Platonic Chastity
Chapter 3
Taylor was a bit stiff in several regards when he awoke the following morning. He was confused for a second as his grogginess caused him to forget that he spent the night with Jacci’s tights tied around his eyes. A quick waft confirmed that her cent remained on the garments and caused his cage to tighten even further.
As a result of the blindfold he had no idea What time it was and not wanting to remove the blindfold without permission he quietly waited for Jacci to waken as well. He couldn’t believe how much force his cock was putting against the cage and was sure it would split at any second. His efforts to get soft again were further hampered by the still lingering smell of Jacci’s sex on the hosiery blindfold.
Finally after what felt like hours he heard Jacci begin to stir, despite hearing her waking he still jumped when he heard her voice, “Hi love boy, did you have a good night’s sleep?”
“All things considered it wasn’t too bad, I was pretty ruin out from our activities. Your smell though on the tights made the night and morning considerably more difficult.” He replied wondering if last night’s activities did in fact make them lovers.
“Let’s get that blindfold off shall we? You were a very obedient boy last night and am impressed you knew to keep your blindfold on. It would be sad if after a night like last night I had to punish you.”
Taylor without thinking blurted out, “I guess it would depend on what the punishment was.” This caused both of them to break out into a fit of laughter.
When the blindfold came off Taylor’s eyes it took several seconds for him to adjust to the light but when he saw Jacci’s face his heart swooned. She still had all her makeup on from the night before and everything was quite smudged but she still looked radiant. She had the look of a woman who got every ounce of sexual satisfaction she craved and had an air of confidence to her that he had not seen present in her in the time they had known each other. While she was always the confident assured businesswoman she was always unsure when it came to her personal relationships. Taylor could always sense that in her college years she grew into a confident assured woman versus the teenage girl she had been. The fact that she had Brad as her attachment to those teenage years seemed to bring every self-doubt and insecurity with her to her personal life. He had always thought that was a shame and while he felt Brad was a decent enough guy had felt as though he always played into her various insecurities.
“If you were to punish me, what exactly would that entail?” Taylor asked.
“Hmmmm we can discuss that over breakfast, I will take two eggs, bacon, and toast with strawberry jam.” Jacci ordered.
“Right away.” With that Taylor stood and went to the kitchen.
“You just earned a punishment, you forget my title.” Jacci yelled down the hall after Taylor. He silently cursed himself for forgetting to call her goddess.
“My apologies goddess.” This statement brought a big smile to Jacci’s face, she thought damn right I am a goddess.
Over breakfast they made small talk and enjoyed what Taylor had fixed. After a few minutes Jacci spoke up, “So about punishments, I want those to be solely at my discretion. I think over the past couple of months we’ve established the decorum I expect from you. It’s pretty much I say jump, you respond how high goddess. In public you don’t have to call me goddess but around the house or otherwise in private that is a must. You have an attitude with me, neglect any of the household cleaning, or forget my title you earn a punishment. Those will be either a spanking, further deprivation of orgasm, time outs, or for more severe translations deprivation of my orgasms. That means if you are a very bad boy you won’t get to make me or even listen to me cum, understand?”
“I understand, I have to admit I’m a bit nervous though. How often will I get out for uh ummm relief?” Taylor stammered, this was an awkward thing for him to bring up even after last night’s events.
“That’s a very good question, the idea of me deciding that and you having no idea turn me on quite a bit. I think I can tell if you can’t take anymore, it won’t be anything too severe but it will certainly push your limits. Obviously communication will be key if you can’t take it anymore or have a medical concern let me know but other than an emergency I don’t even want you to ask to be unlocked. I find begging to be quite annoying.”
They then both looked a little awkward as the next obvious questions stared them both in the face. Taylor was the first to speak of it. “What about sex? Like actual intercourse sex?”
Jacci bit into an especially crispy piece of bacon and chewed slowly. She wanted Taylor to dangle on the hook and that question to hang in the air for a bit. She had definitely considered this question from the minut she masturbated to the thought of Taylor being locked for her but was still no closer to having a definitive answer.
