WARNING– This story concepts bdsm especially electrosex engaged in by a slut wife. The bdsm is extreme with an emphasis on the S&M. If you are squeamish or cannot handle rough stories please read something else. The wife in this story is used and abused by men other than her husband and by some women as well. If you are looking for the monogamous couple spicing thing up with each other type of story while rainbows and butterflies appear overhead there are a few good ones that were recently posted. This is not one of them. The husband is not a cuckold and there are no cream pies. If any of that is not for you then please move on and read something else and spare me the comments that show you were unable to even comprehend this first paragraph. I purposely typed this paragraph slowly so that those who persist in posting and sending children comments can follow it better.
Ann knew that sometimes the call would come but she was started when it finally did. We were just sitting around one evening watching some silly movie on TV when the phone rang. Ann answered it and although I could hear her talking I could not make out any of what she was saying. The call lasted for less than a minute and Ann came back into the living room after she hung up.
“Who was that?” I asked.
“It was Paul,” Ann answered in a quivering voice.
I immediately knew from Ann’s reaction that Paul had called to schedule the bdsm scene she had agreed to have with him as the price for his helping to arrange her black anal gang bang (See Wife Draws Cards-Nine of Clubs).
Paul was a dom who trained women as sex slaves and had wanted Ann to be in one of his bdsm scenes at a sex club we visited on occasion but she had always refused. Ann did let him fuck her once. Paul was a light skinned black guy about 6’2″ and 200 pounds. He was in his mid 30’s and worked out a couple of times a week so he was pretty sculpted.
Before getting on with the story let me describ my wife Ann for those of you who may not have read my other stories. Ann is 5’2″ and weights 115 pounds. She has brown eyes and medium length brown hair that at times looks reddish in certain light. Her skin is very pale and she has reddish freckles on her tits and shoulders. Her breasts are a natural B cup topped with light brown/pinkish nipples which get a little more than a half an inch long When she is aroused.
Ann has a very, very thin wait which gives her a classic hourglass figure and an ass to die for. She does not have any tattoos or piercings and now keeps her pussy shavled. We never had children so Ann’s pussy is nice and tight and there are no stretch marks. Ann has a killer smile and while she was in college finished as first runner-up in the Miss (fill in name of college cause I’m not going to tell you) competition.
“So when is it going to happen?” I inquired not having to ask what the call was about.
“A month from this Friday,” Ann replied.
IDid a quick mental calculation and determined that the date would be December 11th.
“Any idea what is going to happen?” I asked.
“No, Paul said he would send me an e-mail with some details. He did say that I would not have a safe word as I had not asked for one when I agreed to do the scene with him and that I would be shocked by some of the things that would happen to me,” Ann said.
“Hmmmmmm,” I muttered.
“I was hoping that Paul would forget the whole thing,” Ann said with a hint of trepidation in her voice.
We talked about things further and Ann told me that Paul had made her agree that if she did not finish the scene that she would have her nipples and clip pierced. That was the same forfeit that she was trying to avoid when she asked Paul to arrange for a group of guys to fuck her ass in order to win a bet we had made.
Ann went over to our bar and poured herself a healthy drink and said, “I am really scared about what Paul is going to do to me. Isaw how rough he was with the women in the other sessions we saw at the club and I was always glad it was not me on the receiving end.”
The next few days went by uneventfully although Ann did check her e-mail more often looking for the message from Paul. Ann said that her mind often raced with the possibilities of what she thought Paul would do to her and that despite her fear she became more and more turned on from the uncertainty.
Ann logged in to her e-mail account on Friday and saw that she had a message from Paul. It read as follows:
“Greetings, slave. In one month from today you are going to pay your debt to me and be the star of your very own bdsm scene. I have told many people about the upcoming event and you can count on at least 60 people being there. For a preview of what will be done to you visit the websites linked below. I will be in contact again.”
Ann clicked on the first link and was taken to a site where women were restrained and then pleasuredand tortured with electric stimulation. She watched wide eyed as the women on the screen compromised and cried and often screamed as their limits were pushed by more and more voltage. Ann was so engrossed in watching one of the videos that she did not notice that I had come into the office and was looking over her shoulder.
