Pilloried and Poked

allan had long since stopped struggle in his bonds. There was almost no motion allowed by the cruel piano that held him pinioned in place.

He had feared this day since his sentencing last Tuesday. The whipping had been much worse than he’d imagined: the jeering of the crowd, the intense biting of the lash, his convulsive thrashing. Each time the leather curled around his naked flesh, he’d screamed and twisted, trying in vain to escape the unbearable pain. But with his hands bound to the overhead beam there was nothing he could do but dance and howl into the disgusting leather gag stuffed into his mouth.

Now he was fastened soundly into the pillory. Bent almost double with his head and hands protruding through the front board, his striped ass was displayed behind him facing the street. His torso was supported by a long board, his knees fastened up to the sides of the contraction. The position forced his legs wide apart and offered up his ass and his genitals most obscEliminate. Blindfolded, he couldn’t see anything around him, but he could feel the cool breeze where the whip had scalded his skin. He was sentenced to remain in the pillory for 24 hours.

Throughout the awful afternoon, people wandered by to gawk at the obscene spectacle allan presented. Most were just curious, though several times a group of giggling girls tormented the naked miscreant. The fact that he Couldn’t see what was going on behind him made it worse. He cringed each time a laughing group approached, and several times he felt a sharp slap on his bruised bottom or was roughly grouped by the hands of strangers.

It was nearing sundown when he heard two voices approach.

“There he is, the little loout!” said a male voice. A female voice laughed in reply.

“Doesn’t look so self-important now!” Her voice sounded familiar.

allan started as he felt a hand run over his bare asscheek, then deliver a singing spank on the sore flesh.

A hand grabbed him by theballs and pulled sharply down. There was more laughter as he groaned into the gag.

“Hold it right there, I want to take a picture!”

He recognized the voice – it was Molly, the accountant from his Department!

“Oh my God, allan thought, I’ll never live this down at work!” Molly was a busybody who was always hassling him about his spending on office supplies and staff.

“Wow look at this,” she said. “I think he’s excited by all the attention.”

Sure enough, allan’s exposed cock had begun to swell in her hand as she pulled on it, twisting his genitals this way and that.

“Mmmm,” her male companion concurred. “Let me check that out.”

Molly’s hand was withdrawn and allan felt a bigger rough hand struggling his ass, then sliding down to grap his balls. Allan felt a shiver of revulsion as the man groped his testicles, rolling them back and forth in his fingers.

“Damn, he’s got no public hair at all. Not even stubble!” the man exclaimed.

“Lemmesee,” Molly said.

Now there were unmistakably two sets of fingers, stroking and feeling every inch of allan’s exposed privates. Moaning, allan realized that he no longer had “privates,” since all his parts were quite literally available to the public!

Molly whistled. “Amazing,” she said. “So smooth and silky!” allan felt hands running over his body, and trembled at the touch.

It was true. Allan’s wife had sent him for total hair removal. The monthly laser treatments had been followed by painful electronicolysis, but since then he had been completely hairless from the neck down.

He felt Molly’s cools hands pulling down on his cock, stretching and stroking him until he had a strong erection. Still the hands pulled, and allan strained and squirmed in shame at the unwanted sexual manipulation.

The man chuckled. “Look at the little slut,” he sneered. “I think he likes you!”

Molly stroked his captive cock with one hand and ran the fingers of her other hand upbetween allan’s spread asscheeks. She teased the pumper of his ass hole with one finger.

“Get a picture of this,” she said. “I want to send it to his group at the office!”

allan moaned again as he felt Molly violent his tight hole with her finger.

“Wow that’s hot,” the man breathed. Allan heard footsteps, then a zipper in front of him. The man’s fingers worked on the leather gag, loosening it. It was soaked with saliva, which drooled from allan’s mouth.

Molly giggled as she suddenly tightened her grip on allan’s balls. “Don’t you dare bite me or she’ll pull your nuts off!” the man snickered. Allan felt pressure on his lips and the man slipped a big cock into his mouth.

“You’d better suck him good, you little sissy,” Molly teased him. She grabbed and twisted his balls with one hand while she milked his hardon with the other.

Horrified, allan had no choice but to suck and lick the man’s growing dick. It tasted salty and earthy. He gagged as the man rouglyly pushed into the back of his mouth, but there was no escape. Desperately he tried to breathe around the head as the man grabbed him by the hair and began thrusting in and out of his wet mouth.

Molly was cheering her friend on as she pumped hard and fast on allan’s cock. Suddenly allan tensed and began to shake as his body betrayed him, squirting a load of cum into Molly’s waiting palm.

“Hahaha! Let’s trade, sweety!” he heard her say as he felt the man’s huge cock pop out from between his lips.

The next thing he knew, Molly’s fingers were forcing his own cum into his mouth. He chased and retched, trying to explore the nasty stuff, but she just laughed.

allan hardly had time to react to the salty semen in his mouth, because Molly’s friend was now pushing his wet cock head against allan’s ass. “No NO!” he tried to say, but the words were stuffed back into his throat along with his cum.

He felt his bottom hole pop open as the head of the man’s eager cock pushed inside him. He squealed around the fingers in his mouth as he felt the urgent thrusts pumping deeper and deeper into his violent bum. Molly pulled her sticky fingers from his mouth and wiped them across his face and hair, laughing at him as her friend grabbed allan’s hips and began fucking him hard and fast.

Allan’s whole body bounced in his bonds as the man pumped his tight hole. He felt stuffed, filled beyond the brim with shame and sensing and pain. Tears of humiliation ran freely down from allan’s blindfold as he grunted under the assault. Dimly, he heard the camera snap again and again as the terrible rap continue.

After a minute or two, allan felt the man stiffen and push all the way to the hilt inside his stretched rectum. The man squirted hot ropes of semen deep into allan’s bowels and then stood panting, his prick still buried inside the punished prisoner.

Finally he pulled out, then walked around to allan’s face and wiped his softening cock acrosss allan’s cheats and hair. Allan could feel the fluids run down his thighs as the happy couple walked away laughing.


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