Pierced – A BDSM Fantasy


Tamsin woke up lazily. For a few moments she could not actually remember where she was.

Her surroundings were unfamiliar and she rarely remembered she was not in her own house. She leaned up on one elbow and scanned the room. It was a nice clean bedroom, painted in white. The matrass felt quite new and the sheets and covers were milky white. She Remembered more clearly now. This is Gavin’s house. She stayed at the house for three weeks now but never stayed in this room. She slowly rolled over towards the window and took in the view outside. She presumed she must be on the first floor.

The light in the room was very bright, which made her think it was no longer early morning. There was no clock in the room, which made it hard to tell exactly what time it was. She couldn’t quite remember what had happened the previous night? Her memory was in a daze, as if she was seeing images through a fog.

As she shifted her weight she felt some discomfort in her posterior. Her bottom actually reached. Without looking, she nervously slide her hands down her buttocks towards her anus. As she got closer she noticed a sound. It was the jangle of a chain. She reached down behind her and found the chain. It was somehow attached to her! She carefully followed the chain closer to her own body and touched the metal base of some kind of ball-shaped device inserted in to her rear. She tried to grip the base and pull, but it was wedged in tight. There was no given to it at all. She hoped someone would come and help her remove it as she really needed to relieve herself. Her inflicted constipation was causing her a lot of disappoint.

She followed the chain over the mattress and noticed the chain had been padlocked to the right leg of the bedframe. She was actually locked to the bed with very little room for movement. She might have panicked but realized there was no need to be frightened. Gavin, her dominant master, always had plans for her,and he wouldn’t just leave her to second guess his next action. She was sure he would show up here in the next few minutes. At least she hoped so. Gavin did have ways of making her nervous and it was hard to tell what would happen next. Her experiences so far had been some frightening, but had always been pleasurable in their conclusions.

Tamsin tried to think and remember. Gavin and his friends had have played naughty games with her over the last few days. There are things that they had done to her that she could now barely remember. She started to remember the more dramatic and painful things he had inflicted on her. Chaining her to the wall, flogging her back, caning her rear, caning her feet, twisting her nipples, fingering her in vulgar manner, whipping her pale breasts and covering her breasts with lines and welts. Almost all of these small Injuries had faded now, leaving only two think pink diagonal lines on her breasts.

Gavin had given in to his sadistic streamk too much and caught her breasts twice with a cane. She had groaned and compromised in pain at the time, but she strangely remembered the painful episodes with fondness and pleasure.

It was strange to her, that even thinking of getting flogged or caned like that again, no longer filled her with dread. It started to make her a little bit excited. However, there were other tortures and treatments she had endured that were too humiliating and demeaning to think about. Like the ones she experienced last night. She quickly put them out of her head.

She leaned over on her back and made sure the chain ran clear from her behind. She started to explore her naked body. She spread her legs and bent her knees, so that the plug in her anus was given all the space it insisted on taking.

She felt and explored her breasts and looked for all the large and little changes to her body.

The most noticeable one were her nipple piercings. There was nothing pretty or delicate about them.A single piercing was a small block. It fitted together in two parts on either side of her distended nipple. It created a small hole in her nipple, a hole that would hold small weights or a lead clip.

The initial piercings to her nipples had been a bit painful, but the piercings of her nipples had healed well. She didn’t dare play or try and remove the small blocks. Gavin was in charge of that. She didn’t particularly like her nipples, but they were fun, and she hoped the piercings wouldn’t permanently damage her ‘little torpedoes’, as she called them.

The piercings were healing nicely and the holes would close if she ever decided to have them removed. She very much enjoyed being pierced all over. It made her feel very sensitive.

Tamsin continued to explore the changes that were made to her pussy. There were two small, but thick rings inserted in to the top of her outer labia. They held a third of her pussy shut, and made inserting fingers and toys hard, but not impossible. She felt for the piercing inserted in to her hood. She pulled at it playfully and loved how it always delicately landed on her clip. It feel very fine indeed.

She ran a hand up to her face and feel the black steel ring inserted in to the septum of her nose. She touched it carefully, sensitive not to hurt herself.

Her nose, nipples and pussy had all been pierced. She felt like a freak and it was her idea! Gavin had only listened to her fansies and assisted in her transition from fantasy to reality.