When the video ended Ann slumped back in the chair and brushed up against me and realized that she was not alone.
“I never knew that people did such things,” Ann said, her naïveté clearly showing.
Those of you who have read my other stories will be familiar with Ann’s sexual metamorphosis over the past twelve months from a typical wife to a slut wife who is now intent on making up for lost time as far as sexual adventures go. Based on where she came from it is not a surprise that she did not know about electronsex.
“There’s a first time for everything,” I replied making a mental reminder to cross electron sex off of the list of things that Ann had not tried.
Ann’s attention returned to the screen. She went back to Paul’s message and clicked on the other link he provided. That link took her to a website that sold e-stim equipment and described how it worked. Ann spent about an hour reading that site and looking at the equipment. She appeared especially interested in a dual channel control unit and she called me in to the office to have a look.
I read the description and saw that the unit had two separate outputs and that each could be varied in intensity from one to 100. There were a number of user reviews that said that steps one through 20 could barely be felt, steps 21 through 60 covered a range of stimulations, some pleasant and others painful, steps 61 through 70 were described as very intense and generally painful and steps 71 and above were described as being in the “don’t go there category.”
“What have I gotten myself into?” Ann asked rhetorically. “I know that Paul is going to take me to the limit and that if he has the control unit I just read about I will be in the steps above 71 for a part of the night,” Ann continued.
“Well, you can always cancel and do the forfeit of having your nipples and clip pierced,” I said.
“No, I cannot do that, my nipples and clip are just too sensitive. I know I would not be able to hold still while it was done and if I did not hold still I could get damaged in places a woman does not want damaged,” Ann replied.
“Maybe it won’t be so bad,” I offered, “After all, I doubt that Paul would turn it up to the max and just leave it there for a couple of hours.”
Ann did not seem consoled by what I said but as she had gotten herself into this situation she would have to get herself out.
The next week went by uneventfully although I did notice Ann again perusing the websites that Paul had directed her to review.
It was late Friday afternoon when Paul called and spoke with Ann. He told her he had something to show her and said he would be over about 7PM that night.
Ann objected saying she had plans to go out with one of her girlfriends but Paul told her she was his until the scene was finished and that she had to cancel her plans. He also told her that she was to greet him naked at the front door wearing only a pair of her CFM heels. Ann whimpered her agreement and hung up the phone.
We had a light dinner and around quarter to seven Ann went upstairs. She came down at five minutes before the hour naked as the day she was born except for a pair of black CFM heels. I told her to come over to where I was sitting. She walked over and stood by my side. I ran my hands over her ass and noticed that her nipples were hard. I moved my right hand up the inside of her right thigh and cupped her pussy. I was amazed to feel that Ann was absolutely oozing. If she were any wetter her juices would have been running down the inside of her thighs. I was just starting to finger her cunt when the doorbell rang.
Ann excused herself and went to answer the door. She opened the door and ushered Paul into the foyer. From where I was sitting I could see him run his hands over her nakedness pausing to evaluate her breasts, ass and pussy. She seemed to get weak in the knees when his hand disappeared between her thighs and I assumed he had slipped at least one finger into her already sopping cunt.
Paul picked up the bag he had brought with him and followed Ann into the family room where I was sitting. I stood up and extended my hand to Paul and we shook hands. I felt a hint of wetness on two of his fingers confirming that he had indeed fingered Ann’s cunt in the foyer. We exchanged pleasuresants while Ann stood there deeply with all of her charms on full display.
I wondered if Paul would want to fuck her this evening and knew that it would not matter as Ann and I had a strong relationship that allowed each of us to fuck other people but to make love only with each other.
As he placed the bag he brought with him on the coffee table Paul said, “I thought I would give Ann a preview of how her bdsm scene would go.”
