Author’s note:
This is my first completed novel. While the plot isn’t too complex, the goings on in the story are tricky, and with the help and dedication of a friend who reviewed the whole thing, I tweaked the cruel parts of the story to be better.
I wrote this story to explore the main themes that are included in it. I won’t spoil anything by going into what the second theme besides BDSM is, but it’s Always been my intention to write something enjoyable that hopefully makes my reader think about what he or she read afterwards. (While also being nice and hot.)
So please, leave a comment that tells about your thoughts and opinions. I you have some relevant experience that the story reminds you of, by all means, share it with the rest of us.
Voting I leave to your discretion, but I do want to remind you that if you enjoyed the story, giving it a good score will make it more likely that others will find it and enjoy it as well.
Tom sat in his couch, staring off into the distance. Him and Ruth had just had dinner, but he’d been unusually quiet. The sounds of the dishes being done died away and he knew that now was the time to speak up. He called for Ruth. “Ruth, come here please.”
“Yes, Sir?”
“No sir for now, I need to talk to you about last week.”
Ruth frowned and said, “Are you still worried? I told you I was okay with it.”
“I’m not worried I pushed you too far any more, I’m worried I want to keep pushing.”
He grabbed her hand in his and squeezed it, staring down at her small fingers wrapped in his. “Rough fans aren’t new to me, but I’ve never felt comfortable enough to act on them. Now I did, I want more of it. It scares me and it excites me. I can’t explain it, but I want to act out those fans and be rid of them. But how could I put you through that? I don’t want to hurt you. That’s what this talk is about. Do you still feel okay with the rules I set aboutpromiscuity?”
Tom’s last words started Ruth, and she pulled her hand free. “Are you looking for someone else, Tom?”
He shook his head and leaned back in the couch. “No, you’re the woman I love, and I want to stay with you. But I’m ashamed of some of the barbaric things I think up. They would make you uncomfortable around me, and I don’t want that. I need to find a way to Turn this into something we can enjoy together. But you shouldn’t be my guinea pig, I want our time together to be as it has been.”
Ruth clapped her hands together in a tight ball. “I thought that clause was meant for things like a threesome.”
He looked at her and said, “I’m not that interested in a threesome. Not that I wouldn’t try it, but in all honesty one woman at a time is plenty to take care of. I wrote that clause for when one of us feels a need that falls outside the other’s boundaries.”
He ran his hand through his hair and surprised. “I should’ve been clearer. It was fine to giveyou all the time you needed to think things over, but I should’ve explained every point.”
He stood up and went to get a copy of both the Rules and the Contract. “Ruth, for now, please forget what I said. We should go over these first. Together this time.”
They discussed every point in both the documents. Tom even ordered food, something he rarely did. The last bite had gone cold for a long time when they finished. Exhausted, they both laid back in the couch, cuddled close together. Although how tired they were, they were happy about how they’d spent their time. They had reaffirmed and deepened their connection.
They were quiet for some time before Tom said, “I couldn’t stand to see our relationship fall apart because I can’t handle a part of myself. Ruth, tell me, do you feel up This? It’s still so early in our relationship, and I don’t want to damage what we have. I need to know what you think.”
She looked up at him, her eyes reflected his own fears. “What wouldI have to do? It couldn’t be that much worse than before, could it?”
He leaned in closer to her and whispered one of his fans into her ear. Her eyes widened, and she pulled back a little. He noticed, and she could see his expression change in response to her rejection. She couldn’t bear seeing it and grabbed one of his hands with both of hers.
“I’ll try it. I don’t know if I’ll like it. Maybe someday, we’ll see. I know I don’t want you to do it to someone else. It’s hard for me to accept the thought of you being with another woman. But if it turns out that I’m not enough…”
She straddled his lap and wrapped herself around him, pressing her little body hard into his. “It hurts to see you unhappy and disturbed. I guess… What I’m trying to say is that when it Comes to your happiness, Sir, I’m willing to follow the Rules.”
He looped his arms around her and squeezed. “Thank you, little girl.