“I want that to be at my discretion as well. Right now I’m obviously enjoying what we are doing and you can let me know if anything isn’t enjoyable for you but right now I don’t think sex is really on the table for me. It’s not that I don’t find you attractive that just isn’t something I would be interested in at the second. That may change but for now I’m more than happy with the arrangement as is.”
“I certainly understand that goddess. The thought of pretty much having no sexual free will do turn me on quite a bit. Even going these last few months without sex were tough but when I was let out to masturbate they were incredible orgasms. Also corner time, really?”
“Yes, that’s corner time.” She took the opportunity to further tease and humiliate Taylor, “I bet that’s probably pretty emaculating for a 25 year old man to be stood in the corner like a child isn’t it? I’m willing to bet it gets the point across. As a matter of fact let’s spend the next half hour trying it out. Stand facing this corner, hands behind your back, you will hold this dime to the wall, if it drops I restart the clock, understand?” Jacci couldn’t help but laugh as she finished her sentence which made Taylor red faced. Deep down he knew that he craved the humiliation.
It took Taylor a total of 3 tries and 50 minutes to complete his corner time. Jacci tied his hands behind his back so he wouldn’t be tempted to cheat. As he stood in the corner Jacci teased him verbally.
“It’s probably also pretty emaculating to have your cock locked in a cage and be forced to service a woman orally when you get absolutely nothing in return. Actually that’s definitely that’s definitely Not true, you get exactly what you want in return so I guess it’s a win win for both of us. If I would have known you had this kinky streak you could have been serving me for years, wouldn’t that have been fun? Going to college parties locked in a cock cage, I always thought you should have been more selective in your choice of women, with that you would have been forced to. Maybe we could have had an arrangement where you would have had to bring the girl home to me and have you beg me for approval? Don’t worry though, all the kinky things we didn’t do were going to make up for the lost time in spades.”
When he completed the task Jacci had additional orders for him. “Clean off the table and do the dishes and then report to my bedroom for a spanking.”
“Yes, goddess.” Taylor cleaned off the table and did the dishes quickly. As he cleaned the thought occurred to him that no woman he had ever been with had he enjoyed such a clear line of communication. He craved the day when he could properly bed Jacci but in a perverse way he absolutely loved how she put herself on an unattainable pedestal from him. He had played all sorts of sexual fansies in his mind with Jacci through the years but this had surpassed all of his previous fans or expectations.
He pensively entered Jacci’s room, he glanced over at her open closet and seen her immaculately pressed suits, girly dresses, and sensitive slacks. He thought she truly was a woman of two worlds, very feminine in day to day life and a buttoned up professional in her bank career. He was so horny the very thought of seeing her in any of the outfits turned him on immensely. The thought surprised him as with any of his prior girlfriends that thought had never entered his mind, the only thought that ever permeated is what she would look like without that clothing.
“I just thought of a new rule, anytime you are in my room I want you on all fours. I think that level of control will be hot for both of us. So get on all fours and crawl over to me and lay across my lap like the naughty boy that you are!” As Taylor got on his hands and knees he thought to himself she’s definitely right as he felt a pressure build in the cage. Their eyes met and they each shared a giggle at the absurdity of the circumstances that had each of them so aroused.
As Taylor crawled over and played himself over Jacci’s lap she reached to the side of her bed and pulled out a riding crop. The crop was a bright pink on the shake with a black tip and black grip. Taylor was amazed that Jacci had purchased such an item, his mind wandered as he wondered about what other items she may have purchased as well.
His mind didn’t have long to wander as Jacci brought the crop down. He was surprised at the amount of force her small frame was able to generate, knowing her he expected love taps but these were no love taps.
After five or so Jacci bent down to whisper,” That’s not too hard is it?”
Taylor responded, “No goddess.” He didn’t even realize that he was grunting with each blow, part due to the pain and part due to the arousal of the situation. He had never been spanked like this before but helong fantasized about it. Taylor estimated it must have been 25 or 30 blows from the crop.
