Wife's BDSM Scene Ch. 02

WARNING– This story concepts bdsm especially electrosex engaged in by a slut wife. The bdsm is extreme with an emphasis on the S&M. If you are squeamish or cannot handle rough stories please read something else. The wife in this story is used and abused by men other than her husband and by some women as well. If you are looking for the monogamous couple spicing thing up with each other type of story while rainbows and butterflies appear overhead there are a few good ones that were recently posted. This is not one of them. The husband is not a cuckold and there are no cream pies. If any of that is not for you then please move on and read something else and spare me the comments that show you were unable to even comprehend this first paragraph. I purposely typed this paragraph slowly so that those who persist in posting and sending children comments can follow it better.

Reading Chapter 1 in its entirety is recommended and if you cannot do that please read at least the last portion of Chapter 1 for context.


The crowd fell largely silent as everyone knew that the serious part of Ann’s bdsm session was at hand.

I could see Ann’s breasts rising and falling as her breathing quickly and she waited nervously. Because of the blindfold, I could not see her eyes.

Paul twiddled with the control unit and the voice into, “Program selected. Please enter starting power level.”

Paul pushed some buttons and the voice responded, “Starting power level of 35 selected. Please enter maximum power level.”

When she heard this Ann flinched as she knew that Paul was starting her off with a moderate power level and that there would not be a gentle buildup.

“Maximum power level of 65 selected. Please press ‘enter’ to confirm selections and to initiate program.”

I could see Paul’s fingers move on the control panel and the voice said, “Program time set. Program sequence commencing in five, four, three, two, one.”

“Aieeeee,” Ann wailed as the first jolt of current flowed into the clamp fastened to her clip. She was not only surprised by the jolt but by the intensity of the feelings she experienced because Paul had not previously used the clamp on her clip. She had worried about how her very sensitive clip would deal with having current administrator to it directly and now know that her fears were justified.

The power level held steady for about 30 seconds and then the clamps attached to Ann’s pussy lips came alive and she grunted as the sensings to her nether region increased.

About another minute later current started to flow to the massive dildo buried to the hilt in Ann’s pussy. You could see her hips move as the stimulations increased because now her clip, pussy lips and cunt were all receiving current.

“Oh my gawd,” Ann exclaimed, “it feels like it is fucking me.”

The dildo was indeed fucking Ann in a manner of speaking. Unlike the one Paul used on Ann when he demonstratedthe equipment this dildo had electrons that went around its circuitry like a series of rings with small spaces between them. The rings ran the full length of the dildo. The electrons could be made to pulse together or in a pattern and that pattern was now running from bottom to top and back. The current started at the lowest ring and then moved up the full length of the dildo and when it reached the top would reverse and move down until it reached the bottom.

Because of the blindfold Ann could not see that there was also an electronic display hanging above the back of the benchmark to which she was tethered. The display showed the intensity level and it currently read 35 meaning that the power had not increased from the initial level.

The electronic fucking that Ann was getting was apparently having an effect because she was moaning and her breathing had become very rapid. I could see that she had developed a pinkish flush across her breasts as well.

Despite beingRestrained as she was I could see that Ann was managing to move her pelvis up and down just a bit perhaps in time with the undulating pulses that were now course through the walls of her cunt. Her moans were becoming more audible and frequently.

In another minute the butt plug came alive and it too had the ring type of electronedes on it. The part of the butt plug that was in Ann’s ass was about six inches long which made it as long as an average sized cock although it was significantly thicker.

“It’s fucking my ass now,” Ann cried out.

Even at a still moderne power level Ann was already getting quite a workout. The current was flowing into the clamp on her clip and into the ones clipped to her labia. The dildo and butt plug were pulsing and sending the current up and down their length making Ann feel as though she was getting fucked by the current.

Ann was clearly approaching what would be an earth shattering orgasm.

“Power level increases in five seconds,”The voice into and Ann was so engrossed in what was happening to her ass and pussy that she did not hear the announcement.

