Pirate Treasure Ch. 01

This is the prequel to “Perfect Picture” and will be a multi chapter story. This is a work of fiction and all characters are consenting adults over 21. I want to thank everyone for their feedback on Perfect Picture and that encouraged me to continue this story. I especially want to thank NadiaLove17 for her incredible dialog, plot and story ideas and dancing_to_gallifrey for her editing and tightening my writing they Both made this a much better story.

Chapter 1

The Capture

When I saw Cindy in New Orleans, I knew she was something special. I just happened to have a business event in New Orleans a couple of days after Fat Tuesday during Marti Gras, so lucky I had come early to enjoy the festivals. I was watching the floats and staying out of the way of the bead-tossers, when I saw a pirate ship float coming down the street. At first I wasn’t paying attention, but then I noticed a saucy wench tied to the mast, the centerpiece of the display. Obviously, that was the group’s way of attracting attention to their float.

At a distance, the woman looked very shaped and as the float came closer, I realized that she was a rare and undiscovered stunner. She had long blonde hair that hung to her lower back. She was tied to the mast in a way that displayed her beautiful breasts which were perfect on her body; large but not too large. Her waist was tiny and reminded me of the term wasp waist. Her hips and legs were tightly muscled and compiled her petite frame.

As she came closer, her face and eyes drew me in. Her face was soft and innocent with high cheese bones that set off her eyes and mouth. Her eyes were a sparking green, but seemed lost somehow. As she got even closer, her eyes connected with mine and we held each other’s eyes until some guy on the float slapped her face rudely and made her look away.

I knew what I had seen. She was one of those rare, natural submissives and those assholes on the floathad latched on to that and were taking advantage of it. As I was watching the float, the same man that slapped the girl reached up and ripped open her peasant bloom and tore off her skirt. Now she was tied to the mast with tiny bits of her bloom covering her nipples, but the rest was exposed. Her breasts weren’t beautiful; they were stunningly spectacular and perfect in every way. They were large, full and defied gravity by sitting high and firm, begging to be caresed and loved with hard nipples trying to push the torn blouse out of the way. The only other thing she was wearing was a thong and her entire body was on view, especially her taut belly, tiny wait, and small tight hips and ass were all exposed for everyone’s viewing pleasure.

I noticed her tits were rising and falling more rapidly and her hips were squirming. She was getting turned on by being displayed. She was so beautiful, an exhibitionist and a submissive. A rare combination and if the circumstances were different, I would make a play for her. I had been without a sub for four years, but my last experience showed that I need to be careful.

She turned her head defiantly and pleased to me with her eyes. The sorrow and pain in her life was held in her eyes and she practically begged to be set free. I felt those green orbs willing me to rescue her, to take her away from all of this, and she was already melting my heart. I still would not have done anything, except for that bully asshole on the float reached around and slapped her tits and punched her in the stomach. She doubled over as far as the ropes would let her and she tried to vomit, but she obviously didn’t have anything in her stomach.

Okay, even if she isn’t for me, she still doesn’t deserve that sort of treatment. So I started following the float down Bourbon Street Until it reached the end of the parade. I watched as the guys on the float started packing everything and they completely ignored the girl. They took off several loads of beads and a couple of coolers of beers. I heard a car start up and then they were gone. I went to the float and this stunning naked girl was tied up to the mast with coarse hemp rope wrapped tight around her entire body. As I went over to her I found that she was passed out cold, had been beaten, whipped, and cut up in several places. As a final humiliation, they piled their trash around her and smelled much of it on her naked body.

I went over to her and began to untie the ropes, but the minute the first one loosened, she came to and started screaming, “No, I’ll do whatever you want. Just don’t beat me anymore. Please … No more.”

I stepped in front of her and softy said, “They’re gone and I’m here to take care of you. Let me untie the ropes and I promise I won’t hurt you like the others did.”

I realized this would take forever and began cutting the ropes with my pocket knife. As I cut the last rope, she fell forward into the trash pile, unable to stand.I ran around to her and started to roll her onto her back, but as soon as I touched her, she started shaking and moaning.

“No … no … no more.”

