Platonic Chastity Ch. 02

The rooms arrangement progress and they enjoy a night out… and then the rest of the night in.

Platonic Chastity

CH. 02

Taylor was unable to sleep in much past 7 in the morning due to the pressure created by the cage and Jacci forcing him to retire to bed early the night before. He was never an early riser but between the ache in his cage and 11 hours spent lying in bed he was fairly well rested. He rose from bed and went about preparing a nice breakfast for Jacci. He figured staying in her good graces would bode well for his chances to have her unlock him. But more than that he got an immense thrill from simply subjugating his needs and serving hers.

Jacci awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs wafting through the apartment. She felt good, very good despite the bit of wine headache that she had from the night prior. As she walked to the kitchen she noticed Taylor had cleaned up all the dishes from the night before and also swept the kitchen, whichwas something Jacci noticed was a task that needed badly to be done. Knowing Taylor for as long as she did she knew that he was never considered what would be a tidy person and figured this was an area she would have to be diligent in to keep the apartment up to her standards.

“Good morning, sleep well?” Jacci said with a wink and a playful slap on Taylor’s behind.

This flustered Taylor and he was able to retort with a meek “Not really.”

Jacci chuckled and responded, “I can’t imagine why. I don’t know about you but I had quite a bit of fun last night. I was thinking that I could hold onto your key for a bit and see what happens.”

Taylor thought for a second and with a big smile responded, “I think that does sound good to me.”

With that they enjoyed their Breakfast and hashed out details on how they both envisioned the chatity play to go. Taylor was left in for about 3-4 days to begin and further on it progressed to a week. After a couple of weeks when Jacci released Taylor she stopped him before he headed off to his room and came back with her tablet.

“Here, I selected a few pictures of myself that you can use have your fun. I only want you to use these though, anything else would be cheating.”

On the IPad were a few candidate shots of her in jeans and a couple of her professional headshots for her job. Nothing was particularly revealing but given his libido and arousal in the situation he was extremely aroused by them.

Taylor thought this was a particularly interesting wrinkle as it made him feel more under Jacci’s control. Other than him being locked in chatity and unprompted doing a few extra chores around the house little was different in their interactions. Jacci would occasionally tease Taylor verbally about the arrangement throughout the week and on Friday nights would send Taylor to bed early and force him to listen to her masturbate. He never knew when he would be released to enjoy relief and he enjoyed this aspect immensely.

About three months had gone by when one Friday night Taylor was heating up a pizza and preparing for their usual Friday night escapades as Jacci came out of her bedroom dressed in a way that made Taylor stop and drop the pizza all together.

“Oops! Good thing we won’t need that with what I have planned for us tonight.”

She was wearing a short red lace dress, which had a gold zipper running halfway up the back, along with a pair of sheer black pantyhose and 3 inch patent heels. The dress ended mid-thigh and the semi sheer hosiery covering those thighs made Taylor drool. Her makeup was done very seriously, with smokey black eyeshadow and dark red lipstick. Taylor’s eyes fixed on where the key dangled between Jacci’s breasts on her low-cut dress.

“Wow, all dressed up with nowhere to go, I feel quite underdressed.” Taylor excerpted.

“I’m not able to get out much so I decided you’re taking me out tonight. So be ready in the living room in a collared shirt and nice pants in 20 minutes.”

Jacci felt great about herself for the first time in a long time. She had come up with this idea at work today and the thought turned her on so much she had to excuse herself to the bathroom to touch herself a bit and calm down. In about 19 and a half minutes Taylor emerged.

“Wow cutting it a bit close, I like your outfit but I have one addition to make to it.”

With that she walked over and undid his pants and clipped a small silicon rubber bullet shaped object to his chatity cage.

“There that should make dinner interesting for you” she turned at Taylor as she said this and licked her lips. Taylor groaned auditory, this soaked Jacci’s panties and pantyhose. She wasn’t sure if she could even make it through dinner but remained steadfast to her plan.

Taylor followed behind and he was about to ask what it is when he saw Jacci pull a remote from her pursuit and clicked a button. Immediately the device sprang to lif and he felt intense violences rattle through his cage.

His eyes got wide and he groaned in dual ecstasy and age. Jacci had deliberately been dressing more provocatively all week. She had also noticed Taylor took special interest in her and especially giving her foot massages when she would wear hosiery. She wore tights every day this week and denied Taylor the pleasure of rubbing her feet. This had frustrated Taylor to the max and he yearned to be let out to enjoy himself.

