Pia Wants Her Lust Back Ch. 01

I would like to thank my editor deadye_76 for his general support and advice.


A true story – Artificial intelligence changes Pia’s sex life (Part 1)

Pia did not expect any great surprises from her latest health check. Sue – her general practicer – gave her a nice hug as she entered her practice. Sue and Pia have known each other since they went to school together and she is one of Pia’s intimate friends.

“Good to see you again Pia. You look great,” said Sue when Pia entered Sue’s new consulting room.

“Wow! You must be doing well,” Pia replied while looking around. The practice offered a lot of modern equipment and Pia had the feeling that Sue always kept up with the latest developments of medicine.

Sue offered Pia a cup of herbal tea, then sat down with Pia to discuss the results of her health check. Pia and Sue were in their mid-50s. Looking back on her life Pia was grateful. She had been happily married to Greg for over 30 years.She followed him where ever they needed to go, as Greg’s business turned into a global company during his time as CEO.

During Covid their lives had changed in many aspects. Greg passed on the operational responsibility for his company and continued as chairman of the board, which allowed him to be more flexible with his work commitments. Their son had left home during Covid, so there were less travel options and they had to restrict their social life.

As a result, Greg and Pia had been spending much more time together. Talking to other couples either their bond as a couple would be strengthened during this time, or their partnership would enter into a rougher period. For Greg and Pia, it was clearly a time they enjoyed and they wanted to continue with a similar level of ‘we time’ after Covid.

Sue looked up from the papers: “All I can see from the report is, that all your health parameters are still well controlled either naturally or by the medicine we agreed upon.And from our joint training, I know exactly how fit you are. You seemed to have kept a healthy diet so I can congratulate you on to the results.”

“As you noticed, we have used a series of new tests aiming at determining your psychological health. One indicator, which was out of the norm, indicates that we should talk a little bit about potential reasons. From what you’ve told me, Your partnership seems to get on pretty well. I understand that you have even grown stronger together during Covid. Up to now, I have also heard that you are happy about your sex life. So has anything changed that I have not heard from you?”

Pia’s friend with Sue was close and they would sometimes talk about intimate topics like her sex life. However, when Sue asked the question, Pia blushed. Sue had touched a sensitive spot.

Greg called Pia a “head turner” and indeed, when she would enter, for example, a restaurant in a tight dress, men would notice her. Her butt was quite a sight. NotOnly men would stare at her backside, but also women. Sue and Pia discussed that men would check out other women as potential mating partners meanwhile women would often also check out women to compare the competition. That’s why Greg noticed that women also turned their heads when she entered the room. Pia always dressed sexy, even when alone at home. But for Greg, Pia’s face and especially her smile was her biggest asset. When she smiled at him, he could still fall in love with her, even if meeting her for the first time. On the other hand, she was aware, that she was not a young girl anymore. So, she would reply: “I am glad, I am still a head turner for you darling,” smiling gratefully at him.

Even Sue would say that Pia has something, that men would kill for. One could see that Pia worked out regularly, and her figure was a bit on the muscle end. Pia always dreamt of slim mannequin legs or larger breasts, but Greg adored every inch of her. For him she was clearly the sexiest woman alive.

When they were a young couple, they couldn’t get their hands off each other. But over the years Pia’s sex drive decided, while Greg’s seems to even get stronger. At first, she wondered, if one day the joy would disappear and sex would become a ‘job’ or even worse, a ‘burden’. Up to now she still had fun, even when she didn’t’ come every time, she still liked the feeling of closeness and experiencing his unbroken desire for her. For her, she still liked seeing him, smelling him, touching him, kissing him, holding him and cuddling with him.

His morning stiffness was a good indicator to her, when he was ‘in need’. When they’d been on a Safari in Africa, they saw an elephant bull in rut. The tracker explained to them, that the elephant was really suffering, as his balls can grow twice as big as normal and she felt almost sorry for the bull running around with a swollen dick, covered in pre cum, trying to find a female to satisfy his needs. So, when she feel thatGreg was ‘in need’, she would ask: “How is the elephant feeling today?” If he was long for her too, he would reply: “In real pain.” Often, she would smile and answer: “So, we should treat the elephant then, shouldn’t we?”