When I picked her up and cradle her in my arms, I was disgusted by what the men could do to such a beautiful and delicious creativity. She couldn’t have been more than 5’1″ and 90 pounds. Surveying the damage, I noticed that she had the beginnings of bruises on her face, a cut lip, and it looked like some of her silken hair had been ripped out too. From her neck to her knees she had rope burns and what looked like rips on her skin. The ends of the rope had been used to whip her breasts and belly and there were ugly lines across her soft skin.

Right then and there I vowed vengeance on the vile humans who did this. I took off my jacket, wrapped it around her, picked Her up and cradle her in my arms as we began the walk to my hotel. Fortunately, I am a strong guy otherwise the twelve block walk to my hotel would have been a problem, even with this small, delicate woman.

When I was almost to the hotel, she started coming around. Immediately, she started thrashing around, but when she looked into my eyes she stopped and said, “You … You came and saved me like I prayed you would.”

“Yes, I couldn’t leave you in the hands of that scum. You my dear deserve much better.”

“Where are you taking me?”

“To my hotel for now.”

“Are you going to try and fuck me?” she questioned.

“No, I’m going to take care of you.”

She changed tactics, “Don’t you want to fuck me? Don’t you think I’m pretty?”

“My sweet gorgeous woman, you are one of the most beautiful women I have seen in a long time and if we ever did go to bed we would make love, not fuck.”

“What is the difference?” She asked innocently.

“We will discuss that later. Did those scum rap you?”

“No, a couple of them tried but the leader just wanted to hurt me, so they didn’t.”

We arrived at the hoteland I walked up to the 2nd floor and struggled with the girl in my arms to get the door unlocked, but finally I laid her on the bed. I released her from my coat and looked at the damage done to her and got angry all over again. She looked into my eyes and I saw a deep fear across her face as she jumped to the other side of the bed and started to run. I caught her securely in my arms and asked, “What is wrong?”

“Don’t hit me … I know you’re mad … But please don’t hit me.”

“Oh sweet girl, I am not angry with you. I am angered at those bastards and I can’t believe that they could have done this to you.”

She calmed when she looked into my eyes and saw the truth there.

“You … You won’t hit me?”

“No, I’m only going to clean you up for a little while. Go lie on the bed While I go get some supplies to take care of you.”

“Are you going to tie me up so I won’t run away?”

“Would you like me too?

“Yes, I don’t like being alone and I might run away. Just don’t hurt me.”

I looked into those eyes and knew the truth. She didn’t trust herself and needed someone to control her. She was the ultimate natural submissive, but if she didn’t find the right dominant she would be dead soon.

“Yes, my sweet girl I will tie you up. So please go lie on the bed.”

As she went over to the bed and laid down on her back spread-eagle, I went over to my suitcase and pulled out a length of soft cotton rope. I sat on the bed next to her and gently grasped her left wrist and wrapped the rope around it three times, and then tied it to the bed post with a taught-line hit. I repeated the procedure on her other wrist and both legs. Then, I went around to each line and slide the knot closer to the bed, stretching her out tightly to the bed.

“How do you feel .. Secure?”

“Yes, I will be here when you get back.”

“Baby, what is your name?” I asked.

“Cindy,” she replied.

I quickly went to the grocery store and pharmacy to gather antiseptic soaps, ointment creams and lotions, plus a scar reducer. I also got a supply of towels, wash clothes and razors.

When I returned to my room, she was sleep. I started a bath and dumped in a combination of skins softeners, antiseptics and other healing crystals that I had picked up. I returned to the bedroom and saw that she was awake and staring at me. I untied her, picked her up in my arms and carried her to the bath.

The whole time I was carrying her, she curled into me and stared at me. “Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?”

“I don’t want anything from you. I see a beautiful flower that has been torn and abused and I want to help fix her and see what she was meant to be. I want to see her happy, loved and cared for. I want you to see your next birthday and many more after that.”

Tears welled up in her eyes and started to cascade down her pink cheeses.

“I don’t know how to be happy or loved,” she cried.

“I’ll tEach you, if you want me to and if you will trust me.”

She was crying harder now and sniffed, “I want you to … please.”

I washed her wounds and tried to make sure that there was no foreign matter in the wounds and then snipped away any dead tissue. She was a trooper throughout the whole process and only winced a couple of times. I lifted her out of the tub, patted her dry and then carried her back to her bed. Then, I proceeded to doctoring each wound and rubbed lotion on the rest of her.