The five seconds passed and the display showed that the power level had started to increase with it moving up one unit every ten seconds. It took about four jumps before it finally registered on Ann and she said, “Oh, no more, too much.”

The device that was supplying the power was oblivious to her words and the power continued to increase until the display showed 45. Ann continued to be more vocal until she felt that the power had stopped increasing and had stabilized at a higher level that although more intense was not painful.

“My ass and pussy feel so tight I think they are going to explode,” Ann said in the general direction of Paul.

“The current causes your muscles to contract and that makes your ass and pussy construct around the probes inside of you,” Paul replied.

“The toys that are inside of me feel so fucking huge I don’tKnow if I can take them for much longer,” Ann said.

“You’re going to have to because you have a long way to go tonight before your sessions are over,” Paul said. Ann just whimpered in response.

Apparently Ann had gotten used to the higher power level and got back on her path to an orgasm. Her hips continued their tiny oscillations and her nipples had become fully erect. I saw that goose bumps had started to form on her breasts and that was always a sign that Ann was close to cumming.

Another minute went by and Ann crept ever closer to her reward. She humped her hips as far as they would move a couple of times violently and on the last undulation she exploded into a mind shattering orgasm.

She continued to spasm and convulse for almost a minute before she calmed down a bit. The current, however, continued to flow and as Ann’s cunt walls get even more sensitive after she has had an orgasm she was quickly on her way to another.

This pattern continued for anothe couple of minutes and it seemed as though Ann had what could be considered to be a five minute orgasm because she never fully came down from one before another one hit her. You could tell she was getting quite a workout as her head thrashed from side to side, her hands balled up into fists and her toes curled even in her CFM heels.

The spell was broken by the voice which said “Power level increases in five seconds.”

As before, if Ann heard the announcement it did not register but the effects of the increase certainly did. This time the unit did not go up in single increments every few seconds. Instead the power level jumped from 45 to 55 in one step.

Ann shrieked as the power hit her nether regions.

“Stop, stop, it’s tearing me up inside,” she cried.

“Please, please, my ass and pussy are on fire.”

No one responded to Ann’s pleasures and because of the blindfold she did not even know where Paul was on the stage. Ann was essentially alone, just her andthe current which continued to flow unrelentingly into her clip, pussy lips, ass and pussy.

Ann thrashed about even more violently and tried Valiantly to break free of her bonds but she was stuck fast. Her cunt and ass tightened even more with the increased current and now had a death grip on the huge dildo and plug that were ensconced inside of her.

Paul walked over next to Ann and took one of her nipples in his fingers. “Just say the word that you want these pierced and I will shut it off,” he said to Ann.

“No, no, please I will do anything but that.”

“Then we keep going, Ann. You know what the way out was before we started.”

Just then the voice interrupted with “Power increase in five seconds.”

“Nooooooooooo,” Ann wailed and her cry got louder as the power flowing into her increased from 55 to 65 percent.

Beads of sweat had broken out on Ann’s forehead and a few strands of her hair began to stick to her face as she continued to thrash aboutviolently.

In addition to the increased power the pattern also changed. The butt plug and dildo still fucked her electronically but the current to her clip and pussy lips oscillated and switched on and off. Each time the current hit her clip Ann yelped.

Ann’s toes curled tightly and her hands shot open and closed as the current continued to course through her emrith body. She knew there was no escape and began to sputter as the pain in her nether region continued.

It did not look as though Ann would come again as the current level was too high and she did not feel pleasure only pain.

“Please, how much longer?” Ann asked in a weak voice.

Hearing no reply, Ann tried again, “How much more do I have to take?”

Paul did not respond and Ann was again alone with her mind racing trying to deal with the sequencing pain while she wondered whether it would continue for seconds, minutes or hours more. Ann know that her session was to run for at least three hoursand she figured that she had been tethered to the benchmark for something less than an hour. Paul couldn’t intend to leave her this way for another three hours she wondered. Or could he?

Ann fight to get her mind to disconnect from her body, to go to a place other than the one where there was a constant sering pain flowing through her most private receipts. Sometimes she succeeded for a few seconds and then was snapped back to the reality of her situation as the current continued to pulse up and down the dildo and butt plug and savagely into her clip and pussy lips.

