Pia Wants Her Lust Back Ch. 05

Some of the character traits of Pia and Greg from the earlier chapters – especially the first, ‘Pia wants her lust back’ (1)’ – could be helpful to enjoy this chapter even more.

If and how the story evolves depends also on your constructive feedback and your voting. So please don’t forget to vote.

I would like to thank my editor deadye_76 for his general support and advice.


Pia wants her lust back (5) – Greg gets used to his first whipping.

Encouraged by her first experience tying Greg up and using him to her satisfaction, Pia wondered, if there would be more in it for them, if they could get even further. She still had the business card from Lady Sarah, with the club she recommended to Pia, but had no idea how Greg would react.

When She mentioned the idea to Greg, he was a bit hesitant, but did not want to appear too prudish. Pia was the most attractive woman he could think off. And they both enjoyed their invigorated sex life. So, he was happy with what they had. But Pia was the person always pushing for change in their relationship, so finally, he accepted.

When they did arrive at “Torture Garden”, both where a bit nervous about what to expect. A tall good looking blond welcomed Pia and Greg at the entrance of the villa.

“Hi, I am Mag. Let me explain to you a bit about our club. On the first floor, you will find outfits for both of you and gadgets for your fetish. Second floor, you will find the center stage and the bar. We also offer finger food, and there will be a show every full hour on the center stage.”

“On the third floor, there are the public and private playrooms. It is OK to watch others in the public area, but you can only engage, if you get invited by those already interacting in the public area. If you engage Without invitation, you will be asked to leave the club.”

“If the private rooms show a green sign, they have been cleaned and you can enter them any time. If they show ared light they are taken already.”

“If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me or any other staff. They are easy to recognize by their name tags.”

And their ultra-short skirts Pia thought to herself. She had chosen a sexy leather dress. Greg was wearing black Jeans and a black shirt.

“I need a drink now,” Pia said to Greg. “I am nervous, too,” Greg replied.

When they entered the second floor, for the first time heads did not turn when Pia entered the public space. They were surrounded by all sorts of latex, very provocative cut out dresses, or gowns that clearly revealed the individual’s sexual preference. Many of the professional woman had not been shy in using any imagineable form of surgery and silica to enhance their appearance.

When Pia took a bit more time to look around, she remembered a sentence of Lady Sarah’s. If you believe you are beautiful, you are attractive for others. All the women here would not make it on the front page of a fashion magazine. But Pia rapidly identified three, that stuck out, but not because they were pushing their outfit to the limit. There were others that revealed more; but maybe needed to reveal more to be noticed. They stuck out to Pia because of their aura.

One of those ladies that Pia had noticed stood not far from them. Tight black over-the-knee boots and a body with perfect cleavage. Provocative – she could afford it – but not too much by Pia’s standards. Her hands and underarms were covered in silk gloves. Greg noticed that Pia and the woman scanned each other with their eyes. When Pia looked at Greg she wondered if he found her interesting as well, or if he would feel attracted by those who revealed the most.

Greg smiled. He noticed again that Pia would look more at women, than at other men. By his standards he clearly had competition. Well built, well trained, tanned, with shirts and trousers tight enough to show what they had. But when he observed Pia through the corner of his eyes, she did not seem too interested.

Greg started to look at the woman that had caught Pia’s attention. She was quite a sight. Her dress suited her well. Her cleavage could have been a bit deeper for a place like this – and would provide him with more ‘insight’, Greg thought.

Greg guessed that some help from surgery and silican had been involved. But she had something, and her appearance was Somehow likeable. Greg realized that he liked to look at attractive woman. However, he was not drawn to the point that he wanted more from her.

Greg could not imagine having sex in real life with any other woman than Pia, as long as they were together. However, not having a sexual thought when looking at other women would not be normal – at least in Greg’s mind.

Pia asked Greg. “If you were alone, which woman would you like to approach? The blond over there with her XXL-boobs?”

Greg knew he was on dangerous ground.

“I am not alone! I have you and so Ihave eyes for you only.”

“What a gentleman! But now don’t be a wimp. Which one would you like to meet.”

Greg pretended to look around for the first time. He discretely pointed out three to Pia. Two had been on Pia’s list also, and the woman nearest to them both had on their list.

Suddenly she came closer, looked at Pia and said: “Hi, I am Zoe. You seem to be known in this place.”