Ruth looked over her shoulder after she’d unlocked the door to her apartment. Was he in the hallway? Tom had said tonight would be the night. Her heart pounded in her chest. Tonight. He hadn’t said anything more. He’d offered to tell more, but she’d seen in his eyes he didn’t want her to ask. So here she was, trembling. Would she like it? She didn’t know. Her back straightened and she took a deep breath before opening the door.
Inside everything was quiet and dark. Without thinking much about it, Ruth reached for the light switch, but her hand hesitated and hovered above the switch. Why was it dark? Her apartment was on the north side of the building, she never closed the draws. Ruth swallowed and tapped the light switch. The soft click travelled through the room, but there was no flicker of light to accompany it.
No wave of relaxation a the familiar sight of her couch with her lazy clothes drawn across it. No feeling of coming home. Instead she stood in the doorway to a strange place. Did she go further inside? Maybe it was just her imagination playing tricks on her. Maybe there was nothing different. And maybe not.
She shook her head. Ruth, don’t be a baby. With a firm stride she stepped into her apartment and closed the door behind. The door blocked the light from the hallway and the room darkened even further. Don’t pay attention to it. How many times have you slalomed your way through this place at night? No problems then, so no problems now. Or so she thought. She hadn’t walked more than a few steps when she bumped into something big.
Ruth put out her hands and patted the thing. Her couch! Why was it here? Just as she wanted to turn around, a strong arm pushed her. She topped across the couch’s armrest and before she could recover, two hands grabbed her shoulders and pinned her down. In a quiet struggle, she tried to free her arms, but the strong hands slide down her arms until her wrist were forced together. An iron grip locked her wrists in place and not too long after the sharp zip of a lucky stick clenched her fate. The pressure on her shoulders lessened and she lifted her head off the couch to scream, but to no avail. Her assailant had only shifted positions. In a matter of minutes he had her gagged and secured to a chair he’d set up.
Ruth trembled as she sat trapped and powerless to stop anything from happening. She heard footsteps behind her. He dragged a chair across the floor. His heavy shoe made a dull sound as he stood on the chair. She could hardly see and every sound in the room became so much more intense, so much more important. It was all she had to go on. The sketch of the lamp in its socket told her how well prepared this whole thing was. His hop off the chair and on the floor told her where he was. How close. How very close. What would he do? She didn’t want to Know.
The light switched on and Tom put his chair right in front of hers. He studied her face and the tears in her eyes, the drool running down her chin. When he reached his hand out to touch her cheek, Ruth cringed and struggled against her ties. Tom nodded to himself and pulled down Ruth’s gag. The look on his face changed to a sad but tender one. He cupped her cheek and spoke to her in a soft tone. “Sorry I scared you so much, little girl.”
He pressed his finger against her lips when tried to speak. “Shh, don’t say anything just yet. Wait.”
He walked around her chair an untied her. Ruth immediately pulled her hands free and sat rubbing her wrists. Tom picked her up off the chair and carried her to the couch. He sat down with her on his lap, but he didn’t wrap his arms around her. If she didn’t want to be near him right now, she could leave at any moment. She didn’t though. Ruth clung to his chest and Tom responded in kind. He put his chin on her head and in a quiet voice, he said “I’m really sorry I scared you so much. I should’ve explained what I wanted more. I didn’t because I was selfish, because I wanted this to feel real. But it’s OK now. It’s over. We won’t do this ever again. You’ll never be scared again.”
Ruth shook her head against his chest and he could just make out her voice as she said, “I’m sorry.”
He squeezed her and said, “Don’t be. There’s nothing for you to be sorry about. Some things you just don’t want and there’s nothing to be done about that.”
Ruth pushed against his chest and Tom let her come up so she could look at him. “I want to do this for you, Sir.”
Tom smiled a sad smile and shook his head. “I don’t want you to, Ruth. Not after what I’ve seen. Do you honestly think you could’ve turned your fear into anything else but more of the same? I don’t want to scar you, little girl. So no, you can’t do this for me.”
A complicated mix of relief and worry ran through her. Relief at being sparred the rest of his plans for tonight and worry at falling short of her master’s desires. What if she failed again, further down the line? What would he think? She clenched her little hands in his shirt and said, “Maybe we can try something else. Maybe less scary?”