She had met Gavin through an online BDSM chatroom and had discussed her fansies of becoming a pierced sex slave. Gavin confessed to being a sadistic dominant and had patiently listened to her ideas.

Gavin had dispelled some of her silly ideas about BDSM and had explained about what made good practical sadomasochistic play and what didn’t. His explanations had made sense to her and he had dissuaded her from trying too much too soon. Gavin could be such a know-it-all, but he seemed to display sound judgment based on his own research and experience.

Their discussions were flirtatious, informative and fun. Gavin was fun to be around and was a fun natural teacher, even though Tamsin was quite sure she was older than he was.

She couldn’t believe what Gavin was explaining to her or what private secrets she admitted in sincerity to him. Her life so far had have been so careful and prudent. She knew she was missing out on something exciting. She shocked herself when she admitted to wanting to become a slut covered in piercings. Gavin had offered a helping hand by suggesting she takes a kinky holiday at his house so she could experiment in safety. He had suggested a 4 week long stay, and if things went well for everyone, possible longer. Tamsin was between jobs anyway and was not in a hurry to find yet another job that wasn’t a good match. She had been in the same job for 14 years and wanted a change. Her savings would support her for now andshe knew she could get another job quite quickly. Her experiences at Gavin’s house would help her clear her mind and help her revaluate her wishes and priorities for the next stage in her life.

Gavin had outlined his kinky wishes as well. He explained the things he was happy to do for her, as well as those things she wanted that he decided, and so the two kinksters started to negotiate. Gavin’s wishes sounded scary and strange, but somehow compelling. Tamsin desperately wanted some severe BDSM experiences in her life, and Gavin sounded like a responsible guide. Tamsin never thought she would have the nerve to go through with it. However, one tired and lonely Friday night, after half a bottle of wine, she decided to take the plumge.

Two weeks later, they went to a tattoo and piercings parlour and Tamsin was given her desired transformation. She was given advice on how let the piercings clean and had the piercings artist inspect her a few weeks later to make sure everythingwas as it should be. Gavin became her master and she became his slave, and they played. Softly and friendly at first, and soon their exchange became more painful and restrictive. She started posting Gavin pictures of herself, teasing him, and Gavin called her his ‘little pierced piglet’.

He was right, of course. The very thought of being treated like a beast, made her wet.

To be a household pet, that did what it was told and got fucked at intervals. What a wonderful thought.

As she groaned at her own dirty thoughts, she started to rub her pussy.

Just as she was getting in to it, there was a light knock on the door.

There was a moment’s silence, and then the door opened slightly.

A small brunette woman peaked in, and smiled brightly at Tamsin.

She said; “Good morning, sleepy head!”.

The brunette was dressed in a figure-hugging leather dress and smart leather boots.

Her face was petite with a soft bob of well-cut brown hair.

Shedropped a large duffel bag on the bed, next to Tamsin.

The brunette’s name was Michelle and she and Tamsin has met many times before.

She was a friend of Gavin’s and now Tamsin’s friend too.

Gavin and Michelle managed a small management consultancy business as a well as operated a professional BDSM dungeon together. Michelle had explained the dungeon had started as a joke and that the two of They needed an outlet for frustration. They researched the possibilities together and soon found that starting a BDSM enterprise together was a really possible. So they took the plumge six years ago. Tamsin tried to ascertain whether Michelle and Gavin had ever been an item together or how far their past might go. Michelle was quite open and friendly, and free in answering any of Tamsin’s questions. However, whenever Tamsin’s questions got too personal, Michelle stopped responding or changed the subject. Michelle was always very friendly but could also be very stern and reserved.She never wasted much time and could be described as impulsively creative in BDM play. Michelle could be described as petite and cute, with a large set of healthy teeth and large fabulous brown eyes. She liked to smile and laugh. She also liked to inflict excruciating pain on her slaves by, for example, sinking her teeth into the shoulders and breasts of her slaves, as she did with Tamsin.

Michelle giggled; “If you’re good, we can get you cleaned up and ready for this afternoon? Gavin is having some visitors over for some late lunch and he’d like you to be there.”