“I just noticed a few smudges on my heels. We can’t have that can we? Get on the ground and lick them clean, now!” Jacci tried to sound authoritative but couldn’t contain a snicker and smile.

“Right away!” Taylor exclaimed as he dropped to his knees, this was a bit of a kink of his so he began lapping at the heels with great enthusiasm.

After a few minutes Jacci couldn’t contain her excitement and let out a loud laugh, moan hybrid. She crooked her finger and said, ” Come on slave boy, I’m hungry and horny. I’m sure you’re excited to listen to me masturbate tonight.” Her plan was a little more involved but he didn’t have to know that. It felt amazing to Jacci to be in such control and the confidence that coursed through her body she had never felt in a relationship before. She could tell just by the look in Taylor’s eyes that she looked like a goddess and he treated her like one in kind. For once in her life though in a relationship with a man she did not feel any sense of pressure to move at anything but the pace she was comfortable with.

Meanwhile, the drive to the restaurant was one of the most frustrating experiences of Taylor’s life. He so badly wanted to have Jacci pull over the car, pull out the key, and finally enjoy Jacci’s body. He knew even asking though would be a severe violence of their agreement, instead he simply bit his lip and endured wave after wave of sexual frustration as the vibrator literally rattled his cage. Jacci keep the remote firmlyin her right hand and continuously cycled through the different settings. When Taylor would be especially vocal Jacci would make a note of that and what setting it was, plotting his continued future torque.

Taylor was on the verge of cumming as they pulled up to the Italian restaurant. It was about a ten minute drive that seemed far longer to Taylor and seemed to breeze by for Jacci. Taylor let out an audible groan when Jacci cycled the vibrator off.

“We’re here, hope you enjoyed the drive! You wouldn’t make a lady get their own door would you?” Jacci said sternly.

Taylor took a few deep breaths, readjusted his pants, and rushed around the vehicle continuing his deep breathing in an attempt to calm himself down. His dick ached and was bulging out of the crevices of his chatity cage. He opened Jacci’s door and took her cupped hand to lead her out of the vehicle. He was so aroused that the very touch of her silent, smooth skin made him go light headed. He tempted fateand kissed her hand as he guided her out. This made Jacci blush, the moment making her feel like some sort of princess being escorted to the ball.

Inside the restaurant the meal was rather uneventful kink wise, much to Taylor’s surprise. They laughed and joked like the old friends that they were and for a time he forget about his cock cage, his only reminder being the dull ache of his blue balls. When Jacci offered to split her dessert, suddenly the vibrator roared to life. His eyes bulged as Jacci began laughing hysterically, this caused several diners to look over which embarrassed Taylor further. He felt as though the vibrations would rattle his brain out of his skull. She felt a sense of pride in being able to push Taylor’s limits as she felt when they started this arrangement, him being more experienced with this kind of stuff would lead to him becoming bored with her lame attempts at titillation. Taylor on the other hand was surprised at her temperance, secretly he had the same worries but her actions to date quelled any of those worries.

Jacci got incredibly wet watching this display, she forcedly crossed her legs and quickly bobbed her foot up and down. She wondered if anyone in the restaurant could smell her arousal, the vigorous bobbing of her foot provided the slightest stimulation to her clip. She was near the bursting point and she couldn’t even imagine how close to bursting Taylor must have been. It was at that point that she decided Taylor would be going down on her tonight.

As Taylor paid and they got back in the SUV Taylor turned to plead with Jacci. “No more, I just can’t take any more of that. Please I’ll do whatever you want just don’t turn on this thing anymore.”

“Quiet, remember our agreement, you don’t get to even suggest any sort of terms. I will decide what you can and cannot take, unless you use your safe word. Something tells me you don’t want to use your safe word, do you?” She rubbed his cheese as she finishedher final thought.

Taylor swooned and whispered, “No, of course not!” As soon as the final syllable escaped his lips the vibrator roared back to life. Much to Taylor’s surprise Jacci guided his hand right to her crotch, he could sense moisture through her tights.

“I’ve decided were going to have sex tonight, don’t get too excited it will be oral sex and the key isn’t leaving my neck so it’ll be better for me than for you.” Jacci flashed her gorgeous smile again at Taylor, he couldn’t get over how her pearl earrings completed the dark red lipstick perfectly.