If she was not in the mood for sex that day, she would encourage him to masturbate. “Why don’t you call Willy?” was the secret code between the two of them in that case.

When she wanted to have an orgasm, he normally took care to create a sexy atmosphere and allow time for her to build up her excitement. On days where the purpose was more to ‘treat the elephant’, over the years, she had encouraged Greg to just take her.

It started when Greg and Sue went to watch a Gorilla in a Zoo. At some stage the gorilla grabbed a female that was ready to mate and fucked her without much of a foreplay. Greg saw that Pia liked what she saw. “Would you like me to be a bit more like a Gorilla?” he asked her. “I would love it, if you would be my silverback,” she replied with some lust in her voice. They learned, that she enjoyed the feeling of being overwhelmed by his desires and his lust and he enjoyed being her silverback rather than the romantic and caring lover. In the end both benefited from a more password and rough sex life.

When they watched romantic movies together and the flirt was coming to the decisive moment, she enjoyed it most, when the hero kissed the lady more like a hungry animal, rather than carefully checking to see if she would accept his advances, and then the emotions would firmly exploit and the couple would hardly make it to the bedroom. She would often softly moan and grab Greg’s arm when they saw a film like that and if she looked at him with some encouragement afterwards, they would end up in bed.

Being thrown onto the bed by him, he would shove his dick down her throat just to the point where she could still enjoy it, but allowing him to penetrate her mouth deeply. Feeling his dick stiffen in her mouth gave her pleasure also. Usually this wouldn’t take long, so soon he would spread her legs, throw a cushion under her hips and shove his dick all the way down her pussy in one deep thrust, filling her as much as possible. He would pause there shortly to allow her pussy to get used to the feeling of being filled and penetrated by his big, pulsing and wet dick.

Pia might not get excited enough to come each time They had sex, but she was lucky that her pussy getting wet was never a problem for her. It took only a few careful thrusts before he would feel that Pia was ‘wet and willing’ and would start to pound her like a hungry animal.

He wouldn’t need much encouragement at that point, so she would straighten her arms up to the headboard of the bed, forcing her tits to stick out a little more. He greatly enjoyed seeing her tits dancing in the rhythm of his thrusts if she took that position, so soon Greg’s dick would stiffen even further and he would shoot his hot load into herpussy.

Other days he would ask her to stick up her sexy bum and he would grab her buttocks and fuck her frantically doggy style. She would beg for more, for deeper thrusts, and to fill her as much as possible and enjoyed his balls hitting her clip with each of his passwordate thrust until he would be close to coming. Finally, she would beg for his milk, thus provoking his full password.

When they snuggled up after he developed the first time, it was usually only a short time before his dick reacted again to any kind of touch of his body, so she would suck his dick again for the second round. Somehow his stamina and his excitement for her, touched her and in her secret codes she would lovingly call him ‘my stallion’ when he just could not get enough of her.

Greg in return criticized her at any private occasion About what a lucky man he was, being married to such a general woman trying to accommodate his needs so often. He clearly understand that none of his friends were asfortunate as he was.

So up to last year, both would have said, they are having a great sex life for a couple who had been married for over 30 years, built on mutual trust and a good understanding of each other’s needs.

But since last year Pia could not get an orgasm any more, when they had sex. She was worried he would notice and was concerned about his reaction.

Would he think that his manhood did not satisfy her anymore, or that he was not attractive to her anymore? She also was afraid that she would not like to be so close to him anymore. Greg was the best husband one could imagine, if regularly fed and fucked. Could he live a life with less sex and still be happy? She tried different positions while they were having sex. She tried yoga and relaxation techniques before sex. She tried porn and erotic literature before he came home. Nothing worked. So, she was afraid that the old ‘steam train’ was broken.

