Wifely Duties

She was exhausted, after working a long day, and her husband was working overtime again. She got home, made dinner and put a portion aside for him to heat up, made sure the house was clean, took a shower, then collapsed into bed. She was sleep within minutes, naked as she was required to be when she was in bed. Her husband came home several hours later, also tired and frustrated from a long day and a series of unproductive Meetings. He ate his dinner quickly, then went upstairs to the bedroom, eager for some satisfaction. To his disappointment, his wife was not only fast sleep, but she was laying on her side, legs tightly closed, hugging a pillow. Her husband stripped the covers off and viewed her naked, sleeping body for a long moment, then pulled his already hard cock from his boxers, climbed onto the bed, and pushed her a little roughly onto her stomach.

“My god, woman,” he mumbled under his breath, “I work all day for you…is it too much to ask for you to give me something willing and open and wet to slip my cock into when I get home? And it’s not like this is the first time…”

His wife had been sleeping deeply, and she was barely aware of it when he plunged his cock into her pussy and began taking what was his. Her submissiveness made his cum faster – he liked seeing her spread out underneath him, her auburn curls framing her sweetly sleeping face, her body moving up and down with no resistance to his ravaging of it, her mouth slightly open and smiling ever so softly, as if she were having a good dream. Even though he appreciated the submissiveness and her trust, her husband was not pleased. He pulled out of her, not wanting to give her the compliment of his cum inside her, and sprayed his sticky hot cum all over her back and ass. He left it on her, leaving her to wake up with her skin covered in his cum so she knew what had happened while she was sleeping, and went to sleep in the other bedroom.

The next day over breakfast, he discussesd his plan with her. He explained his need for her cunt after a long day at work, and the difficulty of having to move her about and open her legs when he came home and she was already asleep. Like any good wife would, she understand completely, even felt a little guilty, and asked what she could do to be more satisfied for him. In response, he presented her with a couple of leg shades. They were soft and padded on the inside, not made to hurt, but leather-bound and strong. She looked at him bewildered, he had never restrained her before, so he led her up to the bedroom.

“I am going to need to do a little training with you,” he said firmly, gesturing towards the bed. She nodded, disrobed, and climbed onto the bed. Her husband was suddenly a little overcome by her obedience and submission — everything he had wanted in a wife, and so hard to find these days — and he made her look at him, stroked her face gently, and then impulsively kissed her lips. She smiled and giggled likea girl, lifted her face for more kisses, but her husband kissed her on the forehead and patted the top of her head instead, then commanded her to lay down on her back.

She acquired without a word. He cuffed her ankles, then pulled her legs apart and tied them tightly to the bottom posts of their bed. He backed up to survey his handiwork, liking the image of her laying there flat on her back, legs open, her arms meekly at her side, her big eyes staring trustingly up at him.

“This is what I want to come home to,” he said to her, stroking the inside of her naked thigh. “Asleep or no, I want you open and waiting for me.”

She nodded, “Of course my dear. I understand.”

He smiled down at her, laying submissive and open, his pleasure doll, his perfect wife. “Good girl,” he rubbed His thumb on her clip, causing her to moan gently.

“Since this is new for you, I am going to give you time to get used to it. Here” he handed her her cell phone, “call in sick to work today. I need you here, learning your new job at home for me.”

She looked disappointedly at him, as she hated to miss work, but he just gave her a stern look, gave her sexually extended legs a light rub, and left the room. He knew that she would not release herself, even though her hands were free. She wasn’t that kind of woman.

He made sure to come home on time that day, Anxious to see how his wife was handling her new duties. She was excited to see him, as she had had a rather dull day, and his cock sprang to attention when he entered the bedroom to see his beautiful naked wife, legs wide, wet pussy exposed, awaiting his return. He sank it into her, making her cum immediately, then pulled out.

“I know you are hungry my angel. You have been laying there all day, pussy spread open, just waiting for your man. You are such a good wife, I am going to reward you.” He released her legs, and quickly pushed her onto the floor in a kneeing position. He shoved his cock deepinto her mouth, making her gag as it touched the back of her throat, then deep throated her a few times.

“Just to make sure you know that ALL of your holes are mine,” he murmured, looking down with pleasure at her watery eyes, relishing her efforts to take his huge cock down her throat.

“Ok dear, here you go,” he released his load down her throat, and she swallowed hastily to catch it all. He let her lick his cock clean, then went to the closet and pulled out a bra and a very short skirt for her to wear. He turned on the heater so she wouldn’t get cold, picked her up like a newly wed, carried her into the kitchen, then deposited her on her feet,

“Make me some dinner?” She laughed and smiled at him, “Of course my dear.”


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