Wife Writer Ch. 06

Lori felt horrible after they left. She was angry with herself for not being able to refuse Josh’s wishes. She was drained both emotionally and physically, walking on autopilot as she cleaned the evidence of her debauchery.

She took a long shower, trying to wash the memories of her humiliation from her body. It did not work. As the water pelted her body she decided to ask David to have Josh leave. If she didn’t This could only snowball into larger problems for her. Lori hated herself, for during all this sensible planning, her mind kept flashing to Josh’s cock and wondering when she would finally feel it.

She dressed in one of David’s favorite dresses, a sexy mid thigh flowered print. Even though Josh had told her he would not be back, she finished the outfit with the still slightly damp heels.

She made a light tuna salad for the two of them to share and opened a bottle of Riesling. When David arrived he was surprised to find Lori dressed up. He again flashed to the heels, knowing how she loved to be barefoot he figured this must be Josh’s doing.

They talked about the kids, their days; both not mentioning meetings with Josh and finally David spoke of his trip.

“Lori, Helen’s mother is very ill. She is not expected to last the week. John and his family have left for the east coast. I need to take his place and complete a huge deal with the Japanese. I Leave for Tokyo on Friday.”

Lori’s mind was processing thousands of scenes and she knew she could not be left alone with that boy.

“Take me along, David. You know how much I love shopping over there. It will be fun, we can have an early celebration of our twenty fifth anniversary,” she pleased.

“I would love to, Lori but I will be in meetings nonstop and you know the Japanese. Wives are not allowed at the dinner meetings. You would be bored. You can’t shop for two weeks straight. Besides doesn’t Sam get back from Chicago next week?”

She had forgotten, their sonSam was coming home for a few days before he left again for a hiking trip in the Grand Canyon. One of them should be home to greet him. Josh. What about Josh?

“David, please. I am bored around the house. So let me be bored in Japan. Sam will be OK without seeing us.” She tried to not sound desperate.

Guilt, began to inch its way into David’s mind, until he flashed on Lori’s stomach, pregnant with Sam, covered in another man’s cum and the words ‘Cum Slut’ written across it. She deserved no easy way out. If she cannot say ‘no’ to a boy, her son’s age well so be it!

“I’m sorry Dear. The arrangements have all been made. I spoke with Sam today and told him you’d be home. I explained about Josh staying with us and asked him to show him around. If They hit it off, maybe Josh can join him on his hike. That would leave us alone for our anniversary.” David decided to test her, “is there something bothering you? If Josh being here is a problem, just tell me.”

Lori sat tHere for a few seconds. This is what she wanted! Her chance at riding herself of temptation. Then she thought how she hadn’t felt so alive as she did today, since Frank died. She really should be home to see her son, she lied to herself.

She looked up and saw David waiting for an answer, “No, he’s just like one of the kids. I hardly know he is here.”


The next day David met Josh briefly at the coffee house. He gave him his written recommendations and told him his son would be by for a few days towards the end of the following week.

“If, you..well if you have succeeded with Lori, when Sam is here I want you to leave her alone. He will find out, he needs to know his Mother’s character, but I want him to hear it from me. Understand?’

“Sure, no problem,” Josh was getting irritated by David’s condescending attitude.

“Listen, I am serious Josh. I will ruin you if you go there. Believe me, I can!”

“I am sorry, Mr.Fasio. I understand, besides I am pretty sure this isn’t going anywhere between her and I, ” he lied.

Ruin me, you asshole, he thought. Maybe I will let your precious son see, first hand, what type of wife you have. Josh thought of placing some wireless cameras around the patio. A little insurance against this prick might be in order. He may not care what happens to his wife, but I am not so sure he would feel the same way about his son. He knew just the store to pick up what he needed to make his laptop a surveillance center.


The rest of Thursday Josh spent shopping and hooking up his equipment while Lori was at the gym. Lori and David went out to dinner and both spoke as if they had no secretes to hide. When they arrived home, David claimed fatigue and went to bed early. As his wife joined him in bed later on, he feigned sleep as she nestled up against his back.

They both laid in bed, sharing the warmth of their bodies andthe comfort of the familyarity that is only present after years of sleeping together. They both did off thinking about the future.