The uncertainty in her voice stalled at Tom and he pulled her close again. “We can and we will, little girl. Just nothing like tonight. No surprises, no scariness, no nothing. I want you to enjoy our time together. You’re my little girl, I want to see you smile when you sit in my lap. The day you fall asleep from sheer exhaustion is a good day for me. And when you cry, I want those tears to be tears of happiness that come out because you just can’t contain what’s inside you. That’s what I want.”
He made his embrace less tight and rested his chin on her head again. He told and said, “I feel terrible thinking about what you’d be like if I’d done what I’d planned to do.” He shook his head and told again. “No use thinking about it now.”
They sat in silence for a while until Tom pressed a kiss on Ruth’s head and said, “Do you want to go bed and sleep, little girl?”
Ruth shook her headbut didn’t look up.
“No? You want to stay here for a bit longer then?”
She Shook her head again.
“You want me to leave?”
This time, Ruth shot up and grabbed Tom’s face in her little hands. “Don’t go, Sir. Please.”
He smiled the same sad smile at her that he’d showed her all evening. It hurt her to see him sad and to know that she had something to do with it. Even if his words told her it was OK, she still felt bad. She wanted to do something to make it okay. “Sir, would you please use your service tonight?”
Tom didn’t respond for a long moment. Her breath caressed his lips as the warmth of her hands seen into his cheeses. He mulled over her words, saw the look in her eyes. His smile changed into the one that told her he’d come up with something. “I’d love to, little girl. With one little rule.”
Ruth felt a spark come to life in her tummy as she heard the life return to his voice. “Yes, Sir?”
“Tonight’s about you and you’re not allowed to complain about that.”
“Sir, I didn’t mean…”
He kissed her to stop her from finishing her sentence. “Let me change that rule. You’re not allowed to speak tonight. Make noises all you want, but no words. Yes will be two nods. No will be two shakes of your head. If you think I won’t be able to see your sign, pinch me twice for yes and three times for no. Understand?”
“Yes, Sir.”
Tom smiled and said, “Apparently you don’t.”
With those words he stood up from the couch, supporting Ruth who held on to him like a little koala bear. As bad as her evening had started, it ended on a wonderful note for Ruth. True to his word, the tears he made her cry were tears of overwhelming joy and pleasure.
Breakfast the next morning was simple and quiet. Ruth loved how relaxed she was, but she couldn’t get the one question she wanted to ask out of her head. She put her cup of coffee down and stared at the black liquid inside as she said, “Tom, about last night.”
“Are you… Are you going to look for someone else?”
Tom saw Ruth’s grip on her cup and felt ashamed at the answer he was about to give her. “I will try to find someone who won’t be hurt by what I want to do. If I do, then I’ll make sure she knows there’s nothing more on offer. As much as I’m ashamed to say it, but I think I have to do this.”
He got up from his chair and walked behind Ruth so he could put his hands on her shoulders. “However, if you don’t agree, little girl. If you say I can’t do this, then I won’t. There will be no blow on your shoulders, I’ll accept what you decide and find another way. This is just the solution I came up with as I was thinking. It might not be the best one, there might be others. Maybe this is just temporary and I’ll forget about it in time. I could be overreacting. I know all this, but my gut tells me I have to get it out of me as soon as I can. So there it is. It’s in your hands now.”
Ruth grabbed his hands on her shoulders and slipped her fingers between his. She couldn’t bear the idea of him being unhappy because of her. It didn’t matter if he said he wouldn’t blow her for any decision she made. She knew herself well enough to know that even if he didn’t blow her, she would. He had to be happy. If he wasn’t, then what was she doing? She squeezed his hands and said, “Please find someone, Sir. I want you to be happy. That’s all I need. I…”
Her words stopped flowing when he leaned down and embedded her. “It’s okay, little girl. It’s okay. I’m sorry for asking this from you. You’re such a strong little girl. You’re more than I deserve.”
Ruth Shook her head hard and said, “No, Sir! That’s not true!”
“Shhhh. Don’t say anything else. You’ve said more than enough.”
“Please, Sir. One more thing?”
“Sure, little girl. What is it?”
“Can you do this on your own? I don’t want to think about not being able to help you.”