“I think that’s enough for today. Typically a minor offense such as that wouldn’t bring on such a harsh spanking but I wanted to establish a status quo and I think you needed a little physical sexual feedback.” Jacci couldn’t believe how much she was enjoying this. She abruptly brought an end to the proceedings though. “Alright, I am meeting my two sisters for shopping and lunch so I have to get going. Go in my closet and grab the black skirt I have handing on the side of my closet door, a pair of thong panties, bra, black tights, and a pair of black flats. As far as a top goes I have a red top with the front cut down to here.” She finished her statement by sliding her hand down her chest to where the key rested between her breasts.
Taylor was left on her bedroom floor panting trying to calm himself down from everything he had endured the last 24 hours. He couldn’t believe how hard hewas trying to get, he heard the shower head turn on as he crawled to Jacci’s doorway. He imagined Jacci’s naked body in the shower and for a second imagined walking into the bathroom, ripping back the shower curve, and having his way with here. This simply brought a painful rebuke from his chatity cage.
He crawled to her dresser and stood briefly to get the clothes that Jacci required him to get. He didn’t even Considering staying on his feet and walking out of her room even though she had no way to monitor his compliance. He wanted to have sex with Jacci so badly but deep down he got a huge pleasure from his subscription to her. It had been months since he had sex and his mid-20’s libido was driving him crazy. He also barely comprehensive how things had changed for him in the last day and what he would have to endure going forward but he was sure that it aroused him deeply.
Both of them had mundane activities compared to the previous nights. Jacci enjoyed the day at the mall with her two sisters, one older one younger. She resented how each of them still handled her with kid gloves in regards to Brad. They still treated her like she was some sort of fragile flower that had been broken even though she felt far from it. Ultimately when the day was done she had purchased several outfits that were previously thought to be against her style. She came home with two short revealing little black dresses, several tight pencil skirts and even a black leather mini. Her sisters pressed her on if her longtime friend and new roommate was the man that had caught her eye. She played it coy that she didn’t have anyone in mind and that these were clothes to simply dress for herself. Saying that was true while it made her truly feel like a goddess when her mere presence and appearance would drive Taylor crazy with frustration she loved to simply look her best for herself. Taylor being endlessly frustrated would have to be a nice secondary benefit.
Taylor means while tIdied the apartment for a bit before heading out to run a few errands and meet some friends for a barbecue. He was eagerly anticipating another night of exhaustive sexual activities but for Taylor it was not to be.
Through this process Jacci wanted to get Taylor’s brain to associate pleasure her through service directly with his pleasure and gratification. She wanted this to be about something deeper. She wasn’t going to let him control the situation and was going to dispense any sort of gravity at her pleasure. She figured having a normal night tonight and making him do mundane domestic chores the bulk of Sunday would be a way to reform her control.
In fact that’s exactly what Taylor would spend Sunday doing as Jacci ordered him to poison her entire shoe collection and pull out and category all of her clothes. It was a massive task and as he completed it, Jacci came in to dissense instruction of exactly how to complete the undertaking and to rub his swollen balls. She wanted him to associate his subservice and servitude with pleasure. When he was cleaning her shoes she parked his nose on the inside of a high heel and stroked his balls, she even wanted him to associate the smell of her shoes with pleasure. She wanted every aspect of herself to turn Taylor on, he wanted him to crave serving her as a means to get his pleasure. She wanted Taylor to worship her and associate even the mundane household dealings with arousal and sex. Further she wanted Taylor to break the begging rule and decided she would wait as long as that would take until he began to begging for release. She wanted that power over him, to own him mind, body, and soul. She wouldn’t have to wait long…
By the time the next week came around Taylor was deliciously horny. He was on his best behavior all week and made sure to massage Jacci’s feet every day that week. Also the apartment was left spotless by Taylor all week. It was odd even though he was insanely horny he found it easier to focus on his work and seemed to have more energy as well. But in her presence he was utterly ignored all week aside from the occasional good boy or rub of his engaged testicles. This was all deliberate on Jacci’s part, she wanted to find Taylor’s breaking point. She wanted to make him break the rule and beg for release.
