I arrived at your house at 7:50. It’s starting to get dark. I am early but I want to spend as much time in your company as possible. I sit in my car and message you to let her know that I am outside. No reply, then at 8:00 I see that you have read the message. I star at the screen expecting a reply, none comes. Should I message again? I decided to wait staring at my phone hoping, sad that I am Missing valuable time in your presence.
Then after waiting another 12 minutes I receive a message “Come, let yourself in, strip everything, knee facing the door, hands behind your back. No sound.” I am instantly excited and I take a moment to take a deep breath, then a second message “Now bitch, I haven’t got all night.”
I quickly leave my car and rush to your door. I let myself in, excited that you allow me in your home. I strip my clothes, taking care to fold my jumper, t-shirt, jeans, then my knickers. Socks go into shoes. Then I knee facing the closed door. There is a chill in the air. I kneel there expecting your next instruction. I place my phone on the floor in front of me.
After more than 20 minutes I am starting to feel disheartened. I still haven’t had the pleasure of your company. I can hear the fear sound of the tv and the occasional giggle or laughter coming from the living room. I wish I was seated by your feet enjoying the warmth of the room and the proximity to you, but I continue to wait, cold, naked, with my excitement drained.
Another 15 minutes or so I hear movement. Then I hear you approach me “Evening bitch,” the sternness of your voice is a clue that I shouldn’t move or speak. Mittens are placed on my hands, meaning that although they are now not exposed to the childhood in the air, they are rendered useless. A collar is placed around my neck and my hair is tied up. Who knows the style, it feels like you are just trying to keep it off my face without any care for style. Regardless, in your presence I can’t help but get excited.
“Are you hungry?” you say with a short spank to my bum, which startles me, maybe due to coldness and the unexpectedness. “Yes Miss.” “Ok, you can buy us a pizza.” You throw my neighborly folded clothes in the corner, ignoring the effort I took to fold them, you find my wallet and place it in my mouth. You then attach a lean to the collar and tie the other end around the door handle. “Ok, I’ll Order the pizza and you wait for it.”
With the lack of flexibility on the leash, I am forced onto all fours and I cannot move from this position; I am trapped by the door. I start to imagine what is going to happen when the pizza arrives, are you going to force me to buy whilst naked, kneeing at your door? My mind is panicking and my excitement is now replaced by a softness that arrives almost Instantly as I realize I am at you whim.
You reach down to grab my phone and notice my softness. Giggling you say “oh I was wondering if tiny would show up. I guess he likes pizza. I wonder if he will like the delivery boy.” I somehow manage to get softer.
You start dialing from my phone, I forget that I gave you my passcode. You then go back to the living room, whilst ordering the pizza. I am left again in the cold, although the chill in the air is not what currently concerns me. What will happen when the pizza arrives. My mind is drawing a blank about how I could escape this predicament.
I can hear cars and people pass outside, just a few feet from where I am kneeing, cold and naked. My senses seem more sensitive and each time I hear the noises my heart beats a little faster expecting a car to stop and then the footsteps come closer. I am shaking a little due to fear of being exposed, but also the cold is really starting to bite.
After another long wait, although I have no way to judge the time, I hear another car pull up. What I can only assume is the driver getting out and shutting their door. I hear soft footsteps, getting closer, then even closer. My nerves are on edge, there is a panic which I cannot control, I am completely frozen.
I am starting to plead over and over again in my mind, “please Miss don’t expose me.” Then there is a knock. It feels like my heart is about to stop. All I can think is still as still as possible, hopefully this will make me invisible.
There is stirring from the living room “Coming,” I hear you shout. You come up to me, another short spank, this time my body refuses to budget due to the fear of being exposed. You open the door slightly, I am pushed further behind it, just inches from the delivery boy.
He hands you the pizza box, and tells you the amount. You step back placing the box on my back. Oh the warmth, it feels so good, I want to let out a sight, but that would risk exposure. You reach for the wallet from between my teeth and proceed to pay for the pizza.
I don’t think I have taken a breath within the past 5 minutes. You say your thank you’s and the door is shut.I wait to hear the footsteps retreat and then I let out a relief breath.You unhook the lean from the door handle, grab it and the pizza box and walk me into the living room.