The pain and the exercises of her struggles were beginning to get to Ann and she more and more just slumped on the benchmark and whimpered weakly from time to time.

“Program ending in five, four, three, two, one,” the voice into and Ann exhausted deeply as her body relaxed when the current stopped.

She just lay on the benchmark in silence reveling in the fact that for the first time in about 45 minutes she was not being shocked by electronedes buried deep within her or attached to her.

“That was a very good start,” Paul said as he slipped the blindfold off of Ann. She blinked as her eyes tried to get used to the bright lights that were bathing the stage.

“You will have one more session before your scene is finished,” Paul said and Ann realized that despite the temporary respite, her trials were far from over.

“Let me give you a preview of the next session,” Paul said and he pushed some buttons on the control panel. The display changed to 75 and a few seconds later Ann screamed at the top of her lungs as that power level hit first her clip, then her pussy lips and finally her ass and pussy. Paul left the power on for 60 seconds and Ann screamed virtually the entire time.

Even after the current flow stopped Ann continued to moan and I could see tears running down her face.

“Henry, why don’t you come up here and help Ann get loose,” Paul said.

Henry made hisway back up onto the stage and began to unclimb the restraints that held Ann fast to the benchmark. When the last one was free he helped Ann take her legs out of the stirrups that had held them wide apart and then got her up to a sitting position.

Ann just slumped back as she was still too weak from her ordeal to do more and she fell back against Henry’s chest. Henry caresed her hair and then began to gently massage her Shoulders. He next moved to her legs and starting at the calm worked his way up to her thighs. His ministries were apparently having an effect as Ann started to stretch and flex her limbs on her own.

“Please, take the clamps off,” Ann said and Henry gently laid her back down on the benchmark so that he would have access to the clamps.

Henry unclipped first the right and then the left clamp that were attached to Ann’s pussy lips. Ann jumped and cried out as the blood flow suddenly increased to areas that had felt the cruel bite of the clamps for almost an hour. She rubbed her pussy lips trying to dissipate the pain.

“OK, let’s get the last one,” Henry said and Ann knew that she was in for a jolt of pain when her clip was finally released from the clamp that has had its teeth in her most tender flesh for so long.

Henry reached between Ann’s legs with his right hand and Ann braced herself for what she knew would come. She gripped Henry’s left forearm with both hands and held on tightly.

“Eooooooooooooooooooooow,” Ann screamed as the blood flowed back into her clip. She quickly rushed to get her fingers back on that abused bud and started to rub it vigorously trying to get through the pain as her clip struggled to return to normal.

Henry saw what she was doing and moved her hands away and said, “I’ll do that.” He started to gently rub her clip and Ann showed as the pain in her clip dissipated slowly.

Paul interrupted them and asked if Ann wanted to take out the dildo and butt plug or whether she wanted to leave them in for the next session.

“Please take them out,” Ann replied, “I’ll be good and let you put them back in when the time comes.”

“Here, let me help you,” Henry said as he gently helped Ann draw her legs up to her chest. He undid the strap from Ann’s bondage belt that was holding the dildo in place and slowly slip it out of Ann’s pussy. It made a loud ‘thwack’ sound as it popped free. With the dildo gone Ann’s pussy divided open lewdly as it would be some time before it returned to normal having been stretched for so long by the massive dildo.

“Pull your legs up further,” Henry directed and Ann drew her knees closer to her chest. Henry took hold of the base of the butt plug and gave it a firm pull. It pulled out of Ann’s ass and she squealed when the fattest part went past her sphincter. Ann’s asshole also divided open evidence how much the butt plug had stretched her.

Ann let out a satisfied moan, relieved that her body was at least temporarily free from the clampsand toys that had been on and in her for so long.

“Thanks,” Ann said, “you’ve been so nice. Let me show my appreciation.”

Ann looked up and planted her lips on Henry’s and snaked her tongue into his mouth. They kissed for a few moments and Henry took the opportunity to once again fondle Ann’s tits and tweak her nipples.

