Pincing Liam Ch. 02

Jennifer noticed that Liam had not lost his erection. No matter that he had just climaxed very nicely for her, all over the place, his lovely, small penis stayed erect. Amanda and Jane also found this unusual, but then again by now they had learned that Liam was an unusual man with an unusual condition on his unique penis.

Jane, petite, redhead, and always so frisky, asked, “Jennifer, this was so much fun! Can we do it again?”

But Jennifer was too aroused for fun and games. She was already starting to kiss and fondle Amanda, her lover of many years. Soon they were in each other’s arms, their hands racing over their hot bodies.

Jane was adamant, “Can we until he and let him join us?”

Liam looking pleadingly into Jennifer’s eyes.

Jennifer and Amanda stopped fondling. Jennifer smiled, “Jane, really! You see his penis is too small! You know very well he cannot possibly pleasure a woman!”

Jane insisted, “But he has big hands, long fingers, and such asensuous mouth! There is a lot more to fucking than just a huge cock!”

No, Jane! But you can play with him if that is what you want!”

Jane was delighted!

She walked over to Liam and started to play with his lovely, small penis as if it were a child’s toy. Liam started to thrust forth, back and forth, trying as best he could to pump his penis into her loving hand, hoping thus to get a measure of a full-hold manual orgasm.

Jennifer watched and laughed, “Here, Jane, let me show you another feature of hypospadias. The underside is especially tender, much more sensitive than his glans, unlike other men!”

Jennifer teaches Jane how to run her finger very lightly up and down his underside, dwelling just a bit longer along his unusually long slit, and sliding quickly over his glans, to resume at the base all over again. Liam was rocking back and forth in unbearable delight.

Jane tried her hand, her very slender fingerprint even lighter than Jennifer’s in its touch up and down his underside. She retired the feel of a very unique penis responding so perfectly. Once or twice Liam almost got his penis close to her mouth before she moved it away.

Jane suddenly had an idea!

She raced as fast as her small feet could take her to Jennifer’s bedroom, and came back with a tube of KY and the straw-on she and Amanda and Jennifer enjoyed using with one Another. She pushed Liam away from the table just enough. Quickly, she motioned Liam to bend forward and cleverly used a C-clamp to attach it to the edge of the dining table, lubricating its tip and length generally. She nudged Liam to straighten up and gently pushed him to the table.

Before Liam knew it, the straw-on was deep into his virgin ass!

Jane squirmed with glee!

Jennifer and Amanda They started to kiss and caress and hug and finger and devour one another!

On the floor of the dining room, right next to Liam they made passwordate love as only a woman can love another!

Liam was aroused like he had never been aroused before!

Watching two women make love had been his other secret fantasy, the first being having a woman admire his unique penis as it ejaculated so uniquely. And now, both were happening at almost the same time, in the same place, with the same women!

And Liam had never had an anal guest before and it feel so natural, so perfect, so delicious as he thrust back and forth slowly, feeling it slide in deep, glide out easily, slide back in, rubbing over his prostate!

Jane knelt at his feet, her very slender fingers now devoting their full and undivided attention to slipping up and down the underside of his penis, lingering seems forever along the deep, elongated slide that followed from his pee hole all the way up to his glans. Jane moved her finger very, very slowly. She knew that Liam would be rocking back and forth, just enough for the straw-on to go deep into himand come out just enough so that if he went just a bit further, he would fall over. She could discern the large mass of the strap-on making its way inside past his testicles.

For Jane, this was a moment of supreme control! She had powerful, virile, strong masculine Liam under her total domination just with the tip of her finger dancing lightly on his slit. True, Liam belonged unequivocally to Jennifer, but for these precious moments, he was hers.

For Liam, it was sheer ecstasy. He was watching his beloved Jennifer eating and being eaten to a series of incessant orgasms by Amanda, her lover.

He was starting to feel for the first time the pleasures of anal penetration, something he would year for and learn to enjoy to its fullest for years to come.

Jane delighted in seeing Liam respond so perfectly. Liam was desperately thrusting back and forth. His penis ached for the sensing thrill of Jane’s hand to encircle his small penis and stroke it. Instead, all he couldFeel was his anal guest penetrating deeply and almost departing completely.

The tip of his penis pained to be rubbed and massed. And yet Jane assiduously avoided all contact with his glans, concentrated only on gently running her slender finger up and down the underside of his penis, from his pee hole halfway up his shake all the way up to its deep, elongated slit, lingering there for an instant and running back down.

Liam could see Jane’s face, so teasingly close to his penis, so temptingly close to just shove it into her mouth, knowing that she could take its smallness all the way to the hilt without risk of gagging. He wanted her to suck and lick it, and Jane just kept blowing on it softly as her slender finger worked its magical touch up and down the length of its underside.

Liam was pumping wildly, wanting a complete hand job, a total blow job, wanting even to try for once [just for once] to try to have vaginal intercourse and try for once [just this one time] to pleasure a woman and feeling the strange mixture of his anal guest pumping inside him instead and Jennifer with another woman getting what she most wanted.

And to top it all, petite, frisky, redheaded Jane was doing it just right, her slender finger racing up and down the underside of his small, lovely, curved penis. The lightness of her touch set his deep slot afire!

He could not hold it much longer.

No matter that Liam had already climaxes a few minutes ago, another one was building up.

Jane let him have it.

Her finger kept dancing on the slit of the underside of his penis. And just when the first bead of ejaculate started to appear, she pushed his penis up by pressing precisely on the deep slit, holding his penis up as straight as its curvature would allow it. Jane’s slender finger pressed into that unusually lovely, elongated slit with a slight tremolo like a virtuoso violinist, vibrating it ever so perfectly as she stared in amazement at how hisejaculate flowed lazily out of Liam’s pee hole midway up the underside of his penis.

Liam finished his orgasm more or less at the same time Jennifer and Amanda finished their last ones.

Jane smiled. His penis was now back to its limp, flaccid state. She had never seen a man’s penis so shy and so small.

“Can I take it home with me?”

Amanda and Jennifer, exhausted on the floor, laughed. “Yes, Jane, you may take it home with you. And make sure you take its owner with you, too!”

The three women laughed.

Jane untied Liam and helped him sit down, limp and totally drained of all strength.

Amanda prepared to log into the Internet to post the video of their recent exploit.

Jennifer went to the phone, called Liam’s girlfriend, and after completing her on Liam’s magnificent performance, explained that Liam would not be going home this evening as “he was on loan elsewhere.”

“Maybe instead, you would like to come over for a glass of wine anda light supplier?”

Liam finally got the strength to get dressed. As he and Jane walked out the door, he stole one final glance at his former lover. His smile and eyes said it all, “Jennifer, you are the best. You opened a new world for me. I will always be grateful to you.”

She smiled back, also without words, “And you, Liam, are unique and the best, and you will come back to me for more!”


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