (did he secretly installed some sort of hidden compartment in there?) and begins moving about the room as you greedily take up the entire king sized bed to roll and spread out after gulping down more precise water, revealing in brief release while gingerly keeping as much pressure off your swollen ass as you can. You steal a hesitant look at your backside and can already tell that its beginning to turn from bright red to a darker purple. That’s gonna smarts in the morning.

After examining (admiring?) the state of your butt, you turn to look athim and notice he’s placing candles of various sizes around on the nightstands and dresser, presumably for atmosphere, igniting them with a long fireplace lighter before flipping the light switch to the bedroom. The soft glow from the candles make the room seem a little smaller and more cozy. You almost start dozing off, certain that it’s long past your bedtime, when he comes back in with a bowl and a plastic package of some kind. He sets them on the floor next to the bed (probably to tease you before the reveal) and grabs some of his pillows. Strategically he places them under your lower back and legs in order to take as much weight off your poor little cheats as possible while he has you lay in the middle of the bed on your back.

He reaches under the bed after getting you as comfortable as possible to pull something that sounds slightly heavy and jingly. “I had to order this and I’m really glad it came in on time because I’m not sure how I would have improved.” He brings outWhat looks like a metal pole with leather loops on each end. “Since our bed doesn’t have a foot board, this will have to do.” He then proceeds to place the loops around your ankles.

It takes him a moment to adjust the length of the leg spreader (as you later learn it’s called) to his satisfaction, before he moves up and begins to work on tying your wrists to the headboard. Overcome by a sense of playfulness, you can’t help but nuzzle his side, sniffing him, when he is stretched over you to work with the straws. “Hey now,” he snorts softly, “Trying to distract me?”

“No, daddy…” you purr back at him.

After playing you open, he stops to admire your body. His hand softly cares your cheek, and down your neck, taking a little longer with your breasts. He then moves to your arms which he seems to admire almost as much, bringing the notion of the nearly imperceptible scars to your mind. You are actually a little surprised at how not self consciousness this makes you, as you would normally do whatever you could to hide them. But his loving touch seems to bring a reassurance that you aren’t familiar with as his eyes go from the spot where your armit turns into your lower bicep to looking up at your face with a soft smile on his lips. A warm feeling begins to build a little in your chest at the way he’s looking at you before he continues his examination down your tummy and across Your midsection, taking a noticeable detour around your womanhood. It almost seems like he’s testing the firmness and softness of various places on your body as he goes from your head down to your feet with his exploring touch. Your mind is begging him to show your soft pussy lips some of that attention but he changes your focus when he starts speaking again.

“You’ve definitely shown that you can handle quite a bit of blunt pain surprisingly well,” You’re not entirely sure you can agree with that based on what the final response to it was, but you definitely don’t want to bethe one to bring that up. “So I want to try something a little different.” He reaches down to get what he had brought in and divulges that one of the items is a brand new package of simple wooden clothespins, though they seem somewhat larger to you than they should be. You begin to put two and two together as he opens the package lays them out on the nightstand.

“Now where to start,” he says as he picks one of the little spring powered goblins up and looks you over under the candlelight. “Hmm how about…” You watch as he causes the pin to bite down on a soft bit of flesh under you arm. You wince a little at the pinch and again as he places another, and then a third near the same spot in a line. So far the pain isn’t as extreme as what he’s already done with his hands and the paddle, but it’s comes across as more distracting and constant, changing slightly any time something causes them to wiggle.

“So far so good. Might as well even this out.” You observe helplessly as he places the same number on the other arm. You picture yourself like a bird with only six feathers laid out on a table. He lets out a dissatisfied sight. “I think maybe the fact that you can see it coming is giving you a little too much of an advantage.” He ponders then goes to your side of the bed, pulling your sleep mask from your nightstand. “Let’s spice things up a bit.” Everything goes black as he blindfolds you, but even after covering your eyes you can almost feel his gaze scanning you over for the next target.

There’s a pinch under your right breast that causes you to jerk slightly. It seems he’s found an even more tender spot to play with as he moves back and forth, placing a pin on one breast, then on the same spot on the other. After forming a symmetrical circle of five pins on each bosom, you realize with a feeling of dread tinged with excitement that he’s been circling his prey. This warning does not, in fact, actually prepare you for what he has in store.