Michelle grabbed hold of Tamsin’s chain and slowly started to pull it. The plug was applying pressure on Tamsin’s rectum. Tamsin protected; “Hey, hey, hey?! Wait now! Don’t do that!”

Michelle laughed cheerfully; “Come on then. Let’s get that plug removed and you cleaned up. Get on your knees and point your butt at me”. Michelle pulled a small key out of the bag and inserted it in to a small hole in the plug.It clicked into the lock of the plug. Michelle slowly turned the key a full movement clockwise. When the key no longer turned, Michelle got a full grip of the base of the stainless steel plug and pulled. Tamsin squealed and squeezed her eyes shut. The plug put up much resistance, surfacing from Tamsin’s tight rectum but it eventually appeared from her rear with a resounding squeelch. She held up the device so that Tamsin could see. Michelle smiled; ” See? It’s a Pear of Anguish. Look, it has three parts that open and close. They were open inside you and I closed the Pear to be able to pull out. Cool, huh?”

Tamsin’ eyes widened and she gasped; ” Why do I not remember? That…thing…was inside me? How did I not notice you put it in?”

Michelle; “It go pretty hot and horny last night. You had a nice sub-space episode and I decided to fit the Pear inside you while you ass was nice and stretched and lubricated.

It went in like a dream.”

Michelle laughed again; ” Okay, no more questions now. You’re free nowto go poo.

Go ahead. The bathroom is down the hall and to the left. Go now and have a shower. Don’t make a mess!”

The naked Tamsin ran for the door and thought; “Bloody Michelle, she thinks she’s so very funny. Oh my God, …I really need to go. Where is that bathroom?”. Her piercings glittered in the sunlight coming from the windows, as she ran.


When she returned to join Michelle she felt a lot better. After ‘doing her business’ and having a long warm shower, she felt a lot more comfortable and awake. Tamsin couldn’t help holding her buttocks in her hands, as she walked back to her bed room. She had a towel round her waste and one around her hair. Her rectal muscles had been stretched and her anus was still dilating with the sudden exercise Michelle had performed on it. It remained quite painful. Tamsin knew she would get no sympathy in this house. Michelle and Gavin would only take a mental note of her reactions, so that they could gauge who she might react in kinky games in the future.

Tamsin was tall active blonde at 42-years-old and she stood at least a foot taller over the 31-year-old Michelle. Tamsin’s opinion of Michelle was that she could be your best friend or your worst enemy. She was a very talented and experienced dominatrix with years of practical study in sadomasochism behind her. In Tamsin’s mind, Michelle resembled a horrible and remorseless pixie from a Guillermo del Toro movie.

As Tamsin stood alongside the young dominatrix, she noticed Michelle was unpacking clothes and was neatly laying them out on the bed. “Oh my god, are these for me?”

Michelle said; “Yep, let’s get you properly dried and then lubricated. Then we can start putting it on you, okay? We’re racing against the clock just now. We have an hour and a half, before our guests get here, so I don’t want too many questions today. Okay?” Tamsin nodded nervously and straightened up, as Michelle squeezed a good sized bowl from a bottle of lubricant on to her hands.

After Michelle had covered Tamsin’s chest, back and arms in water-based lubricant, she stretched a latex dress over Tamsin’s shiny body. It was a good tight fit, even though it Tamsin was doubtful at first. The hem of the skirt was frilled and very short. It barely covered Tamsin’s crotch and backside. It did completely covered her chest, stomach and back, but left little peek holes for her pierced and very erect nipples. The onyx-like shine of her nipples was very noticeable against the sleek black of her chest. This was an attractive point of focus on her latex-clad breasts. Michelle zipped the dress right up to the nape of Tamsin’s neck and then pulled the blonde submissive towards a large mirror in the corridor.

The corridor was well-lit and Tamsin could see herself from top to bottom. Her first instinct was to pull down the dress from the front and the back as the shadow of the skirt baRely hidden her buttocks and pierced pussy. Tamsin’s excerpted; “Oh my god, I look like a complete whore! A latex maid or…What did you call me the other day? A fuck doll!”