Immediately I feel the warmth of the room, oh it feels so good. I am led to the sofa, you command “Stop!” There I am standing in front of you naked. You notice the goosebumps due to the cold. “Oh was it cold in the hall, I didn’t Realise. Oh it looks like Mr soft is not a fan of the cold. I think he is smaller than usual. Maybe we should leave you out there and see if you can break a world record. World’s Smallest and Useless Penis. Ha.”
I could sense the redness in my cheeks and I had no argument. “Down, all fours, now.” The pizza box is placed on my back, like I am a makeshift table. You lay on the sofa, open the pizza box and start watching a television show. I am still; the coldness which seems to be subsiding is replaced by hunger. Oh that pizza smells so good and judging by the noises Miss, it sounds like it tastes as good as it smells.
After about 10 minutes you stop eating, you lift the pizza box and say “Bitch, turn and face me on your knees, hands out.” I instantly do as you command. You place the pizza box in my outstretched arms, I can see that there is less than half the pizza left.
You pick up a slice and start to chew, I can’t believe you are going to eat the last slices in front of my face.Then you spit the chewed food into the pizza box. I can’t believe you are teasing me and wasting the last slices of pizza. There is a pain in my stomach from the hunger. You get up and go to the kitchen, you return with what looks like a bowl of strawberries. You proceed to remove the leaves, dropping them on the chewed up pizza and eating the strawberries, again in front of my face, whilst you relax and watch the tv. You spit some chewed up strawberries on the pizza muscle.
You then go back to your tv show, I am staring at the content of the pizza box, food moosh.I’m so hungry, but you continue to ignore me and watch you tv show. After what must be 20 minutes the show ends.. You sit up and move the pizza box onto the floor to the side of me. I glanced at the contents as I’d stupidly not eaten all day and would have loved the last slices. “Are you hungry?” you ask. “Yes Miss, very much so.” My response is a little too quick and give you an insight into how desperate I am. “Aww, poor baby girl is hungry, would you like something to eat.” I nod my head sheepishly. “Ok, but first…” you respond with a pat on my head. “Kiss my leftovers.”
I take a look at the content on the pizza box, it’s complete moosh, but I bend down and give the shaft a quick peck and return to my kneeing position. There is some tomato sauce from the pizza on my lips, which I instinctively lick. Miss giggles and I become hard. “Oh, you filthy ass bitch, you liked that. Do you want your food hot or cold?” “Hot Please Miss” I say, still feeling the effects of the coldness.
“Ok, stand up you dirty bitch.” I get to my feet, naked, my hardness is beginning to wane. Even though I am towering above you, as you casually sit on the sofa, the energy that we are both giving off radiates that all the power is yours, you are in complete control. “Right cooking method, microwave, oven, …bird?”
What the fuck does that mean! Bird?! Obviously you noticed a subtle reaction when you mentioned ‘bird’. A little smile develops from the side of your mouth and I see a twinkle in your eye.
“Right, you are going to eat the contents of that pizza box for me. I hate waste. But there are other treatments involved.” You see my expression change from disappointment to excitement. “The first treatment will be more delicious food. The second is you get to stay and watch some tv with me, or if you would rather spend the next 2 hours in the hall by yourself.”
These weren’t options but you were telling me what was going to happen. You stand up, walk to your bedroom and return with some pink rope. The rope is tied around my left mitten, at the wrist, you then pull my hand to my shoulder, and wrap the rope around my shoulder, then across my back, then the other shoulder, and finally my right wrist. My hands, which were useless in the mittens, are now seemingly attached to my shoulders.
“Oh look you now have wings little birdie. See how high you can fly, go on, flap your wings.” I start to ‘flap’ my wings, I must look ridiculous, you spank my tigh, it stings. “Do a bird strut, and spin around.” I do as you command, you start laughing, my embarrassment is going through the roof, my penis reacts and withdraws, it is now completely soft. You immediately notice “Be careful playing with the other birds, don’t they eat small worms,” you say pointing to my penis, as I become even more embarrassed. I feel my face turning even redder. “Oh little red checks,” You say as you pinch my checks.