“Stand up,” Ann directed and when Henry did Ann unbuckled his pants and pulled them down freeing Henry’s cock which was fully erect both from watching Ann’s first session and from handling her body while removing the toys and clamps.

Ann sucked Henry’s cock into her mouth and started to give him a blowjob.

She was just getting started when Paul said, “You get a 45 minute break and if you want to spend it sucking and fucking that’s OK with me.”

Ann had thought that she would outsmart Paul by taking time for extracurricular activities leaving less time for her torture sessions but that was not to be. As she had already started sucking HEnry she had no choice but to continue as she was now ‘on the clock’ in terms of how long of a break she would get.

Ann continued to suck on Henry’s cock and she reached up and played with his balls. This sent him over the edge and he noisily fired five or six shots of cum into her mouth. Ann swallowed and then sucked his cock to get any remaining cum and pulled her lips off of Henry’s cock. She swallowed again and got to her feet. She gave Henry a peck on the cheek and walked off of the stage and into the ladies room.

Ann took care of her needs and I was waiting for her with a drink outside of the door to ladies room. She took the drink and virtually cugged it down and asked for another.

“Wow, that was intense,” I said.

“You don’t know the half of it,” Ann replied. “I couldn’t believe how long and hard I came or how much it hurt when the higher power hit me. I don’t know how I can take any more than what I took already and the sample of the next session Paul gave me at the end was excruciating. It felt like everything that the electrons were touching was on fire.”

I put my arm around Ann’s shoulders and pulled her close. She molded herself against me and tried to get what comfort she could from the fact that we were together and that she still had some time before her ordeal resumed.

I walked Ann over to the bar to pick up the second drink we had ordered and she quegged that one down as well. Ann was clearly looking to get as much liquid courage as she could before going back for her second session.

It was about 20 minutes later when Paul came up to Ann and said, “Let’s go,” and took her by the hand and led her back up on the stage. I walked back and got a spot with a good view where I could see Ann’s second session clearly.

What I saw was Ann trembling slightly and as it was warm in the club I knew it was not from cold but from fear. I was not sure if Ann would get through another session but I figured if she faild she would have pierced nipples and a pierced clip which I always wanted her to have. If she got through it then I would enjoy watching her get worked over and reliving the experience on video for years to come.

“For Ann’s second session I am going to ask our door prize winner to join us,” Paul said, “Brian, come on up here.”

Paul had earlier met with Brian and Heather and set up With them that Heather would be the star of next month’s bdsm show doing essentially the same scenes as Ann. As a result, it was easy for him to rig the door prize drawing. Paul gave Brian and Heather their door prize tickets when they met and then ‘palmed’ the matching ticket when he drew the winner. Paul thought that Brian’s wife Heather was hot and he wanted to test her out at least a little tonight.

Brian had not been to the club previously so no one really knew him but Paul greeted him enthusiastically so people figured he was OK. Brian was about 6’1″ tall with blond hair and a somewhatmuscular build. He worked less bounded up on the stage taking two steps at a time and shook hands with Paul. Brian next gave Ann a peck on the cheek and pulled her closer to him. As he did I saw that his hands had slipped down and he had a hand on one of her breasts and the other was cupping her ass.

“Brian is a very lucky man,” Paul continued, “his lovely wife Heather has agreed to do a bdsm scene for his birthday next month. I met with them earlier this evening and set everything up. Heather, why don’t you come up here so you can get a closer look at what will be in store for you on your husband’s birthday?”

After seeing Ann’s first session Heather was starting to have misgivings about what she had agreed to do for her husband’s birthday but she loved him and wanted to act out at least one of his fansies. Heather slowly made her way up on the stage and Paul hugged her when she arrived and gave her a kiss on the lips. She was very pretty with an angelic, innocent faceand stood about 5’5″ with a little, slender body. Heather had wavy blond hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a tight, short skirt that clung to the curves of her grogeous ass and a filmy top without a bra as her small breasts and perky nipples did not need any additional support.


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