“Hi, I am Pia and that’s my husband Greg.” Pia moved closer to Greg to mark her territory.

Zoe continued. “I am not a full-time employee, but I come here regularly as I sometimes perform on stage. That’s why I don’t wear a name tag. But I noticed that you looked around like most novels, when they come here for the first time. At the beginning it might all be strange, but for most people here, it is an opportunity to live out their fans.”

“If you want to get closer to others don’t be shy, approach them with clear eye contact. They will react, if they want to get incontact.”

Pia asked: “So what are most people here for. Talking or living out their fansies?”

“You find both. Obviously here in the bar there is more talking, upstairs more living out your live-style,” Zoe responded, and continued: “What are you here for?”

Pia was hesitant about how much she should reveal to a complete stranger.

Zoe continued as Pia did not react: “I am only asking, so I might introduce you to others sharing similar passages. From your dress it is not clear what your preference is. Let me guess.” Zoe continued looking at Pia: “You are more on the dom side.”

Greg jumped into the discussion: “Sorry I forget my whip today.”

Zoe smiled very discretely, not unnotified by Pia. Pia added: “Ok, we are novels to this whole thing. After 30 years of marriage, our sex life needed a bit of a reset. So, we started to experiment a bit and enjoyed it. A bit of role play – agreeing who is in charge – but nothing extreme. We keep it in our bed roomand amongst us. I guess you would call it vanilla BDSM. Today we hope to get a bit of an inspiration.”

“So, my recommendation is, go upstairs and watch. Use the opportunity to check the stores downstairs. The staff is helpful and you can see and touch before you buy. And don’t miss the shows. I will be on stage at 7. Have fun.”

“Thanks for your advice,” Greg managed to say, before Zoe turned around and walked away to say hello to another couple.

Pia turned to Greg: “Have you seen anything that you like?”

“Something that I would not like for sure is the “Baby look” over there,” Greg said immediately.

“Glad I don’t have to wash nappies every day, but the dummy could be a nice soft gag,” Pia said with twinkle in the eye.

“Don’t push it too far. If I need to be gagged, gag me with something proper. A dummy is just too much for my ego.”

“Honestly, would you like me to gag you?”

“I don’t know. There was something I felt when I heard you moaning into the gag when I had you gagged. I am not sure that it would be nice to me.”

“Come on wimp. I have allowed you to gag me. If it’s all about balance in our partnership, shouldn’t I than get the opportunity to gag you?”

“Well, you didn’t have a vibrator in your ass, did you? I think We are even.”

“Please let me gag you. Please, please, please only once,” Pia pleased while struggling Greg’s cheats. She than kissed him.

“If I give you my finger, you’ll take my hand,” Greg replied in flirty way.

“If you give me one finger, I’ll take your hand, your arm, your body and your dick and I will not let you go!” Pia kissed Greg actively. She sealed his mouth and pushed her tongue deep into his mouth. Greg was surprised. Pia never kisses him with an intense kiss. For whatever reason she would use her tongue and mouth with great joy on every inch of his body, but not his mouth. He just wanted to hug her, press her more against his body and respond to her kiss, whomen she stopped. Greg looked at Pia questioningly.

“I wanted to make sure to every woman who you belong to. There are too many women with too little fabric running around. Don’t expect this to be a regular exercise,” was Pia’s answer – what a shade rushed through Greg’s mind – but Pia continued so change the subject: “Shopping downstairs or looking upstairs, or more G&T?”

“Let’s go upstairs,” Greg replied, feeling brave.

“OK, let’s go upstairs and find out if we better continue with our vanilla BDSM, or explore something new,” Pia responded.

“Do you think our sex is vanilla BDSM? How do we know, what other couples really do in their bedroom? Could it be, that we think porn films and Literotica-stories are the reality?”

“My always beloved husband; and my sometimes master and sometimes slave, to be honest I don’t care. My personal goal is not to win an ‘extremist BDSM’ competition. If others think it’s vanilla, but we love it as it is, what’s the problem.But ‘Fifty shades of Grey’ has stimulated many. Sales of cuffs, crops and whips have gone through the roof since those books have been published. Maybe we get something out of here, maybe not. There is no risk.”

“Did ‘Fifty shades of Grey’ stimulate you?”