Paul started to remove the items on the bag and when he placed the control unit on the table I could see that it did not look anything like the one on the website he had linked for Ann. He saw me looking at it and said, “I guess you did not know but I am an electrician engineer. I not only design circuits but I can build them as well. What you see is based on what was on the website but I have made several improvements.”
“The unit I built has six separate channels and unlike the model on the website the channels can be used one at a time or together in any combination or all at the same time. The unit has a dozen pre-set programs and new programs can be added easily. The intensity still goes from zero to one hundred but I increased the power by about twenty five percent so this baby should really pack a punch although I have not tried it allthe way on anyone yet,” Paul explained.
As Paul said this he looked over at Ann and both of us realized that Ann would be the guinea pig on whom Paul would try his new creation. From where I was sitting, I could see a shudder course through Ann’s shoulders as Paul’s words sunk in.
“Well, I wanted to come over to give Ann a taste of what electro sex is about so let’s get started,” Paul said.
Paul reached into the bag and took out a very large anal plug, larger than any Ann had had inside of her before. Ann’s eyes widened as she considered the girl of the toy Paul was holding.
“Big, isn’t it,” Paul said when he saw the look of trepidation on Ann’s face. “I think we will save this one for your session,” Paul said and he reached into the bag and took out a more moderately sized butt plug.
“The reason I use large ones is because your muscles will contract when the current hits. The larger toys will fight against those contracts producing some of the most inten pleasure and pain you have ever felt,” Paul explained.
“Why don’t you come over here and we will begin,” Paul said to Ann.
Ann went over to where Paul was sitting and he said, “Get on your hands and knees, ass toward me.”
With Ann’s ass directly in front of him Paul took a tube of what we thought was regular sex lube but was actually conductive gel and squeezed out a good sized dollar and rubbed it around and into Ann’s asshole. Ann grunted as Paul’s fingers invaded her nethermost passage but she did not try to move away.
Satisfied that she was prepared properly Paul picked up the butt plug, spread more of the gel on it, lined it up with Ann’s asshole and pushed it home. Ann squealed as the thickest part of the butt plug pushed past her spincter and seated itself in her ass.
“OK, now get on your back,” Paul directed Ann and she quickly scooted around to comply with his directive.
Paul reached into the bag and brought out a large dildo. He smeared a coat of the gel over its length and set it aside. Like the butt plug it had glistening metal strips along its sides and wires with a connector coming out of the bottom. He inserted his index finger into Ann’s pussy and when he felt how wet she was he removed it and replaced it with the dildo which he slide in to the hilt.
Reaching into the bag again Paul pulled out a couple of clamps with wires extending from them. “Normally I would put these on your pussy lips and one on your clip but since today is just to give you a taste I will wait until your session to give you the full experience,” he said.
It only took a few moments for Paul to connect the wires protruding from Ann’s pussy and ass to the control unit. When he was satisfied the connections were all tight he plugged the unit in and turned it on. You could hear a low hum as the circuits came to life.
Ann just lay on her back with her knees drawn up and legs spread with her feet on the floor waiting for the first jolt to hit. She did not have to wait long.
“Here we go,” Paul said as he pushed a button on the control unit.
“Ugh,” Ann grunted as the current flowed into her most private receptions.
Paul gave her a few seconds and then increased the intensity. The added current caused Ann to involuntarily lift her pelvis off of the floor an inch or two as the contractions in her ass and pussy grow stronger.
Ann’s breathing quickened and a light sheen of perspiration began to develop on her body. Paul played with the buttons on the control unit and was apparently varying the power levels. He did this for a few minutes and Ann was bouncing around the floor pretty good, writing and moaning and sliding her ass side to side and thrusting her pelvis up and down.
Paul fiddled with the control unit and said, “Let’s try one of the programs,” as he pushed a button on the unit he held in his hands.
The program he selected oscillated the pulses between the two probes inside of Ann and varied the intensity. Ann responded almost immediately and a low “Ooooooooh,” escaped her lips.
Paul let the program run for a few minutes and eventually Ann’s right hand came down and she started to finger her clip. Her moans grow louder and more frequent and you could tell she was getting close to an orgasm.
