Jacci couldn’t help but giggle at the look on Taylor’s face the moment he tasted cum for the first time. She expected that he may use his safe word, but he dutifully lapped from spot to spot as Jacci drug him by his hair. This impressed her as coming down from his orgasm she expected a measure of revolt and while he clearly didn’t enjoy the task he completed it without question nonetheless. This made her a bit uneasy as she feared pushing him too far and him not having enough resistance in him to push back from that ledge, she made a mental note to have an earnest conversation with him about where his boundaries were in the relationship.
Taylor by no means enjoyed the task of lapping up his own cum but he enjoyed the humiliation of it and the realization that from now he was going to be eating his cum. He was firmly enranced in subspace as he sucked from spot to spot on the tights. He had thought about this in his fansies but his aversion to it always kept him far short from wanting to actually trying it. He was also riding high on the amazing kissing that he received from goddess. For long he had fantasized being more intimate and was excited about the prospect of being more traditionally affectionate with her. He realized something in that moment that he wanted to eat it because she wanted him to eat it. Whether he wanted to do it or not was immaterial, he was a slave he should have to do things that he doesn’t Want to do.
Jacci then uncuffed Taylor’s right hand and pulled him onto the bed next to her. He got ridiculously excited at being allowed to share goddesses’ bed for the first time. He laughed at this thought as it was something a fifteen year old playing seven minutes in heaven might think. He expected the other cuff to be unlocked but instead she forced both his hands above his head and cuffed them Through her wooden headboard. He always enjoyed being bound during sex but rarely had found casual partners that were willing to partake.
Jacci spoke up, “There, now we don’t have to worry about you getting too handsy. Excellent work with lapping up your cum slave, I must say the taste of cum was something I never enjoyed and judging from the look on your face you may agree with me.” As she spoke she rubbed her leg against Taylor’s naked body, the tights felt incredible against his sensitive skin.
Taylor opened his mouth to speak but Jacci simply pressed a finger to his mouth. “No sweetie, I don’t want you talking right now. Tonight that’s something you aren’t going to be allowed to do. Unfortunately you’re too damn good with your mouth, I don’t envision myself getting tired of oral sex for quite some time so it might be a long, long time before I decided to let my cock play with me. It’s a sacrifice for me as well since I love having sex with a cock but the talents of your tongue almost make up for that. Plus I think the lack of sex makes you a very obedient, distributed boy.”
Taylor’s eyes nearly bugd out of his head as Jacci finished her statement. After a couple of months he yearned to be inside a woman again and he couldn’t imagine being forced to endure a much longer period of time serving goddess without being allowed to have sex. While his mind was immediately horrified by the idea it also intrigued and aroused him quite a bit. It was the oddest catch 22, he loved sex but the idea of giving it up and suffering for goddess turned him on immensely. It was sensing overload and Taylor found his head becoming light.
“There was one thing you mentioned a few weeks back that we’re going to try tonight. You mentioned queening and the idea of it really turns me on. I must say Tay that you’ve unleashed a monster, I like the idea of controlling you and I think you definitely enjoy it too. This is probably a lot More than you bargained for when you agreed to take in a roommate huh?”
Jacci didn’t wait for a response as she mounted Taylor’s face, she kept her tights on but peeled off her dress. Taylor seemed confused by this but Jacci ordered him to begin lapping through the crotch of her tights. She was drunk through her underwear in a matter of minutes and was moaning quite loudly. After about ten minutes of this Jacci finally peeled off tights and fashioned them into the typical blindfold that she used to prevent Taylor from seeing her naked. She was not self-conscious of this but wanted to reinforce her goddess status in him by not allowing Taylor to see her naked. It was a privilege he would have to earn through more diligent service to her.
She started by teasing him by keeping her clip just above where he could reach his tongue and when he was fully stretched out she would plumge down pushing his head into the mattress. It felt far different that traditional oral sex and the ability to fully control the proceedings made it an extremely satisfying experience for Jacci as she took turns teasing herself and paying it off thereafter. She took hertime with the process and enjoyed having Taylor helpless under her, it was another moment that she truly felt like a goddess.