Tom pushed his cheese against Ruth’s head and took a deep breath before he said, “If that’s what you want, then that’s what I’ll do.”
My name is Alex. Caucasian female, feisty redhead, 21 years old, straight. Looking for experienced player capable of taming her in power exchange activities. Candidates need to be in shape. Be warned that nobody has tamed me without restraints on my freedom. If you can cope with me, I promise you won’t forget me. I can be enthusiastic… Open to many things. Afterwards, I enjoy something less intense and more relaxing. Contact by letter, through the paper.
Hello Alex,
My name is Tom, I’m 29 years old, and I have dark brown eyes, black hair, I’m six feet tall and I’m in shape. I’ve included a recent picture, and I can send more. If you’d like to answer me, there should be a stamped and addressed envelope attached to this letter.
I enjoy reading, a variety of music types, decent food and drink and anything that can capture me really. We’re not joining for simple fun and games, so for me it’s important that we hit it off. In order for me to find out if we are compatible, I need to get to know you. There’s no doing this lightly, too many delicate factors are involved.
I’ve been a player for two years now, my first months I spent as a bottom. It teach me to understand the submissive better, and I’m thankful for the experience. Since then, I’ve practiced my skills as a dominant under the guidance of more experienced players. I’m currently building up a long-term relationship with an incredible sub, but scenes containing strong reluctance aren’t something she’s comfortable with. It’s not in her nature to fight me, and I don’t want to force her to do so. That’s why I responded to your add.
I would like you to read the following excerpt from the rules that had to be agreed upon before signing our Contract.
What I want with My service is a stable, open relationship that is adventurous, fun and caring. In case My servant cannot meet one of My needs, I will search for another service to fulfill it, so I can focus more fully on the part of My needs that is relevant to My service when I am with her. I do not wish for a second full time responsibility. As such, My time spent with the other service will be limited and will not intrude on My guidance of My service.
I’ve talked this over with my sub and she has agreed to let me work out what I can’t share with her.
I’ve done reluctance scenes in the past, though not many. Still, I’m confident I can handle your demands. I’ve practiced Krav Maga for 4 years now, it’s a military form of martial arts that’s very effective in rendering others incapacitated.
I have a few assumptions about you. You want to be overpowered and used, roughly and violently. You want to feel helpless after resisting with all your might. You want to feel alive by enduring this kind of treatment, and you want to conquer the fear associated with it. And lastly, you want to be left satisfied and well used. If these sum up what you desire, then I can help you. If not, then there’s no need for you to reply to this letter. I will not do what I have in mind with someone who can’t handle it.
When we meet, I’ll have a call-in procedure in place for at least the first few times. I suggest you also set this up. Safety is important, so my place has all the necessary equipment to deal with a variety of circumstances. If we hit it off, and we decided to get rough, I can even teach you a few things to reduce the risks involved.
Forgive me if I sound formal, but I want everything to be very clear.
My regards,
Hi Tom,
My name is Alexandra, but I prefer to go by Alex. You know a little about me already, but let me introduce myself anyway. I’m 21 years old, Caucasian, and I have heavy, dark red curls. I included a picture with the letter so you can see for yourself. It might come as a surprise, but I’m in my third year as a mathematics student. My late grandfather was a professor in Russia before my family came to Belgium, and I inherited his password for maths. I live in a dorm year round, so any play will be easier at your place.
You wrote a good letter. It made you seem honest and trustworthy, with just enough edge to it to make it interesting. But still, words are only words. Show me how you’d play with me by writing a little story in your next response.
I’m up for a lot of things, but I know from disappointing experiences in the past that what I ask for is hard to give. Your experience is the biggest reason why I replied to your letter. Most of the responses I get are pathetic. I can almost see them jerking off after they finish their drive.
You being in a committed relationship and the way you talk about it in your letter somehow convinced me you want what I want. You can’t do serious, and I don’t want serious. What I want from you is exactly what I put in my advertisement. I wantto be surprised, then I want to fight and lose and in the end I want to be forced to do despicable things.
Don’t try anything with shit or animals or anything disgusting like that though. I just want encouragement, surprising and very satisfying versions of normal things. Things that get my blood pumping.