As I gently rubbed lotion over her breasts and nipples, she moaned and squirmed. These were not painful moans, but moans of password. Slightly confused, I looked into her eyes and saw pure lust staring back at me. I looked away and continued the treatment, but before I finished, she was panting.

“What’s happening to me? Why do I feel like this?

“Cindy, are you a virgin?” I asked.

“No, I’ve been fucked before, several times,” she said indignantly.

“But you havenever felt like this? Have you ever had an orgasm?”

“I’ve gotten wet before, but I don’t think I’ve ever had an orgasm, what does it feel like?”

“It’s password Cindy, it’s what happens when people make love.”

I continued to treat her beaten body as gently as I could. As I finished, her breasts were heaving and her pussy was glistening and dripping on the bed. Damn, she was a wet dream, she was ready for me, but I couldn’t take advantage of her.

“Do you want me to tie you up for the night?”

She nodded yes, and added “can you sleep next to me?”

I nodded yes and since we would be in the same bed I would have to tie her up differently. So I tied her wrists together and tied her hands at the top of the headboard. This time, I left some slack for her to move when she slept.

Also, I decided to leave her legs free. I covered her with a sheet, took off my shirt and pants, turned out the lights and laid down next to her. She was tied up naked and I wasin my underwear, and I’m sure we made a heck of a sight. My head hit the pillow, and I was sleep.

I awoke with someone screaming next to me, and rolled over to find Cindy curled in the fetal position. I reached over and pulled her into my arms to cradle her.

“Shhhh baby, it’s alright. You’re safe for now. Shhhh, you’re safe.”

She stopped screaming and her body started to relax, so she allowed herself to be pulled into my warm embrace.

She whispered, “They were beating me again and I was screaming for them to stop, but then you came and saved me, just like you did now.”

She turned and looked into my eyes and whispered again, “you saved me.” Then she slowly started to squirm into me and rubbed against my cock.

“Will you show me what it’s like to make love?”

“Oh, uh sure, someday I’ll show you, but you need to heal first.”

She continued rubbing her tits against my chest and said “Please … now … please … I want to know love. I need toKnow what it’s like. Being beaten … I need something to prove that it’s not bad, that it doesn’t have to hurt…”

On its own according, my hand was toying with her nipple. Shit, I can only be so noble and when she rolled onto her back, I was gone. I started nibbling on her lips and tracing her lips with my tongue, dipping it into her mouth. Within a couple of minutes, we were locked in a password kiss.

Meanwhile, my hands were fondling and struggling those magnificent tits. I was paying special attention to her nipples that were as hard as rocks. As I toyed with her nipples, she began to moan into my mouth, so I thought I would see what would I get if I pinched her nipples? Her back came off the mattress and she pushed her tits into my pinching hands. Her mouth broke from mine and she started moaning louder. I could see her tugging on the ropes and knew this was helping her response to me.

“Oh God what’s happening … Oh more …more ..MORE!”

I scooped her othernipple into my mouth and started twirling it with my tongue. I would stop and nip her nipple with my teeth and by this time, her back bowed such that only her head and butt were on the mattress. My hand abandoned her title and began its journey south, traveling over the soft, tight skin of her belly that was marred by the beats earlier, and I promised to give her more pleasure tonight than she had ever experienced to make up for the abuse.

I ran my middle finger through her pussy lips and found that she was soaked, so I wet my finger and came back out to cares her clip. The reaction was immediately, she gave a small breathy scream as her whole body bowed above the mattress.

“Ohhh, so good…”

My mouth and tongue switched to the other nipple and my finger slide easily into her wet pussy. She was not a virgin, but she was tight enough and I would have to loosen her before she could take me. I added a second finger to her pussy and started a slow finger fuck, with my fingers rubbing her G-Spot on each pass. Her moans were turning into small screams and she was gasping for breath, which also had the effect of making the gorgeous orbs on her chest shake and call to me. I renewed my passwordate attack on her nipples as my thumb caressed her clip.