There were several times when Taylor went a tad longer than he would’ve liked without air but just when he reached his limit of needing some air Jacci would relent and life her body up a bit to allow him a few gulps of air before he was required to go back to work. He furiously lapped and licked Jacci to two orgasms before she crawled off his face and nuzzled next to him. Jacci glanced at the clock and was surprised to see that over an hour passed since she crawled onto his face. She absent mindedly played with his chest hair as the still laid in the bed cuffed to her headboard.
Taylor laid there working to catch his breath where his mind formed an idea that he grappled with whether to commit to words or simply keep the thought to himself. The idea turned him on immensely but the long term impact made his mind reel. Ultimately despite his order to not speak up he felt the idea had to be communicated to goddess lest he lose the courage to suggest it.
She then heard Taylor whisper, “I really want to tell you something, may I have permission to speak.”
Taylor seemed quite serious so Jacci allowed him to continue, “I had a thought about you being deprived of penetrative sex. I know it wouldn’t be the same but if it would please you we could buy a stick on dildo that I could use to fuck you with. We could keep me caged and whenever you wanted you could make me put it on and use it with you like were having traditional sex. There’s no need for you to suffer due to your cock being caged, I would love to have that privilege.”
Jacci’s mind was blown that Taylor would suggest such a teasing, punishment activity. At first she was compelled to decline due to it being Taylor’s suggestion but figured she could regain the upper hand by turning it into a reward and attached something he wouldn’t necessarily enjoy to it.
“That would be immensely satisfied and I would grant you that privilege and reward. Since you would be granted such an immense privilege you would have to give up something as well. In return you give up your financial freedom.”
When Taylor began to reply Jacci shoved her panties in his mouth to silence him. “You’ve always been poor at managing your money and on Monday I want you to Come down to the bank and open a new account that has only access for myself. We will change your direct deposits to it and you will receive a small allowance each week, let’s say $20. We’ll setup your bill pays and I won’t touch any of the funds but any purchases outside your weekly allowance will have to be submitted and approved by me. I’ll setup an amount to automatically get transferred to a gas car for you to get to and back from work as well. This may seem like a punishment but I think you’ll be shocked with how quickly we can get on top of your struggle finances and caring for you like I do Iwould love to do that for you. Of course as always this is up to you but refusal means you don’t get your reward.”
Jacci had a skilled financial mind and would cringe whenever Taylor would tell her about his impulsive purchases and crippling debt load. She thought while he had considered debt his salary was decent enough to get it in check with the right expert. While she was hesitant to make suggestions in the past she now feel more than comfortable making this extreme demand.
Taylor’s heart glowed at her admitting that she cared for him as he had come to care for her quite deeper than the sexual lust fans that played out in their day to day lives. His cock strained in his cage at the humiliating idea that he would have to live off a metr allowance and submit requests to spend the money that he worked for but he felt it was a reasonable request of Jacci and that as a slave it would not be unreasonable to expect out of him. He mumphed through the panties,”Yessh, I agrwree.”
“Excellent, I think you deserve one more reward, you get to share my bed tonight! This can be a long term arrangement as long as you are sufficiently obedient. I really fucking enjoy this, I figured you were kinky when we were friends but when I found that cage I knew for sure. At first I was a bit disgusted, but when I saw how embarrassed you were by it and how discrete you were trying to cover it up I knew it wasn’t some awkward hint. I figured why not indulge, I definitely didn’t expect to enjoy it like I have.”
As Taylor began to drift off to sleep Jacci reached over and grabbed his caged cock and whispered, “You’re so fucked, I’m going to keep you so confused you’ll drift off to sleep every night trying to remember what an erection felt like. You’re going to experience forced celibacy and denial like no man has endured before.” A low moan escaped his lips and just as he was about to speak Jacci put a finger to his lips and then rolled over to go to sleep.
Those comments keep Taylor up for several hours trying to tame his attempted erection in his confinement. He could feel Jacci’s warm skin against his and through his blindfold yearned to see her naked. He couldn’t believe it had been since six months since he’d been allowed to freely enjoy a woman’s body. He yearned for it, craved it, but deep down enjoyed the control Jacci was imposing into him.