She also noticed, that she would not dress as sexy as inthe past and she did not feel like a ‘real sexual woman’ any more. All in all, she got more and more concerned that her marriage was running into a problem and she could lose Greg, which would really break her heart.

At first, she was a bit hesitant to tell Sue about her lack of orgasms, but finally felt relieved that she at least had somebody to chat with about her challenge. “Isn’t there a Viagra for women available, or do hormones help?” she asked Sue.

“First of all. You are not the only one with these kinds of challenges. There are many clients with similar issues. This can happen to men and women. The good news is, that it often proves to be a period that comes and goes. Something blocks your mind, so you don’t get an orgasm. You start to worry, so the probability for an orgasm becomes even rarer, so you worry more. Once the block is removed and you relax the orgasms will come back.”

“Hormones could be a last resort, but they do not come without side effects,” Sue continued. “First, I would try something without the risk of unwanted side effects.”

“With clients I have used artistic intelligence to analyze their sex life and the program then developments recommendations on what can be done. The first experience is positive with many clients. Would you like to try it. The biggest risk is no improvement?”

“I would do everything to get our sex life back,” Pia replied.

Sue explained. “The App is called ‘Spice Sex’. The program will ask you about your sex life, but the majority of the questions will be about general behavioral aspects. It is cloud based, so – beside you – no human will read your answers and I get the results only if you pass them to me.

“Later questions depend on the answers to the first ones. My recommendation is, Keep the answers short. The quality of the report is better, if the system gets to the real issues by a series of questions, rather than one lengthy answer. Also, consistency within the answers determines how many questions the system needs to ask. Normally you need 30 – 40 min for the mix of multiple choice and free text answers. You can find the app in the app store.

It would help, if ‘Sex Spice’ can access your health data. If you are ok with that, please sign this form.” On her way-out Sue gave Pia a big hug. “Don’t worry too much. It is not uncommon and many times Only a periodical challenge,” Sue reminded Pia again on her way out.

At first Pia was a bit disappointed. As a patient she had hoped that a simple pill could solve the problem. However, she was prepared to give it a shot. She would be alone tonight, because Greg was travelling for business.

When Pia got home, she opened a bottle of red wine, poured herself a glass and sat down with her laptop, opening the program. Sue was right, only the first questions aimed at her sex life, but soon moved on to behavioral attitudes. When the system thanked her and announced that the analysis had come to an endand a set of recommendations would soon be sent to her mail address, she was really curious about what the system would recommend her.

When the inbox announced you’ve got mail from ‘Spice Sex’, she couldn’t wait to open the inbox.

Dear Pia

First of all, we would like to thank you for the trust in our product ‘Spice Sex’. You made a great effort to answer all the questions and the consistency score is high, which means that there were little mismatches among your answers. The pattern of the answers indicates that you provided ‘Spice Sex’ with honest answers. Both factors will increase the quality of our recommendations and we hope that they are helpful to you.

The health report of your doctors and the description of your lifestyle indication no physical reason for the lack of sex drive. It is quite common, that psychological reasons have led to a lack of orgasms during sex, for woman your age.

You explained that your parents did not show any intimacy in front of their kids and told you that sex is ‘bad’ because they were afraid, that you might get pregnant. So, you suspect that this has impacted your attitude about sex until today.

On the other hand, you and your husband like intimacy beyond sex and seek physical contact on a regular base. You also describe that you deliberately tried to be different with your son.

We suspect that somewhere deep down, you are still scared when Greg and you have sex, rather than letting yourself relax and enjoy it. However, we believe this might be something to keep in mind, but does not explain everything. Surely you can change your attitude and more likely achieve your objective of having More orgasms, while having sex with Greg.

Looking at your behavioral trades you are a ‘Structured Achiever’. If you set yourself a goal you are very dedicated and focused. If youdo not achieve it, you are prepared to try harder until you get it. Keeping in sexy shape is a good example, as you control food intake, exercise level and pay a lot of attention to your weight. If you gain weight, you simply exercise more or eat less. Being active gives you a feeling of being in control of your life.

