Author’s note: Here’s Chapter 9 of “Pipit,” the story of a beautiful but troubled submissive (also called Tosatsu) and the people in her life, especially her one-time vitality, the consensual slave Emily (scene name Famula), Emily’s young and naive Master Andrew, Pipit’s friend Neko, and Neko and Pipit’s “Daddy” Raquel. Pipit works as a professional submissive, and she and Neko are occasional prostitutes.
Pipit has been attempting to undermine Emily and Andrew’s relationship by seducing Andrew, giving him disastrous advice about how to be a Dominant, and allowing him to act out that advice with her. Surely no good can come of this! But before we get to the catastrophe, let’s take the time to have some kinky, dirty fun at Mistress Ai’s PYL Ball. As has happened before, this chapter contains references to, but no descriptions of, bathroom kinks (near the beginning – you can easily skip that bit). Tags: Bondage, Dildo, Vibrator, Speculum, Straight sex, Lesbian sex, Anal sex, Bondage, Humiliation, Punishment.
* * *
Chapter 9. Mistress Ai’s PYL Ball
Of course no one really wore gowns to the ball. They stopped in the sex shop at the front of Mistress Shigemi’s, where Inkei was checking invitations. Inkei smiled warmly at Emily, Andrew, and Mouche – who feel a little fluttery, remembering the great quantities of Inkei’s semen she’d consumed during her stay with Mistress Ai. She smiled and licked her lips.
“At the PYL Ball,” Inkei said, “you can pick any label you want, and be that thing. If you’re a slave but want to be a Mistress for the evening, just label yourself and you’ll be a Mistress tonight. Maybe some Mistress will want to be your slave. You can switch genders, change your age, becomes an animal – just write what you want on your body and become that. It’s a little like a costume ball, though costumes are entirely optional. Since this is a private, closed party,” he said, twinkling at Amanda, “sex is permitted, even encouraged. Mistress Ai asks that everyone play safely.”
“It sounds like fun,” said Emily brightly.
“Do you get to play, too, Inkei?” asked Mouche, feeling bold.
“I can a little later,” he said, “though I’m not going to be anything interesting. Just a fuck-toy. That’s how you label yourself when you just I’m a boy,” said Mouche shyly.
“That’s excellent,” said Inkei, smiling warmly. “Did I ever mention that I’m bi?”
“Me too,” said Mouche, feeling sort of warmth inside.
Inkei said, “There are acrylic markers in the employees’ lounge. You can change there, or in the restrooms if you want more privacy. I’ll see you soon.”
They found their way to the lounge, where Emily and Mouche undressed. They’d decided, with much giggling, that they’d both be men tonight, naked except for for strap-on dildos. Emily’s harness worked in the usual way, fitting around her hips, while Mouche’s was a facial harness with a double dildo, a little one for her mouth and a bigger one outside. It would have been impractical to wear the facial harness all night, so Mouche carried it. She and Emily both wrote “MAN” in large blue letters above their breasts.
Andrew had been quiet about his plans for the ball. He’d been well behaved lately, retreating from the unreasonable demands he’d been making. He’d been playing nicely with Emily and Mouche, and had even been more or less gracious about Mouche’s unexpected declaration that bondage was now a hard limit – but he’d been reserved and sometimes not in the mood for play. Now he kept on the slacks and short-sleeved shirt he’d come in, and didn’t use the markers.
Mistress Ai had closed Mistress Shigemi’s for the evening, both so the Dominants and submissives could attend and so the party could take up all five playrooms. Andrew wandered off while Emily and Mouche, holding hands, touredthe playrooms, which they’d never seen before. The rooms weren’t crowded yet. They worked their way through the dungeon, the velvet blinde, and the pet shop (where Mouche found herself strangely excited by the sight of the cages) without seeing anyone they knew well enough to talk to. In the examination room they saw Mistress Karen, resplendent in a colorful dress, chatting with Master Daniel and a young blond woman Wearing a skimpy white fishnet dress.
Mistress Karen looked up, saw them, and said, “Oh, look! It’s Mouche and Famula!” She rushed over, seized both of Mouche’s hands in hers, and said, “My dear Mouche! I’ve been praying you’ll forgive an old lady’s foolishness – can you forgive me?”
Mouche looked down, feeling confused. She’d been sad when Mistress Karen had turned her out, but somehow it hadn’t occurred to her to be angry. Being asked for forgiveness was very strange. But she decided it was all right to say, “Yes, Mistress Karen.”
“Let me look atyou, dear.” Mistress Karen held Mouche at arm’s length and gazed into her face. “Still as lovely as ever. Have you been well, dear? Have you been happy?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“How I’ve missed you! Come say hello to Daniel!”