After the strap on came Taylor was forced to perform with it almost daily. Jacci quickly became an expert at verbally humiliating Taylor as he thrusted in and out of her. She would taunt him with by saying things such as, “This thing is so much more useful than that thing between your legs, remember when we were equals? That seems so long ago when you could use that on a woman doesn’t it?”
What further drive Taylor wild with further torque was the fact that Jacci was careful to keep her bra on during all of their sexual encounters. Even when he wasn’t blindfolded he was unable to see her naked form. Meanwhile her insatiable lust surprised both of them, she found herself relishing the power and the humiliation that was evict every time she would force him to strip and don the phallus.
Jacci made a habit of getting down on her knees and get her mouth so close to his caged cock that her warm breath drove him to the point of insanity. Occasionally he would get a single peck on the portion of his cock that bulged from the cage. This made him want to break down balling. He had received nothing but hand jobs for well over six months and he knew the monthly hand job was a best case scenario for many months to come. Jacci was quite fond of making Taylor lie completely still while she rode the fake cock, Taylor would find the experience excruciating. Especially since Jacci would relish getting herself to the edge and backing off to really enjoy the ride.
Taylor quickly found himself to not only enjoy the subservice but that he was a masochist of the highest variety. He found the moments of torment excruciating but then would play them back in his mind to further his lust for Jacci in a vicious feedback loop. He often made suggestions that made his ordeal more difficult and upped the ante as they went.
At Taylor’s suggestion he was now required to massage Jacci’s back every night for at least half an hour until she fell asleep and Jacci imposed the same rule in the mornings to wake her as well. She didn’t have to ask if he liked the idea as the faith cage bob when she suggested it confirmed that he liked the idea. It was tough for Taylor to get used to get up several hours earlier than usual but he adjusted to this by going to bed a few hours earlier at night. Unfortunately this came at the expense of most of the free time that he was allowed so weeks mostly passed in a haze of work and servitude to Jacci.
She also forced him to go down on her on an almost daily basis while he was only removed from the cage every 30-45 days depending on his diligence in his tasks and her mood. She also required him to assist her getting ready each morning which consisted of preparing her coffee and lunch and whatever other tasks she required.
Jacci felt like a princess and loved pushing Taylor to his breaking point. She had become quite adept at noticing when he was right on the edge of not being able to take anymore and backing off slightly from there. For Taylor he loved the constant sexual feeling that he felt and while after a few weeks he had yearned to cum he appreciated the fact that Jacci was strict with the freedoms she allowed. Weekdays were quite stressful with his workload at the paper and his level of service to Jacci that he was expected to maintain but lucky he was granted quite a bit of free time on the weekends to relax. His new financial arrangement limited what he could do for leisure but he did notice over the months his bank account above what he thought possible and Jacci was overjoyed at his suggestion to allocate more to pay down his student loans and credit cards. She went as far as to make a few extra payments on his behalf when her year-end bank bonus came in.
In public they simply came across as any ordinary couple and when they informed their friend group of that development very few seemed surprised that they had finally decided to get together. They had so much in common and now to both their surprises this deep bond over Taylor’s enforced chattity and servitude.
On the weekends Jacci would frequently tease Taylor sexually and his worship sessions would frequently run hours long on Saturdays. He quickly associated worshipping Jacci as his new form of sex and considered the fact that he had sex more than most in his peer group despite the fact that he got off from it so infrequently. He found it was never any less frustrating but he adapted ways to better cope with it as time went on. He now frequently the gym and would keep the apartmentimmaculate at nearly all times.
Just past the one year anniversary of their arrangement one morning Taylor sheepishly stood at the bathroom, it had been 29 days since his last hand job release and Jacci could see the desire seated into his eyes. She was dressed smartly in a tight black ribbed sweater dress that ended slightly above the knee with a turquoise blazer and semi opaque black tights. Her hair was done in a messy bun and she carefully applied her light makeup. Around the house she exuded a sexual confidence that intimidated Taylor. She made him stand there silently for a few minutes as she finished applying her blush before she acknowledged him. He cast his eyes down at her feet with his hands folded patiently in front of him. God he wanted sex bad.