Her body froze in a tight bow above the bed and her mouth opened in a password groan. As the first wave of her orgasm passed, she fell back to the bed as her whole body quivered. When her breath came shuttering back, she started moaning, “Ahhhh…Gawd.”

Her eyes started to focus once again, so she looked into my eyes and ran her tongue over her lips. Then, she asked in a shadow voice, “Is that what love is like?”

“Cindy, that’s an orgasm and it’s only the beginning of love,” I responded.

As I continued to finger her, I started kissing my way down to that pussy that I have been dying to taste. I stopped at her belly button and paid homage to what had to be a world class, sexy belly button.I licked and sucked on it for a second, then headed for my ultimate goal. My fingers were still slowly fucking her as I kissed around her pussy lips and she asked, “What are you doing?”

Instead of answering, I put my tongue on her fragrant pussy and gave the entire area a good lick. When I hit her clip, her hips came off the bed again. Damn I thought, this girl is so sensitive and so responsive, how is it possible that no one has given her an orgasm before? I put her legs over my shoulders and stood up on my knees so that only her head was on the mattress, and started eating her successful pussy with gusto. I would vary my full cunt licks with nibbles on her lips and cares on her clip. Her hips were bucking and thrashing and I had to hold her with both hands to keep my mouth on her.

“Oh god, ahhhhh… oohh gawd … what are you doing to mmmeeee.”

I pursued my lips, placed them over her clip, and sucked it into my mouth and lashed it with my tongue while I was suckingon it. She screamed as her body froze in the air and she released, drenching my face with her juices.

When I feel her start to relax, I let her clip slip from my mouth, only to suck it right back in. She came again and her body shuddered again as her screams lessened from lack of breath. I did this three more times and she kept cumming and cumming. Her butt, stomach and leg muscles were knotted and quivering. Her face was frozen in a silent pallor of password and her eyes were glazed over. Her whole chest area was beet red and the cords on her neck were distended and pulsing.

In her current throes of password, she was the most sensitive woman I had ever seen. She was glowing, pulsing and radiating with womanhood. I became so enraptured by her that I let her clip slip from my mouth. I had also confirmed the she was multi-orgasmic, as well as very sensitive.

Her eyes came back in focus and she stared at me in wonderment. “What you’re doing to me… I’ve never felt anythinglike that before … it feels like heaven … so very good.”

I laid her down on the mattress to take off my shorts and I heard her gasp as she saw my hardened cock. A little oversized, 9″ to be exactly, but the finest feature was the large head that seemed so forbidding.

I spread her legs and placed the head of my cock against her pussy lips, rubbing her juices all over the head. I looked up and saw her watching me with wonder and a little fear. I pushed in a little and lubricated more of my cock head with each trip into her soft pussy. I was using my thumb to cares her clip, and this caused her to squirm which helped my cock enter her tight pussy. I had about half the head of my cock in her when she moaned in a shuttering breath, “Ohhhh sooo big.”

Her mouth opened in a big O and her breaths were like puffs of a steam engine, her back arched to serve up those perfect tits capped with rock hard nipples. I couldn’t resist and on my next stroke I kept pushing into her pussy and the head of my cock popped into her warm, tight cunt. At the same time, I flicked her clip and leaned over as she shattered thrustign her tits into my awaiting mouth.

She was moaning continuously, and when I bit her nipple as she was cumming, she blasted to a whole new level. I kept her cumming as I sank deeper and deeper into that velvet pussy. I would cares and then flick her clip and at the same time bite one of her nipples.

“Oh it hurts.. so good…”

I keep going deeper still until I hit bottom and when I did, her orgasm went to a higher level and every muscle in her body tensed, including her cunt. I was locked deep inside this stunning woman in the middle of her absolutely mind-blowing orgasm. As her cunt started to release me, I started to pull back, but every few seconds her cunt would grab me again in a new round of spasms.

She was making keening sounds, moans and squeaks now. Lost was the ability to voice her words. The lubrication and all herjuices were allowing me slide in and out. She started cumming continuously every time the large head of my cock caresed her G-Spot and every time I tapped out against her cervix. Her whole beautiful body was a mass of twitches with her muscles rippling through her belly, and in the mist of it all her perfect tits were shaking and wobbling. I reached over and pinched her hard nipples again.


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