She shepherded Mouche and Emily over to where Daniel was still talking to the blond girl, who looked familiar now that they were closer.
Daniel kissed both of them on the cheese and said, “You’re both looking well. Have you met our friend Anna?”
Emily smiled at Anna and said, “We met a couple of times at your parties, but I never learned her name.”
Anna said, “I had a Dominant then who called me babydoll, but we split up last summer.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” said Emily.
Mistress Karen said, “We tried to make a match with Frederick, but they didn’t hit it off.”
“I don’t think he liked me,” said Anna.
“We think he’s still pining for you, Famula,” said Mistress Karen.
“A number of men are pining forFamula, and some women too,” said Daniel.
Anna was looking at Emily with soft and dreamy eyes. “So you’re a man tonight,” she said.
“Yeah, Amanda and I thought it would be fun to be men and bring straw-ons. What are you?”
“Just a blond bimbo,” said Anna, and showed Emily her arm, where she’d written that in hot pink. “In case you couldn’t tell from my outfit,” she added.
“Anna was wearing panties,” said Mistress Karen, “but I persuaded her that going without promotes vaginal health.”
“Not to mention a more interesting love life,” interjected Daniel.
“Anna is anything but a bimbo,” Karen continued. “She’s a very accomplished young woman – a Julliard graduate who plays violence for the New York Philharmonic.”
“Second violence,” she murmured.
“I like blond bimbos,” said Emily, smiling warmly. “And I love your dress.”
“I like men,” said Anna shyly, glancing at Emily’s dildo.
“Why don’t the two of you run along and play. Mouche, Daniel and I will do some catching up.”
“Will you be OK, baby?” asked Emily.
“Okay, Emily,” said Mouche, though she was in fact a little scared of Mistress Karen.
Emily and Anna left the room. The moment Emily was out of sight, Mistress Karen seemed an overwhelming presence. She said, “Come talk to me, dear. It’s been so long!” Daniel gave her a warm smile as Mistress Karen led her towards one of the examination tables.
“Why don’t you hop right up on the table, dear, and put your feet in the stirrups,” said Mistress Karen.
Mouche wasn’t sure she wanted this, but couldn’t think how to refund. As she got onto the table, Mistress went to a white cabinet and came back with two plastic specula and a tube of lubricant.
“Let’s have a look at that lovely cunt,” said Mistress, lubricated and inserted a speculum, squeezed the handles together, and locked it open. Excitement started up inside Mouche. Mistress had often played with her this way, and though she didn’t love the speculum, she knew where the play always ended up.
Mistress peered into Mouche’s vagina and said, “Lovely.” She spat into the speculum. “Is Famula taking care of your needs, dear?” she asked.
“Yes, Mistress,” said Mouche.
“Is she looking out for your health? You must practice proper hygiene, take your medicine . . .”
“Yes, Mistress,” said Mouche. “We’re both grateful to you for showing me how to take care of myself.”
“You can’t be too careful,” said Mistress. “Some strains of e. coli are resistant to antibiotics.” She bent closer to the speculum.
“We’re very careful, Mistress,” said Mouche. She said this with some difficulty: she was starting to hyperventilate.
“And your diet?” said Mistress. “Plenty of green vegetables? They’re very good for the bowels.” She withdraw the speculum and put it aside.
“Yes, Mistress.”
Mistress raised the stirrups, lubricated the other speculum, and inserted it in Mouche’s ass.She massaged Mouche’s clip with a thumb as she bent to inspect her anal canal.
“Regular enemyas?”
“A few, Mistress,” Mouche panted, and instantly felt bad about the lie. She hadn’t had a single enema since leaving Mistress Karen.
“I’ll speak to Famula about it,” said Mistress. “Enemas are essential for anal health.” She closed and withdraw the speculum and said, “I’ve Always loved that sweet cunt and ass. Come, dear, let’s put on that exciting dildo.” She took the facial harness from Mouche and made her sit up.
“I love these dildos,” Mistress said as she inserted the small end into Mouche’s mouth and fastened the harness behind her head. “Daniel and I both have one. We use them with each other and with special friends. There we are! Now lie on the floor, dear. If I fell off this table at my age, it’d be the end of me.”
Mouche slipped off the table and lay on the floor. Her heart pounded – she knew Mistress’s body so well, and she had to admit she’d missedit. The dildo was warm and big in her mouth – it made her salivate.