The car to the airport arrived to pick up David early the next morning. Lori’s hug and kiss seemed to linger longer than necessary and she felt a coldness from her husband’s smile and goodbye.

She walked back into her empty house and felt alone. She knew her future was stay across the patio in the pool house. Her body felt as it did when she knew Frank would soon be showing up. As if all the cells were electrified and put into hyper drive.

She loved David. She rationalized Frank and Josh as means to feeding a hunger she could not control. Maybe, if she satisfied her needs, with Josh, she could send him away and life could go on as it had throughout her marriage. Lori tried to block out the uneasy feeling she had. Josh was different than Frank. More dangerous and she could not deny the wetness thinking about it caused her.

The ring of her phone brought her back to reality. She knew who it was and did not try and fight the urge to pick it up.


“Good morning cunt.” She winced at the name and knew it fueled her desire.

“Morning, Josh.”

“I am sitting in my bed with a raging morning hard on. So I thought I’d call the slut next door.”

Trying to sound her sexiest, Lori replied. “Would You like me to come over and take care of your problem?”

Josh knew there was no question he could fuck this woman. To him, the challenge was to see how far she would degrade and abuse herself for that fuck.

“Well, Cunt, my problem is I have a piss hard on and I am too lazy to get up. So I want you, in your slut shoes and a tone to bring a cup over here. Better make it a big cup. You have three minutes.” He slammed shut his phone cutting the connection. He made sure the wireless cameras were recording and closed his laptop.

Lori looked at her watch and ran upstairs. She quickly removed the dress and bra she had been wearing and switched her panties with a black thong. The heels had been on since she awoke.

As she started across the patio, she remembered the cup and backtracked to the kitchen, grabbing a large beer glass. Her watch told her she had less then a minute.

Josh could hear her heels clicking across the terrazzo and wondered if the cameras would catch her bouncing boobs as she ran.

She entered into the pool house and noticed how dirty it was. Just like a boy to straight beer cans and dirty clothes everywhere. The door to the adjacent bedroom was open and she walked in.

“Just made it.” Josh swung his legs off the bed so he was sitting at the edge. “For the next week or so, we will be working a rewards program. Your job, Cunt, is to do whatever I want,” he laughed, a mean sinister type of laugh, “to earn this.” Josh jerked his cock up and down by flexing his ass muscles. It slapped against his firm belly.

“If you refuse me, therewill be punishment. Do you understand?”

What have I got myself into she wondered. Her body could not deny the excitement of his challenge. “Yes, Josh.”

“You are not a wife to me, a mother or a girlfriend; you are nothing more than a slut for me to use. If you walk out that door right now I could care less. You saw Kelli, she is much prettier and sexier than you. Now, do you really understand?”

“Yes, Josh I am your slut. I do not know why but for some reason I need you and will do whatever you want. All I ask is when this ends my family is left out of it.”

“I care even less about your family,” he lied as he thought of David and his pompous attitude. He would knock that bastard down a few pegs. He suddenly had an idea of ​​how to push her even more right away. If I can just hold off needing to piss for a few more minutes.

“David told me about Sam, he’s your oldest, right? Tell me about your daughter and both their ages.”

Lori did not like bringing her kids into this but did not want to upset Josh. “Sam will be twenty four and is finishing his Master’s. Suzi is nineteen and a sophomore. She is in Italy for the summer.” Thank god, thought Lori.

Josh looked at his watch, “You have eight minutes. I want you to bring both of their graduation pictures I saw on the piano here. I also want you to put on Suzi’s bra and panties. I went Through her room and there is some in one of her drawers.”

Lori could not believe him. He had been through Suzi’s things! She knew he had access to the house but didn’t think he had snooped around.

“Josh, Suzi is much more petite than I. Her clothes will be too small. Please do not get angry, but I do not feel right about involving my kids.”

He looked at his watch, “seven minutes.”

Lori stood there, she knew what would happen if she refused. This boy was going too far. She already said she was his to use, why did he need to complicate matters?

“Six minutes and counting. ShouldI start packing my suitcase?”

Lori put the beer glass down and turned and ran. She nearly feel as her feet slide on the tile floor of the living area of ​​the pool house. Quickly she crossed the patio and bounded up the stairs to her daughter’s room.