This came on Saturday, after a hotly anticipated Friday night ended in nothing more than a few light strokes of Taylor’s balls as he poisoned the high heels Jacci wore to work on that Friday he laid in bed nearly in tears over his frustrated state. He had performed oral worship on Jacci five times that week and had counted over 15 times Jacci had gotten off since his last orgasm.
Saturday morning he awoke to his member throbbing in its cage at 6 am, he was never a morning person but Jacci’s imposed bed time and the ever present cage forced him to become one. He cleaned for a few hours before it reached 8 and with nothing else to do and it being the time Jacci typically awoke he crawled into her bedroom. He awoke her with gentle kisses to her feet and legs before he began his carefully rehearsed begining.
“Please, I know I’m breaking the rules by asking but I need out, it’s been over a month and I can’t take it any. I NEED to get off, I will literally do anything and accept any punishment. PLEASE!!!”
Jacci could see in his eyes and hear in his voice a level of need she had previously never seen a human being reach before. She had expected this much earlier and felt it an important step, she felt brief sadness at pushing him to this point but also extreme arousal. This came from the fact that he was willing to push himself so far for her, it was another moment she felt like a sexual goddess.
“You will experience a pretty severe punishment for breaking the rules but I am willing to grant your request. We will have a date night though and your release will still be on my terms of course.”
Relief washed over Taylor’s face at this news as he muttered a simple “Thank you goddess.”
Jacci spoke back up, “I do require worship right now though.” She punctuated her final words by grabbing the back of Taylor’s head and forcing it into her crotch. He lapped dutifully at her gorgeous sex, he had yet to see her fully naked or even enjoy an actual kiss. Other than this and massages they had no physical interactions outside of the occasional rub of his uncaged tests, this frustrated Taylor immensely. A weird feeling always came over him when he would make Jacci cum from worshipping her. Even though she didn’t even brush against him he felt an odd sense of sexual gratification when they were done. Constantly being forced to do this with zero reciprocation made him truly feel like a slave.
When it came time for their date that night Jacci was dressed immaculately. She had on a low cut black dress with a flowing skirt that puffed out just above the knee, her look was accentuated wit sheer black tights with a seamless running up the back and a pair of bright red silettos. She accessorized this look with bright red lipstick, a red vinyl bracelet, matching earrings and the silver necklace containing the key to his cock cage plainly visible to anyone daring to sneak a peek at her exposed cleavage.
The tension was palpable as Jacci drove them to dinner. He wanted to reach over to the driver seat and enjoy some of the pleasures that her body had to offer. She kept herself in good physical shape and dressed very smartly at all times. He thought of all the times he had lapped at her crotch and how he now considered that to be the end goal rather than having actual intercourse with her.
Dinner was fairly uneventful, no vibrators on Taylor’s chatity cage, but he was tormented with the overt gestures of Jacci playing with the chain around her neck and even commenting about it to the waitress. When the waitress asked what the key was for she simply replied, “It’s mostly symbolic, I guess it’s not really used for anything.” flashing a sinister smile.
A dull ache had permeated through his groin the entire evening. As Jacci ordered she played seemingly absent mindedly dipping her siletto up and down along with swishing the cage key necklace from side to side. Shoe play was one of the gyms Taylor had mentioned he found it attractive, especially when women wore tights while. Tights and chatity were his two main kinks and Jacci indulged both to the point to where he felt he would explode with sexual frustration. Jacci wore tights most days in a week since it was required for her job with skirts and even in college she often was in a dress or skirt with a pair. He wondered if that had on some level influenced the two of them becoming friends. The shoe play was intentional on Jacci’s part and Another small step in driving Taylor wild with frustration.
Mercifully the dinner had come to an end with Taylor barely even touching his food. He stared hungrily at Jacci as they drove home, his cock straining to be released from his confinement and he struggled to contain his ragging hormones. Jacci saw the lust in his eyes and took his hand and placed it on her mid-thigh. A guttural groan escaped his lips as he stroked her thigh gently, the nylon felt incredible on his fingers and every touch felt electric. He was puzzled by how this could possibly feel this good.
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