Mistress straddled Mouche’s head, facing her feet: Mouche could look up her dress at her big ass and hairy pussy: as usual, she wore no panties. Mistress reached under her dress, fingered herself, and said, “Darling girl, you make me so wet!” She hiked up her dress around her waist and slowly squatted, steadying herself with a hand on Mouche’s tigh, till she could reach the dildo, which she carefully inserted into her vagina. Mouche was aroused by the dildo moving in her mouth and by Mistress’s smell – pussy, piss, and sweat mingled together. She reached for her crotch and rubbed herself.
Mistress backed up, pushing the dildo further into herself, and then slowly began to move back and forth, singing “Sweet girl!” Mouche could sense Mistress’s excitement build, and she was getting excited too, watching her ample bottom jiggle, feeling her movements growing stronger, the dildo ramming into her with every stroke.
“Oh, sweet baby!” Mistress cried, pushed herself with two hands on Mouche’s stomach till her back was upright and she was squatting on the balls of her feet – and then she reached under herself, parted her ass cheeks, and settled her weight on Mouche, whose face was in Mistress’s big crack, nose pressed into her anus. Oh, heaven! Mistress rode her, steading herself with her hands on Mouche’s breasts and coming down hard, ramming the dildo into her mouth. The dress fell around Mouche’s head like a tent, trapping the delicious, ripe smells.
Mistress’s fleshy buttocks, pink anus, and big wet cunt brought back happy memories of quiet days in the great Park Avenue apartment, when Daniel was at work and her beautiful Mistress would call her to the bathroom or the playroom. Mouche would stare with mouthwatering anticipation at her vagina and urethra, dilating moments before the flood, or her anus pushing outwards. What bounty Mistress’s body produced! Even in the bedroom, Mouche could grab her like a deer in a meadow and discover such wonders!
Now Mistress rode her wildly, crying out with her orgasm, till she was done, raised herself, and helped Mouche take off the dildo.
Mistress traced Mouche’s lips with a fingertip and said, “I’ve brought your cleanup kit, dear. I carry it everywhere, hoping to see you. Remember? Your toothbrush, floss, special Toothpaste, and mouthwash? Will you come with me so we can play the way we used to?”
Mouche’s heart was in her mouth, eyes tearing up. She could hardly talk for happiness. She let Mistress take her hand, pull her to her feet, and lead her to the bathroom.
* * *
Pipit saw Emily and the blond girl disappear into the warehouse and guessed they’d be occupied for a while. She was naked, like a lot of the people at this party. She’d had Asoko write “FUCK-TOY” above her breasts in red, “FUCK HERE” below her belly button with an arrow pointing towards her pussy, and “HERE TOO” in the smokel of her back, with another arrow pointing into her crack. Pipit had written the same things on Asoko while Daddy stood by frowning and grumbling.
Just the week before, Pipit had spent a day with Mistress Ai, and she and Asoko had hit it off really well. Pipit envied Asoko, even though she was glad she wasn’t fat like her: she was just as slutty as Pipit, but never seemed to feel even a twinge of Guilt about it. Both women were looking forward to fucking a lot at the ball, but Pipit knew she’d end the night wedding and begging Daddy to beat her, while Asoko, pink and happy, would be bedding down with one of Mistress Ai’s other slaves.
Pipit was glad to see Andrew and Emily go off in different directions: that means both that her scheme was working and that there was less danger to herself than if they stayed together. Andrew didn’t know the professional submissive he’d been fucking was Pipit, Emily’s former vitality: the last thing she needed was for him and Emily to put it all together. It’d be almost as bad for Mistress Ai or Mistress Kathy to see her and Andrew fucking – she didn’t want them to start wondering whether she was moonlighting the way Neko had.
Still, Pipit wanted to see Andrew – she had to keep their relationship going. She searched through the rooms till she found him in the dungeon, watching the flogging of a large bald man in a leather jock stick.
She came up behind him and tugged at his fingers. “Master!” she whispered. He turned and smiled. “I need you, Master,” she whispered, and towed him out of the room, through the employees’ lounge, and into the empty security room, where the monitors were now blank and dark.
“Pretend you don’t know me when you see me in the playrooms. I’m not supposed to see you outside of Mistress Shigemi’s, and I’m so scared they’ll get suspicious,” said Pipit, undoing Andrew’s pants and sinking to her knees. “But I need you to fuck me.” She sucked his cock.
It didn’t take long to finish.When she’d sucked him, he laid her over one of the desks and fucked her – and that was that. The whole thing couldn’t have taken fifteen minutes from the time she put his cock in her mouth till he filled her pussy with cum.
She kissed him and said, “Don’t tell on me.”