“Look at my good girl,” you heard him approve. “All those pins and barely a peep. That deserves at least some reward.” You’re not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing until your feel his hands glide up your legs as he moves in between them. “It looks like I was right about keeping you rehydrated before I tied you down.” You weren’t even sure how wet you were Until you feel a single finger slide from the bottom to the top of your slide, spreading the general amount of your juices around your sensitive lips. “Mmm I hope I’m not making her sore with all the teasing I’ve done. Should I kiss her better?” Turns out what he said earlier was definitely a good thing.

“Yes please daddy,” you say with a little more insight than you had intended. He only lets out a little chuckle in response before you can sense that his head has moved down between your tights. The rush of the tip of his tongue pressing down directly on your clip is better than you ever remember it being. You shudder immediately with a gasp. The newfound confidence from earlier seems to be going to your head a little as you moan out, “Please daddy, don’t tease me again…”

Your brashness gets him to start slowly lapping at the outside of your cunt, licking it from top to bottom like it’s the best ice cream he’s ever had. His hot, wet tongue on your most sensitive skin makes your eyes roll back under the blindfold as you try not to lose control of your breathing, wanting this sensing to last as long as possible.

With his arms wrapped around either leg, his hands reaching around to grip your inner thighs, and his face placed right in the middle, he hungrily eats you out like a starved man. Without even using his fingers, he’s able to shove his long slippery Freudian up inside your opening, coating himself with your nectar as he tongue fucks you. Everything up till this point seems to pale in comparison to what he’s doing to you now. The fact that his wiggling taste seems to only godeeper and deeper inside you as he mushes his face into you causes you to blur out, “Daddy… I’m getting close…” as the buildup begins to reach its peak.

“It’s okay baby, you can cum.” He mumbles into you without seeming to stop. He follows this by humming into your pussy in a deep rumble that makes your thighs try to clamp down on his head. If it wasn’t for the spreader you’re Certain you would have crushed him like an egg based on the power of the orgasm he breaths into you. In waves the sensing builds and receptions and builds again as he keeps going, at one point clamping his mouth down on one of your pussy lips and sucking, which causes you to squirt a little in his face.

“Daddyyyyplesssee…” You aren’t sure if your begging him to keep going or stop as you twist and squirm against your bonds. His relentless assault on your senses finally eases up when he comes up for air to ask if your okay. The sound that comes out of your mouth is supposed to be a “yeah” but ends up being, “Yegalblurble blub.” He manages to ease your decent by placing his palm flat on top of your pelvis and rubbing in firm but slow circles.

“There you go baby… There you go…” following a few aftershocks that tremble inside you, you’re finally able to nod in the affordable when he asks if you liked your reward. “Good,” he again comes across like he’s far too proud of himself, but you have to admit that he did do a very fine job. “Now let’s continue.” At this point you don’t even care what happens next.

That is, right up until it actually happens. Off to your side you hear clinking from something on the floor, and then a sudden wet shock shoots through your right nipple. You’re brain tries to figure out what just happened to you. Does he have a bowel of needs, does he have a bowel of scorpions??

Your nerves are finally able to determine that your lovely, caring, wonderful boyfriend has just placed an ice cube directly on your sensitive nipple. He continues to move it around in circles, leaving a layer of freezing water in its wake that slowly dribbles down the side of your breast. You can’t help but yelp as the intensity cold causes your nubbin to stand strait up. The frozen pain maker retreats and you feel his warm mouth clasp around you in its place, sucking on your breast gently, his tongue moving in circles around your areola before pulling away. You moan at the touch of his mouth again, leaving you to ponder the eternal question of whether it makes up for the heinous act he committed just prior.

Nope, it doesn’t, you conclude as he states, “That should make this easier,” right before what must be a little demon bits down on your hard, erect nipple. You let out an actual yelp as the clip clamps down on the cold bundle of nerves and you began writing again. “Take it easy,” You are beginning to see a pattern when you feel his hand stroke your hair soothingly. Is he trying to condition you to associate headpats with pain or someverything? You do slowly became accustomed to the pressure, but quickly realize that you need to brace yourself for the following up.