She pulled open her underwear drawer and grabbed at the first thing she saw. She knew Suzi didn’t wear sexy under things, or at least didn’t at home. Her daughter wa barely a size two and Lori knew she was at least thirty pounds larger than her. Her bra size was a full C and Suzi was barely and A cup.

The cotton panties with the small flowers were stretched beyond their normal limits as Lori struggled into them. When she tried on the bra she could not clasp it. Lori began to shake knowing her time was running out. She looked back in the drawer and Found a white sports bra and pulled it over her head. The elastic garment pushed tightly against her breasts.

Lori avoided looking in any mirrors as she ran into the livingroom to grab the photos. She arrived with seconds to spare and labored with her breathing from the run and the tight top restricting her chest.

Josh was pacing back and forth in the pool room living area. It dawned on Lori his movements were due to his need to relieve his bladder. His semi hard cock swung back and forth as he moved.

“You look cute, Lori. I wonder if that damp spot will wash out of Her panties.” Josh sat on the stool at the counter. He slide to the edge so his penis hung between his played thighs.

Silently Lori, with a picture in each hand, shrugged her shoulders asking Josh what was next.

Put a picture on each side of me on the counter. When you look up at me I want you to know your kids are watching their sweet mother.

Tears began to form in her eyes as the words cut to her soul. She walked over and placed Sam to the right and Suzi to the left. She remembered framing each of these photos after their high school graduation. She stepped back and saw Josh’s evil grin.

“Hurry, go get the glass.”

Lori’s footsteps echoed off the tile floor as she went and picked up the glass where she had left it.

“Kneel,” was the one word Josh uttered as he pointed to the floor in front of the stool. Lori drooped down, he knees feeling the cold hard surface. She sat back on her haunches and looked up at Josh. She could feel her children’s eyes on her as she waited for what she knew was next. Tears dripped from her cheeks and fell to her chest. Some hitting her skin and others her daughter’s bra.

In a moment of uncharacteristic gentleness, Josh grabbed a napkin from the counter and wiped the tears from her eyes, “Don’t cry, Lori. We both know you need this.”

She nodded her head and breathed in to stop the flow and stifle her dripping nose. The rough paper of the napkin wiped her red nostrils one last time.

He slide to the very edge of the stool and took his now erect cock and pushed its head downwards.

“This is why men never hit the target,” he laughed. “Put the glass up. Hold it with both hands, Cunt.”

She placed the lip of the glass below his pee hole. Her arms, bent at the elbows shook slightly as she waited. She could see him concentrate and knew he was having a hard time relieving his need. Seconds seemed like hours when finally Lori saw the small slit at the end of his cock open as if to speak. Then a yellow drop slowly formed and another and another as the flow began to drip into the glass.

The trickle became a stream and Lori was amazed at the warmth of the glass. The bubbles and deep amber color reminded her of a draft beer. The more he pissed the softer his dick became and soon its head hung freely into the glass.

Lori watched in some sort of perverted fascination until she saw the level begin to cover the head of His cock. If Josh did not stop soon the glass would overflow. Lori soon realized it was not to be when he spoke for the first time.

“Youshould have brought a bigger glass,” he chuckled. “Hold still.”

Soon the yellow liquid reached the lip of the glass and began to overflow. Lori sat still as she felt the hot flow start to cover her hands. It took multiple routes, some down her arms until dripping from her elbows to the floor and some directly fell to the tile and puddled below her. Next her knees felt the expanding puddle encase her skin.

Finally he stopped, Josh’s cock head still submerged had run dry.

“Put the glass down cunt.” he softly commanded. As she pulled the glass away the level dropped a bit below the edge of the glass once his cock broke free. She put the glass down in the middle of the puddle and looked up.

“Clean my cock. But don’t you dare touch me with your filter hands!”

Lori sat up from her haunches keeping her hands to her side. The room reeked of urine. The first of the day was always the most pungent.

Her face was now inches away from his head and it glistened in its wetness. Tentatively she stuck out her tongue and touched the helmet like head. The taste was acrid and salty. Her tongue began to lap at the head as it began to grow, Lori had waited so long for this chance and now she was wanted it no matter how gross the taste.

