Episode II
She woke, sprayed languorously over a thick down satin quilt spread over a large, firm mattress. She was covered with a light satin sheet. The room was dimly lit by reflected sources hidden in molding. The bed was surrounded by eight chairs, three on each side and two at the foot. Obviously, she had had an audience as she slept. The head of the bed was against a wall which was set with many small loops and rings. The door was centered on the wall opposite.
She sat up, letting the sheet glide caressingly off her bare shoulders and naked breasts, falling into her lap.
The floor was covered in a short-nap white carpet and, other than the chairs and the bed, the only piece of furniture was a tall white dresser against one wall.
Gentle throbbings, memories pressed into bone, loosened tendons and stretched muscles recalled the shower of…
How long had she slept?
She didn’t know.
She had no way of findingout.
She didn’t care.
She got slowly out of bed and walked across the springy, deeply padded carpet.
She pulled open a drawer; empty.
Another; empty.
A third; a single, brained quirt lay diagonally in the drawer. She touched it tenatively. She looked over her shoulder, breath caught in her chest. She stroked the firm dark leather, curled fingers cradling the hard Stiffness.
She felt her face, throat and tits flush hotly. Her blood pounded in her ears. Her breath heaved with excitement.
She slowly closed the drawer and crossed to the door and tried it. It opened easily and silently into a corridor. A dim blue light emanated from the entire ceiling absorbed by the dark walls and reflected strongly from the series of seven white doors ranged along one wall. At each end, the corridor turned blind corners.
The first door she tried was locked.
The second opened into a room filled with a large sunken tub, kidney-shaped and surrounded bya smoothly poisoned wooden deck. She did not recognize the wood but was attracted by its rich golden-honey glow. The water was lit from beneath and this provided the only illumination in the room, although she could see guttered candles in several of the many alcohols which pocketed the walls.
The room was littered with half-full glasses, snifters, pipes, towels (both freshly folded and tossed, abandoned, into corners), crumb-filled plates and bowls of fruit scraps. Even with all the clutter and ortage, the room still looked clean and attractive.
She shut the door and moved down the hall.
The next door stood ajar and she looked in, without touching it. The sight framed by the shake of light spilling from the hall into the darkened room caused her breath to catch and her pussy to tighten.
There stood a very tall girl, nearly two meters — a classic California beach hard-body. Thick blonde Norse hair hung knee-long. Ideally tanned, except for the perfect pale “V” where the maillot snaked over the hips and dove through the fine blonde fluff to disappear between the thighs. Equally pale were the small triangular patches surrounding each almond-colored nipple.
Both hands were held title-high and spread about twice shoulder-wide, palms forward. At first she thought the blonde was praying, eyes shut, but then realized, with a gasp, that a wide band of leather the color of the buttered-toast tan, covered the eyes completely.
A thin black chain lay loose about the neck, joined to a ring nested between the collar bones. From this ring a chain fell to another, between the bottom under-curving of the startlingly global breasts. Chains, thin and black, festooned from this lower ring to narrow wrist cuffs of the same leather as the blindfold, and these in turn were secured to opposite walls by the same black chain.
On hearing her gasp, this splendid Norse goddess spread tan arms as far as possible, long supple fingers grasped the wall-bound chains and a black loop now hung from each golden hand. The festoons were pulled tight and pressed against the underside of the almond-tipped
breasts, cutting in just enough to make visible their firmness. The blonde went up onto toes like a ballerina, exaggerating height, throwing leg muscles into even greater definition, tightening butt cheats and thrusting the spa blond bush forward.
The tanned body looked as if she were balanced on absurdly high spiked heels.
She opened the door wider and entered the room. No furniture; no light source; walls, floor, ceilinging — all black.
As she circled the chained beauty, the blonde leaned forward, her light hair slithering over every contour, accentuating the solid, naked form. The well-tanned ass thrust back towards her, the plump pudenda pouting between firm, taut tights.
She reached out to touch the totally buffed bottom, firm, soft, smooth and much cooler than she’d have thought.
Chains creaked as the blonde shifted to present even more erotically. She noticed the breasts: full globes, even in this position, held tight against the ribs. She reached to touch the dark brown aureole, the nipple hard as stone. She pressed it into the resistant globe. She hefted and squeezed the taut, heavy title-flesh which the blonde pressed into her caresing hand.