You kick the pizza box closed. “Right my little red checks, time to heat your food.” You point to the box. “Sit, you dirty bird.” I look quizzical. You saw, “I thought birds were intelligent, sit on the box and heat your food, you stupid fuck.” The harshness in your voice made me response, I slowly sit on the box lid, I feel the food inside squash under the weight. You start laughing at how ridiculous I look.
Once Your laughing and giggling finally stops you grab the tv remote and look for something to watch. You stop at some trashy tv show, Love Island, and hit play. I am stuck, bird wings and all, sitting on a pizza box waiting patiently for my next humiliating command.
As I watch the tv show I am turned on by the women in their bikenis, they are so sexy. I feel myself stir and begin to get excited. I feel my face getting red as my penis gets harder. I hope that you don’t spot it, as your comments have made me more than aware of my lack of size. I can feel the wetness on my penis. Oh I’m trying to not think about bikinis, but it’s no use. The show camera pans to the male contestants. You pause the screen and go to the kitchen, return with a drink. You notice my red face, look at my hard penis and turn to the paused screen.
“You dirty slut. Were those boys getting you excited? What a little whore you are. You’re leaking. Were you imagining playing with them?” I was about to correct you when you slapped me hard. “Don’t you dare speak, you little slut.” The slap took me by surprise. “Don’t you dare move, you are making a fucking mess.” I can’t touch my face, due you to ‘wings’ but I can feel the warmth. You jump up and run to the kitchen, I hear water running and then you return.
In your hand is an empty, washed out tub which did hold the garlic sauce. You put it on the top of the pizza box to collect the drops that are coming from my penis. I’m so embarrassed I avert my gaze from the tv. Another slap, “You sluttly bitch, you keep looking at those boys now. I want all this leaking out.” The stingof the second slap is intense, I feel tears welling up in my eye as I look at the screen. I feel myself getting soft, but I am still leaking. “Look at this you messy bitch.” You grab my soft penis and squeeze the precum in the little tub. A third slap, again causing more heat to my face.
“Stand up you filtered whore. Am I going to have to make you wear a condom anytime I watch a tv show with men in.” I struggle to get to my feet, but finally do. I face you. You click your fingers for me to knee in front of the pizza box. The tub with the cum in moved to the side. You sit on the sofa and put your feet on the lid of the pizza box, squishing the content even more. You sit directly in front of me. “What am I going to do with you? You are getting hard watching men on tv. Is that what you Want?” Every part of me is screaming to tell you the truth, the tears in my eyes and now from the embarrassment and the frustration, and not so much the slapping. I’m pleading with my eyes for you to let me explain.
“Maybe you only want to watch gay porn from now on.”
“Maybe I should have asked the pizza delivery guy if you could suck his dick as a thank you.”
“Maybe I should trade you to a male dom?”
“I bet you would like that.”
I could sense myself getting redder, now with tears starting to fall. I wanted to shout “No, I am yours Miss.” But I didn’t want to upset you anymore. “I am going to have to think about what to do with you. Your food will be cold now, but I don’t fucking care. You silly cow. Eat your food bitch and if you complain I’ll kick you out of the house dressed as you are.”
You lay back on the sofa and look like you are thinking about the options. I need to explain the situation, but I have been told to eat. I bend down and try to open the pizza lid with my mouth, I’m struggle, but I don’t want to disturb you. I grab the cardboard flap and somehow manage to open the pizza box with my mouth.
Inside the box is a complete mess, it looks like someone has put pizza in a blender and hit mix and then squashed it into a flat mess. I know what I have to do, so I begin to grab the food as best I can with my tongue and lips. I’m lucky that it has been pre-chewed so that I can swallow it quickly. I continue my meal, ensuring that everything is gone. I’m not even thinking of what I am eating. I just don’t want you upset at me. I am licking the box, making it as clean as I can, trying to delay me looking up and feeling you wrath.
I look up at you, you glance at me, “You finished you disgusting maggot. Speaking of maggots, Mr soft seems to have calmed down. What no boys to look at in the pizza box.” I feel the redness in my face. “I was going to give you some cheesecake, but not now. I did promise you another food treatment.” A little smile appears. A sense of relief that you may be relaxing.