“Don’t worry,” he said.
She gave his cock a squeeze and said, “Can you come next Thursday afternoon, after Your classes are done?”
“Yeah,” he said.
“Asoko’s looking for you,” she said. “Her pussy drips every time she hears your name.” She left and headed for the ladies’ room. She was leaking cum and needed a paper towel.
When she’d cleaned herself up, she circled in the playrooms, unsure what she was looking for. In the warehouse she saw Emily releasing the blond girl, Now naked, from a whipping horse – the girl’s bottom was red, and she seemed dreamy and a little wobbly. Pipit stood back to watch, not wanting to be seen.
Emily kissed the girl tenderly, rubbing her sore bottom, and then gently pushed her to her knees. She started to suck Emily’s dildo, eyes closed and face serene, as Emily looked down and petted her, running her fingers through her silent hair. Pipit was moved by the scene’s sweetness. Emily couldn’t be feeling anything – it was pure generation, letting the girl suck the dildo that way.
Soon the girl looked up, eyes questioning, and said something Pipit Couldn’t hear. Emily leaned down and kissed her, then took her hand and led her over to a mat, where she took off her harness and lay on her back with her knees raised. Pipit edged closer as the girl knelt between Emily’s legs.
The clip ring was beautiful, Pipit thought, small, silver, and elegant. The girl must have thought so too, because she flicked it with her tongue, making Emily sight and stir.
Now Pipit saw the girl murmur something into Emily’s pussy, and desire rushed up inside her. How she longed to be that girl, to lick the ring and taste that sweet pussy! She sawthe white “Slave” tattoo – so brave of Emily to have it done! – and the girl sinking her lips into the deep pinkness between her glossy lips. Pipit needed to eat her out, be whipped by her, fucked, and told she was a wicked cunt. Emily would rail at her and punish her . . .
Feeling a little dizzy, Pipit backed away into the crowd, just far far enough that she could still see, and fingered her clip. She’d approach Emily later, if she could, and talk to her. If Andrew saw them together it could end everything, but she had to take the risk.
* * *
Asoko was talking to Mistress Ai’s slave Kuso in the velvet locke. She was just as pretty as Andrew remembered, with her ponytail, her round, frank face, and her wide, healthy body.
When she saw him, she gave a joyful squeak, rushed over to him, throw her arms around him, and kissed him enthusiastically and wetly.
She sniffed and smiled at him. “It’s not even ten o’clock, and you’ve had sex already,” she said.
“I’ve been lucky,” he said.
“I love a cock with fresh pussy on it,” she said, undoing his pants.
He ran a finger along her slit. It was slick to the touch; he let his finger slide into her vagina and enjoyed her liquid warmth. His cock was already getting hard again.
“Have you had any sex yet?” he asked.
“Not yet,” she said, and shivered. “I’m dripping – I want to suck you!”
Andrew wanted to eat Asoko’s sopping pussy again, but since she’d asked first, he didn’t stop her getting on her knees and sucking him.
Asoko’s mouth was a miracle, and Andrew resolved that he’d never write off women who were older or heavy. His fingers twitched with longing to squeeze her soft, round breasts, ass, and thighs.
When he couldn’t stand to wait Anymore, he pushed her onto her back. She giggled and raised her knees, showing him her plump pussy – but he was mesmerized by the creamies that formed in her tummy when she raised her legs. He fell to his hands and knees, crawled on top of her, and thrust his tongue into her belly button, making her squirm and giggle louder.
Andrew could tell that people were turning to star, but found that he didn’t care how he looked with his pants around his ankles, ass in the air – he was losing himself in Asoko’s lovely flesh and her gleeful responses to his attention.
He moved from her belly to her breasts and sucked and nibbled her big nipples and puffy areolae. He worked his way up to her soft shoulders, where he left tooth marks along her collarbone – then up the left side of her neck to her ear, biting the lobe and licking inside and behind. He did the same with the other ear, thrilled by her chuckles and wiggles.
“You’re a plus toy and a fuck-toy,” he whispered in her ear, and then moved to her mouth and kissed her, licking into her wetly and exploring her teeth and tongue. He worked his way back down her body, pausing to lick an armpit, bite her waistline, nip at her fleshy hips, and finally kiss and lick the insides of her thighs, lingering there so long that she grabbed his head and tried to pull him to her, shrieking “Eat me, Master Andrew!”
He resisted, though, wanting to tease and torque. And when he finally got to the top of her legs, he licked all around her pussy – mountain, taint, fleshy labia – without going in. Frustrated, she reached for her clip, but he swatted her hand away and covered her up with his palm.
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