With her other hand she explored the crack between the powerful, tanned butt-cheeks. She ran along the crevice to the soft, yielding shaft covered with wavy blonde hair. The cunt was moist and hot as her fingers traced the puffy lips. So hot, it seemed to burn her hand. Her fingers curled as she began to slowly push her way into the inviting gash.
“There you are.”
She pulled her hands to her chest, started by the newcomer at the door. The Hardbody rapidly shifted to display to the voice.
A short, square-faced woman, her form masked by a loose linen caftan, stood in the doorway. Black hairwas cut just below the ears and a smile grow as the situation in the room was slowly observed and absorbed.
“Come we have been waiting, wondering.”
As she started to leave, the short woman abruptly crossed to the tall blonde and grabbed an almond nipple with her teeth. She reached between the long, tawny legs and, with a finger pressed against the anal ring, pulled the blonde off-balance.
The towering beach beauty topped and hung, suspended by her wide-spread wrists.
The black-haired woman released the mouth grip, lapped at the nipple several times, kissed it, then pulled it between sucking lips, cheats hollowed.
Abruptly abandoning the chained and topped goddess, the short woman led her out of the black room and into the corridor.
The rapidly scissoring legs beneath the caftan moved quickly around the corner at one end of the hall. Making the turn, she saw the small woman holding open a door, spinning steam into the cornidor.
“Enter. Stand silently until you are summoned.”
She stepped into the steam-room and immediately felt her pores open to the heat. Four tiers of benches arced the comfortable spatial room. Several women locked before her in the steam.
One, a mature, dark-haired woman, soft and large, glanced at her lazily. Her eyes were riveted to the woman’s ample, round curves. The woman’s liquid brown eyes snared hers and held them, transfixed.
While the brunette’s eyes read her rising lust, the woman slowly spread her knees, exposing a thick brown cunt-fleece, pearled with condensed steam.
She could not help but lower her eyes to the plump, forested shaft beneath the rounded belly.
On the bench below lounged a beautiful Chicana with a Mayan nose arching between eyes that shone like a deep pool in a slow, silk-laden river.
The flat cheeses rose beneath them to high-crested cheesebones and a large, full mouth graced a narrow chin.
Thick, black hair shone in the mist of the steam-room and piled heavily on broad shoulders.
Lovely, round, mandolin-shaped breasts, held nipples thrust out like the tips of dark-roasted jalapenos.
This beauty, who had turned to watch her walk through the door, turned back to the woman seated on the bench above and lifted an arm to smoothly press two fingers into the exposed slit.
The brunette eased forward slowly, accommodating the invasion — and recapturing the attention of a owl-faced woman on the benchmark above and behind.
Feathered and layered silver hair framed a wide, flat face. Pupils as large as dimensions were ringed with a deep, rich amber.
The small, pointed nose curved sharply over a small, thin-lipped mouth.
This white bird watched her, waiting for her to move, to give some sign.
Then, with a toss of that lovely head, she reached down to encircle the brown head with her slender arms and toy with one starkly erect nipple. As the brunette turned to kissthe exotic bird-woman, the woman on the bench beneath rolled towards the brown-haired pussy and lifted her head to begin gently probing.
The soft, white legs framed the eager brown body, throwing the graceful undulations of the black-haired Chicana into stark relief.
Brown arms wrapped around the ample thighs and, supported on their solidity, the woman slipped from the bench to knee, knees resting on the floor.
Skin, where it stretched over the tight ass, lightened to a smokey butternnut. Hair bobbed and slithered over the brown back as a mouth sought the perfect pattern to play over, and in, the older woman’s cunt.
The silver head leaned further, her small tits dragging through the brunette hair, to be tugged over the older woman’s soft shoulder.
Narrow fingers cupped the heavy breast from underneath and lifted it, offering the nipple to the long, sharp, swiftly darting tongue.
The woman in the center throw the dark head back, arching back, to ease the owl-faced woman’s advance.
She reached up and back and gripped the raised ass of the silver-haired woman, pulling forward, to crush into that softness.
Lifted knees spread thighs wide for the black-haired beauty between them.