He could barely think straight, his head was light between the news of what the rest of the night would bring, his hand on Jacci’s damp crotch, and his vibrating chatity cage. Until then he never knew that pleasure could be far more excruciating than pain. He had read about entering subspace and had figured it would be near impossible to achieve but the realization of several long held femdom fans had himteetering right on the edge.

When they got back to their apartment they each rushed to Jacci’s room with her kicking her shoes off in the hallway. When they got to her bed Jacci stopped, “Silly me, we can’t just leave those in the hallway, one of us may trip. On all fours, pick them up with your mouth and crawl back into my room with them.”

Taylor dropped to his knees and began his crawl back towardss the shoes. This throw more fuel onto the fire and his whole body shoe with anticipation for what would come next. It took Taylor two trips to retrieve the shoes and he was done his mouth tasted of patent leather for the second time that night. Jacci was lying on her bed as she crooked a finger and barked, “Stay on all fours. Now I am quite interested in how good you can make me feel but for now, I need you to lick my feet for a while.”

Taylor could not believe it, in his heightened state of arousal he almost felt as if he had an out of body experience. Taylor quickly began slathering her pantyhose with kisses and licks, they tasted slightly sweety which only turned him on more. He lapped at her feet for about 10 minutes before she beckoned him upward and he planted kisses up her shins and on the inside of her thighs as he rose.

The smell of her arousal was incredible and Taylor ached to taste her sweet reward. As Taylor reached up to pull down Jacci’s pantyhose she firmly slapped his hand away. “Bad boy, you aren’t allowed to touch me. Crawl over to my robe on the floor and bring me the belt off of it.” Taylor was about to mutter an apology but Jacci preempted this by putting a finger to his lips and shaking her head.

When Taylor returned with it she ordered his hands behind his back and swiftly lashed them together. “There, now we can get back to it. Lick me through my tights for a bit, let’s not rush things.”

He obediently lapped away as Jacci’s moans echoed through the apartment. After a few minutes she pushed him away with her foot and peeled her tights off. Taylor nearly crawled out of his skin when he saw her red lace panties.

“Now, you are getting the immense privilege of worshiping me down there but I don’t think you should get to see the Promised Land just yet, plus that would just be tease for your confused friend.” With her hands trembling from her extreme arousal looped the legs of her tights a few times over Taylor’s eyes and made sure to nestle the crotch over his nose before tying off the two legs behind his head. He let out a loud moan as he took in her scent. “There we go, part of your reward is that you get to smell me. I don’t think a little gratitude would be out of order.”

“Thank you, Jacci.” Taylor immediately uttered, completely lost in sub space.

“Hmmm, I think Jacci is a bit too familiar given the circumstances, from now on you call me goddess. I think that’s appropriate given the fact that you’re going to be spending a lot of time worshiping me. Is that understand?” Taylor smiled at this decade a sure sign that this was another wrinkle that he would get enjoyment out of.

“Yes goddess, I understand.” Taylor felt on the verge of passing out from the pure arousal he felt, perhaps every drop of blood was rushing to his confined cock as it strained and pushed through every crevice in his device.

Jacci then uttered a single word, “Lick.” Taylor buried his face Enthusiastically and both parties let out loud guttural moans. Jacci didn’t last long… the first or second time, but by the time they got to the third orgasm she was able to lay back and really enjoy the process. He was quite skilled with his tongue, far more skilled than her former fiancé. Before long another wave of pleasure crested through her and she was exhausted. She pushed Taylor away and rolled to her side. She barely had the energy to undo the robe belt binding Taylor’s hands.

“Now because I am a beautiful goddess part of your reward if you like is that you may share myroom with me tonight. But since you are below me in every way that is how you will sleep as well. There is a blanket and pillow on the floor that you may use, leave your blindfold on.”

Taylor felt around until he located the pillow and blanket. He curled up on the thick carpet and attempted to calm himself down and go to sleep. This took quite a while with Jacci’s taste lingering in His mouth and the smell of her arousal tied tightly to his face as well. He expected to feel unbelievably frustrated, but yet he feel an odd sense of satisfaction. He felt proud he had been able to provide Jacci with three orgasms and while he was not even physically stimulated during their encounter he felt a sense of completion and satisfaction as well. Eventually he drifted off as he thought of ways he could further please his goddess over the weekend. Both Taylor and Jacci had the thought that tonight had been a pretty good first “date”.


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