Tamsin couldn’t help examine herself all over. She turned this way and that, never taking her eyes away from the mirror. Michelle did the same, but in a more studious and discerning way. Michelle proceeded to spray the black latex with latex shine and poisoned every covered part of Tamsin’s sleep body, not missing a single spot. “We aren’t quite done yet”. Michelle applied dainty kinky boots to Tamsin’s feet. They almost resembled ballerina shoes. The heels were very long. Next, long latex opera gloves were pulled over Tamsin’ arms and reached right up to her shoulders. Michelle squeezed the gloves tightly on to her fingers and smooth out any creams.

Michelle; “Ooft, nearly there! Final touches!” Michelle braided Tamsin’s long blonde hair in to a single long thick pig-tail. Instead of having it start at the base of her skull, Michelle brained the hair almost at the centre of Tamsin’s crown on the top of her head. Tamsin had to admit it was an odd place the pig-tail.

Once the pigtail was in place and very tight, Michelle pulled the pigtail through the hole of a latex hood. The hood descended over Tamsin’s face and slipped tightly over her neck. The face of the hood was open, but the rest of her head was very much covered. Her beautiful face was smartly and tightly framed by the hood. The tight pigtail was free to run the contours of Tamsin’s scalp as she moved. The pigtail often set itself on the left or right of her head. Michelle sprayed and poisoned Tamsin’s hood and was careful not to spray Tamsin in the face. Michelle often shielded Tamsin’s face with her other hand. Michelle applied some make up on Tamsin’s flushed and embarrassed face. Michelle applied some foundation, some very dark lipstick and some understated eye shadow. Tamsin couldn’t resist taking a break to look ina mirror. She started to like what she saw in the mirror, and did not recognize herself at all. She thought that maybe it might be time to take on a different person to go along with this new look of hers? She told in excitement and started to blush in a mixture of shame, embarrassment and arousal.

Michelle rested her hands on Tamsin’s shoulders; “Still feeling okay, all ready to proceed with the next step?”

Tamsin tried to snap out of here reverie and smiled; “Yes sure, can you tell me what happens next? What is this all for?”

Michelle put her hand on Tamsin’s shiny black head; “Of course. We are having friends over and we would like you to help with the catering and entertainment”.

Tamsin’s brow created in consternation; “Will it be hard? What if I cock it up?”

Michelle lazily played with the pigtail; “I wouldn’t worry. You know the rules already. No eye contact. Polite minimal answers. Mind your language please. Mind your posture. Try not to trip over those boots. You just need to stand to attention when you are not needed. Just relax and listen. There will be no punishments for you today, but don’t quote me on that.”

Michelle pulled a long steel chain from the bag and asked Tamsin to stand up. Michelle smoothed out a final cream and casually attached a red leather dog lead clip to Tamsin’s two vaginal piercings. To Tamsin, the click of the fastening sounded so loud that it made her head swim. She bit her lip and drew a deep breath. Michelle smiled and was similarly turned on by Tamsin’s predicament. Michelle tugged on the chained; “Let’s go then.”

They walked through the corridor on the first floor. Two ladies in sleek black attire, one following the other. Michelle had the rest of the chain resting over her arm and didn’t so much as pull the submissive as leading her by keeping the chain at a good length from Tamsin’s body. Tamsin would come along, and there was no need to pull. The chain was purely symbolic of Tasmin’s submission to the House. Gavin’s Play House of Kink.

They slowly walked down a wide and winding stair case. A tall man stood at the bottom of the stairs. He was wearing a light grey suit, a black leather belt, a burgundy tie and a white shirt. He had short light-brown hair and a light tan. There was nothing special in the way he looked. Nothing discernible from a distance. He was Just a fashionable young man who could have worked in high finance. It wasn’t until Tamsin got closer she realized what she liked about Gavin. He had large expressive eyes that promised mirth, intelligence and close attention to whoever he talked to. His eye colour was very pale blue and his eye lids were always very narrow. His smiles always showed a wide mouth with health teeth and prominent incisors. Gavin laughed; “How are you, Tamsin? Did you sleep well?” Tamsin embarrassed herself by instinctively reaching for her backside; “Hmmmm, not really, Gavin,…Master, sorry. I had a massive piece of steel wedged up my ass.”

Gavin snorted and guffawed. Michelle had to stifle a laugh as well. Gavin composed himself again and looked Tamsin in the eye and smiled. “Turn for me please?Oh, thank you. You look amazing. Good job, Michelle. How does it feel?”


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