When it comes to having an orgasm, trying harder will not help any more. So, you should consider doing something different. Most of the time you invite Greg to do something to you, i.e., to make password love to you. However, your natural role would be the active person in the bedroom.

You are very focused on Greg’s needs, trying to cater to his sex appeal. You are very general and being so generous is a great gift. It is great way to show Your love to him and Greg surely is a happy man.

It could be helpful, to be a bit more egoistic in the bedroom and Greg will be surely be happy to cater for yourneeds, as much as you do for his. Being more active allows you to do more what arouses you, rather than him. Most probably whatever turns you on, will be fun for him also. Of course, telling Greg what turns you on is an option. ‘Just taking him’ is an alternative.

The more challenging part for you is to allow the orgasm ‘to come to you’ rather than trying to force it. You will have to learn to relax while having sex with Greg. Be passive and learn to enjoy what he does to you will help, if you decide to take the passive role. This is where your childhood experience might be the block, as deep-down sex might be ‘bad’ and something to feel guilty about. Relaxing during sex is a challenge for you, as you are afraid that your ‘parents may enter the bedroom any moment’.

Being blindfolded can help to let go and experimenting with milk bondage might help you to give yourself up to Greg.

In summary, we support you in trying to get your satisfaction back. It is OK and by no means egoistic to focus on your needs. You have a right to have an orgasm and enjoy sex. Being more active is one way to get more what’s good for you. When you take the passive role, learn to enjoy what happens. Receive the gift of attention with an open heart. Being taken care of, can be a very nice and rewarding feeling. Greg and you do nothing that you should feel guilty about.

We hope that the advice was helpful. Feedback at a later stage would be very much appreciated on our website.

Pia read the letter several times. She understand the logic, but had no idea how Greg would react, if she told him about her challenge and show him the letter. Finally, she concluded that as a ‘Structured Achiever’ she should do something. Not trying anything would feel like failure.

So, Pia texted Greg the following message: “Dear Greg – Need to find time to talk to you tomorrow. Please be home at19.00. I will prepare dinner, so we can talk.”

Greg is used to Pia starting a conversation with: “I have been thinking…”

Usually then she would address something she would like to change. Sometimes he felt a bit pushed, but the outcome usually was positive in the sense that they had reset and improved the partnership in some aspect. He also got used to the fact that she was more active in developing their Partnership, himself being more the person seeking peace and comfort in their life.

He arrived home in time, wondering what the topic could be this time. She waited for him in a sexy dress. “Hello my head-turner, what a sight.” Greg took her hand and turned her in a circle enjoying looking all the time: “I really don’t know which angle I like best. Maybe I should place you in front of a mirror all day, to enjoy all sides of you at the same time.”

Pia liked it when Greg was flirty. So, she assumed that he was relaxed and in a good mood for what she wanted to discuss with him.

She had lit candles and they enjoyed the dinner she had prepared, talking about her day, when Pia felt she needed to get to the point. “Greg. I have been to see Sue today.”

“How was the health check?” Greg asked – thinking that his own was due again also.

“Sue was happy with all physical parameters. However, we discussed a topic that has been on my mind for a while and where I can’t find a solution. It is difficult to discuss, because I don’t want to hurt you…”

“I guess after you said A you need to say B now.” Greg felt it was best to be silent now until she would mention what concern her.

“Hm, I don’t know how to start. Maybe I should get to the point quick,” Sue continued.

“I don’t have an orgasm any more when we have sex. I still like to feel, see and touch you, or being touched by you. But I do not want to pretend any longer that everything is OK, and fake orgasms just to keep you happy.”

Greg took Sues hand, led her tothe sofa and poured them each a glass of wine. “I am glad you told me, because I had a feeling about that, but didn’t know how to start the discussion.”

“I was hoping Sue would have something like Viagra for women, but it seems to be more complicated”. Then Pia told Greg about “Spice Sex” and handed him the report.


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