As expected, the sharp sting of cold ice on the summit of your left shaft greats you like an awful acquaintance, followed by the soothing sensing of sucking that you wish he’d stick with, but alas is followed by the inevitable pinch clamping down. You realize that your breathing must sound like a Lamaze class as you work through the small points of pain scattered around your torso.

“Here, maybe this will help,” the “help” comes in the form of his hand gently moving over the outside of your slick pussy. To be fair, it does, it fact, help. You bite your lower lip as the conflicting messages from your synapses mix together until you just feel only a haze of pleasure. “Are you relaxed again, baby?” he checks in. You nod, then catch yourself.

“Uh, yes daddy.”

At first you don’t detect the hint of seriousness in his voice when he says, “This next parts important, so I hope you don’t take it the wrong way…” You vaguely comprehend the words before you feel something sting you right above your bellybutton.

You suck in your breath sharply with an “Ah!” before feeling another sting a little further up. Your stomach tightens as you realize there’s something on your skin causing it to burn. After a moment another sting a little over to the side, then another a little further down again. You can’t figure out what’s happening. “Wha… daddy?” your voice is a mix of the confusion and panic that is hitting you with each new spot of pain. When he removes the sleep mask you blink the world back into focus to see that, in fact, the lighting was not just for show.

About a foot and a half above you, his hand grips a fat red Candle that he occasionally tips, allowing the clear melted wax to drip down and splash against your soft skin, where it hardens again. Witnessing the globules plummet and then sear your fleshAlmost makes it worse. “It seems like it hurts,” the way he sounds make you wonder if he’s had a stroke in the last few seconds and no longer understands how heat works. You can’t help but glare at him a little for saying something so stupid.

You grit your teeth as he lowers the candle almost half way down and lets a longer stream piddle up to just below your rib cage. “Yes… (fucker) daddy…”

He returns the candle upright, then moves his other hand to your clip and rubs it, causing your head to tilt back with a grunt. “But that still feels good though, doesn’t it?” Again you are baffled by the grade school nature of his question. Especially when he banishes the possible rhetorical nature of it. “Right?”

“Yes daddy,” he’s too good (upsettingly good) at stroking your hard nub for you to be too harsh with your answer.

He sets the candle back on the nightstand, “Even if I do this,” he reaches over and suddenly yanks all three clips still attached to your right arm off in one motion. You weren’t aware that the sudden release of long held pressure could hurt more than the initial act, but you are now. With his finger still massaging your clip, you cry out in pain. “Agreed?” He says a little more sternly.

“Yes daddy!” you say a little too loudly.

“And even if I do this?” his fingers begin pumping in and out of you as his hand brushes over each clamp on your breasts, causing them to wiggle and tug at your poor flesh. You clnch your eyes closed as you choke back a demand for him to stop. The lack of response to his question is met by him plucking one pin after the other in quick succession, finishing with the ones on each nipple like they’re ripcords. Without the ball gag this time, you scream out fully. Later you will wonder how Your neighbors didn’t hear you. Or maybe they did and they’re just bad neighbors.

In the middle of this, his two fingers have start moving up and down inside your furiously in a flapping motion. It takess you a second to realize that you’re cumming hard in the middle of all of it. You continue to cry out as your voice turns from pain to pleasure, the feeling of him repeatedly hitting your g-spot is sending you into a frenzy. Your tear reserves must have been refilled because you feel your face getting wetter and wetter as you squirt again on his hand.

Your throat begin to hurt as your voice becomes more ragged. He finally slows his movements to a stop, leaving his fingers inside you for a moment before slowly sliding them out. He holds them up and you can see through the blur of your tears that he’s covered in your slippery mucus, with white clumps slowly sliding down his hand. “That’s new,” he says in surprise to the thick cream you somehow produced. He takes an almost tenative taste, then suck some off with an approving moan. “You taste so fucking good…” he takes another lick, turning his hand to witness all of you dripping down his skin. “We might have to try that again.”

“The fuck we will,” you want to say but your tongue only lolls fattly in your mouth, to your disappointment. Your womb still hasn’t stopped clenching. After taking a few more sucks of your honey, he cleans the rest of his hand off on one of the towels. You must taste pretty rich, you think. You will, upon thinking back, get kind of pissed at him for not even offering any to you.


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