Pia’s answer was short: “No.”

“Me nether,” Greg added. “But as you said, ‘Fifty shades grey’ inspired many.”

“OK, now let’s stop philosophyphising. I want to see what others are doing!”

They peeked into the first public room. It looked a bit like a dungeon in a castle. A man had been tied face up over a type of medieval wheel. His head was almost down to the floor on one side, the legs down on the other side. His arms were tied under the wheel behind his back and the legs to the lower part of the wheel. The wheel forced him to push his hips up.

Two ladies were with him. One stand at the side of his leg. She massaged and licked his dick. The other stand at the side, where his head hung down. His face was just at the height of her pussy. She pressed her pussy well into his mouth, forcing him to suck her. His moaning got muffled by her pussy. They seemed to enjoy having him in a helpless and exposed position. Pia and Greg could see how they kept him aroused, but not able to cum, so he started to struggle.

Pia and Greg were not sure if his struggle was caused because he enjoyed the sex so much, or wanted the Uncomfortable position to end.

The ladies increased their teasing, but when the guy started to moan even louder, they slowed down and laughed about his inability to come. The poor guy had to survive several waves with this sweet torture. Only after the woman he had to suck, had her orgasm, did the other lady show mercy and finish him off.

“I am not sure, if my back would be flexible enough considering my age,” Greg joked.

“Would you like to be used by two ladies?” Again, Greg sensed that he should be diplomatic with his answer. His first instinct was to admit, that most men wouldn’t mind a threesome. But then he answered: “Your domination is strict enough. I am not sure if could bare the double-pack.”

“Sweet kiss for a sweet liar,” was Pia’s reaction and after the kiss she pulled him back into the hallway.

Another room was kept in black. Also, the furniture was mainly black. Only the metal decoration of the furniture was reflecting the dim light. In the centre Pia and Greg saw a short table. A woman was lying face up on it. Her legs where bent and spread, so her Pussy was nicely displayed. The legs where fixed in a way, that she was not able to close her legs.

Her head hung over the edge of the table and her hands where fixed in a way that she had to thrust her breasts out. She was getting fucked by two well build guys, one filling her pussy, the other deepthroating her. At the beginning the trusts alternate. So, when her pussy got filled by one, the other guy withdraw his dick from her mouth. Both guys removed their dicks completely, only to push them in again.

Greg asked Pia. “You like her breasts, when they giggle with the thrusting?”

Greg hoped she would say yes. Looking at Pia she seemed to be fascinated by those silicon tits that stuck so nicely into the air. So, Greg waited patiently for her answer.

Pia decided to ignore the question, but keep looking at XXL tits.

The lady Increased her moaning and started to beg for more. So, the guys changed their techniques. Now they were filling both openings at the same time. The guy at the head side started to massage her tits at the same time.

Pia moved in front of Greg, took both of his hands and moved them towards her own tits. Greg pulled her close to his body and Pia’s hands encouraged his to massage her tits in the rhythm of the thrusting in front of them. Interesting way of non-verbal communication went through Greg’s mind, but then he concentrated on the nice feeling of Pia’s body pressed against his front side and the fun of massaging her breasts.

The guys slowly increased the rhythm and depth of their thrusting. Greg followed their rhythm with his massage, also increasing the strength of his grip.

The scene went on for quite a while and Greg’s dick started to stiffen pumping against Pia’s butt cheats. She stuck her butt and her breasts out a bit more.

The lady on the table was close to cumming. The guy at the head end slapped her breasts lightly, which pushed her over the edge. Finally, the guys came as well. First the one pumping her pussy, pulled out and he fired his load over her belly. Then the one deep throwing her mouth pulled out, pumping his load over her tits. Both keep massaging their cum into the skin of her belly and tits, after they were finished.

“Nice table, I just wonder if I could stand the idea of a second guy helping me out.”

“You dick is more than enough for me,” Pia echoed the diplomatic response of Greg to her question in the first room.

As Greg got turned on by his massage, Pia could not help to ask: “And what are doing with the elephant now? Should be find a private room?”

“The elephant will calm down: I am still interested in what’s going in the next room.”

The looked into the next room. The room was bright red with shiny paint colour. It almost reflected like a blind mirror. It was so shiny, that one could see a mirrored image of one’s self, only in red.