You jump up, go to the kitchen and return with your fist clinched. You pick the tub of precum off the floor, and open yOur hand. “Doggie treatments. Well it’s a treatment isn’t it bitch?” You laugh. You proceed to dip the doggie biscuits in the precum and then to my mouth. I have no option but to open and accept my ‘treat’. They taste awful, but I don’t want to disappoint you. I finish the 5 or 6 treatments that you have and you have me lick the tub of precum clean. Then you rub my cheese, it is still tender, but Your touch is soothing. Your calmness has returned. I’m glad.
“Right now more tv, but I think we should watch something educational. Kneel up here.” You point to the end of the sofa where your head usually is. You grab the tv remote and hit play. It is a series of clips of women talking about penises, in particular sizes and giggling about men with small dicks. I see you have a notepad and you begin to write something. Glancing my way every so often.
I feel on display, like you are comparing me to the clips. I just want the floor to swallow me up. My face must be bright red and my penis feels so small and useless. The little giggles and noises that you are making is pushing me further down into an embarrassment spiral. The note making is so unsettling. I just want the videos to stop, but they didn’t, each one just keeps adding to my disappoint.
The last video was more of an advertisement for a penis enlarger medical centre. “I wonder what sort of miracle they could work on you bitch. Maybe we should find out.” I hear you making a note of the number on the screen. There is a panic in my mind, I hope you are teasing, if you are it’s really mean. If you are not, then I may just fail.
You grab your phone, “wait, why should I use my phone, I’m not the one with the little problem.” Your emphasis on the word little buy a lump to my throat, I feel like I’m going to cry. I try to concentrate on something else.
Now you grab my phone and unlock the screen, open the keypad and place it on the sofa in front of me. “Right, tweetie pie, dial this number.” You read outthe number one by one and I am expected to use my nose. It’s so difficult, and I make lots of mistakes. “I wonder if penis size is linked to intelligence, cause this would explain a lot. Are you trying to upset me? What is so difficult with pressing a number on the telephone?”
Your comments finally stop when the last number is entered. “Right, before we check to see if the miracle of modern medicine can offer any hope for you and your tiny friend I want to set out a couple of rules.”
“Rule 1, only answer with exactly what I instruct you to. If you go off script, prepare to walk these streets looking exactly how you are now.”
“Rule 2. Be polite to the person on the other end of the phone.”
“And finally Rule 3. Don’t expect any miracles, there is only so much modern medicine can do. And it’s not like they will have a lot to work with.”
I’m expecting you to burst out laughing and cancel the number. I hope you will, I can sense the heat from the redness in myface. I can feel my breathing quickening. Please Miss, cancel the number. I am pleading in my mind. I feel close to tears.
“Right you small dicked little birdie. Ring the number.” I look down at my phone. I want to click cancel, I want you to stop, but there is no sign of mercy. I slowly lean forward, shaking, ready to collapse. “Hurry up bitch, you’re wasting my time.”
I press the dial button with my nose. You put the phone on speaker mode. I feel the tears in my eyes. It’s ringing. I look at you pleading, but that is cut short as the phone is answered:
“Good evening, penile enhancement clinic. How can I help you?”
The female voice immediately heightens my nerves, I can imagine her giggling with her friends about me. Miss has written a response on the notepad, and shows it to me, and I recite it:
“Hi, I would like to enquire about the options available to me. As I have a tiny penis.”
The word tiny, is underlined, and I feel myself mumble a little./p>
“Oh sorry I didn’t catch that last part. What was it you said.”
Miss puts her hand to her mouth to stop from laughing out loud and points to the last sentence.
“As I have a tiny penis.”
I want to burst into tears.
“Oh, okay. Well we have several options, depending on how…tiny…your penis is. Can I ask you what size you are?”
I wanted to collapse on the floor and stop the conversation, but my scripted response was placed in front of me again.
“I am two and a half inches.”
There was a second pause then:
“Oh… that is ti… okay… nothing to be ashamed of.”
“For that size I’m afraid your options are limited…we do sell prosthetic penises, which go over your…ti…penis, which would help satisfy your partner. Is that something you would consider?”
I wanted to scream no, but Miss was busy writing and I knew not to break her rules. Her notepad was put back in front of me. I am embarrassed even further as I read Miss’ notes.
“Well that is an option, my tiny penis has never been able to satisfy any of my previous partners. A plastic friend may be my only option, that or my tongue.”
Her replied shocked me with it’s bluntness…
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