The door opened and the short woman stepped into the steam and touched the small of her back.
“Come now. They are ready.”
Her skin was pink and she felt completely relaxed and stimulated by the steam — and the slow, hot action — in the room she was leaving.
A few steps led to another door which was held open by the square-faced woman.
As she entered, her attention was immediately drawn to the center of the room, where two T-bars stood set in the floor at right angles, their near ends, not quite a meter apart, were joined by a tightly-drawn chain. Several people were in the room, and they all looked up as she entered.
She was very conscious of their inspection, of her nakedness andof the sheen left on her pink skin by the steam.
A slender, well-muscled man stepped forward, grinning beneath a mop of tightly curled black hair. A half-erect penis thrust out from under a three-inch leather belt lacened tightly across wide hips.
She allowed herself to be led to the chain between the bars, where she was helped to step up onto a low platform.
A tenderly beautiful fawn-like girl, hair a fine russet cloud, knelt on the platform beside her. The young supplier body was completely covered with a net, which lay snugly into every fold and hollow and which briefed all the yielding parts.
This lovely girl took her hand gently. Another girl, twin to the first, knelt on the opposite side, beside the “T,” and took her hand.
They gently pulled cuffs of silken leather over her hands and lashed them snugly around her wrists.
Then they pulled them to the chain and tied them to it, palms back, so that she stood, arms spread slightly beyond her hips, coldSteel chain touching her hot mound.
She was very conscious of the many eyes which continued to probe and cares her. The square-faced woman who had led her to this room knelt on the platform before her and smiled wryly.
Suddenly, she felt strong hands struggling the upper slopes of her ass, exploring the curves, pressing, prodding.
The red-haired twins each pulled an ankle, spreading her legs and exposing the tender fresh between her tights to the continuing exploration.
The strong hands moved up her sides, sending tingles raging along every nerve in her torso.
The hands paused between her shoulder blades and pushed her inevitably forward. She could not help but bend at the waist and she fell forward, off balance. She would have fallen if her shoulders had not been caught by the black-haired woman in the caftan who knelt before her.
The short woman’s should moved to support her head.
The strong hands returned to her ass and pressed, produced and probed at her anal sphincter — not entering, but massaging firmly.
The square-faced woman breathed into her ear, “Soon, Beauty, but not yet. You will be filled. Soon.”
The short woman’s hands grazed her hanging tits, palms up. She arched her back; her nipples reached down, aching to be caresed.
She looked back beneath her swinging tits and watched the twins attach cuffs, of the same soft leather which bound her wrists, to her ankles — and also to her thighs just above her knees.
The black-haired woman lifted a soft black bandanna to her face and snugly tied it as a blindfold over her eyes.
She felt the strong hands move down the outside of her legs.
Her ankles were pulled firmly apart and bound tightly.
When her knees were also bound, she recognized with a burning flush that her legs were tied to a leg on each side, pressed firmly into hot flesh from heel to hip.
The soft skin now lashed against her own was quite, as if by the netting sheathing the twins.
Her wrists were still bound tightly to the chain and her hands were each pressed, palms up, into yielding flesh. When she extended her fingers she could feel tangled, tightly curled hair covering warm skin and thrusting bone.
A palm was pressed into her right title and the forearm was bound to her upper arm near the armpit.
The same arrangement was effected on the other side.
She felt a hand pressed firmly into each title, a wrist bound to each bicep.
Her hands, were equally firmly locked between the nearly rigid chain and the net-quilted abdomens of the two, which she assumed to be the twins.
Like her arms, her legs were tightly bound to her mates.
The woman kneeing at her head leaned forward, and began again to talk softly into her ear.
“He is choosing the straw. He approaches.”
She feel a cool leather belt dragged over her back-thrust ass.
“He wants you to feel the stiffness, the weight of the straw. You do feel it.”
She wiggled her bottom against the moving leather.
“You want it, don’t you?
“You do.”
Abruptly the leather care ceased and she felt abandoned.
“He raises his arm, ready to wild the strap.”
Then she heard the rush of air as the strap whished to its target. She heard the loud smack, the sharp cry and she felt the flinch of the leg lashed to her right.
The fleece pressed into her right hand jumped and her right title was squeezed fiercely.
“He raises it again. He chooses his target.”