No longer worried about the cooling liquid she was kneeling in Lori eagerly sucked his manhood into her mouth. She revealed in its feel as it continued to grow and push towards the back of her mouth. She felt his hand reach to the back of her head and grab a shock of her hair. Using it as a guide her began to pump her head back and forth over his now raging erection. Lori allowed her neck to go limp and did nothing to resist the cock as it invaded her throat. She had learned years ago how to deep throat a cock and Frank had often fucked her face.

Saliva was driving from the corners of her mouth falling to the ground. She knew Josh couldn’t last long and did her best to swirl her tongue over his veined tissue as it pumped in and out of her mouth.

Suddenly his grunts became louder and she felt the first burst hit the back of her throat. Before another blast was shot, Josh pulled from her mouth. Tipping her head back he shot the next over her mouth watching it land across her eye and forehead. Next aiming lower her fired once, then again across her daughter’s bra. His last two, less powerful spasms, were deposited back on her face.

Pushing her head down so she was facing the floor Josh used her hair to wipe his cock clean. He released his grip and swiveling the stool to his right he stepped over the wet tile.

“Don’t move.” He left for his room and Lori, still looking down, was so on edge she would lay in this mess if Josh would allow her to cum.

He returned a few minutes later and told her to stand. Her knees ached and the cold piss on her knees ran down her legs. The cum on her face was cooling and oozing its way across her right eye and lips. Out of her left eyeShe could see Josh had put on some shorts and a T shirt. He was barefoot. That seemed weirdly amusing to her.

“I am going next door to cook breakfast. Clean this mess up, everything but you of course. I want you to smell the piss and cum while you straighten up my room. You have thirty minutes to clean the floor, fix my bed and put the dirty towels and any of my dirty clothes in the laundry room. Start a wash then meet me next door. This room better be clean or I’ll have you using your tongue on the tiles if it isn’t.” He turned to leave, stopping to pick up a pair of his dirty boxer shorts. Tossing them at her feet he added, “you can use those to wipe the cum out of your eye.”

Thirty minutes later, while sitting at the kitchen table finishing his coffee Josh saw Lori approaching. She looked silly in the tight cotton panties and stretched bra. As she got closer he could see the whitish traces of his cum on her face, hair and bra. She was holding both photos, using a towel to keep her piss coated fingers off the glass frames.

Josh smiled as she entered the kitchen. “Go put the pixs back where they belong.”

Lori returned a few minutes later and stood by the table.

“You stink. I am going to forgive your little earlier outburst about the kids. Lori, you will find I am a compassionate man.” His grin and condescending voice humiliated her even more than the fluids drying on her body. “I am sure, such a slut that you are, you want to cum. Well, if you continue to follow orders I am sure it will happen today. Maybe even more than once.”

Lori stood in her own kitchen, covered in piss and cum and wearing her daughter’s much too small under things while this child was lecturing her. “Thank you Josh. May I please go shower?”

She should have known by his smile that nothing today would be easy. He reached on the counter behind him and held a bottle of shampoo, a bar of soap, a razor and a washcloth. He held them out to Lori.

“Sure,I got these for you. Use the hose on the patio. Be sure and remove the stubble from your pussy. When you are done knock on the door and I will bring you a bath towel.” Josh added, “and Cunt, remember, no bare feet.”

Stunned, Lori grabbed the items from his outstretched hands. She turned and walked out the door, hearing it lock behind her. She approached the hose on the patio and removed the bra and panties. The cold water caused goose bumps to cover her body, yet did nothing to quell the fire raging inside of her. Josh watched from the window for a few minutes but soon walked away.

She held her armits, legs and pussy. It was difficult trying to hold the hose and razor and after a bit found it easier to just soap up, shake and then pick up the hose to rinse. She finished with her hair and gathered up all the items and headed to the house. The sun warmed her up and she hoped Josh would allow her to brush and dry her hair.

She knocked on the door and waited, and waitd. She could see from the window the television was on and she saw the back of Josh’s head. When his show went to commercial he got up and approached the door. Opening the door but leaving the screen closed he spoke.

“Lift up your arms, did you do a good job shaving?”

“I did my best, Josh.”


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