There were several holes in the wall. Zoe knelt between two holes alternatively massaging and sucking two dicks that stuck through the wall. Her look seemed to invite Pia to come closer. “Would you like one? They are really nice ones.”

“No way,” Pia laughed. But then she looked at Greg. “I think it is time to treat the elephant. I Want your dick through this hole now! Let’s show her what a real nice dick looks like.”

Greg smiled with some pride. “And what happens if another guy, sticks out his dick, before I manage to put mine through the hole?”

“Believe me Greg. I am able to detect the difference, even if you would tie my hands behind my back and blindfold me. No dick is as nice as your dick. And now move, before I get so hungry that I might take Zoe’s offer.”

Greg rushed to the other side.

When he stuck his dick to the hole, Pia started to play with it. Her way of massaging and then sucking was Very familiar to him. Greg guessed; he would also always be able to identify, if it was her giving him a blowjob.

Zoe looked a Pia and said:” Let’s see who manages to squirt the further.”

“You lose,” Pia replied enjoying the game.

Zoe increased the intensity of her teasing saying:” I guess mine had the chance to fill their eggs by now. How is yours doing?”

“Mine is always ready to shoot.” Pia decided not to mention their little game in the last room.

Zoe smiled at Pia: “Lucky you!”

“Sometimes it can be quite a challenge with my calm.”

“Could you please concentrationrate;” Greg interrupted the conversation. “If I should get a cup of coffee, for all of us, so we can continue the chat, just let me know.”

“You better win;” Pia joked back, starting to suck Greg hard. “Much better,” was the comment from behind the wall.

Zoe also concentrated on her dicks. I didn’t take long before the first one squirted. Zoe didn’t get the optimal angle, as the guy seemed to have Surprise her. The second made clearer when he would be ready, so he shot his load further.

Kindergarten went through Pia’s mind. The hole was big enough, that she could touch Greg’s balls as well. Greg’s was almost triumphantly shouting. “I am cumming.”

Pia had in the corner of her eye seen, what a good angle looked like and could prepare also.

In three big squirts Greg shot His load into the room.

He quickly came back into the room: “Did I win?”

“Of course, you did. You are a real winner,” Pia said smiling at Greg and hugged her new champion. Zoe aswell congratulated him with a smile.

“I need to get ready for the show now,” Zoe said on her way out.

Pia asked Greg: “Should we head down also, to ensure a good seat?”

“Let’s go.” Greg grabbed Pia’s hand before walking her down.

They sat down on one of those comfort sofas for two, close to the stage. When the room had filled with more spectators, the lights were dimmed and an announcement was made.

“Let’s warmly welcome, Zoe, Sarah and Peter, with their new performance exclusively for our house.” The light in the room got even more dim and the curved opened.

Sarah was wearing a wet look hat, in a pantasy police man shape. Her push up bra in the same wet look style made the most out of her anyway large breasts. Her thigh pants and her latex boots competed her outfit.

Zoe was dressed in a tight latex cut out dress and high heels. Her hair was tied together pony style, and her makeup was a combination of very red lips and dark eyes.

Peter’s hands were shackled behind his back. He was collared and wore a lean. Apart from a very small slip he was completely naked. Sarah led him to a bondage frame. With her crop she made sure he would spread his legs well. Then they fixed his position with little chains attached to the frame. Afterwards they raised his hands above his head and attached the shades also to the frame, so Peter was immobilized in a spread-eagle position with little room to move.

Zoe grabbed his hair and pulled his head backwards. Sarah started to play with his face, forcing him to lick her fingers and moving her wet fingers across his throat and chest. Later she moved her crop across his belly and his legs.

Zoe moved his head forward, so his chin sank on his chest. That way, she had his neck and back to her full disposal. Later she caresed his flanks before she started to squeeze his butt cheats.

Sarah took a light whip. While Zoe pulled his head back again, whispering something into hisears, Sarah started to lash Peters chest and belly. The whip made a nice sound when touching his skin, but the impact seemed to be low.

After she had nicely warmed up his chest and belly, they switched sides. Zoe pulled Peters head in front again and Sarah lashed his should blades, back and butt cheats. She hit the less sensitive parts harder, but still the impact seemed to be low. After the first warm up round, both Sarah and Zoe caressed Peters body, making him tremble under their sweet torture.


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