She cocked her head and spun towards Taylor, “Yes slave.”
“May I please kiss your feet? It’s been so long and I would love some sort of physical outlet right now.”
This caused her to blush which caused Taylor to blush, not much was off limits but this request caught her by surprise. She was well aware of Taylor’s tights fetish but this catch her off guard. She couldn’t deny that the idea of a man groveling at her feet as she got ready in the morning was a big turn on.
“That would please me, as a matter of fact from now on when I’m in the bathroom in the mornings you need to be kneeling kissing my feet. Is that Understood?”
Taylor quickly scrambled over to Jacci’s feet and began lapping, “Yes, goddess, thank you goddess.”
Taylor couldn’t believe how easily those words had spilled out of his mouth but with Jacci standing there dressed as she was and him as horny as he simply couldn’t help himself. He felt so submissive and under Jacci’s spell. Although the hours of chores and scarcity of sexual gratification he felt a near constant sexual buzz. When he did cum now he saw stars and frequently had to go into a deep sleep to recover. The next few days were disappointing following due to the loss of the constant sexual buzz but being further denied would probably cause his mind to fracture.
He was suddenly snapped out of his horny trace by Jacci barking, “No humping! You know any pleasure my cock receives is my business.” Taylor in his desperation had begun humping the ground as he was kissing her feet.
Red faced he replied, “Sorry mistress, I hadn’t even realized.” He was embarrassed by the fact that he had been reduced to a floor humping mess.
She croouched down and took his face in her hands, “I know life is difficult for you these days but you asked for this and I’m giving it to you. With that said I think a little mercy from time to time is acceptable.”
With tears in his eyes Taylor simply muttered, “Yes goddess, thank you goddess. It’s hard being a slave, I know I asked for it but sometimes it is simply unbearable…” He trailed off as goddess lifted her foot to his face level and he began peppering it with kisses.
“Oh IKnow this can’t be easy for anyone to endure. You are pretty much my human sex toy, I’ve gotten off well over 300 times in the last year where you’ve had what 10 orgasms? You’ve handled this better than I could have imagined and quite frankly I’m tired of denying myself your cock.” She watched as Taylor’s face went white and he continued to cover her tightened foot with kisses as she placed it on the bathroom tile. He didn’t dare look up for fear she would laugh at him and this would be all a part of her next tease.
Finally he managed to croak out through quivering lips, “Does this means were going to have sex?”
“Yes slave boy, that’s what it means, no tricks were going to have sex. Multiple times since I’m sure as excited as you are you wouldn’t last any longer than a teenager on prom night. There will be a few little caveats I’ll be adding for our pleasure but I think some of that pent up frustration deserves to be let out, don’t you?”
His mouth was completely dry buthe whispered, “Yes, oh god yes I do.” He couldn’t help letting out a long frustrated moan as he repeated his efforts kissing her foot.
Jacci couldn’t help but laugh, “I’m sorry I’m not laughing at you I’ve just never seen someone more desperate for anything ever in my life. This must be how a man stranded in the desert responses to a glass of water.”
He followed goddesses’ Instruction and phoned in ill. After he hung up the phone he was ordered to use the bathroom and report to her bedroom. As he crawled in he noticed Jacci lashing something to the corners of her bed, as she came around to the side nearest him he saw that they were cuffs. Before he knew it he was cuffed spread-eagled on Jacci’s bed in leather cuffs and had a black muzzle placed over his mouth.
She began lightly rubbing Taylor’s balls as she spoke, “Now you’re situationated how a slave should be in the presence of a goddess. I know this last year has been so long for you and so soft because of this littlePlastic cage. I have been proud of your decorum and quite frankly I’ve been depriving myself actual sex for quite some time. I have you tied and muzzled since you mentioned you like having bondage sex and with all this anticipation I want this to be as good as it can possibly be. I still expect you to ask or in this case grunt for permission to cum but just sit back and enjoy.”
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