Not wanting to let Ann cum Paul pushed a button on the control unit and Ann let out a loud wail as a strong jolt arranged into her pussy and then into her ass and then into both at the same time. He gave Ann another strong jolt and then shut down the current.
Ann’s breathing was really rapid now both from almost having had an orgasm and from the shock of the strong jolts. Paul let her rest for about as minute and said, “OK, you have felt the pleasure side of electron sex; let me give you a taste of the other side.”
“This next program starts with a modern level of current and then increase it by one unit every five seconds,” Paul explained,as he set the controls to activate only the dildo.
“Oh my gawd,” Ann exclaimed as the first stronger jolt of current hit the sensitive walls of her pussy. In five seconds the sensing increased as it did five seconds after that.
Ann started to open and close her hands and to oscillate her hips from side to side. She continued to moan and cry out each time the current increased.
After about a minute she began to pound her fists on the floor and to beg saying, “Please, no more, turn it off.”
Paul ignored her pleasures and let the program run for another thirty to forty seconds. Ann could not take any more and finally her hands went down to her pussy. She started to feel for the wires to try to disconnect the dildo or to pull it from her body.
Seeing this Paul terminated the program and the current stopped. Ann just slumped to the floor and lay there with her eyes closed.
“That wasn’t bad,” Paul said, “You made it to almost sixty percent power.”
Annshuddered at his words because she knew that Paul would go beyond that level in her bdsm scene and that the worst was yet to come.
“Of course, you will be bound during the scene so we will not have to worry about your hands interfering with what will be happening between your legs,” Paul added.
He disconnected the wires and pulled the dildo and butt plug out of Ann and put them and the rest of his gear into the bag. Paul helped Ann to her feet and said, “The scene will be at the club on Friday, December 11th. Plan to arrive by 7:30PM. The scene will start at 9PM and consist of two sessions. Wear only a pair of heels and a trench coat.”
Paul picked up his bag and Ann escorted him to the door. As he was about to leave he paused and took Ann into his arms. He hugged her for a moment and then spun her around and held her with her back against his chest. He snaked his hand down to her still sopping pussy and began to finger her. She responded almost instantly and began togrind her pussy against Paul’s hand. A few seconds later she exploded into orgasm and Paul had to hold her up to keep her from falling to her knees. He gave her a few moments to recover and then gave her a peck on the cheek and walked out the door saying, “See you on the 11th.”
Ann walked shakily into the family room and saw that I had stripped and was standing in the middle of the room. She walked over to me and we kissed and then I gently pushed her to her knees. Ann sucked almost the full length of my cock into her mouth and I damn near lost it right then. I ignored control and let her suck my cock for a while.
I pulled her mouth off of me and helped her to her feet. I guided her behind one of the leather sofas and bent her over the back. With her CFM heels her pussy was at just the right level and I pushed my cock into her in one thrust. We fucked hard and fast and Ann came twice before I blew my load deep inside of her.
As we came down Ann said, “Hmmmm, seems like watching Paul work me over turned somebody on.” She then gave me one of her killer smiles that never fails to light up the room.
The next week went by normally and Ann and I made love a couple of times. Each time she hugged me closely when we were done as if she wanted to feel protected.
I was in bed on Saturday night reading a book when Ann got into bed and slide beside me. “Hold me,” she said as she snuggled closer. I drew her closer to me and gently caressed her hair.
After a minute she said, “I am so scared about the scene at the club. When Paul had the power up it felt like my insides were being priced by a thousand needs and then it felt like the walls of my pussy were on fire. He said that he only went to just below sixty percent power. I know he is going to go beyond that during the scene and I don’t know how I will be able to take any more.”
I continued to hold Ann and stroke her hair. After a few moments she continued, “I also can’t imagine what it will feel like when Paul puts clamps on my clip and pussy lips and shocks me there because you know how sensitive my clip is.”
I moved around a bit and kissed Ann gently on the lips. She responded with her tongue and it was clear that she wanted to make love. I moved my free hand down to her pussy and found it was drenched.
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