Smack, cry and flinch, jump and squeeze on the left.
Angain, on the right.
Then the left.
He alternated regularly for a time.
She was astonished at the heat and the wetness of her pussy as she was tugged and mauled by the flailing of her yoke-mates.
Her tits ached from the spasmodic grabbing.
The flinching, jumping public shafts bound into her hands had moved so much that she could, with just the tips of her longest fingers, feel the wet slots and the increasingly erect clients of the two women who were being beaden so sternly.
The swishing sounds, the gasps and the flinching spasms stopped.
The woman in the caftan spoke again. “Now, he goes to pick another tool.”
She can hear the whimpering on each side, can feel the calmed and pulsing flesh pressed to her bound legs.
“They have been well strapped.
“No, silence, my pet. They have been strapped. They whimper now, but remember, they, like you, my dear, have chosen to be here. They are fulfilling their own desire by submitting to his, to ours.
“Ahh, he has chosen well. Feel this.”
She felt two or three thin rods stroke the insides of her thighs, trace the puffed lines of her cunt and poke her ass-hole. They were drawn over her thrusting ass, and then withdrawn.
“He is smiling, anticipating the effect of the reed bundle. Their butts are so rosy and hot.”
She heard the cruel rush of the cane and the sharp crack and gasp.
Her title was clawed viciously as the hand bound to it clutched mindlessly.
Then right, then left, then right again.
“Each stroke leaves a brilliant stripe. Now, bridging the twin globes.
“Oh, ah, this time he strikes only the one chef. It bounces and jiggles.
“He flicks up now, — OHH — That must have bit into her cunt. Did you feel that, my pet?”
Indeed, she had felt it. Not only the jumping dance of the girl on that side, but the tip of the cane bundle had grazed her fingers.
And it happened again on the other side.
She felt it surely must have drawn blood. Her middle finger now rested inside the spasming liquid grooves of the twin women.
“He is now going to pick the clothes, I am sure. Yes. The soft, silken rope. Five bands. They cares so fiercely; they touch so completely. Feel this.”
Angain, her ass was stroked and caressed with the newly chosen weapon. This time, soft, clinging clothes. Shewas weak with anticipation, with stimulation.
She had not been touched, but the flinching dance and the spasming grasping on her tits were driving her higher with each stroke.
“Now his arm is raised. He pauses.”
She felt a strong, cool hand gently, but powerfully, spread her ass cheeks, exposing her anal-ring and her dripping pussy to the cool air and, no doubt, to the close gaze of several of the attendant group.
“He will not hit you. Not yet. That will be withheld until you are on the stone.”
The impact of this soft silk on the tortured flesh was almost silent, and the effect not so violent.
It seemed to her that the girls were anticipating the blows and moving, lifting, to meet and accommodate each one.
Her tits were now being massaged, rather than mauled, and their cuns seemed eager to suck her fingers in deeper.
After several nearly silent blows fall, she feel herself giving over to orgasm, washing over her in wave after wave.
“Yes, dear one, let it go.”
The short woman grasped her hair and pulled back, turning her face up to be kissed.
First on the eyes, then the cheeses, then full on the lips.
The woman’s tongue forced its way between her lips and fenced with her own, then curled up over the ridge and stroked the roof of her mouth.
The woman pulled back and spoke softly, “His cock is so hard. Its head is purple as a plum, the veins bulge like small snakes crawling around that dick-rod.
“Feel it.”
The hot and throbbing tool was laid along the crack between her butt cheats. She wiggled her ass to try to capture this cock, the balls knocked against her puffed cunt once, but then he pulled away.
He started to slap that stiff cock against her ass, stroking it in rapid rhythm, pounding his meat against and between her twin globes.
Then, again, he stopped abruptly.
She felt a strong thigh press against her ass and realized that a powerful man was fucking thegirl lashed to her right leg.
He stroked in forcefully once, pulled slowly out, then sank slowly in again.
As his thigh rolled over her ass cheeks, her anus and her cunt lips as well, were spread open, then pressed closed over and over as he stroked.
The twin was grunting wordlessly with each pounding thrust and gasped loudly as he abruptly pulled completely out.
He switched partners, but still rubbed his thigh against her ass firmly with each stroke.
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